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      • 초음파영상을 이용한 한우의 등지방과 등심측정법

        김진성,방극승,김영길,김병기 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1993 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.2 No.2

        성장중인 소에서 등지방과 배최장근의 초음파영상을 13흉추상에서 측정하였든바 등지방층은 피부와 지방층의 경계면과 지방층과 배최장근의 경계면 사이의 무echo상으로 확인할 수 있었으며 배최장근은 지방층과의 경계면에서부터 'V'자형이 강한 echo상의 흉추와의 경계면까지로 확인할 수 있었으며 배최장근내의 지방침착을 확인할 수도 있었든바 초음파장치는 한우의 육질평가에 유용하게 적용 될수있다고 사료된다. Stand-off pad는 지방층의 뚜게나 배최장근의 면적의 측정에 크게 도움이 되지 않았다. Backfat depth was clearly appeared between skin-backfat interface and backfat-longissimus muscle interface with no-echoic band, and also longissimus muscle area was clearly visible between the muscle-bone interface with hing echoic bright V shape band at the bottom medial corner of muscle and overlying fat(backfat-muscle interface) when the Korean Native Cattle, Hanwoo, were insonificated with real time linear array ultrasound equipment at the right side of the 13th thoracic vertebrae over the longissimus muscle. This experiment indicates that ultrasound could afford practically for live evaluation of backfat depth, longissimus muscle area and probably marbling score in this animals.

      • 우루과이라운드 이후 식량정책의 방향설정에 관한 연구

        김진수 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        The objective of this study was to establish the direction of food policy toward the target year 2004. First the current food security problem was analyzed in the aspects of stable food supply and food safety. Then the policy measures proposed for the development of agriculture and rural areas in the post-UR period were criticized from the perspective of food policy. Finally, the food demand of the year 2004 was predicted with some normative approaches, and under the target level of the foodgrain self-sufficiency rate (30 percent totally and the 1992 level of 60.7 percent excluding feed grain) the production target of the year 2004 was obtained. Then the size of the agricultural arable land required for the achievement of the production target was predicted under the estimated yields of agricultural crops. Some of the major findings of the research are as follows : 1. The food self-sufficiency rate has dropped from 56.0 percent in 1980 to 34.3 percent in 1992. The reasons were the deterioration of the terms of trade of the agricultural sector, the decrease of the arable land and its utilization rate and the westernization tendency of food consumption pattern. 2. The policy measures for the post-UR period prepared by the government were very problematic from the perspective of the food security. Under the announced measures, the food self-sufficiency rate was expected to drop very rapidly. Since the instability of the world agricultural commodity market would be worsened, the food security situation of Korea would deteriorate. 3. To maintain the foodgrain self-sufficiency rate at 30 percent in total and the 1992 level of 60.7 percent excluding feed grain, the 1992 level of the agricultural arable land should be kept. Therefore, the proposed measures to ease the ownership and the diversion of the agricultural lands should be reconsidered and canceled.

