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        박근혜 정부의 외교안보정책 구상과 한일관계

        박영준(Young-June Park) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2013 국제관계연구 Vol.18 No.2

        박근혜 정부는 “한반도 신뢰프로세스”와 “동북아 평화협력구상”을 외교안보정책의 주요 키워드로 제시하면서 출범하였다. 이 구상은 이전의 김대중, 노무현, 이명박 정부에서 표방되었던 대북정책 및 지역질서 구상과 연속성을 갖는다. 다만 박근혜 정부의 정책구상은, 북한의 핵폐기나 역사문제에 대한 일본의 성의있는 태도 변화 등 타자의 정책변화를 전제조건으로 하는 것이어서, 한국이 수행해야 할 주도적 역할에 대한 성찰이 부족하다는 한계를 갖고 있는 것으로 보인다. 이러한 한계에 더해 아베 자민당 정부의 수정주의적 보통국가화 경향으로 인해 한일관계는 최악의 상황을 맞고 있다. 일본은 한반도 신뢰프로세스나 동북아 평화협력을 위해, 우리가 활용할 여지가 많은 상대국가이다. 박근혜 정부의 대외정책 성공을 위해서도 내셔널리즘을 극복한 전략적 대일외교정책이 필요하다. The Park Geun-hye administration proposed ‘the idea of the East Asian peace and cooperation’ as well as ‘trustpolitik on the Korean peninsula’ as its foreign policy agendas. Despite a slight change of its wording, these policies succeeds her predecessors’ policies toward North Korea and the Northeast Asian region. However, President Park Geunhye’s policies seemed to lack self-propelled initiatives which will enable neighboring countries to join a road to mutual trust and cooperation. Instead the Park administration has just asked Pyongyang for denuclearization and Tokyo for a change of attitude toward an issue of past history. In addition to Park’s passive foreign policy agendas, Prime Minister Shinjo Abe’s right-wing policies have worsened the Korea-Japan relations furthermore. Considering its potential in terms of security and economics, Japan should be considered as an important partner for the implementation of President Park’s trustpolitik as well as the idea of peace and cooperation in the Eat Asia. For the success of President Park’s foreign policy agendas, Korea-Japan relations should be re-set on a normal track overcoming the nationalistic sentiment.

      • A simple approach to estimate the mechanical properties of collagen-like microfibrils surrounded by water

        Young-june Yoon,Cheol-soo Bae,Ho-sik Park 한국멀티미디어학회 2010 한국멀티미디어학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2010 No.-

        The effective Young's modulus of a microfibril surrounded by water may be simply calculated by using the upper (Voigt) and lower (Reuss) bounds. The result is compared to the Young's modulus estimated by using the Steered Molecular Dynamics (SMD) (Zhang et al. 2007). Our result shows 9.2% difference from the result estimated by SMD, but the steps using these bounds are much simpler than SMD..

      • KCI등재
      • 급성 췌장염의 합병이 추정되는 한국형 출혈열 1예

        박영수,김창오,김영근,홍성관,장경희,허애정,염준섭,송영구,김준명 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.5

        The Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) is an acute febrile disease with characteristic of fever, bleeding tendency, and renal failure. There are many complications of Korean hemorrhagic fever such as infection, anemia, internal bleeding, hypopituitarism, respiratory, and neurologic complication. A few cases were reported on acute pancreatitis with hemorrhagic fever abroad, but there was no case about Korean hemorrhagic fever with acute pancreatitis in this country. We experienced a case of Korean hemorrhagic fever associated with suspected acute pancreatits. With review of articles, we report a case of 51 year-old woman with KHF, where acute pancreatitis developed during management, (Korean J Infect Dis 33:376∼379, 2001)

