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        The vertical spanning strip wall as a coupled rocking rigid body assembly

        Sorrentino, Luigi,Masiani, Renato,Griffith, Michael C. Techno-Press 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.29 No.4

        The equation of motion of a one way (vertical) spanning strip wall, as an assembly of two rigid bodies, is presented. Only one degree of freedom is needed to completely describe the wall response as the bodies are assumed to be perfectly rectangular and are allowed to rock but not to slide horizontally. Furthermore, no arching action occurs since vertical motion of the upper body is not restrained. Consequently, the equation of motion is nonlinear, with non constant coefficients and a Coriolis acceleration term. Phenomena associated with overburden to self weight ratio, motion triggering, impulsive energy dissipation, amplitude dependency of damping and period of vibration, and scale effect are discussed, contributing to a more complete understanding of experimental observations and to an estimation of system parameters based on the wall characteristics, such as intermediate hinge height and energy damping, necessary to perform nonlinear time history analyses. A comparison to a simple standing, or parapet, wall is developed in order to better highlight the characteristics of this assembly.


        Overturning of rocking rigid bodies under transient ground motions

        Sorrentino, Luigi,Masiani, Renato,Decanini, Luis D. Techno-Press 2006 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.22 No.3

        In seismic prone areas it is possible to meet very different objects (equipment components, on shelf artefacts, simple architectural elements) that can be modelled as a rigid body rocking on a rigid foundation. The interest in their behaviour can have different reasons: seismological, in order to estimate the ground motion intensity, or more strictly mechanical, in order to limit the response severity and to avoid overturning. The behaviour of many rigid bodies subjected to twenty wide ranging acceleration recordings is studied here. The response of the blocks is described using kinematic and energy parameters. A condition under which a so called scale effect is tangible is highlighted. The capacity of the signals to produce overturning is compared to different ground motion parameters, and a good correlation with the Peak Ground Velocity is unveiled.

      • Robotized Filament Winding of Full Section Parts: Comparison Between Two Winding Trajectory Planning Rules

        Sorrentino, L.,Polini, W.,Carrino, L.,Anamateros, E.,Paris, G. The Korean Society for Composite Materials 2008 Advanced composite materials Vol.17 No.1

        Robotized filament winding technology involves a robot that winds a roving impregnated by resin on a die along the directions of stresses to which the work-piece is submitted in applications. The robot moves a deposition head along a winding trajectory in order to deposit roving. The trajectory planning is a very critical aspect of robotized filament winding technology, since it is responsible for both the tension constancy and the winding time. The present work shows two original rules to plan the winding trajectory of structural parts, whose shape is obtained by sweeping a full section around a 3D curve that must be closed and not crossing in order to assure a continuous winding. The first rule plans the winding trajectory by approximating the part 3D shape with straight lines; it is called the discretized rule. The second rule defines the winding trajectory simply by offsetting a 3D curve that reproduces the part 3D shape, of a defined distance; it is called the offset rule. The two rules have been compared in terms of roving tension and winding time. The present work shows how the offset rule enables achievement of both the required aims: to manufacture parts of high structural performances by keeping the tension on the roving near to the nominal value and to markedly decrease the winding time. This is the first step towards the optimization of the robotized filament winding technology.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Crystallization of Syndiotactic Polystyrene under High Pressure and Cooling Rate

        A. Sorrentino,R. Pantani,G. Titomanlio 한국고분자학회 2010 Macromolecular Research Vol.18 No.11

        This study examined the effect of both pressure and cooling rate on crystallization kinetics of syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS). To that purpose, a homemade apparatus that can solidify polymer samples under cooling rates and pressures comparable to those achieved in common industrial processes, was employed. The morphology of the solidified samples was analyzed by pressure, volume, and temperature (PVT) test, densitometry, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results showed that the overall final crystallinity degree gradually decreases with increasing cooling rate, whereas the kinetics of the α and β forms are influenced in different ways by the pressure. A Kolmogoroff-Avrami-Evans kinetics model based on a modified Hoffman-Lauritzen approach was introduced for the description of the pressure effects. The results showed a good agreement between the experimental data and model prediction in all ranges of conditions investigated.

      • KCI등재

        Relay interpreting. State of the art and usage within the EU institutions and the domestic market

        Gianluca Sorrentino 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2012 통번역학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        릴레이 통역이란 메시지 전달을 위해 두 명 이상의 통역사가 필요한 경우의 통역을 일컫는다. 릴레이 통역은 EU회의장에서 그리고 동시통역에서 자주 사용되는 기법이며 이는 현재까지 알려진 방법 중 소수어를 전달할 수 있는 유일한 방법이다. 소수 언어는 이 언어에 대한 언어적 지식이 있는 혹은 이가 수동 언어인 피봇 통역사를통해 릴레이 언어(영어, 불어, 스페인어, 독일어 또는 이탈리아어)로 통역된다. 릴레이 통역사는 피봇 통역사의 1차 통역을 받아 이를 다시 최종 목표언어로 재생산하는 역할을 담당한다. 따라서 릴레이 통역에서 피봇 통역사의 역할은 매우 중요하다. 통역 중 불필요한 문장이나 언어유희 없이 분명하고 명확하게 출발어 메시지를 전달해야하는 역할을 담당하고 있기 때문이다. 이들의 최종 언어 목표는 L1, L2가 아닌 L3이다. 피봇 통역사의 통역은 릴레이 통역사의 통역, 즉 전체 통역의 질에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 밖에 없기 때문에 그 역할이 매우 중요하다. 대부분의 EU국가의 정치 경제 분야는 영어를 공용어로 채택하고 있다. 유럽헌법조약에 따르면 각 회원국들은 자국의 언어를 사용할 수 있는 권리를 가지고 있다. 하지만 실상은, 대부분의 EU회원국들은 영어를 교류 언어로 사용되고 있다. 또한 영어는 동유럽 통역 교육 현장에서도 능동 언어로 사용되고, 렐이이 통역에서 피봇 언어로 사용되고 있다. 이와 관련해, 프랑스와 독일은 각각 자국어가 EU회의 현장에서 영어와 동등한 비중을 가지지 못한다고 주장하고 있고 스페인어와 이탈리아어는 실제로 거의 사용되지 않고 있으며, 이탈리아어는 심지어 릴레이 통역 언어에 포함되지 않는다. 릴레이 통역은 항상 적용 가능한 통역 형식은 아니다. 왜냐하면 많은 전문 통역사들은 릴레이 통역 세팅을 부담스러워하기도 하고 또 한편으로는 안면이 없는 통역사와 작업하는 것에 커다란 부담을 느끼기 때문이다. 하지만 릴레이 통역은 향후 몇 년 간 커뮤니케이션의 가교 역할을 대표하는 유용한 도구일 것이며 앞으로 새로운 EU 회원국이 가입하고 나아가 서로 다른 문화 언어권 커뮤니티가 만났을 때 더 큰 역할을 하게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The vertical spanning strip wall as a coupled rocking rigid body assembly

