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        콩 단백 성분 및 연령이 암컷 흰쥐의 혈장 지질 농도와 인지질 지방산 패턴에 미치는 영향

        정은정(Eun-Jung Chung),김수연(Soo-Yeon Kim),김지영(Ji-Young Kim),안지영(Ji-Young Ahn),박정화(Jung-Wha Park),차명화(Myung-Hwa Cha),이양자(Yang-Cha Lee Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 2003 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        혈중 지질농도는 식이단백질 종류보다는 연령의 영향을 많이 받아, young군보다 old군의 총 콜레스테롤, TG, HDL-콜레스테롤, LDL+VLDL-콜레스테롤 및 AI 모두 높았다. 한편 콩 단백질군에서 HDL-콜레스테롤 수준이 증가하고, LDL+VLDL-콜레스테롤와 AI는 감소하여, 심혈관질환에 대한 콩 단백질의 유익한 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 식이단백질에 의해 유의한 영향을 받은 혈장 인지질의 지방산조성중 22:0, 18:1ω9, ∑MUFA 조성은 카제인군에서 콩 단백질군 보다 높았으며, 반대로 ∑SFA 조성은 카제인군에서 낮았다. 연령에 의해 혈장 인지질 지방산 조성에 있어 유의한 차이를 보인 지방산 중 22:0, 18:1ω9, 22:1, 18:3ω3 및 22:4ω6는 young군에서 높은 반면에, 22:6ω3, ∑ω3, 18:2ω6, 20:4ω6, ∑ω6 및 ∑PUFA의 조성비율은 old군에서 높게 나타났다. 이와 같이 식이 단백질의 종류보다 연령의 영향력이 더 많이 나타난 것은 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 식이 단백질보다는 연령의 영향을 더 크게 받았기 때문으로 생각된다. 혈장 인지질 지방산의 대사지표 중 Δ7-desaturation index(16:0⇒16:1ω7)와 Δ9-desaturation index(18:0⇒18:1ω9)가 식이 단백질의 영향을 받아 카제인군에 비해 콩 단백질군에서 유의하게 낮았다. Δ7- 및 Δ9-desaturation index만이 식이 단백질의 영향을 받은 것은 식이 단백질보다 desaturase 활성에 더 큰 영향력을 미치는 콜레스테롤이 식이에 첨가되었기 때문이라 생각된다. Δ-4 desaturation index (22:4ω6⇒22:5ω6)는 young군에 비해 old군에서 높았으며, elongation index(20:4 ω6⇒22:4ω6)는 old군에서 낮았다. 대부분의 elongation과 desaturation 단계는 연령에 따라 유의한 차이를 보이지 못하였으나, ω3계 지방산의 전체적인 elongation-desaturation 단계를 나타내는 ∑products-fatty acid(ω3)/α-LNA(ω3) 비율이 old군에서 young군보다 유의하게 높아, 연령에 따른 PUFA 대사의 변화가 관찰되었다. 이상에서와 같이, 콩 단백질의 섭취로 흰쥐 혈장 인지질의 ∑MUFA 조성은 낮고 ∑SFA 조성은 높아 다른 지질 강화성분의 섭취와 유사한 결과를 나타내었다. 혈중 콜레스테롤 수준이 높은 old군에서 체내 막조직의 유동성을 유지하기 위해 PUFA의 합성 특히 ω3계 지방산의 elongation-desaturation이 증가하여 총 PUFA 조성이 young군보다 높았다. 연구결과로 이소플라본을 포함한 콩 단백질의 혈중 지질저하 기전에 대해 체계적인 설명은할 수 없지만, 콩 단백질이 혈장 지방산의 조성을 변화시킴으로써 간접적으로 심혈관계 질환에 대해 유익한 효과를 미침을 알 수 있었다. 한편, 이러한 혈관의 건강과 관련된 콩의 유익한 효과는 이소플라본과 같은 콩의 특정 성분의 단독효과라기보다는 콩 단백질과의 복합효과에 의한 것이라는 주장은 매우 설득력 있다고 생각된다. Effects of soy protein concentrate (SPC) containing isoflavone and casein diets on plasma phospholipid (PLs)-fatty acid patterns were investigated in 7- & 40- wk old female rats. Diets containing 16% SPC (soy/young: SY, soy/old: SO) and casein (casein/young: CY, casein/ old: CO) supplemented with 0.5% cholesterol were fed for 4 wks. Fatty acid compositions of plasma PLs were determined by TLC and GLC. Compared to the dietary protein effects, age effects on serum lipids were more profound. The levels of total cholesterol (Chol.), triglyceride, HDL-Chol., (LDL+VLDL)-Chol. and atherogenic index (AI) were higher in older groups (OC & OS) than younger groups (YC & YS). Soy groups had higher HDL-Chol. level and lower (LDL+VLDL)-Chol. and AI, compared with casein groups. The compositions of C22:0, C18:1ω9 and sum of MUFA in plasma PLs were significantly higher in casein group (CY & CO) than soy group (SY & SO), but those of sum of SFA were higher in soy group. The compositions of C22:0, C18:1ω9, C22:1, C18:3ω3 and C22:4ω6 were higher and those of C22:6ω3, sum ofω3, C18:2ω6 C20:4ω6, sum ofω6 and sum of PUFA were lower in plasma PLs of younger rats. The average P/S and ω3/ω6 ratio in older group was higher. The Δ-7 desaturation index (16:0⇒16:1ω7) and Δ-9 desaturation index (18:0⇒18 : 1ω9) were lower in soy group than casein group, while Δ-6 and Δ-5 desaturation index were not affected by dietary protein. The Δ-4 desaturation index (22:4ω6⇒22:5ω6) were higher and, elongation index (20:4ω6⇒22:4ω6) were lower in older group. The ratio of the products of ω3 fatty acid series/precursor of ω3 fatty acid series (C18:3) was significantly higher in older group, which in- dicated that age affected the plasma PUFA metabolism. On the other hand, older rats had higher serum cholesterol level compared with younger rats. Taken together, these changes in fatty acid composition might cause minimal changes in the membrane fluidity induced by the increase serum cholesterol level.