      • KCI등재
      • 경주지역 여고생의 초경과 체성장간의 관계

        김준섭,권오구,박진석,오종수,박정현,박제식,안세한,이용환,서정호,신태섭,최영배,김덕수,이관,박수경 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 경주지역 1개 고등학교 3학년 여고생을 대상으로 초경 시작 전인 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레 수치와 초경 연령을 파악하여 여성의 초경이 빠를수록 체성장 속도의 변화가 있을 것이라는 가설을 기초로 두 요인간의 관련성을 파악하고자 시행되었다. 경주시 1개 여자고등학교 3학년생 총 317명에 대해 ㅊ경 나이, 초경시 심리 상태, 초경이 시작되었을 때의 상담 여부와 상담하였던 사람, 부모 신장과 초경전후의 식사 규칙성, 다이어트 경험, 수면시간, 스트레스, 음주/흡연 여부, 질병력 등에 대한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레에 대한 정보는 건강기록부에서 확보하였다. 상기 대상자 중 건강기록부가 분실된 39명, 초경나이에 대해 응답하지 않았던 29명 및 결석 등으로 조사를 하지 못하였던 42명을 제외한 조사 대상자는 206명으로 선정하였다. 대상자들의 초경연령 평균값(Mean±SD)은 13.0±1.11이었고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 초경 이후 신장 성장률은 감소하였으며, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교 때는 신장에 있어서 우위를 차지하나 고등학교에 오면서 신장은 비슷한 수준이 되었다. 초경후 1-2년 사이에 체중과 흉위의 증가율은 감소하였고, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교와 고등학교 사이에 체중과 흉위에서 모두 우위를 차지하였다. 본 연구의 결과는, 흔히 이차 성징의 시작 시점 혹은 사춘기의 시작 시점으로 보고있는 초경 연령이 청소년기의 성장과 밀접한 관련성이 있고, 특히 체중과 흉위의 성장 속도와 밀접한 관련성이 있음을 시사한다. To understand the onset of menarche in relation to changes in physical growth that take place during female adolescence, especially the changes in height and weight velocity. The 207 senior in one women high school of Kyongju were investigated in April 3 to 8, 2001. We collected the information, relation in the age at menarche, height & weight of parents, regularity of eating, and obesity diet, duration of sleeping, sickness & stress near age at menarche, by self-recording. The status of height, weight & chest circumference between the 4th grade of primary school and the junior of high school was collected by individual Health Record. The results were followed; The average age at menarche was 12.95±1.11 years old and the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. After menarche, the velocity of height, weight and chest circumference were decreased. The most rapid group of menarche hold dominant position in height during elementary school. As time passed, they dont hold dominant position in height. The most rapid group of menarche get an advantage in the weight and the girth of chest after elementary school. The height of subjects is directly proportional to the height of their parents. These results suggest that the starting age at menestuation can be closely associated with physical growth and development.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 인터넷 중독 정도에 따른 정신과적 공존질환 및 행동 양상에 관한 연구

        이준영(June-Young Lee),박이진(E-Jin Park),조근호(Keun-Ho Joe),채숙희(Suk-Hi Chai),김성벽(Sung-Byuk Kim),이창욱(Chang-Uk Lee),김대진(Dai-Jin Kim) 한국중독정신의학회 2010 중독정신의학 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives:This study aimed to clarify the differences in psychiatric comorbidities and, behavioral patterns correlating with the severity of Internet addiction in adolescents. Methods:We assessed 321 adolescents recruited from an Internet rescue school, psychiatric outpatients, and 4 schools in Seoul and Gyeonggido. We divided them into a non-addicted group, a potential-risk group, and a high-risk group according to Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT). We evaluated their psychiatric comorbidities and behavioral patterns via psychiatric clinical interview, the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and a self-report questionnaire about behavioral pat-terns. Results:There were significant differences in CDI and STAI scores among the 3 groups. The IAT, CDI, and STAI scores correlated positively with each other. There were differences in psychiatric comorbidity distributions between the potential-risk and high-risk groups, but only “other mood disorder” showed a significant difference. There were also significant differences in behavioral patterns among the 3 groups. Conclusion:This study suggests that there are psychiatric comorbidity and behavioral pat-tern differences according to Internet addiction severity in adolescents. We expect further studies will reveal more profound understandings of these relationships.

      • KCI등재

        “수정주의적 보통국가론”의 대두와 일본 외교: 자민당 아베 정권의 재출범과 한반도정책 전망

        박영준 ( Young June Park ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2013 한국과 국제정치 Vol.29 No.1