        Luigi Sorrentino,Renato Masiani,Michael C. Griffith 국제구조공학회 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.29 No.4

        The equation of motion of a one way (vertical) spanning strip wall, as an assembly of two rigid bodies, is presented. Only one degree of freedom is needed to completely describe the wall response as the bodies are assumed to be perfectly rectangular and are allowed to rock but not to slide horizontally. Furthermore, no arching action occurs since vertical motion of the upper body is not restrained. Consequently, the equation of motion is nonlinear, with non constant coefficients and a Coriolis acceleration term. Phenomena associated with overburden to self weight ratio, motion triggering, impulsive energy dissipation, amplitude dependency of damping and period of vibration, and scale effect are discussed, contributing to a more complete understanding of experimental observations and to an estimation of system parameters based on the wall characteristics, such as intermediate hinge height and energy damping, necessary to perform nonlinear time history analyses. A comparison to a simple standing, or parapet, wall is developed in order to better highlight the characteristics of this assembly.

      • KCI등재

        Curcumin-Based Treatment for Macular Edema from Uncommon Etiologies: Efficacy and Safety Assessment

        Mariantonia Ferrara,Davide Allegrini,Tania Sorrentino,Giancarlo Sborgia,Francesco Parmeggiani,Alfredo Borgia,Mario R. Romano 한국식품영양과학회 2020 Journal of medicinal food Vol.23 No.8

        The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of curcumin formulation with a polyvinylpyrrolidone-hydrophilic carrier (CHC*; Diabec®—AlfaIntes, Italy) for the treatment of macular edema (ME) from uncommon etiologies. We conducted retrospective interventional case series, reviewing the medical records of patients referred to the Eye Center, Humanitas Hospital, Bergamo due to persistent ME related to uncommon causes and treated by oral administration of CHC. The main outcomes assessed were best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central macular thickness (CMT), and the presence of intraretinal and/or subretinal fluid (SRF). Only patients with a minimum follow-up (f/u) of 6 months were included. The occurrence of any adverse effect was registered. Thirty-one eyes of 30 patients were included, with a mean f/u of 8.32 ± 1.77 months. Of them, 9 patients (10 eyes) were affected by postoperative ME and 21 by chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. Median BCVA significantly improved after treatment, changing from 0.3 [0.16–0.5] to 0.1 [0–0.3] logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (P < .001). Also CMT was significantly improved, as it decreased from 400 [364–438] μm before treatment to 280 [242–307] μm at the last f/u visit (P < .001). The complete absorption of intraretinal/SRF was detected in 23 of 31 eyes (74%) at the final f/u. No adverse effects were registered. In conclusion, treatment with CHC was effective and safe for eyes affected by ME of various uncommon etiologies, resulting in significant improvement of both functional and anatomical outcomes, with the complete resolution of the edema in the majority of cases (74%).

      • KCI등재

        A Medical Food Formulation of Griffonia simplicifolia/Magnesium for Childhood Periodic Syndrome Therapy: An Open-Label Study on Motion Sickness

        Maria Esposito,Francesco Precenzano,Michele Sorrentino,Deborah Avolio,Marco Carotenuto 한국식품영양과학회 2015 Journal of medicinal food Vol.18 No.8

        Motion sickness (MS) is a disabling condition dominated by disagreement between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system’s sense of movement, with symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, and nausea, and other autonomic disabling symptoms. Preparations of Griffonia simplicifolia, containing high concentrations of 5-HTP, might be effective for serotonin-related disorders, including MS. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to assess the efficacy and safety of the G. simplicifolia/magnesium complex in a pediatric population with MS. The Griffonia/magnesium complex (50 and 200 mg, respectively) was orally administered as a prophylactic therapy for MS twice a day for 3 months to group A, and no therapy for MS was administered to group B. The MS clinical signs were recorded by parents or, where possible, directly from children by a specific module, which included validated questions for the diagnoses that were administered to all subjects and parents of both groups. Two study groups were matched for age (P = .224), sex (P = .801), and z-score body–mass index (P = .173). At T0, all recruited subjects in both groups complained about MS. After 3 months (T1), group A showed an MS prevalence of 36%, significantly lower than MS prevalence in group B (73%) (P < .001). The findings of the present study suggest the role of the Griffonia/magnesium complex as a potential treatment with middle-term efficacy even for MS.

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