      • 벼와 피에서 제초제 alachlor의 선택적 작용

        황을철,우승희 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1995 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        벼와 피에서 α-chloroacetamide계 제초제의 선택적 작용, 특히 포장에 이앙하는 어린모의 벼(약 40일묘)와 발아중인 피에서 alachlor의 선택적 작용이 발현되는 근거를 찾고자, 벼와 피에서 몇가지 생화학적 차이를 조사하였다. 제초제 alachlor에 의한 약해는 생장일수가 동일한 유묘기의 벼와 피에서는 비슷하였으나, 생장일수가 서로 다른 40일묘의 벼와 7일묘의 피에서는 현격한 차이가 있었다. Alachlor에 대하여 약해정도가 현격히 다른 40일묘의 벼와 7일묘의 피체내의 GSH 함량과 GST 활성은 서로 비슷하였으며, alachlor 처리에 의한 GSH 함량과 GST 활성의 증가도 모두 미미하였다. 40일묘의 벼와 7일묘의 피에서 alachlor 처리에 의해 저해되는 α-amylase의 활성은 무처리에 비해 각각 93.5%와 70%로 현격한 차이를 나타내었으며, 이는 약해정도와 부합하였다. 따라서, 40일묘의 벼와 7일묘의 피에서 발현되는 alachlor의 선택성 또는 벼를 이앙한 포장에서 발아중인 피를 방제하는 α-chloroacetamide계 제초제의 선택성은, 벼와 피체내의 방어계인 glutathione conjugation 반응에 기인하는 것이라기 보다는, 종실내의 주된 저장영양분인 탄수화물의 이용에 관련된 효소인 α-amylase가 저해되는 정도에 기인하는 것으로 판단되었다. Several biochemical differences between rice and barnyardgrass which were related to glutathione conjugation and utilization of starch reserves in seeds were examined to investigate the selectivity of α-chloroacetamide herbicides in rice and barnyardgrass, especially in transplanting staged rice (about 40-day-old) and germinating barnyardgrass. Phytotoxicities of alachlor to rice seedlings and barnyardgrass seedlings were all severe at stronger concentration that 1.0×10-6 and were similiar to each other at various concentrations. However, 40-day-old rice which was independent on the seed reserves was tolerant to alachlor. Glutathione(GSH) content and activity of glutathione S-transferases(GST) in roots of rice seedlings and barnyardgrass seedlings were similiar to each other, and those of 40-day-old rice and barnyardgrass seedlings which were observed to show different responses to alachlor were so. Moreover, the inductions of GSH and GST in 40-day-old rice and 7-day-old barnyardgrass following treatments with 1.0×10-5 solution of alachlor were insignificant. On the other hand, activities of α-amylase in seeds of 40-day-old rice and 7-day-old barnyardgrass following treatments with 1.0×10-5 solution of alachlor decreased to 93.5% and 70.0% of the control respectively. These results were consistent in phytotoxicities above stated. It was therefore stated that the selectivity of alachlor, α-chloroacetamide herbicide in 40-day-old rice and germinating barnyardgrass was due to inhibition degree of α-amylase needed for starch utilization as energy sources in grass germlings, rather than due to the rate of glutathione conjugation generally considered as main factor contibuting to α-chloroacetamide herbicide detoxification and selectivity.

      • 釜山市 街路樹의 大氣汚染物質 및 鹽分의 濃度에 관한 硏究

        남정칠,문추연,박승범 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was to investigate the element of SO₂, Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cd and the NaCl concentration in the leaves. The object of this study was Ginkgo biloba, Pinus thunbergii, Platanus occidentalis, Pruns yedoensis and camellia japonica, and these were planted in the city of Pusan. The study considered such factors as the sort of the tree, the month of the survey, the position of the tree. The results of this finding are as follows: The factor of the month indicated that regardless of the sort, the changing quantity of the SO₂ for all surveryed trees continued to increase as the time from Spring to Autumn passed. Particularly, the increase happened to the case of Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis, but was slow in Pruns yedoensis, Camellia japonica and Pinus thunbergii. SO₂-related standing was placed as follows: Ginkgo biloba for 0.65%, Platanus occidentalis for 0.56%, Pruns yedoensis for 0.31%, Camellia japonica for 0.27% and Pinus thunbergii for 0.25%. For the average content of heavy metal in the leaves the research founded the Fe for 298.5ppm, Mn for 28.2ppm, Zn for 24.9ppm, Cu for 6.8ppm, Cd for 1.44ppm and Pb for 0.91ppm. The Ginkgo biloba out of the surveyed trees indicated the high content of Fe and Cu, and the Platanus occidentalis recorded the high percentage of Mn, Zn and Cd. The findings thus concluded that based on the absorption and accumulation of SO₂ and each heavy metal, Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis are considered as the best street trees planted in the city. The NaCl concentration of the surveyed areas were proportional to the distance of the seaside. Specifically, the NaCl concentration of June was higher than that of April. The lowest was in August and the highest in October. The standing for the trees was placed as followe: Ginkgo biloba, Pinus thunbergii, Platanus occidentalis, Pruns yedoensis and Camellia japonica.

      • 농협의 미곡판매사업에 관한 연구

        배흥규,김진수 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The objective of this study is to investigate the methods to activate the rice marketing activities of agricultural cooperatives. For the objective, agricultural cooperatives and farm households in Kyungnam area and consumer households in Pusan area were sampled and surveyed during February and March 1992. Major findings of the study are summarized as follows : 1. Rice marketing activities of agricultural cooperatives were in a slump due to the low quality of rice, deterioration of competitiveness against the merchants, insufficient and old-fashioned rice milling facilities, deficiency of systematic rice sales through cooperatives, and lack of personnels specialized in the rice marketing. However, farmers seemed to favor the increased involvement of the agricultural cooperatives in the rice marketing. 2. The measures to activate the rice marketing activities of the agricultural cooperatives included: 1) agricultural cooperatives should participate in the price stabilization and the demand and supply adjustment functions monopolized by the government; 2) the rice processing complex should mainly be managed by the agricultural cooperatives; 3) labeling and product differentiation of rice should be implemented; 4) the agricultural cooperatives should participate in the rice price stabilization programmers; 5) co-ordinated rice marketing of the cooperatives should be activated and the number of rice-specific shops of agricultural cooperatives in the urban area should be increased; 6) the government intervention in the time and the quantity of the sale of rice marketed by agricultural cooperatives should be eliminated, 7) and finally the autonomous management of the agricultural cooperatives should be guaranteed so that business items and management system proper to the regions could be developed.