        일본 내외의 학자들은 일본 내에서 논의되고 있는 국가전략론들을 평화국가론, 보통국가론, 미들파워 국제주의, 수정주의적 국가주의의 4가지 유형으로 나누어 고찰하고 있다. 이에 비추어 보면, 2012년 12월 출범한 자민당 아베 정부는 외교안보정책 성향 면에서는 일본의 안보체제 및 미일동맹 태세를 강화하여 국제적 안보역할을 확대하자는 보통국가론적 성향을 보이고 있다. 그러나 역사문제에 관해서는 종군위안부 문제의 강제성을 부정하려 하거나, 교과서 검정기준이 되어온 근린제국 조항을 폐기하려는 수정주의적 경향을 보인다. 요컨대 자민당 아베 정부는 ``수정주의적 보통국가론``성향의 대외정책을 전개할 것으로 보이며, 부상하는 중국을 견제하기 위해 한국에 대해서는 관계 개선을 추구할 것으로 전망된다. 북핵문제 해결 및 동아시아에서의 영토 및 해양 분쟁 완화를 추구해야 할 박근혜 정부로서는 일본과 성숙한 파트너십 선언에 기반을 두어 전략적 협력관계를 견지해갈 필요가 있다. 이러한 대응기조하에서 아베 정부의 헌법 개정을 통한 국방군 구상 추진에 대해서는 과민하게 반응할 필요가 없으며, 중일 간의 영유권 분쟁 격화 가능성에 대해서는 중재자적 입장에서 외교적 노력을 기울여야 한다. 그리고 역사문제에 대한 아베 정부의 수정주의적 입장에 대해서는 구미 각국과의 공동연구를 통해 일본의 자성을 압박하는 정책을 구사할 필요성이 있다. After the land-slide victory of the Liberal Democratic Party in the Japan`s general election on December 2012, Mr. Abe Shinjo is re-elected as the prime minister again. In view of pledges and his personal policy agendas during the election period, the Abe administration will pursue more robust domestic security posture even revising the constitution, strengthen the alliance networks with the U.S. and take a tougher measures to protect its disputed territories with China on the South China Sea. At the same time, the Abe administration will take a more revisionist stance on the nationalistic issues such as the comfort woman and historical textbooks by issuing the new declaration on the issue of past history concerning the comfort woman. As for the relation with the Republic of Korea, the Abe administration already sends diverse signals to improve the stalled relations with Seoul for years. Japan`s strategists wanted to form a hedging network against rising China and Seoul can be an important partner of the network. That is the reason why the Abe administration wanted to improve the relations with the ROK despite the some potential conflict with Seoul on the issue of territory and history. For the new Park`s administration, a matured partnership with Japan will be indispensible to propel its diplomatic agendas to discard the North Korea`s nuclear program, fortify the security posture with the collaboration with the U.S., and defuse the tension surrounding the disputed territorial conflict on the East China Sea. Based on these bottom lines, Seoul should prudently manage the seeds of conflict and build trustful relations with the Abe administration of Japan.

      • KCI등재

        습지생태공원의 갈대확장 조절 기술 개발

        성기준 ( Ki June Sung ),이용민 ( Yong Min Yee ),정용현 ( Yong Hyun Chung ),박소영 ( So Young Park ) 한국환경보건기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2010 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        It is very difficult to control the expansion of reed at a wetland ecological park due to their aggressive reproduction capability. Therefore, proper topography and wetland hydrology should be provided before the construction of a wetland ecological park. Appropriate measures should be taken at the initial stages to prevent reed expansion. Field experiments were conducted at the newly constructed wetland ecological park for 15 months to develop methods to control the reproduction and expansion of Phragmites communis. A complete shading method had the best effect on the prevention of reed reoccurrence among other methods. Complete removal of the rhizomes controlled the reed growth to a greater extent than cutting the aboveground shoots. Water-level manipulation was also better than a half-shading method for the prevention of reed reproduction. These results indicated that soil properties and edge effects can influence the reed growth. Cutting only the aboveground shoots facilitates the growth of reed. These results suggest that reed control should be implemented repeatedly and an alteration in the wetland topography and hydrology may be more effective in the long term. Combination of treatments such as water-level management with shading should be considered to control the growth of reed. Adoptive management for created or restored ecosystem might be considered for accomplishment of its original purpose.

      • KCI등재후보

        늑막삼출액의 fibronectin 농도와 Adenosine Deaminase활성도의 암과 결핵에서의 감별진단적 의의

        박승국,전영준,여인석 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1990 계명의대학술지 Vol.9 No.3

        The differential diagnosis of pleural effustioin remains to be solve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic values of the fibronectin concentration and andevosine deaminase activity in the differentiation between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. The activity of adenosine deaminase and the concentration of fibronectin were investigated in pleural effusions from 10 patients with tuberculous pleurisy and 10 patients with malignant effusion. The mean ADA activity was significantly higher in the tuberculous pleurisy (74.01±24.05 U/L) than in the malignant pleural effusion(15.46±13.08 U/L). Based on the lowest value of ADA activity found in the tuberculous pleurisy (45 U/L), the test had a sensitivity of 1 and a specificity of 1. There was no difference between the fibronectin concentration of pleural fluid in the tuberculous pleurisy (306.62±50.52mg/ml) and in the malignant pleural effusion (250.50±144.28㎍/ml) By discriminant analysis, the ADA activity was good indicator for differentiation of tuberculous from malignant pleural effusion (% of correctly classified = 95%) and the simultaneous determinations of both parameters in not more efficient tn the differential diagnosis than in determination of only ADA activity. The present study showed that determination of ADA in pleural fluid is of great value in the differentiation between tuberculous pleurisy and malignant pleural effusion.

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