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        Acylated Kaempferol Glycosides from <i>Laurus nobilis</i> Leaves and Their Inhibitory Effects on Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-Adenosine Triphosphatase

        Lee, Sooryun,Chung, Soon-Chun,Lee, So-Hyoung,Park, Wanki,Oh, Ikhoon,Mar, Woongchon,Shin, Jongheon,Oh, Ki-Bong Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2012 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin Vol.35 No.3

        <P>Na<SUP>+</SUP>/K<SUP>+</SUP>-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) inhibitors have considerable therapeutic potential against some heart diseases like congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. Through bioassay-guided separation of the leaf extract of <I>Laurus nobilis</I>, six acylated kaempferol glycosides (compounds <B>1</B>—<B>6</B>) were isolated. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic analysis and comparison with reported data. All the isolates were subjected to <I>in vitro</I> bioassays to evaluate their inhibitory activities against Na<SUP>+</SUP>/K<SUP>+</SUP>-ATPase from porcine cerebral cortex and bacterial growth. These studies led to the identification of compounds <B>1</B>—<B>6</B> as potent Na<SUP>+</SUP>/K<SUP>+</SUP>-ATPase inhibitors, with IC<SUB>50</SUB> values in the range of 4.0±0.1—10.4±0.6 μ<SMALL>M</SMALL>. These compounds also exhibited a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. In particular, compounds 4 and 6 showed potent inhibitory activities against several bacterial strains, except <I>Escherichia coli</I>, with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values in the range of 0.65—2.08 μg/mL. Thus, <I>L. nobilis</I>-derived acylated kaempferol glycosides may have a potential to be leads for the development of Na<SUP>+</SUP>/K<SUP>+</SUP> ATPase inhibitors (<B>1</B>—<B>6</B>) and antibacterial agents (<B>4</B>, <B>6</B>).</P>


        Concentration Method for the Detection of Enteric Viruses from Large Volumes of Foods

        CHEONG, SOORYUN,LEE, CHEONGHOON,CHOI, WEON CHEON,LEE, CHAN-HEE,KIM, SANG-JONG International Association for Food Protection 2009 Journal of food protection Vol.72 No.9

        <P>Enteric viruses are the major cause of outbreaks of foodborne viral disease worldwide, and vegetables and fruits are considered significant vectors of virus transmission. In this study, we compared viral elution concentration methods in strawberry and lettuce and tested the secondary concentration step for concentrating viruses from large volumes of lettuce samples. Among the tested procedures, the combination of a 0.05 M glycine plus 100 mM Tris elution buffer (pH 9.5) and a polyethylene glycol precipitation concentration was most efficient for the detection of norovirus genogroup II from strawberries (50% of samples) and lettuce (2.9% of samples). The secondary concentration step using ultrafiltration devices could be applied to large lettuce samples without any decrease in detection limit and efficiency, and other cultivable enteric viruses including enteroviruses, adenoviruses, and rotaviruses were recovered from lettuce at efficiencies of 11.4, 9.05, and 11.3%, respectively. This method could be useful for detecting enteric viruses in fresh foods.</P>


        Enteric Viruses in Raw Vegetables and Groundwater Used for Irrigation in South Korea

        Cheong, Sooryun,Lee, Cheonghoon,Song, Sung Won,Choi, Weon Cheon,Lee, Chan Hee,Kim, Sang-Jong American Society for Microbiology 2009 Applied and environmental microbiology Vol.75 No.24

