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        Naturally Occurring Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Tomato Pomace Silage

        Wu, Jing-Jing,Du, Rui-Ping,Gao, Min,Sui, Yao-Qiang,Xiu, Lei,Wang, Xiao Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2014 Animal Bioscience Vol.27 No.5

        Silage making has become a significant method of forage conservation worldwide. To determine how tomato pomace (TP) may be used effectively as animal feed, it was ensilaged for 90 days and microbiology counts, fermentation characteristics and chemical composition of tomato pomace silage (TPS) were evaluated at the 30th, 60th, and 90th days, respectively. In addition, 103 lactic acid bacteria were isolated from TPS. Based on the phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, 16S rDNA sequence and carbohydrate fermentation tests, the isolates were identified as 17 species namely: Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens (0.97%), Lactobacillus pontis (0.97%), Lactobacillus hilgardii (0.97%), Lactobacillus pantheris (0.97%), Lactobacillus amylovorus (1.9%), Lactobacillus panis (1.9%), Lactobacillus vaginalis (1.9%), Lactobacillus rapi (1.9%), Lactobacillus buchneri (2.9%), Lactobacillus parafarraginis (2.9%), Lactobacillus helveticus (3.9%), Lactobacillus camelliae (3.9%), Lactobacillus fermentum (5.8%), Lactobacillus manihotivorans (6.8%), Lactobacillus plantarum (10.7%), Lactobacillus harbinensis (16.5%) and Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei (35.0%). This study has shown that TP can be well preserved for 90 days by ensilaging and that TPS is not only rich in essential nutrients, but that physiological and biochemical properties of the isolates could provide a platform for future design of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inoculants aimed at improving the fermentation quality of silage.

      • KCI등재

        청말(淸末) 시기 중국 전통무술 매화권(梅花拳)이 주는 사회·문화적 의미 -의화단(義和團) 사건을 중심으로-

        WU, JINGE,조성균(Cho, Sung-kyun) 한국무예학회 2022 무예연구 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 매화권의 역사적 기원과 무술 특징을 재검토하였으며, 매화권의 민속문화와 민간신앙, 매화권과 의화단의 관계, 매화권에 대한 사회•문화적 의미를 파악하였다. 이를 통해 중국의 신체문화와 관련된 사회문화적인 가치를 고찰하였다. 연구방법은 질적연구의 문헌고찰을 통해 기술된 자료를 정리하고 해석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 매화권은 명말청초(明末淸初)에 나타난 격투 신체문화로 무장(武場)과 문장(文場)으로 구분하여 문무겸수(文武兼修)를 강조한 독특한 무술이다. 둘째, 매화권사들은 중국의 주요 명절에 양권(亮拳)이라는 행사를 개최하여 공연으로 대중들에게 매화권의 우수성을 선보였다. 또한 다른 무술과 달리 독특한 민간신앙과 종교사상이 복합적으로 포함되어 있는 특징이 있다. 이는 단순히 무술만 수련하는 것이 아닌 전통문화를 계승하는 유파이다. 셋째, 남다른 민속문화와 전통사상의 특성을 갖추고 있기 때문에 매화권사들은 의화단 운동에 참여하게 된다. 이는 유파의 특성이 의화단 운동에 효과적인 조직형성을 제공하여 신속하게 전개되는데 크게 기여를 한다. 또한 의화단 운동으로 중국인들에게 애국심을 고취시키는 영향과 제1차 대혁명운동과 같은 사회변혁을 일으켰다. 이는 매화권이 사회변혁을 주도하는 무술 유파로 이해된다. 넷째, 매화권은 중국의 전통적 격투 신체문화로서 건강의 확보라는 양생(養生)의 가치 및 사회·문화적인 가치를 내포하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to discuss the historical origins and martial arts characteristics of Meihuaquan, and to understand the folk culture and beliefs of Meihuaquan, the relationship between Meihuaquan and Yihetuan, also the socio-cultural meaning of Meihuaquan. By collecting and analyzing the research through the Literature Review, it drew the following results: First, Meihuaquan, a physical culture of martial arts appearing during the late Ming and early Qing(明末淸初) period, is a unique martial art school stressing the combined cultivation of liberal and martial arts(文武兼修), by distinguishing the martial art field (武場) from the liberal art field (文場). Second, Meihuaquansas held the event called Yanggwon(亮拳) on the occasion of festivals in Chinese main festive days and demonstrated the superiority of Meihuaquan by delivering performances for interacting with the public. Third, Meihuaquansas participated in the Yihetuan movement, as it is characterized by its peculiar folk culture and traditional thought. Such characteristics of the school made a great contribution to the rapid development of the Yihetuan movement, by effectively promoting the formation of it. Moreover, it inspired patriotism of Chines people through the Yihetuan movement, and brought about social reforms such as the first revolution movement, indicating that Meihuaquan can be understood as a martial art school initiating social reforms. Fourth, Meihuaquan, a physical culture of the traditional martial arts, involves the value of Yangseng(養生), meaning the care of health, and the socio-cultural value.

