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이성수 ( Lee Sung-soo ) 경상국립대학교 청담사상연구소 2023 마음思想 Vol.15 No.0
일제강점기 경남은 3·1 독립운동 기간에 격렬한 만세 시위가 일어났다. 특히 서부경남지역은 항일운동이 지속적으로 이어졌다. 불교계도 다양한 방법으로 독립운동을 전개했다. 종교, 사상, 신분, 의 경계를 넘어 이뤄진 서부경남의 독립운동은 교훈으로 물려줄 자산이다. 제2차독립운동을 주도한 박민오(朴珉悟)는 1897년 경남 남해군에서 출생했다. 양산 통도사 또는 고성 옥천사에서 승려가 된 것으로 추정된다. 박정선 또는 박노영이라는 이름도 사용했다. 서울의 중앙학교 재학 시절 한용운의 영향을 받아 1919년 3·1운동 당시 경성시내에 독립선언서를 배포했다. 또한 3·1운동 당일에는 중앙학교 동료 학생들을 이끌고 독립운동을 전개했다. 1919년 4월 김상옥(金相玉)과 백초월(白初月) 스님이 주도한 비밀독립운동단체에 가담해 활동했다. ‘제2차독립운동’에 참여한 혐의로 수배를 받아 중국 상해로 피신한 후 미국으로 건너가 하버드대학을 졸업했다. ‘제2차독립운동’에 가담한 사실은 1921년 5월 14일 자 동아일보를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 두 번째 인물은 박문성이다. 1922년 3월 친일승려인 용주사 주지 강대련(姜大蓮)을 서울 종로에서 명고축출(鳴鼓逐出)하는 사건에 가담했다. 고성 옥천사 출신 승려로 불교계의 항일 의지 및 정법수호를 천명한 대표적 인물이다. 2022년 8월 독립유공자로 포상받았다. 세 번째 인물은 경남 진주에서 시민운동과 교육운동을 전개한 이종천(李鍾天)이다. 고성 옥천사에서 출가해 한용운과 함께 조선불교청년회 간부를 지냈다. 민립대학(民立大學) 설립 운동에 참여하는 등 민족 의식이 투철한 인물이다. 진주 불교계가 운영한 진명학원(振明學園) 교사로 활동하며 학생들을 교육시켰다. 1926년 6월 11일 진주경찰서 수사대에 연행된다. 진주지역 독립운동가 김재홍, 박태홍 등과 연결되어 활약한 것으로 보인다. 네 번째 인물은 진주 학생단에 참여해 독립운동을 한 이청담(李靑潭)이다. 속명은 이찬호(李讚浩)이다. 1919년 진주지역 3·1 만세운동에 가담했다. 독립운동에 참여한 새로운 사실이 1920년 7월 17일 조선일보 기사를 통해 확인됐다. 박민오, 박문성, 이종천, 이청담 등은 항일운동을 지속적으로 전개했다. 독립운동의 공이 확인된 인물에 대한 포상이 필요하다. 서부경남지역의 사찰과 불교계 인물들이 식민지 현실을 극복하기 위해 적극적인 활동을 펼쳤음을 알 수 있다. During the March 1st Independence Movement, violent protests took place during the Japanese colonial period, especially in the western part of Gyeongnam, where anti-Japanese movements continued. The independence movements of West Gyeongnam, which crossed the boundaries of religion and ideology, are an asset to be handed down as a lesson. Park Min-oh, who led the second independence movement, was born in Namhae-gun, Gyeongnam Province in 1897 and is believed to have become a monk at Tongdosa Temple in Yangsan or Okcheonsa Temple in Goseong. During the March 1st Independence Movement in 1919, he distributed the Declaration of Independence in Kyungsung under the influence of Han Yong-woon while attending Joongang School in Seoul. In April 1919, he joined a secret independence movement organization led by Kim Sang-ok and Baek Cho-wol. He was wanted by the police for participating in the Second Independence Movement and fled to Shanghai, China. He then went to the United States and graduated from Harvard University. The fact that he participated in the Second Independence Movement can be confirmed in the Dong-A Ilbo article of May 14, 1921. The second person to be examined is Park Moon-sung, who was involved in the expulsion of Kang Dae-ryun in March 1922, a pro-Japanese monk from Yongjusa Temple, at Jongno, Seoul. In August 2022, he was awarded as an independence patriot. The third person to be examined is Lee Chong-cheon, who started a civic and educational movement in Jinju, Gyeongnam Province. He was from Okcheonsa Temple in Goseong, South Gyeongnam Province. He participated in the Chosun Buddhist Youth Movement with Han Yong-un. He was a man of strong sense of national consciousness, participating in the movement to establish a private university. On June 11, 1926, he was taken to the Jinju Police Station, and it seems that he was connected with Kim Jae-hong and Park Tae-hong, independence activists in Jinju area. The fourth person is Lee Cheong-dam, who participated in the March 1st Independence Movement in Jinju in 1919. A new fact that he participated in the independence movement was confirmed in the Chosun Ilbo article of July 17, 1920. Park Min-oh, Park Moon-sung, Lee Chong-cheon, and Lee Cheong-dam continued to develop anti-Japanese movements. It is necessary to reward the people whose independence movement achievements have newly been confirmed. It has been proved that Buddhist temples and Buddhist figures in the West Gyeongnam region actively engaged in the activities to overcome the colonial reality.