      • 각종 난치성 혈액 질환에서의 비혈연간 골수이식

        김동욱,한훈,김정아,김희제,민창기,엄현석,최정현,이종욱,한치화,홍영선,최일봉,신완식,민우성,김학기,김춘추,김원일,김동집 대한조혈모세포이식학회 1997 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        목적: 비혈연간 골수이식은 혈연내에 적절한 골수공여자가 없는 만성골수성백혈병, 고위험군의 급성별혁병, 면역억제치료에 실패한 재생불량성빈혈 및 각종 난치성 조혈모세포질환의 완치를 위한 표준적인 치료방법으로 정착되고 있다. 혈연간 표준적인 동종 이식에 비하여 비혈연간 이식시에는 생착부전, 이식편대숙주반응과 감염이 더 빈번하게 발생하며, 국내에서는 아직까지 체계적인 임상연구결과가 보고된 바 없었다. 이에 본 센터에서는 1995년 10월 이후로 약 20개월간 26예의 비혈연간 골수이식을 시행하였으며 3개월 이상의 추적관찰이 가능하여 이식초기 합병증의 관찰 및 분석이 가능하였던 20예의 환자를 대상으로 이식성적 및 문제점을 보고함으로써 새롭게 확대되고 있는 이 분야의 임상연구 및 진료의 활성화를 꾀하고자 한다. 방법: 각종 혈액 종양질환으로 비혈연간 이식을 시행한 총 26예의 환자중 3개월이상의 추적관찰이 가능하였던 20예를 대상으로 후향적으로 임상경과를 분석한 후 생존 분석을 시행하였고, 환자의 연령, 성별, 질병의 상태, 조식 적합 항원의 일치정도, 이식편대 숙주 반응의 유무와 생존기간과의 상관관계를 살펴보았다. 또한 표준위험군과 고위험군으로 나누어 생존율을 비교하였고 이식과 관계된 생착 부전, 이식편대숙주반응, 감염의 발생과 양상 그리고 그 합병증을 관찰하였다. 결과: 1. 환자와 공여자간에 HLA 불일치가 20예 중 4예에서 있었으며, 생착여부의 확인이 가능했던 17예 중 16예에서 생착이 확인되어 94.1%의 생착율을 보였다. 2. 급성이식편대숙주반응은 62.5%(10/16예)에서 발생하였으며 111도 이상의 급성의 이식편대숙주 반응은 25%(4/16예)에서 발생하였다. 만성이식편대숙주반응은 40%(2/5예)의 환자에서 발생하였으며 이들 모두 국소형으로 중증의 진행형 만성이식편대숙주반응이 관찰된 환자는 없었다. 3. 호흡기 합병증은 10예(50%)에서 발생하였으며 감염성 폐렴을 포함한 호흡기 합병증이 가장 흔한 일차적인 사망 원인이었다. 호흡기 합병증이 발생했던 10예중 6예가 감염에 의한 폐렴이 의심되었고 나머지 4예는 특발성 간질성 폐렴이었다. 4. 8.5개월의 중앙추적기간 중 35%의 생존율을 관찰할 수 있었고, 생존기간은0.5개월에서 15개월 (중앙치:4개월)이었다. 한편 고위험군은 25%(3/12예), 표준위험군은 50%(4/8)의 생존율을 관찰할 수 있었다. 5. 가장 흔한 사망 원인은 감염성 폐렴을 포함한 호흡기 합병증(6예)이었고, 이외의 사망 원인으로는 급성 이식편대숙주반응과 다장기부전이 각각 2예, 생착 부전, 간정맥 폐쇄, 그리고 재발이 각각 1예였다. Unrelated bone marrow transplantation(UBMT) has been increasingly recognized as the standard treatment for cure of chronic myelogenous leukemia, high risk acute leukemia, aplastic failed on immunotherapy, and the variety of refractory hematologic diseases in patients lacking a related donor. However, as compared to HLA identical sibing transplantation, UBMT carries higher incidence of graft failure, graft versus host disease(GVHD), and infection. In our center, 26 patients underwent UMBT between October 1995 and June 1997. The minimum follow-up of 3 months was possible in 20 patients, for whom early complications and clinical outcomes were assessed. The median age of the 20 patients was 24 years. 8 patients had standard risk disease and 12 patients had high risk disease. All patients received various preparative regimens including total body irradiation according to disease and disease status. 