        <B>ABSTRACT</B><P>Raw vegetables irrigated with groundwater that may contain enteric viruses can be associated with food-borne viral disease outbreaks. In this study, we performed reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) and cell culture-PCR to monitor the occurrence of enteric viruses in groundwater samples and in raw vegetables that were cultivated using that groundwater in South Korea. Samples were collected 10 times from three farms located in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. RT-PCR and cell culture-PCR were performed to detect adenoviruses (AdVs), enteroviruses (EVs), noroviruses (NoVs), and rotaviruses, followed by sequence analyses of the detected strains. Of the 29 groundwater samples and the 30 vegetable samples, five (17%) and three (10%) were positive for enteric viruses, respectively. AdVs were the most frequently detected viruses in four groundwater and three vegetable samples. EVs and NoVs were detected in only one groundwater sample and one spinach sample, respectively. The occurrence of enteric viruses in groundwater and vegetable samples was not correlated with the water temperature and the levels of indicator bacteria, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that most of the detected AdVs were temporally distributed, irrespective of sample type. Our results indicate that raw vegetables may be contaminated with a broad range of enteric viruses, which may originate from virus-infected farmers and virus-contaminated irrigation water, and these vegetables may act as a potential vector of food-borne viral transmission.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        광봉(lightwand)과 Macintosh 후두경을 이용한 기관삽관시경추신전에 대한 방사선학적 비교

        조현성,임재훈,이정진,김유홍,김수창,이상민,이수련,정익수 대한마취과학회 1999 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.36 No.5

        Background: Endotracheal intubation with direct laryngoscope requires movement of the head, neck, and cervical spine. Spine movement may be limited for anatomical reasons or because of cervical spine injury. The lightwand requires less neck flexion and head extension than the conventional laryngoscope. The purpose of this study was to compare the extension of cervical spine obtained with lightwand and Macintosh laryngoscope. Methods: Twenty patients requiring general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation were studied. Patients were placed on the operating table and anesthesia was induced. Intubation were performed on two occasions: with lightwands and Macintosh #3 laryngoscopes. Cricoid pressure was not applied. To determine cervical spine extension, five radiographs were taken in each patient (before induction, during mask ventilation, during intubation with lightwand, during laryngoscopy with the Macintosh blade: in the best glottic view or during intubation). Results: Of 20 cases, we excluded 2 cases due to the technical error. Significant reduction of radiographic cervical spine extension were found in the lightwand compared to Macintosh blade at all cervical level. Mean atlantooccipital extension angles were 6.2o and 11.7o for the lightwand and Macintosh, respectively. There were no significant differences between mask ventilation and intubation with lightwand. Conclusions: Lightwand may be better than the conventional intubation in patients whose cervical spine movement is limited or undesirable, especially in the patients in whom awake intubation is not available. (Korean J Anesthesiol 1999; 36: 783∼789)

      • 통상임금(정기상여금)사건에서 나타난 신의칙을 통한 강행규정의 효력 배제에 대한 법해석방법론적 검토 : 대법원 2013. 12. 18. 선고 2012다89399 전원합의체 판결

        이수련 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2017 Ewha Law Review Vol.7 No.-