“근대불교 강맥(講脈)의 사자상승 연구 - 석전 박한영을 중심으로”
이성수 ( Lee Sung-soo ) 동국대학교 전자불전문화콘텐츠연구소 2023 전자불전 Vol.25 No.-
Korean Buddhism has traditionally placed great importance on Ganhwaseon(看話禪). A similar pattern continued in modern times, but modern studies were accepted to expand teaching. In particular, Park Han-young, Jin Eung-hyechan, Geum Bong-yeon, Jin Ho Seok-yeon, Toekyung-ro, and Fogwang Young-soo took on the role of teachers. In the first half of the 20th century, they took on the role of teaching their disciples. And they passed on their Gangmaek (講脈) to those who were qualified to cultivate future generations. Park Han-young emphasized nurturing talent, saying, “Education is more important than anything else.” Park Han-young, who produced major scholars of modern and contemporary Korean Buddhism, is a representative monk who maintained the identity of Joseon Buddhism and communicated with independence activists during the Japanese colonial period. Park Han-young's disciples include Ungi Sung-won, Un Yong-ha, Unseong Seung-hee, Go Bong Tae-soo, Sung Neung Bok-mun, Cheol Un Jong-hyun, Myeongbong, and Hakbong. Park Han-young's students have been identified so far, with a total of 165. Among his disciples, he taught students at major educational institutions, including the president of Dongguk University, a professor at Chung-Ang University, the president of Haein Temple Sangha University, the president of Donghwa Temple Sangha University, the president of Donghwasa Sangha University, the president of Unmun Temple Sangha University, and the president of Bongnyeong Temple Sangha University. There are also many disciples who held important positions in the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. The disciples of Seokjeon Park Han-yeong had a great influence on the development of modern Korean Buddhism and Buddhist studies.
이성수,안규동,이병국,남택승,Lee, Sung-Soo,Ahn, Kyu-Dong,Lee, Byong-Kook,Nam, Taik-Sung 대한예방의학회 1989 예방의학회지 Vol.22 No.4
The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between personal exposure of toluene at workplace and the concentration of hippuric acid in urine of male solvent workers. The study groups are 60 toluene exposed workers who worked at video tape factory and printing factory. The results are as follows : 1. The coefficient of correlation between toluene concentration of personal exposure and concentration of urinary hippuric acid was 0.649 (regression equation Y=0.015X+0.936, Y=urinary hippuric acid concentration, X=Toluene concentration of personal exposure). 2. Urinary hippuric acid concentration of workers with TLV 100 ppm of toluene was calculated 2.44 g/L by the regression equation (Y=0.015X+0.936).