19 patients received CsA + short course MTX for GVHD prophylaxis. One patient received marrow that was depleted of T cells ex vivo using avidinbiotin column. The class I loci were typed by serological methods and HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DRB1. 3 additional pairs were one minor mismatched at the HLA-B locus. Another one patients was one major mismatched at the DRBI alleles. 17 patients were evaluable for engraftment. Successful enfraftment was confirmed in 16 patients(94.1%). Only one patient who was performed one major DRBI mismatched transplants experienced graft rejection. 16 patients were evaluable for acute GVHD. The overall incidence of acute GVHD developed in 4 patients(25%). Five patients were evaluable for the development of Ⅳ acute GVHD developed in 4 patients (25%). Five patients were evaluanle for the development of chronic GVHD. 2 patients(40%) developed limited chronic GVHD. Respiratory complications including pulmonary infection developed in 10 patients(50%) and these complications were the most common primary cause of death. Of these 10patients, 6 had pneumonia due to fungus(4 patients), pacterial (1 patient), and CMV infection (1 patient) and 4(20%) had idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis and/or adult respiratory distress syndrome. The duration of median follow- up was 8.5 months and 7 of 20 patients(35%) are alive at the time of this analysis with survival duration of 0.5 to 15 months(median survival duration: 4 months). The overall survival was 25% (3/12 patients) in high risk group and 50%(4/8 patients) in standard group. From these results, we can predict that the incidence and severity of GVHD in Korea are lesser than multiracial countries and the long-term survival of patients with standard risk disease can approach that of HLA matched sibling transplants. For the past two years, the performance of UBMT has been rapidly increasing and it will be possible to analyze much larger number of patients soon in Korea. In the future the problems of graft failure, GVHD, and infection due to long lasting immunocompromised status will need to be overcome by continued medical research. In addition, the volunteer donor pool will have to be expanded by the promotion of the national awareness of its need.

