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        알브랑의 생애와 『성교리증(聖敎理證)』의 지향

        서신혜(Seo, Shin-Hye) 한국교회사연구소 2021 敎會史硏究 Vol.- No.59

        『성교리증』은 1852년 파리외방전교회 소속 알브랑(Etienne-Raymond Albrand, 1805~1853), 즉 임 스테파노[任斯德范] 주교가 초간한 포교서이다. 이 책은 해금(解禁) 이후 선교 과정에서 널리 사용된 교리서이며, 중국은 물론 한국과 일본의 선교현장에서도 활용되었던 책이다. 하지만 아직 연구가 초기 단계라, 이 논문에서는 알브랑의 생애를 자세히 소개하고, 알브랑이 이 책을 펴낼 때 의도한 방향을 밝히고 그것을 책 내용으로 증명하였다. 알브랑은 1832년부터 최초 파견지인 싱가포르 등에서 빈민들과 함께 살면서 전교활동을 하였으며, 이때 중국어를 익혀 해당 지역의 중국인을 주로 살폈다. 선교지 재배치 명령에 따라 1846년부터 귀주로 옮겨 전교 활동을 하였는데, 여기에서도 빈민을 직접 만나 전교하는 등의 활동을 활발히 하다가 여기에서 사망하였다. 논자는, 알브랑이 1852년에 초간한 『성교리증』의 지향을 크게 셋으로 나누었다. 첫째, 천주교가 바르고 참된 종교라는 것을 강조하는 데에 주력했다. 소위 의례논쟁의 결과로 100여 년간 금령이 내려졌다가 막 풀린 시기이기 때문에, 그는 적극적으로 천주교의 바름을 해명하고자 여러 항목을 배치하고 천주교가 ‘바르고 거룩한 종교’임을 직접 설명하는 데 힘썼다. 둘째, 알브랑은 일반 민중 중심의 선교 전략을 세우고 그것을 수행하는 도구가 될 수 있도록 이 책을 구성하였다. 일상에서 봉교인이 외교인의 질문에 쉽게 답할 수 있도록 문답을 구성하고, 최대한 쉬운 표현으로 설명하였다. 셋째, 이단을 논박하는 데에 역점을 두었다. 전체 항목의 절반 가까이를 이단 논박에 사용하였으며, 이때도 일상의 쉬운 예로 쉽게 설명하며, 많은 사람이 그 그릇됨을 깨닫고 정교로 돌아오도록 구성했다. 또 해당 지역 이단을 망라하여 논박하는 이런 특징 덕에 중국뿐 아니라 한국과 일본에서도 이 책이 포교용 교리서로 쓰일 수 있었다. Seongchiaolicheng is a missionary book published in 1852 by Albrand (Ren Stepfanos), a member of La Société des Missions Etrangères de Paris. This book is a widely used doctrine in the process of missionary work during the period the lifting of the ban in Catholic. This book was used not only in China but also in mission sites in Korea and Japan. However, research on this is still in its infancy. In this paper, the author’s life was introduced in detail, and the author revealed his intention when writing this book and proved it to be the content of the book. Since 1832, Albrand has lived with the poor in Singapore, the first dispatch site, and has been engaged in missionary work. At this time, he learned Chinese and worked for the Chinese in the region. In 1846, in accordance with the order to relocate the mission site, he moved to guizhou for missionary work. Here, he died in 1853 while actively engaged in activities such as meeting the poor in person, talking and evangelizing. The orientation of the writings of Seongchiaolicheng can be largely divided into three. First, it focused on emphasizing that Catholicism is a right and true religion. Since it was a time when the ban was issued and just lifted for more than 100 years as a result of the precedent debate, he actively arranged various items to explain the correctness of Catholicism and tried to explain directly that Catholicism is a ‘holy and right religion’. Second, Ren Stephanos established a missionary strategy centered on the lower class and organized this book to serve as a tool to carry out it. In everyday life, questions and answers were organized so that believers could easily answer non-believers’ questions, and explained in as easy expressions as possible. Third, the emphasis was placed on refuting heresy. Nearly half of all items were used for heresy arguments. Even at this time, it was easily explained as an easy example of everyday life, and many people realized that heresy was false and organized to return to Catholicism. In addition, thanks to this characteristic of refuting the heresy of the region, this book could be used as a doctrine not only in China but also in Korea and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        중국 귀주성(貴州省) 준의(遵义) 차문화 고찰