      • Chemical constituents of Lotus Seed Epicarp

        Jing Wu,Yi-Chang He,Yu Zhang,Lei Wu,Young-Soo Bae,Se-Yeong Park,Sun-Eun Choi,Chun Gong 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2022 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.10

        Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) is an important aquatic economic crop in China, and it has been widely cultivated in Asia. Almost every part of lotus (roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds) not only can be used as a food-stuff, but also have multiple medicinal functions [1]. In China, lotus leaves and seeds are publicly identified as both food and medicine resources. There is much research concerned with lotus leaves and seeds. It has been reported that the extract from lotus leaves and seeds have multiple bioactivities, such as being anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory, and anti-obesity [3-5] etc. The bioactivities of lotus are due to the functional components in lotus including polysaccharides, polyphenols, flavonoids etc. As an inedible part of lotus, lotus seed epicarp also has attracted additional attention. Lotus seed epicarp, the main by-product of lotus seed processing, is also abundant in polyphenols and worthy to be used as a functional food. Lotus seed epicarp extract has been used as a potential antioxidant and anti-obesity additive in Chinese Cantonese Sausage, which was the first use of lotus seed epicarp extract in meat product. However, little is known about the purification and identification of the key compounds from lotus seed epicarp. The aim of this study on the titled plant led to the isolation and purification of eleven known compounds. Eleven compounds ethyl linoleate (1), (e)-9-octadecenoic acid ethyl ester (2), 7β-hydroxy betulinic acid (3), Betulinic acid (4), α-amyrin (5), β-amyrin (6), Kaempferol-3-rutinoside (7), Isorhamnetin-3-O-β-gentiobioside (8), Quercetin (9), Rutin (10), Quercetin-3-O-β-Dgalactopyranoside (11) were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of lotus seed epicarp. Their structures were elucidated spectroscopically. To the best of our knowledge, It is worth nothing that compounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 were never isolated from this plant.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 선수들이 인지하는 지도자-선수 상호작용이 자기효능감, 운동몰입, 인지된 경기력 간의 관계

        WU JINGE,최천(Choi, Chun) 한국무예학회 2023 무예연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 한국 대학 태권도 선수들이 인지하는 지도자-선수 상호작용, 자기효능감, 운동몰입, 인지된 경기력 간의 관계를 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 한국대학에서 태권도 겨루기와 품새 선수를 모집단으로 선정하여 비확률표본추출법 중 편의표본추출법을 실시하여, 총 289부 설문지를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 23.0과 AMOS 23.0을 통해 분석되었으며, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상호작용의 하위요인 중 믿음과 노하우는 자기효능감에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 상호작용의 하위요인 중 믿음은 운동몰입에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 상호작용의 하위요인 중 노하우는 인지된 경기력에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 기술은 인지된 경기력에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 자기효능감은 인지된 경기력에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 운동몰입은 인지된 경기력에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 현대 태권도의 발전에 따라 경기규칙, 시합전략은 계속 변화•발전될 것이며, 지도자들은 이러한 전문성 신장을 위해 지속적인 노력을 해야 할 것이다. 따라서 현재 대학 태권도 지도자들은 필요한 전문지식을 갖추기 위해서 워크숍, 세미나 등에 적극적으로 참여할 필요성이 있다. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to examine the effect of the coach-athlete interaction perceived by Taekwondo athletes on the self-efficacy. To this end, it conducted the convenience sampling among the non-probability sampling, by recruiting Taekwondo sparring and Poomsae athletes from the Korean university, and used a total of 289 questionnaires. data were conducted by using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings are as follows: First, the belief and the know-how among the sub-factors of the coach-athlete interaction perceived have positive effects of the self-efficacy. Second, the belief among the sub-factors of the coach-athlete interaction perceived has a positive effect on the exercise flow. Third, the know-how among the sub-factors of the coach-athlete interaction perceived has a positive effect on the perceived performance. Fourth, the self-efficacy has a positive effect on the perceived performance. Fifth, the exercise flow has a positive effect on the perceived performance. In conclusion, The game rules, game strategies and training methods would be changed and developed, and coaches should make continuous effort to increase their professionalism, along with the development of the modern Taekwondo. Hence the current Taekwondo coaches need to actively participate in workshops, seminars, etc., to acquire professional knowledge necessary for them.