      • 정상과 갑상선 종양조직에서 사람 IGF-I 유전자의 발현

        김성운,장현하,박상미,김덕윤,우정택,양인명,김진우,김영설,김광원,고석환,홍성화,최영길 경희대학교 유전공학연구소 1993 遺傳工學論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Many of the growth-promoting properties of growth hormone(GH) are mediated by insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I), a highly conserved circulating 70-amino acid peptide. Recent studies have shown that multiple mechanisms influence IGF-I gene expression, including transcription from two promoters, alternative RNA splicing, and variable polyadenylation. In thyroid tissue, thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) and IGF-I are the most possible candidates for follicular cell proliferation and hypertrophy. Actually IGF-I had autocrine and paracrine effect for tissue growing. We prepared thyroid tumor tissue mRNAs using single step method for detecting IGF-I levels according to different tissues, i.e., thyroid adenoma or papillary thyroid carcinoma. We used Northern blot analysis for IGF-I mRNA and RNase protection assay (RPA) for IGF-I transcription start sites. For Northern blot, we used whole human IGF-I cDNA as a DNA probe and for RPA, we used IGF-I exon 1 containing noncoding promoter 1 as a riboprobe. We got good RNA bands from Northern blot analysis around 1 kb (IGF-IA) and 7.5 kb (IGF-IB) region. To clarify the amount of both IGF-IA and IB mRNAs, we measured autoradiographied signal of IGF-I mRNAs bands using densitometer. In IGF-IA signals, there's no change among liver and thyroid tissues, but in case of IGF-IB mRNA bands, the signal was markedly increased in thyroid carcinoma tissues than that of normal thyroid tissue (85% vs 14%). In the study of RPA, all thyroid tissues used the same transcription start sites as those of liver's. We concluded that that this different regulation of IGF-I mRNA was originated from tissue specificity. That meant some tissue specific transcription factor/s were related to tissue IGF-I expression.

      • 임산부의 영양상태와 모유의 면역물질 함량에 관한 연구

        김화영,김영나,김순미 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The concentrations of the immunological substances in breast milk and nutritional status were studied in healthy Korean women of middle socioeconomic class. The subjects were recruited at random from obstetric clinics in Seoul. The nutrients intake, prepregnancy BMI, maternal weight gain during pregnancy were studied. The concentrations of lactoferrin(LF), lysozyme(LZ), sIgA, IgG and C_3 in colostrum, in transitional milk, and in mature milk, were measured. To elucidate the effect of nutritional status on immunological substances, each component was compared on the basis of either BMI, weight gain, or protein intake. The highest concentrations of the substances were found in colostum and decreased as lactation progressed. The decline was more prominent in IgG, C_3, and sIgA, and less significant in LZ and LF. The colostrum of standard weight gain group showed higher concentrations compared to lower weight gain group. This difference became smaller as the lactation progresses. BMI and nutrient intake status had less significant effect. Lower sIgA was found in lower BMI, in lower weight gain, and lower protein intake groups compared to standard groups, which indicates sIgA is the most affected substance among the measured by nutritional status.

      • KCI등재

        도시지역 건축물의 석면슬레이트 지붕재료 분포특성 연구

        김영찬(Kim Young-Chan),손병훈(Son Byeung-Hun),박화미(Park Wha-Me),홍원화(Hong Won-Hwa) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        Asbestos hazards have been studied by many people. Approximately 10% of slate containing asbestos, and asbestos which was imported in the 1970s was used to construct as building materials. The slate company, Asano which is located in Young-san in 1930's becomes the beginning and the slate is coming to be used until recently. Since 1960 in the aftermath of the Korea Saemaul Movement it was greatly expanded slate industry. Slate containing Asbestos and the surface is likely to drift over time, the government managed the comprehensive plan of 2010 Asbestos slate farmhouse in the National Survey on the usage of the progress and improve farmers slate roof construction. Non-conventional evaluation of the slate there is no index, especially in the concentration of urban population exposure to asbestos is a wide but a range of survey data on an unprecedented situation is urgent so long-term management measures are urgently needed. In this study, slate intergovernmental basic data for comprehensive measures proposed.