        정은희(Eun-hee Jung) 국제차문화학회 2019 차문화ㆍ산업학 Vol.46 No.-

        중국 귀주성 준의시는 깊은 역사 속에 다채로운 차문화를 간직하고 있다. 이 글에서는 준의의 자연과 인문환경을 고찰하고, 차문화를 시대별, 지역별로 분석하여 차문화 특성을 분석한다. 첫째, 준의의 차문화는 자연문화이다. 천혜의 자연환경에서 자란 준의는 국가급 우량 차 산지로서 독특한 향미를 지니고 있다. 둘째, 소수민족의 문화이다. 준의에 살고 있는 30여 민족들은 그들의 일상식과 의례·사교 등 생활 속에 차가 함께 하며 다채로운 문화를 형성하고 있다. 셋째, 해독(解毒)문화다. 든든하면서도 소화하기 쉬운 유차는 아편 해독과 치료에 도움을 주었다. 넷째, 다방문화이다. 고진에는 차를 거래하고 보관하는 다방(茶帮), 차를 저장한 다고(茶庫)가 설치되었고, 상인들이 잠시 쉬거나 거래를 위한 찻집이 흥성하였다. 다섯째, 풍류문화이다. 황정견, 막우지 등 선인들은 준의의 차를 마시며 계절과 산수의 아름다움, 그리움 등을 읊은 아회를 즐겼다. 여섯째, 준의의 차문화에는 시대적 특징이 담겨있다. 중국의 서남 변방에 위치한 준의는 차마고도, 염다고도와 연관된 차문화가 발달했으며, 현대에도 차 산지 생태관광, 레저와 건강을 위한 차 여행지로 알려져 있다. 깊은 역사만큼이나 차문화가 풍부한 준의는 과거에서 의미를 발견하고 문화로 공유하는 과정을 통해 차문화를 전승하고 있다. The city of Zuny possesses colorful tea culture with its deeply rooted tea history. This paper investigates the characteristics of tea culture of Zuny by touching both natural and human environments and sub-regional traits. Firstly Zuny’s tea culture is natural culture. Blessed by heaven with a wonderful natural environment, Zyny produces best quality tea. Secondly, with more than 30 ethnicities Zuny is characterized by ethnic tea culture. Zuny’s long history of tea rooms and tea storage has contributed current tea room culture. Fifthly, Zuny’s art tasting culture combined with naturally endowed landscapes is still thriving. Lastly, with the legacy of ancient tea route, Zuny is famous for eco-tourism, tea-based healing tourism, and the best place for leisure and health. Zuny is tea producing and value-creating place through rich tea history, tea sharing culture, and transmitting tea culture to the next generation.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 귀주성 유아 부모교육 실태 및 요구도 조사 연구

        정궈펑(Zheng Guofeng),허우페이페이(Hou Feifei),신은옥(Eunok, Shin) 동명대학교 산학협력단 창의인성연구소 2020 교육과 문화 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 중국 귀주성 유아 부모에게 실질적으로 필요한 부모교육이 무엇인지 파악함으로써 향후 유아 부모에게 필요한 부모교육 프로그램 개발의 기초자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 2019년 11월 24일부터 2019년 12월 3일까지 중국 귀주성 만 3~6세 유아 부모 935명을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였으며, SPSS 24.0 프로그램을 사용하여 분석하였다. 이에 따른 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아부모교육 실태를 조사한 결과, 총 응답자 935명 중 551명(58.9%)은 어떠한 형식의 부모교육에도 참여한 적이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 참여한 적이 있는 부모(384명, 41.1%)는 부모교육이 부모의 역할에 도움이 되었다고 보고하였다. 둘째, 유아부모교육 프로그램 내용에 관한 요구를 조사한 결과 12개 전체 문항의 평균 점수가 4점이 넘었다. 이는 이 12개 문항 전체 내용에 대한 요구가 높았음을 시사한다. 셋째, 유아부모교육 운영에 대한 조사결과를 보면 귀주성의 만3~6세 유아부모들은 부모교육의 중요성과 필요성을 인식하고 있었고 참여의사와 요구가 매우 높았으나, 실제 참여실태는 저조하였다. 이는 유아부모들이 바라는 부모교육 요구와 실제 부모교육 사이에 수급갈등이 큰 것을 의미한다. 기존에 진행되고 있는 부모교육에 비하면 앞으로 더욱 과학적, 전문적, 체계적, 전면적, 다차원적, 다방면적인 부모교육을 더 많이 기대한다는 것을 알 수 있다. In this study, with the purpose of providing necessary basic information for further development of preschool parent education projects in Guizhou Province, China, 935 parents of 3-6 years old children in Guizhou were involved into a survey via online questionnaires about their opinions on “what’s their actual need for parent education”from November 24, 2019 to December 3, 2019, and SPSS24.0 was used to make statistical analysis of the survey results. The results are as follows:First, the survey on the status quo of preschool parent education shows that 551 (58.9%) of the 935 respondents have never participated in any form of parent education, while 384 respondents (41.1%) who have participated in parent education all said that parent education is of great help to fulfill the role of parents. Second,the results of the survey on the content of parent education programs needed by preschool children’s parents show that the average scores of the 12 dimensions are more than 4 points, which shows that the parents of preschool children have high demand for all the 12 dimensions. Third, the survey results on the educational needs of preschool children’s parents show that most parents of children aged 3 to 6 years in Guizhou Province have recognized the importance and necessity of parent education, and have a strong willingness to participate in parent education and have a higher actual demand. However, the current situation is not optimistic, which means that there is a big contradiction between the parent education that parents want and the parent education they actually receive. It can be seen that, compared with the previous parent education, they expect to obtain more scientific, professional, systematic, comprehensive, multi-level and multi-faceted parental education in the future.