      • 제지슬러지의 토지주입에 관한 연구

        성낙창,김정권,손희정,김은호,김형석 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        To examine the agricultural availability of paper sludge, this study investigated the degradation rate of sludge, CO₂ generation out of soil treated with sludge and the degration characteristics of sludge in soil 1. Degradation rate of paper in soil at weeks after treatment was 19.0% at natural temperature and 28.0% at incubation temperature(30℃) 2. The changes of T-C, T-N and C/N ratio of paper sludge in soil at 12 weeks after treatment were 15.5%, 0.22% and 71, respectively, at natural temperature, and 14.5%, 0.24% and 60, respectively at incubation temperature. 3. The changes of pH in soil treated with paper were 6.7∼7.4 at natural temperature and 6.1∼8.0 at incubation temperature. 4. CO₂ generations in soil treated with 1.0%, 3.0% and 5.0% of paper sludge at 12weeks after treatment were 247mg/100g, 334mg/100g and 458mg/100g, respectively, at natural temperature and 385mg/100g, 550mg/100g and 618mg/100g, respectively, at incubation temperature(30℃)

      • 동부경남지역 시설원예 도입농가와 비도입농가의 특성 및 비교분석

        배흥규,김진수 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        To investigate the differences of characteristics and attitudes between greenhouse-horticulture farms and non-greenhouse-horticulture farms, 276 farm households were randomly selected from the 10 farm villages with active greenhouse-horticulture farming, located in the eastern region of Kyungnam Province. Of them, 204 farms were doing greenhouse farming and 72 farms were not. Significant differences were found between greenhouse farms and the others. The operators of the greenhouse farms had relatively low average age and farm experience. But they had relatively high education. The ratio of woman and off-farm employment in the composition of operators wee higher in non-greenhouse farms. The greenhouse farms had more household members, larger farm size, more farm machinery and less livestock. Most of the differences of farm characteristics represent the labour condition of the farm. Not many non-greenhouse farms intend to begin greenhouse farming mainly because of labour and investment capital shortage. Very few greenhouse farms seem to enlarge their enhouse size in the near future. Non-greenhouse farms were relatively more optimistic bout the future of greenhouse-horticulture agriculture. The main reasons for greenhouse farms' pessimistic prospect were over-production and import liberalization of greenhouse-farming products.

      • 大麥 F₁의 量的形質에 있어서 形質 相互間의 相關

        鄭元福 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        보리의 품종육성을 위한 형질 상호간의 유전관계를 추정하여 효율적인 선발에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 6조맥 4품종과 2조맥 3품종으로 이면교잡하여 형질 상호간의 유전상관과 유전력을 추정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 상관관계에 있어서 간장과 분얼수, 간장과 1주수수, 간장과 절간직경, 간장과 지엽폭, 간장과 1000립중, 분얼수와 1주수수, 1주수수와 지엽폭, 1주수수와 1수립수, 절간직경과 지엽장, 망장과 지엽장, 지엽장과 1수립수, 지엽폭과 1수립수간에 각각 유의한 정의 상관을 보였다. 특히 간장과 1주수수, 간장과 절간직경, 1주수수와 지엽폭, 1주수수와 1수립수, 지엽폭과 1수립수간에는 상관이정으로 높아 이들 형질은 수량 구성요소에 직접 또는 간접적으로 관여하여 수량을 높힐 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 유전력은 간장, 1주수수, 절간직경, 망장, 지엽장, 지엽폭, 1수립수, 1000립중 등에서 74.93~97.90으로 비교적 높았다. This study was conducted to estimate the genetic parameters such as heritabilities, genotypic and phenotypic correlation for some agronomic characters by 7x7 diallel corsses of barley. In correlation coefficients among characters, relationships between culm length and tiller number, culm length and number of spikes per plant, culm length and culm diameter, culm length and leaf width, culm length and 1000 grain weight, tiller number and number of spikes per plant, number of spikes per plant and leaf width, number of spikes per plant and number of grains per spikes, culm diameter and length of flag leaf, awn length and length of flag leaf, length of flag leaf and number of grains per spikes, and leaf width and number of grains per spikes showed positive correlations. Especially in culm length and number of spikes per plant, culm length and culm diameter, number of spikes per plant and leaf width, number of spikes per plant and number of grains per spikes, and leaf width and number of grains per spikes highly positive correlations. Thus these characters will be able to increase yield with the direct and indirect relationships in yield components. Heritabilities were high as from 74.93 to 97.90 among culm length, number of spikes per plant, culm diameter, awn length, length of flag leaf, leaf width, number of grains per spikes, and 1000 grain weight.