      • 췌장 가성낭종의 CT진단 후 치료경과 관찰

        조원수,김영통,김영화,김일영,이문호 순천향의학연구소 1999 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: To evaluate clinical outcome after documentation of pancreatic pseudocyst by computed tomography (CT). Methods: The clinical course of 18 patients with pancreatic pseudocysts documented by computed tomography (CT) were retrospectively reviewed. History, physical examination, laboratory findings and CT finding were analyzed between operated and non -operated group of pancreatic pseudocysts. Result: There are 20 pancreatic pseudocysts in 18 patients with 16 males and two females (mean age: 45). There is no significant difference between operated and non- operated group in clinical symptoms and laboratory findings. On CT study, there are six cases of intrapancreatic pseudocysts and four cases of extrapancreatic pseudocysts in operated group. The mean diameter of pancreatic pseudocyst is 10.4 cm. In 10 pseudocysts of non-operated group, there are four case of intrapancreatic pseudocysts and six cases of extrapancreatic pseudocysts. The mean diameter of pancreatic pseudocyst is 5.4cm. There are approximately twice in diameter of the pseudocysts between operated and non-operated group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: CT is useful in the guiding of pancreatic pseudocyst management.

      • KCI등재
      • 기존 콘크리트교량의 비파괴시험에 관한 연구

        김종인,최영화,윤인무 大邱大學校 科學技術硏究所 1998 科學技術硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        An existing concrete structure has been generally received serious environmental affects after construction, and thus the strength prediction will be different from normal structures. In particular, An old existing bridge would be more difficult to do because of uncertainties of construction history. This paper has examined degrees of erosion about concrete solidity of decrepit bridges due to long using and problems of non-destructive tests. In this study, the concrete solidity of all decrepit bridges are appeared generally many deficient in the strength comparing with the standard of design and it might be caused by erosion of concrete, carbonation, poor quality of construction, heavy traffic and so on.

      • 萬頃江流域에 있어서 井水中의 弗素含量에 관한 硏究

        金完泰,安榮根,申和雨,張賢淑 원광대학교 식품약품안전성연구소 1987 食品藥品安全性硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        This study is the survey about Fluorine contents in the well water of area of Mankyung River side and water of Mankyung River. The result of this survey is as followings: The water of well in this area contained 0.5∼1.3ppm and it's average value was about 0.8 ppm. The water from Mankyung River contained 0.8∼0.9ppm and it's average value is 0.87ppm. By the regionally sectional survey the well water of the area of Mankyung River side, the well water of Chun-Ju, Iri, Samye, and Kusan contained 0.5∼0.8ppm, but the well water of Baikku area contained 0.6∼1.3ppm. Especially in Baikku area 63% of well contained 0.6∼1.0ppm and 38% of well contained 1.1∼1.3ppm. From the above results one can conclude that the 38% of well water of the Baikku area is troubled one.

      • 격자구조를 이용한 단순지지 슬래브의 근사해석

        김종인,최영화,김인수 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1995 科學技術硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        This study is aimed to seek alternative grillage method of simply supported slab which is subjected to distributed and concentrated load. The plate theory is summarized, and the exact solutions of structural element concerned are derived. The approximate grillage solutions of deflection are compared with the exact solutions at some reference points. The results are as follows 1. If the square plate is partitioned as four pieces, the error between the exact and approximate solution is 28% when distributed load is acted and that is 57% when concentrated load is done, but they are rather large value. 2. If the plate is partitioned as eight pieces and more, the error between the exact and approximate solution is 9∼16% when distributed load is acted and that is 9∼22% when concentrated load is done.

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