      • KCI등재

        세계태권도 한마당대회의 이벤트체험이 행동의도에 미치는영향: 이미지 및 지각된 가치의 직렬다중매개를 중심으로

        WU, JINGE,조성균 국기원 2024 국기원태권도연구 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 세계태권도 한마당대회의 이벤트체험이 이미지, 지각된 가치, 행동의도 간 직렬다중매개모형을 분석하며, 대회 개최 시 해외선수들이 재 참가 및 해외 관람객을 유입할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공할 것이다. SPSS 26.0과 AMOS 23.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 확인적 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 상관관계분석, 기술통계분석을 실시하였으며, 부트스트래핑을 통해 이미지와 지각된 가치의 직렬다중매개효과를 검증하였다. 첫째, 이벤트체험은 행동의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 이벤트체험과 행동의도 간에 이미지는 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 이벤트체험과 행동의도 간에 지각된 가치는 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 이벤트체험과 행동의도 간에 이미지와 지각된 가치의 직렬다중매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 세계태권도 한마당대회에 방문한 해외선수와 관람객들은 지역 재방문, 구전 등의 행동의도를 높이기 위해서는 차별화된 이벤트 체험마케팅을 체계적으로 수립하고 긍정적인 가치를 제공할 수 있는 새로운 콘텐츠가 필요하다. 더 나아가 개최하는 국가이미지와 지역이미지를 높일 수 있는 일련의 실무적 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the serial multi-mediation model between image, perceived value, and behavioral intentions of the event experience of the World Taekwondo Hanmadang Competition, and provide basic data for foreign players to re-enter and attract foreign visitors when the competition is held. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, technical statistics analysis, and serial multiple mediated analysis were conducted using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 23.0. First, it was found that event experience had a significant effect on behavioral intention. Second, it was found that the image had a mediating effect between the event experience and the behavioral intention. Third, the perceived value between the event experience and the behavioral intention was found to have a mediating effect. Fourth, it was found that there was a series multiple mediating effect between the event experience and the perceived value. In order to increase the intention of action such as local revisiting and word of mouth, foreign players and visitors to the Hanmadang Competition will need new content that can systematically establish differentiated event experience marketing and provide positive values.

      • KCI등재

        Parametric Study of Water Inrush in a Tunnel Crossing a Fault based on the “Three Zones” fault structure

        Jing Wu,Xintong Wang,Li Wu,Ya-ni Lu,Yanhua Han 대한토목학회 2022 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.26 No.8

        As tunnelling progresses into the complex geological environment such as fault zones, water inrush has become one of the main geological hazards during tunnel construction. Consequently, understanding the evolution of pore pressure and flow velocity when a tunnel is excavated in a fault zone is crucial to ensure safe working conditions and reduce construction risks. In this work, based on the concept of “Three Zones” fault structure, we simulate the nonlinear water inrush process by solving the Darcy-Brinkman flow equation for the host rock and the fault zone. We examine the impacts of 1) the angle between the tunnelling direction and the fault and 2) the relative position from the tunnel face to the fault on the evolution of pore pressure and flow velocity near the tunnel face. The results show that within 5 m to 20 m ahead of the working face, pore pressure, flow velocity, and water inrush rate are the smallest when the angle is 90°. As the angle decreases, both pore pressure and flow velocity ahead of the working face increase. The pore pressure is larger when the tunnel has not reached the fault zone than when the tunnel has crossed the fault zone. Flow velocity also exhibits similar behaviour as pore pressure. With different relative positions from the tunnel working face to the fault, the closer the tunnel face to the fault, the lower the pore pressure and the larger the flow velocity ahead of the tunnel face. The largest water inrush rate occurs when the tunnel face is excavated to the center of the fault core, and the water inrush rate declines as the distance away from the fault increases. The simulation results provided a new method for simulating water inrush when a tunnel crosses a fault and could provide valuable references for the prediction of water inrush for underground projects.