3세 이하 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴환자의 임상적 고찰
이성수,윤경림,강현호,조병수,차성호,Lee, Sung-Soo,Youn, Kyung-Lim,Kang, Hyeon-Ho,Cho, Byoung-Soo,Cha, Sung-Ho 대한소아감염학회 1999 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.6 No.1
Purpose : Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia has been to be developed frequently in school age children and adolescence and hard to see under 3 year-old children. But it seems to be increased in number of patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia under 3-year old in clinical practice in these days. We have aimed to examine the characteristics of clinical findings of Mycoplasma pneumonia under 3 year-old children. Methods : We had performed retrospective review of medical records of 30 patients with Mycoplasmal pneumonia under 3-year old children who admitted to Department of Pediatrics, Kyunghee University Hospital from Jan. 1994 to Dec. 1997. The diagnostic criteriae was Cold agglutinin titer>1:64 or Mycoplasma antibody titer>1:80. Results : Mycoplasmal pneumonia was 30 out of 235 cases(12.7%) of total pneumonia under 3 year old children. Male female ratio was 1.3 : 1 and age distributions were 0~1y : 0, 1~2y : 8, 2~3y : 22 cases. Clinical symptoms and signs were cough(100.0%), sputum(83.3%), fever(80.0%) rhinorrhea(33.3%), vomiting(33.3%), moist rale(86.7%), decreased breathing sound(26.7%), wheezing(20.0%), and pharyngeal injection(30.0%). Thirteen out of 30 cases(43.3%) had unilateral infiltration, 10 cases(33.4%) had bilateral infiltration, 1 case(3.3%) had pleural effusion, and 6 cases(20.0%) had negative findings on chest radiography and there was no cases of atelectasis. On laboratory findings, 6 out of 30 cases(20.0%) had leukocytosis, 1 case(3.3%) had neutrophilia, 10 cases(30.0%) had eosinophilia, 17 cases(56.7%) had increased ESR, and 18 cases(60.6%) had positive CRP. Positive cold agglutinin titers(>1 : 64) were 19 cases(63.3%), and positive mycoplasma antibody(M-ab) titers(>1 : 80) were 27 cases(93.3%). Mycoplasma antibody test was more valuable than cold agglutinin test for the diagnosis of Mycoplasmal pneumonia and there was no correlation between cold agglutinin titer and mycoplasma antibody titer. Mycoplasma-polymerase chain reaction(M-PCR) was done with 13 cases, 12 out of 13 cases(92.3%) were positive. M-PCR test was valuable to the diagnosis of Mycoplasmal pneumonia but it will be needed to further study for their clinical application. Among 30 cases, 5 cases(16.7%) had complications, 3 cases(10.0%) had skin rash, 1 case(3.3%) had pleural effusion, 1 case(3.3%) had arthralgia, but all complications were mild and recovered without residual sequelae. Conclusion : The occurrence of Mycoplasmal pneumonia under 3 year-old children was not rare from this study. Clinical characteristics of Mycoplasmal pneumonia under 3-year old were normal radiologic findings in many cases, low complication rate, mild clinical course, and tend to rapid recovery compared with general manifestations of Mycoplasmal infectionsin children and adolescence. There were likely to be missed patients with Mycoplasmal pneumonia which did not diagnose by conventional serologic tests that had low sensitivity and specificity. We have to pay attention to the Mycoplasmal infection of the young children with pneumonia during epidemic periods of Mycoplasmal infection. 목 적 : 3세 이하에서 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴은 드문 것으로 알려져 있으나 최근 영유아에서도 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴이 많이 발생되고 있어서 3세 이하에서의 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴의 임상적 특성을 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1994년 1월부터 1997년 12월까지 4년간 경희대학교 부속병원 소아과에 입원한 환아 중 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴으로 진단된 3세 이하 환아 30명을 대상으로 의무기록 을 후향적으로 조사하여 임상양상, 혈청학적 소견, 방사선 소견, 합병증 및 치료 효과를 비교 분석 하였다. 