      • 벽오동(Firmiana sirmlex W.F.Wight) 가지의 수용성 추출액이 작물발아에 미치는 Allelopathy의 효과

        박현철,박선일,하상영 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1997 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        벽오동나무 2년, 3년생 가지를 1월과 4월에 채취하여 수용성 추출액을 희석 농도별 공여작물에 발아 실험하여 Allelopahy의 효과를 조사항목별 결과는 다음과 같다. 발아율은 시료의 년별, 월별에 있어 년별 또 토마토, 벼는 월별 발아억제 효과가 없고 월별은 배추, 갓은 1월에 발아율이 낮았으며, 발아기는 벼가 제일 빨랐으며, 다른 공여작물은 무처리에 비하여 2배 내지 3배 정도의 기간이 더 지연되었으며 발아평균기간은 년수에 관계없이 배추, 갓, 벼는 1월이 지연되었으며, 토마토는 오히려 4월은 지연되었다. 발아양부는 벼를 제외한 공여작물은 4월 채취가 발아양부가 양이었으며, 1월은 불량이 많았다. 농도 30%에서는 중, 불량이었으며, 벼는 년수, 월별, 농도에 관계없이 지수가 양이었다. Two and three years old branches of a Phoenix tree were respectively collected on January and April, and the aqueous extract from the branches was then treated to four tested crops, Chinese cabbage, leaf mustard, tomato and rice, in order to find the allelopathic effects by different concentration of the extracts. Generally, there were allelopathic effects of the aqueous extracts on the tested crops with increment of concentration and regardless of branch ages and/or collecting season. The results were summarized as follows. Germination rate of Chinese cabbage and leaf mustard were lower with treatment of the extracts from the branches which were collected on January. Otherwise, there were no significant effects of the extracts on the germination of tomato and rice. Germination time of rice were greater than other crops which germination time were delayed. Average germination time of Chinese cabbage, leaf mustard and rice were delayed with value of tomato was delayed with treatment of the extracts from the branches collected on April. State of germination of all crops, except rice were high with treatment of the extract on April, and were low on January. In case of rice, it was high without regard to the collection season of branches and concentration of extracts.

      • 木化의 實用形質에 대한 遺傅力, 遺傅相關 그리고 經路係數 分析

        鄭元福 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        목화육종의 선발에 대한 유전적 parameter를 추정하기 위해 목화 7개 품종을 이면교배하여 주요 형질의 유전력과 유전상관을, 그리고 유전상관의 값을 이용하여 여러 형질이 직접 또는 간접적으로 섬유장에 미치는 영향을 구하기 위한 경로계수를 산출하였다. 친품종을 재료로 한 각 형질의 유전력은 잡종 F??세대에서 개서일수, 초장, 주당삭수, 삭중, 삭당실면중, 삭당조면중, 섬유장 등이 모두 72.71% 이상이었다. 형질상호간의 상관관계를 보면 표현형상과 유전상관의 값이 正·負間에 같은 방향이었고, 유전상관의 값이 표현형상관의 값보다 일반적으로 높았다. 섬유장과 삭당조면중의 형질상호간에는 正의 상관값을 보였다. 경로계수는 섬유장에 관여하는 직·간접효과가 삭당조면중의 영향이 컸던 것으로 평가된다. This experiment was carried out to analyze genetic parameters for the selection of upland cotton by diallel-crossing with seven strains of upland cotton. The results were as follows: 1. The heritability of seven characters were generally high. 2. The genotypic correlations between characters were generally higher than phenotypic ones. 3. The correlation between staple length and lint weight per boll were positive. 4. It was estimated from the path coefficient analysis that direct effects and indirect effects related staple length were much affected by lint weight per boll.

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