      • KCI등재후보

        Syntheses of polyimides having p-alkoxycinnamate side chain for Liquid crystal photoalignment

        ( Jing Jing Wu ),( Seok Jin Jeong ),( Seung Hee Lee ),( Myong Hoon Lee ) 한국화상학회 2007 한국화상학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Poly(imide p-alkoxycinnamate)s of various alkyl chain lengths were synthesized by esterifying chloromethylated polyimide (CMPI), a synthetic platform for functionalized polyimides. Soluble CMPI, obtained by chloromethylation of soluble polyimide from diaminodiphenylether and 4,4`-(hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphthalic anhydride, was esterified with various p-alkoxycinnamic acids in the presence of base and phase transfer catalyst. The reaction underwent almost quantitatively. The structure of resulting polymer was characterized by 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopic methods. Thin polymer film on a glass substrate was irradiated with polarized UV light, inducing a homogeneous liquid crystal alignment.


        Manufacturing of GaAs MMICs for Wireless Communications Applications

        Wu-Jing Ho,Joe Liu,Hengchang Chou,Chan Shin Wu,Tsung Chi Tsai,Wei Der Chang,Frank Chou,Yu-Chi Wang 대한전자공학회 2006 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.6 No.3

        Two major processing technologies of GaAs HBT and pHEMT have been released in production at Win Semiconductors corp. to address the strong demands of power amplifiers and switches for both handset and WLAN communications markets. Excellent performance with low processing cost and die shrinkage features is reported from the manufactured MMICs. With the stringent tighter manufacturing quality control WIN has successfully become one of the major pure open foundry house to serve the communication industries. The advancing of both technologies to include E/D-pHEMTs and BiHEMTs likes for multifunctional integration of PA, LNA, switch and logics is also highlighted.

      • Fotemustine, Teniposide and Dexamethasone in Treating Patients with CNS Lymphoma

        Wu, Jing-Jing,Wang, Xin-Hua,Li, Ling,Li, Xin,Zhang, Lei,Sun, Zhen-Chang,Fu, Xiao-Rui,Ma, Wang,Chang, Yu,Zhang, Xu-Dong,Han, Li-Juan,Zhang, Ming-Zhi Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.11

        Purpose: We developed and evaluated a regimen including fotemustine, teniposide and dexamethasone (FTD) for treating patients with central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma based on pharmacokinetic properties of individual agents and in combination. Patients and Methods: In a comparison study, 8 patients with primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) and 8 with secondary CNS lymphoma (SCNSL) were treated with FTD (comprising fotemustine 100 mg/m2, 1h infusion, day 1; teniposide 60 mg/m2, >0.5 h infusion, on day 2, 3, 4; dexamethasone 40 mg, 1h infusion, on day 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; and methotrexate 12 mg, cytosine arabinoside 50 mg plus dexamethasone 5 mg intrathecally, on day 2 and 7). Cycles were repeated every 3 weeks. After response assessment, patients received whole brain radiotherapy. Results: Of the 8 PCNSL patients, 4 (50%) achieved CR and 3 (38%) PR, an overall response rate of 88%. Four patients (50%) were in continuing remission at the end of this study after a median follow-up of 30 months (range 10 to 56 months). Of the 8 SCNSL patients the overall response rate was 63% (CR+PR: 38%+25%). All responses were achievable with predictable toxicity mainly reflecting reversible myelosuppression. Conclusion: This study suggests that FTD could be an effective treatment for CNS lymphoma, and is worthy of further evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        중국 태권도장 마케팅 커뮤니케이션이 러브마크, 브랜드 에쿼티, 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향

        WU, JINGE,조성균 한국체육과학회 2022 한국체육과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        This study aimed to examine the effect of Chinese Taekwondo gyms' marketing communication on lovemarks, brand equity and brand loyalty.To this end, it recruited parents with children enrolled in Taekwondo gyms located at Shanxi, Gansu, Guangxi and Sichuan province as the population. A total of 320 copies of questionnaires were used in the final analysis. For the data analysis, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis and multi-regression analysis were conducted by using SPSS 25 Version. First, the sub-factors of marketing communication, such as advertisement, relationship marketing and personal selling were found to have significant effects on the affection level, while relationship marketing and personal selling have significant effects on the confidence level. Second, the sub-factors of marketing communication, such as advertisement, relationship marketing and personal selling were found to have significant effects on both brand awareness and image, while relationship marketing and personal selling have significant effects on brand quality. Third, the sub-factors of marketing communication, such as relationship marketing, sales promotion and personal selling were found to have significant effects on brand loyalty. Fourth, lovemarks were found to have significant effects on all factors of the brand equity. Fifth, lovemarks were found to have significant effects on brand loyalty. Sixth, all sub-factors of the brand equity were found to have significant effects on brand loyalty.

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