결 과 : 1) 3세 이하에서 폐렴으로 입원한 환아 235명중 30명(12.7%)이 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴이었고 남녀비는 1.3 : 1로 남아에서 다소 높았다. 2) 발생시기는 여름 및 가을, 초겨울에 걸쳐 넓게 분포하였고 1994년과 1997년에 호발하였다. 3) 임상증상은 기침, 객담, 발열 순이었고, 그 외 콧물, 구토 증세도 나타났으며, 청진소견 상수포음이 26례(86.7%)로 가장 많았고, 그 외에 천명, 호흡음 감소가 나타났다. 4) 방사선 소견상 24례(80.0%)에서 폐침윤을 보였고, 일측성이 13례(43.3%), 양측성이 10 례(33.4%)였고, 흉막삼출이 있었던 경우는 1례(3.3%)였으며, 무기폐를 보인 경우는 없었고, 정상 소견이 6례(20.0%)였다. 6) 혈액검사당 백혈구 수는 정상인 경우가 24례(80.0%)였고, 호중구 증가를 보인 경우는 1례(3.3%)에 불과했으며, 호산구 증가는 10례(33.3%)에서 보였으며, 혈침속도 증가는 56.7%, CRP 양성률은 60.0%였다. 7) 냉응집소치가 양성인 경우는 19례(63.3%)였으며, Mycoplasma 항체치가 양성인 경우는 27례(90.0%)로 Mycoplasma 항체치가 더 높은 양성률을 보였으며 두 검사간 상관관계는 없었다. 또한 13례를 대상으로 시행한 Mycoplasma PCR 검사상 12례(92.3%)에서 양성반응을 보여 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴의 진단에 유용한 검사로 생각되나 이에 대한 임상적용 은 앞으로 더 연구되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 8) 합병증으로는 피부발진 3례(10.0%)와 흉막삼출 1례(3.3%), 관절통 1례(3.3%)가 발생되었으나 경증이었고 후유증 없이 모두 완쾌되었다. 결 론 : Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴은 3세 이하에서도 드물지 않게 발생되고 있으며, 임상양상의 특징으로는 방사선상 폐침윤이 없는 경우가 많고 합병증 발생이 적으며 증세가 경미하여 회복이 빠른 것 등이다. 3세 이하 폐렴 환아 중 진단되지 않고 누락된 환아가 다수 있을 것으로 생각되며 이 환아들을 포함하면 실제 발생률은 더 높을 것으로 사료된다.
이성수,Lee, Sung Soo 대한소아소화기영양학회 2008 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.11 No.suppl2
Jaundice is common in breast-fed infants. Any infant noted to be jaundiced at 2 weeks of age need to be evaluated for cholestasis with measurement of total and direct serum bilirubin. The most common causes of cholestatic jaundice in infants are biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis. Genetic causes of the neonatal hepatitis syndrome are increasingly recognized and idiopathic neonatal hepatitis is decreasing. Cholestasis should be investigated using a structured protocol. Early detection and timely, accurate diagnosis is important for successful treatment and a favorable prognosis. In particular, a Kasai portoenterostomy for biliary atresia has the best outcome if performed before the infant is 8 weeks of age. The management of cholestasis is mainly supportive, including nutritional support and alleviation of symptoms to improve the quality of life. Specific treatments are available for some causes of neonatal hepatitis syndrome and should be started as soon as possible. For decompensated liver disease, liver transplantation yields a better outcome.
이성수,황보영,안규동,이병국,김정순,Lee, Sung-Soo,HwangBo, Young,Ahn, Kyu-Dong,Lee, Byung-Kook,Kim, Joung-Soon 대한예방의학회 1995 예방의학회지 Vol.28 No.2
The influence of lead exposure on renal function was studied. Eighty nine lead exposed workers who worked in 2 storage battery factories, and seventy one control workers were chosen for this study. Blood lead(PbB) and zinc protoporphyrin in whole blood(ZPP) were selected as indicators of lead exposure. As indicators of renal function, urinary N-acetyl-$\beta$-D-glucosaminidase(NAG), blood urea nitrogen(BUN), serum creatinine(S-Cr), total protein in urine(U-TP),and serum uric acid(S-Ua) were selected. The results obtained were as follows: 1. While the mean values of lead exposure indicators of lead workers were significantly different from non-exposed ones, the mean values of NAG, U-TP, BUN and S-Cr of renal function indicators of exposed were also significantly different from non-exposed but their mean values were all within normal limits. 2. BUN, logarithmic U-TP, logarithmic NAG and S-Cr showed statistically significant correlation with PbB. 3. The proportion of workers whose values of renal function indicators were over the normal limits(NAG7.5 U/g Cr ; U-TP10.9 mg/dl ; BUN20 mg/dl ; S-Crl.2 mg/dl ; S-Ua7.0 mg/dl) by the level of lead absorption in terms of PbB and ZPP were calculated. The proportion of workers with over the normal limits of U-TP among total workers showed the dose-response relationship. When age is adjusted, U-TP showed significantly strong dose-response relationship with the level of PbB and ZPP.