      • KCI등재

        중국 귀주성 초등학생의 피아노 교습경험이 정서에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        두백언(Bai Yan Du),고영춘(Young Chun Ko) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.16

        목적 이 연구의 목적은 피아노 교습 경험의 정도에 따라 정서적 차이를 분석함으로써 초등학생들에 대한 정서교육의 구체적인 방법을 제시하고자 함이다. 방법 연구의 대상은 중국 귀주성 H초등학교 4~6학년 학생들을 대상으로 하였다. SPSS 25의 프로그램은 정서의 하위변인들인 각 걱정, 두려움, 분노, 활동 및 사교성에 관한 신뢰도, t검증, F검증 등을 하는 데 사용되었다. 결과 이 연구의 결과들에 따르면 제각기 걱정, 두려움 및 분노의 정서에 대해서는 교습기간이 12주가 지난 후의 사후검사에서 피아노 교습경험을 한 실험군이 피아노 교습경험을 안 한 대조군에 비해서 유의수준 p≤.05에서 걱정, 두려움, 분노의 정서값이 통계적으로 유의하게 감소 되었음을 확인하였다. 각 활동과 사교성의 정서에 대해서는 교습경험이 12주가 지난 후의 사후검사에서 피아노 교습경험을 한 실험군이 피아노 교습경험을 안 한 대조군에 비해서 유의수준 P≤.05에서 활동과 사교성의 정서값이 통계적으로 유의하게 증가 되었음을 발견하였다. 결론 그러므로 본 연구의 피아노 교습경험 조건에서 제각기 걱정, 두려움, 분노, 활동, 사교성의 정서에 대해 유의수준 P≤.05에서 피아노 교습경험의 긍정적인 정서의 효과를 가져오기 위해서는 최소 12주 이상의 피아노 교습경험이 필요함을 확인하였다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to present specific methods of emotional education for primary school students by analyzing emotional differences depending on the duration of piano lesson. Methods The subjects of the study were students from academic year 4 to 6 in a Elementary School of Guizhou Province, China. The SPSS 25 program was used to perform reliability, t-verification, and F-verification in each of the subvariables of emotion: anxiety, fear, anger, activity and sociability. Results The results of this study show that for each emotion of worry, fear, and anger, the experimental group that took piano lesson experience after 12 weeks of teaching compared to the control group that did not take piano lesson experience confirmed that the emotional values of anxiety, fear, and anger were statistically significantly reduced at p≤.05 level. For each activity and sociability, the experimental group with piano lesson experience in the post-test after 12 weeks compared to the control group without piano lesson experience found significant statistical increases in the emotional value of activity and sociability at p≤.05 level. Conclusions Therefore, under the piano lesson experience conditions of this study, we confirmed that the piano lesson experience for both decrease of ‘worry, fear, anger’ and increase of ‘activity, sociability’ are needed at least 12 weeks to bring about the positive emotional effects at p≤.05 level.

      • KCI등재

        중국 귀주성 소수민족(中國 貴州省 少數民族)의 민족복식(民族服飾)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        부애진 ( Ae Jin Boo ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2003 패션 비즈니스 Vol.7 No.4

        This study was conducted on the costume of the 6 minorities dwelling in Guizhou Province of China. The result of the study is summarized as follows. As Guizhou Province yields much silver, most of the minorities used silver ornaments a lot and dyed their garments by using indigo extracted from plants that grow in the area. The headdress was of style that for both men and women a long cloth is wound around a head in various ways. In some cases, women used cow``s horn, pearl and silver ornaments. Most wore a short upper garment such as blouses with overlapping necks or blouses with diagonal on the front, and as a lower garment men and women wore trousers and skirts, respectively. As a way of ornament, embroidering, wax printing and weaving were commonly used, but pattern and color used in the ornament varied depending on the individual minorities.

