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      • Risk Premia in Index Option Returns

        Suk Joon Byun,Byungsun Min 한국재무학회 2011 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.05

        This paper investigates which risk premium plays a key role in explaining index option returns. We find that variance risk premium is necessary to explain the option returns by (i) using discrete-time option pricing models which can reflect variance risk premium properly even for short-term, in order to overcome the limitation of continuous-time stochastic volatility models, and (ii) examining various types of index option returns that provide more definite analysis on the impact of risk premiums on the option returns. Variance risk premium can explain the 1-month holding period returns of 2-month maturity straddles which are significantly negative as well as the call returns which are decreasing with moneyness and negative for outof- the-money. On the contrary, jump risk premium that previous studies emphasize for option returns cannot account for the two observed facts. These results come from the ability of risk premiums to capture the wedge between the physical and riskneutral volatilities which substantially determines option returns.

      • Momentum crashes and the 52-week high

        Suk-Joon Byun(변석준),Byoung-Hyun Jeon(전병현) 한국경영과학회 2016 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.10

        Despite their strong performance, momentum strategies suffer from occasional large drawdowns referred to as momentum crashes. In this paper we address the question of why momentum crashes by identifying its cross-sectional determinant: nearness to 52-week high. We provide robust empirical finding that stocks far from their 52-week highs outperform stocks near their 52-week highs during the momentum crash periods, and the momentum crash is just a manifestation of such outperformance. We consider several explanation for the outperformance and find that inflow of anchoring susceptible investors is the most consistent explanation. Furthermore, we provide a revised momentum strategy that is neutral on nearness to 52-week high. The strategy is free of crashes and exhibits a normal-like distribution without sacrificing its profitability.

      • Is Stochastic Volatility Priced on KOSPI 200 Index Options ?

        Suk Joon Byun,Sun-Joong Yoon 한국재무학회 2007 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.04

        This study investigates whether stochastic volatility is priced on KOPSI 200 index options by using the delta-hedged gains on a portfolio of a long position in a call, hedged by a short position in the underlying asset, following Bakshi and Kapadia (2003). Contrary to other financial markets such as the S&P index options market, volatility risk is not systematically and consistently compensated on the KOSPI options. Rather jump fear influences most in determining KOSPI 200 option prices. Our results are consistent with extant literatures which have shown that Korean derivatives market is dominated by directional traders, and so there might be no hedging demands on option trades. In our research, we do not impose any specification on the stochastic processes of the underlying asset, volatility, and jumps, consequently setting our results free from misspecification errors.


        Suk Joon Byun 한국산업응용수학회 2006 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        Kim (1990), Jacka (1991), and Carr, Jarrow, and Myneni (1992) showed that American option price is equal to the corresponding European option price plus an integral representing the early exercise premium. While the American option price has an explicit representation, the optimal exercise boundary is implicitly defined by a nonlinear integral equation. This article studies the properties of integral equations arising in the valuation of American options. Based on the properties of integral equations, this article also presents a series of closed form upper bounds for the optimal exercise boundary.

      • The Role of the Variance Premium in GARCH Option Pricing Models

        Suk Joon Byun,Byoung-Hyun Jeon,Byungsun Min,Sun-Joong Yoon 한국재무학회 2014 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.05

        We develop a discrete-time option pricing model using a variance-dependent pricing kernel of Christoffersen, Heston and Jacobs (2013) under an economic framework allowing for dynamic volatility and dynamic jump intensity. Using this model, we examine the role of the variance premium and jump risk premium in explaining S&P 500 index option returns. Our results stress the importance of the variance premium in explaining the stylized characteristics of index option returns, including short-term option returns, which are insufficiently explained by extant option pricing models. In particular, the variance premium can explain both 1-month holding period returns of 2-month maturity straddles, which are significantly negative, and call returns, which decrease according to moneyness. Even though the jump risk premium emphasized in the previous literature is able to well fit the option prices, it does not improve the explanatory power for the above two stylized option returns. The outperformance of the variance premium stems from its ability to capture the wedge between physical and risk-neutral volatilities.

      • Estimation of Stochastic Volatility with High and Low Prices

        Suk Joon Byun,Jung-Soon Hyun,Woon Jun Sung 한국재무학회 2014 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        This paper suggests stochastic volatility models incorporating both the leverage effect and information on the daily high/low prices of stocks. The leverage effect is measured using open-to-close returns and two distinct intraday data, ranges, defined by the differences between daily high and low log-prices, and extreme prices in order to detect asymmetric volatility behavior. The likelihood-based inferences of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) are conducted to estimate parameters and volatility. The simulation study reveals that the proposed model is superior to a traditional stochastic volatility model using returns only but there is little difference between estimators using ranges or high/low prices. Performing an empirical analysis using the E-mini S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 Futures, we find strong evidence of the leverage effect even when information of high/low prices is incorporated.

      • KCI우수등재
      • Economic Catastrophe Bonds : Comment

        Suk Joon Byun,Da Hea Kim 한국재무학회 2012 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.08

        Coval, Jurek and Stafford (2009, hereafter CJS) present a state-contingent framework for pricing CDO, in which they integrate the generalized form of Merton’s (1974) structural model with the CAPM. We demonstrate that this seemingly intuitive model violates a risk-neutral valuation relationship, and therefore results in biased state-contingent payoffs of the firm’s asset. We suggest a correct and generalized model, and revisit the pricing of CDO. We argue that this modification, though not translating into any significant difference in pricing traded CDOs, enable CJS to be a more accurate and strict, and thus powerful one. Coval, Jurek and Stafford (2009, hereafter CJS) modify Merton’s (1974) model in a way that asset returns are driven by a combination of market shocks, Zm, and idiosyncratic shocks, Zi,ε. In their model, the sensitivity of asset returns to market shocks is assumed to be proportional to its CAPM beta. Also, most important, they leave the distribution of the market shocks unspecified, allowing asset returns to have arbitrary, non-Gaussian distributions. Furthermore, they impose a restriction on excess returns under the name of the Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965) CAPM requirement. This seemingly intuitive model of CJS, however, has some drawbacks. In this comment, we point out two of them and suggest a modified model where they can be resolved.

      • The Information content of the risk-neutral skewness for Volatility Forecasting

        Suk Joon Byun,Jun Sik Kim 한국재무학회 2011 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.05

        This paper investigates the information content of the risk-neutral skewness derived from S&P 500 index option prices for forecasting future volatility. Empirical results show that the risk-neutral skewness provides incremental explanatory power for future volatility. Moreover, the models with the risk-neutral skewness dominate in terms of out-of-sample forecasting performance, especially during the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

      • Forecasting carbon futures volatility : The predictive power of GARCH models with energy volatilities

        Suk Joon Byun,Hangjun Cho 한국재무학회 2012 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.05

        This article examines the volatility forecasting abilities of two approaches: one is GARCH-type model that uses carbon futures prices, and the other is an implied volatility from carbon options prices. Based on the results, we document that GARCH-type models perform better than an implied volatility. This result suggests that carbon options have little information about carbon futures due to their low trading volume. We also investigate whether the volatilities of energy markets, i.e., Brent oil, coal, natural gas, and electricity, forecast following day’s carbon futures volatility. According to the results, we suggest that Brent oil and natural gas may be used to forecast the volatility of carbon futures.

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