양성 기관, 기관지 질환에서 확장성 금속 스텐트 사용에 관한 임상적 고찰
이성수,김도형,백효채,이두연,Lee Sung Soo,Kim Do Hyung,Paik Hyo Chae,Lee Doo Yun 대한기관식도과학회 2004 大韓氣管食道科學會誌 Vol.10 No.2
Background Insertion of tracheal stent in the treatment of benign tracheal & bronchial disease has increased since the introduction of expandable metallic stent. Material & Methods : Between Jan, 1995 and Feb. 2004, eight patients who had benign tracheo-bronchial disease underwent insertion of expandable metallic tracheal stent. We retrospectively analyzed stent insertion indications, complications, and following the result. Results : Surgical indications were post-intubation tracheal stenosis (1 case), tracheal stenosis following tracheal surgery (2 cases), tracheo-esophageal fistula (2 cases), broncho-pleural fistula(1 case), left main bronchus stenosis following bronchoplasty (1 case), and left main bronchus stenosis due to mediastinal repositioning (1 case). Expandable metallic tracheal stent was inserted in five patients to resolve dyspnea caused by airway obstruction, and to prevent recurrent pneumonia in three patients. The complication developed in 6 patients $75\%$; 3 cases of distal stenosis due to growth of granulation tissue, and one case each of tearing of posterior membrane, aggravation of tracheo-esophageal fistula, and airway partial obstruction due to stent migration. The stent was removed in 5 patients and tracheal surgery (tracheal resection and end to end anastomosis with primary repair of esophagus, pericardial patch tracheo-bronchoplasty, tracheal repair and omental wrapping) was performed in 3 patients. Conclusion Insertion of self expandable metallic stent in benign tracheo-bronchial disease is an effective means of relieving dyspnea for only a short period, and it did not increase the long term survival. Better means of treatment of benign tracheo-bronchial stenosis in necessary.
이성수,권종국,Lee, Sung-soo,Kwun, Jong-kuk 대한수의학회 1992 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.32 No.4
The present study was performed to identify the factors influencing on early pregnacy and embryo implantation in rabbit. Serum, uterine fluid, and uterine tissue were collected on day 0, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of pregnancy. The intrauterine environment of receptive phase and refractory phase was compared by measuring protein synthetic capacity of endometrium, amino acid composition and concentrations of lipids(phospholipid, cholesterol). The results obstained were as follows : 1. The concentrations of total protein were significantly increased (p<0.01) on day 5 ($7.00{\pm}0.55$), 7($6.29{\pm}0.65$), and 9($6.34{\pm}0.61$), compared to those on day 0($5.50{\pm}0.12g/100m{\ell}$) in serum. The concentration of albumin on day 0 was $0.81{\pm}0.05$ and reached maximum on day 5 ($1.59{\pm}0.07g/100m{\ell}$) in serum. The concentrations of total protein were significantly increased(p<0.01) on day 5($1.56{\pm}0.10$), 7($1.99{\pm}0.22$), compared to those on day 0($0.38{\pm}0.02g/100m{\ell}$) in uterine fluid. The concentration of albumin on day 5($0.78{\pm}0.05g/100m{\ell}$) was higher than those on the other days in uterine fluid. 2. The incorporation rates of [$^3H$]-leucine into protein were significantly increased(p<0.01) on day 5 ($919.6{\pm}97.5$), 7($1445.4{\pm}95.9$) and 9($450.38{\pm}28.71$), compared to those on day 0($328.2{\pm}38.9cpm/mg$ protein) in endometrium. The incorporation rates in colehicine-treated endometrium on day 5 ($1341.9{\pm}73.8$), 7($1729.4{\pm}63.3cpm/mg$ protein) were significantly higher(p<0.01) than those on the other days. 3. The compositions of amino acid were not distinctly changed during early pregnancy in serum. The composition ratios of methione, lysine were distinctly decreased on day 3, compared to those on day 0 in uterine fluid. Those of glycine, alanine were increased on day 9, compared to those on other days but his tidine decreased in uterine fluid. 4. The concentrations of total phospholipid and total cholesterol were significantly decreased(p<0.01) on day 3($77.9{\pm}15.5$, $61.5{\pm}21.2$), compared to those on day 0($164.0{\pm}33.9$, $167.2{\pm}46.2mg/100m{\ell}$)in serum. The concentrations of total phospholipid and total cholesterol on day 9 ($47.3{\pm}13.4$, $37.7{\pm}9.6mg/100m{\ell}$) were significantly higher(p<0.01) than those on the other days in uterine fluid. 5. Total phopholipid/total cholesterol ratios were not significantly changed during early pregnancy in serum. However, total phospholipid/total cholesterol ratios on day 5 ($2.00{\pm}0.42$), 7 ($1.11{\pm}0.77$) and 9 ($1.47{\pm}0.30$) were higher than those on day 3($0.84{\pm}0.41$) in uterine fluid. 6. The concentrations of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine were significantly increased (p<0.01) on the other days, compared to those on day 0 during early pregnancy in serum. The concentrations of phosphatidylcholine were significantly increased(p<0.01),compared to those on day 0 and those of phosphatidyl-ethanolamine were consistently increased but not significant in early pregnancy in uterine fluid.