      • KCI등재

        중국 귀주성(贵州省) 동족(侗族)의 전통마을과 인지 특성 연구

        손영림,이인희,정재훈,유재우 대한건축학회지회연합회 2017 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        This study aims to extract the historical background and architectural and spacial characteristics of traditional villages. Through field research, we analyze villages' physical characteristics in relation to village spaces and regarding neighborhood thinking, village orientation, village streets, and facilities related to cognitive features that divide age and gender. The research target is the village of Zǎi dàng dòng zhài in Gùizhōu Shěng, where the native people are living. The results show an accumulated and organized relationship of physical characteristics of the village, as seen via the mental cognition of its inhabitants. Physical features, life-related ceremonies, and aspects of everyday life are found to have a deep connection with cognitive formation, along with consistent inherent qualities.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        淸代 錦屛縣 加池寨의 經濟的 有力層과 少數民族 社會 ― 『淸水江文書』의 加池寨 斷賣 文書를 중심으로 ―(2)

        정철웅 명청사학회 2020 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.54

        The existence of the Documents of the Qingshui River must have brought new attention to the minority community in the province. The study is aimed at examining the behavior of influential people following the first paper that unearthed influential people based on Jiachi village single-sale documents in the Documents of the Qingshui River. Thus, unlike the first paper, which intensively analyzed single-sale documents among the documents related to Jiachi village, the 1-2-5 series documents, which record only the contents of conflicts, lawsuits and crimes between individuals, was used as the main materials here. The social aspect of Jinping district, which appears in 1-2-5 series documents, was clearly a society where extreme conflict and competition existed, and it was clear that influential people were engaged in mudslinging for their own interests, and the main contents of this paper were as follows. First, we can first confirm that there were serious social crimes, such as murder and rape, as well as crimes such as theft and default on repayment of debts, which were no different from any other Han Chinese society. However, due to the nature of the Jiachi village society, which focuses on forestry, among these various crimes, the most notable were the so-called ‘yuejieqiangkan(越界强砍, cut down a tree by invading the border)’ acts, and most of the lawsuits between individuals, which account for about 80 percent of 132 documents affiliated with 1-2-5, were due to the acts mentioned just above. Second, this illegal lumber barber was more than just an antagonism between individuals, and lawsuits and conflicts developed among the villages. However, it is noteworthy that the main driver of the illegal logging was the gentlemen of Jiachi village, and the participants were the influential figures who had fallen economically in the Jiachi village. For example, documents from 1-2-5 affiliates show that Wang Zhihao(王治浩), originally belonged to a poor class but had been at odds with Jiang Zuoxing(姜佐興) since joining the ranks of the gentlemen, and that once rich Jiang Chaoying(姜朝英) and Jiang Chaobi(姜朝弼) sold almost all of their assets to Jiang Zuoxing. The stories of these characters provide important clues that society has undergone many changes between Daoguang and Xianfeng periods, while social mobility has been quite frequent. Third, illegal practices involving various crimes and timber have been frequent, but on the other hand, it is also confirmed that the powerful have devoted themselves to protecting their forestry, which is the basis of their economic activities. The specific aspects are well illustrated in the measures to prevent the bandits, which have occurred frequently since the Daoguang period. It is the fact that in the joint efforts of the influential people to prevent bandits, forestry must be protected uniformly in addition to routine measures such as cooperation for blocking bandits and blocking entry of suspicious individuals. This clearly means that the most basic purpose of defending against outside invasive forces, such as bandits, was to protect forestry, which is the basis of society, beyond simply maintaining local security. In this regard, it is also very significant that not only fines were imposed on those who violate forestry protection, but also that the fact of the crime was widely publicized to the community. Finally, most of the characters in the 1-2-5 series are obviously members of the Jiang clan, but it is also meaningful to note that they are descendants of Jiang Fuchen(姜輔臣), who are different from the Jiang clan of the Siheyuan(四合院), which was mentioned in the previous article. The reason for this is that the documents are tracking individual figures appearing in Documents of the Qingshui River, breaking away from case-by-case studies such as sale of the forestry fields, the peculiar customs of minority society, occurrence and settlement of disp...

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