이성수,김정미,박희주,김종근,Lee, Sung-Soo,Kim, Jeong-Mi,Park, Hee-Joo,Kim, Chong-Gun 한국정보처리학회 2008 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.15 No.6
애드 혹 네트워크의 동적인 환경에서는 네트워크 토폴로지의 변화로 잦은 경로 단절과 이로 인한 전송 지연이 일어난다. 따라서 전송 지연에 민감한 애드 혹 네트워크의 실시간 환경에서는 효율적인 라우팅 방법이 주요 관심이 될 수밖에 없다. 그래프를 이용하는 통신 관련 이론의 주요 관심 중 하나는 주어진 노드들 중에서 어떠한 노드들이 연결되어 있으며, 최소 비용을 가진 경로는 어떻게 쉽게 찾을 것인가 하는 것 들이다. 애드 혹 네트워크에서 노드간의 연결은 인접 행렬로 나타낼 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 인접 행렬에 기반한 일련의 행렬 연산을 이용한 경로 검색 기법을 제안한다. 인접 행렬의 연산을 통해 구해진 연결 행렬을 이용하여 목적지로부터 소스까지 경로를 구하는 방법이다. 최단 경로를 검색하기 위한 인접 행렬 기반의 역검색 방법과 노드-비중첩 다중 경로를 검색하기 위한 인접 행렬 기반의 노드-비중첩 다중 경로 역검색 방법을 제안한다. With the dynamic and mobile nature of ad hoc networks, links may fail due to topology changes. So, a major challenge in ad hoc network is dynamically to search paths from a source to destination with an efficient routing method, which is an important issue for delay-sensitive real-time application. The main concerns of graph theory in communications are finding connectivity and searching paths using given nodes. A topology of the nodes in ad hoc networks can be modeled as an adjacency matrix. In this paper, based on this adjacency matrix, we propose new path search algorithms using a sequence of matrix calculation. The proposed algorithms can search paths from a destination to a source using connectivity matrix. Two matrix-based algorithms for two different purposes are proposed. Matrix-Based Backward Path Search(MBBS) algorithm is designed for shortest path discovery and Matrix-Based Backward Multipath Search(MBBMS) algorithm is for multipath search.
미토콘드리아 DNA D-loop Region 의 PCR - RFLP 를 이용한 한우 , 제주 재래한우와 타 품종과의 유전적 관계 분석
이성수,고서봉,오운용,양영훈,김규일,조병욱 ( Sung Soo Lee,Seo Bong Ko,Woon Yong Oh,Young Hoon Yang,Kyu Il Kim,Byung Wook Cho ) 한국축산학회 1998 한국축산학회지 Vol.40 No.4
This study was conducted to determine molecular genetic differences between Korean native cattle and Cheju native cattle and also investigated phylogenetic relatiqnships to other cattle breeds using PCR-RFLP analysis of mtDNA D-loop region. The cable breeds investigated were Korean native cattle, Cheju native black cattle, Cheju native yellow cattle, Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, Hereford and Holstein. Seventy DNA samples from 7 breeds (10 samples/breed) were examined at 29 sites restricted by 10 enzymes, of which 8 enzymes showed polymorphism when the D-loop region was digested. The 8 enzymes were Msp I, Rsa I, BstX I, Hsp92II, Mbo I, Hxm, Ava II and Hinc II, and on the other hand the two enzymes, Hha I and BamH I, showed no polymorphism. Restriction types and polymorphic sites were used to construct a phylogenetic tree, where Korean native cattle was more closely clustered with Cheju native yellow cattle than the other breeds.