        이 글에서는 대법원 2013. 12. 18. 선고 2012다89399 전원합의체 판결에 나타난 다수의견을 법해석 방법론적인 관점과 헌법에서 기본권 충돌의 해결 이론을 통해 비판적으로 살펴보았다. 해당 판결에서 다수의견은 강행규정인 근로기준법 제2조 제1항 제5호, 근로기준법 제6조 제1항에 반하는 당사자 사이의 합의를 신의칙을 이유로 유효하다고 하였다. 신의칙으로 명문의 강행규정을 배제하는 것은 법형성적 법해석이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 해석이 법관의 법률구속성 원칙에 반하지 않기 위해서는 예외적인 해석을 정당할 수 있는 요건을 충족하여야 한다. 이 글에서는 대법원의 이전 판결(대법원 1998. 4. 23. 선고 95다36466 전원합의체 판결)에서 신의칙으로 명문의 규정을 배제하여 법형성적 해석을 하는 경우 정당화 근거로 들었던 요건들을 기준으로 해당 판결의 다수의견을 검토하였다. 한편 이러한 법해석 방법론적 검토와 함께 다수의견이 이례적인 판단을 하면서 근거로 들고 있는 제반 사정에 대한 검토를 헌법적 관점에서 기본권 충돌의 해결 이론을 통해 살펴봄으로써 그러한 판단의 타당성을 살펴보았다. 이와 같이 살펴본 당해 판결에서 다수의견은 이전에 대법원이 법형성적 해석을 하면서 신의칙을 이유로 강행규정을 배제하는 경우를 정당화할 수 있는 요건으로 스스로 제시한 기준을 충족하지 못하였고 기본권 충돌의 해결 이론의 관점에서도 충분히 정당화된다고 할 수 없다. 대법원 다수의견은 이러한 해석을 통해서 달성하고자 한 목적이 당해 사건의 배경이 된 사회경제적 배경에 있음을 판결문에서도 드러내고 있다. 그러나 이러한 다수의견의 태도는 사건의 당사자들이 법원에 청구한 권리 의무에 대한 법률에 따른 해석이라는 법원의 근본적인 의무 범위를 벗어난 지점까지 판단을 확장하였다고 볼 수 있다. 이 사건에서 법률구속적인 해석을 통해 발생할 것이라고 예상되는 추가적 사회 문제는 법률적 문제이기보다 정치적 문제이고 이러한 문제는 사회 구성원들의 합의를 통해 해결을 모색하였어야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 논리적으로 무리한 법해석을 통해 신의칙으로 강행규정을 배제한 당해 판결의 다수의견은 법원이 판결로서 오히려 사회적 합의의 가능성을 차단하고 법원의 판단에 대해 일반의 불신만을 키운 결과를 낳았다고 할 것이다. This article critically analyzes the Supreme Court’s December 18, 2013 en banc decision through legal interpretation perspective and the Fundamental Rights Conflict Resolution Theory based on the Constitutional law. The majority opinion in this case argues that Article 6 paragraph 1 item 5 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 6 paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act, are mandatory rules and are valid based on the bona fides. Excluding the mandatory rules by adopting the good-faith principle can be considered as law creation by legal interpretation. In order for judges to stay abided by the law such exceptional interpretation should meet requirements to be justified. In short, the reasoning of the majority opinion does not meet the requirements it had formerly rendered in precedenteds. Also, it can not be justified in the perspective of the Fundamental Rights Conflict Resolution Theory. The Supreme Court’s majority opinion admits that the law creating legal interpretation aims at considering the socioeconomic context in concluding the case. However, the majority opinion’s stance extends the discussion beyond the range of the court’s duty. Additional social problems that may occur due to law restrictive legal interpretation are political issues rather than legal issues. Therefore such problems should have been resolved by social corporatism. The Supreme Court, however, excludes the mandatory rules with unreasonable legal interpretation and its decision hinders the possibility of making social agreements and deepens public distrust against the judiciary.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of Primer Pairs and the Efficiency of RNA Extraction Procedures to Improve Noroviral Detection from Oysters by Nested Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction

        이정훈,Sooryun Cheong,Hee-Jung Lee,Miye Kwon,강일남,Eun-Gyoung Oh,Hong-Sik Yu,Soon-Bum Shin,Sang-Jong Kim 한국미생물학회 2010 The journal of microbiology Vol.48 No.5

        Noroviruses (NoV) are the key cause of acute epidemic gastroenteritis, and oysters harvested from NoVpolluted sea areas are considered as the significant vectors of viral transmission. To improve NoV detection from oyster using nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of previously published primer pairs and the efficiency of different RNA extraction procedures. Among the primer pairs used for RT-PCR, the sensitivity of GIF1/GIR1-GIF2/GIR1 and GIIF1/GIIR1-GIIF2/GIIR1 was higher than that of other primer pairs used in nested RT-PCR for the detection of NoV genogroup I (NoV GI) and NoV GII from both NoV-positive stool suspension and NoVseeded oyster concentrates, respectively; the resulting products showed neither unspecific bands in the positive samples nor false-positive bands in the negative controls. The extraction of NoV RNA from oyster samples using a QIAamp® Viral RNA Mini kit with a QIAshredderTM Homogenizer pretreatment afforded more efficient recovery (mean recovery for NoV GI and GII, 6.4%) and the procedure was less time consuming (<30 min) than most other RNA extraction procedures. The results of RNA extraction procedure and primer pairs evaluated by nested RT-PCR assay in this study can be useful for monitoring NoV contamination in oysters, which is an indicator of possible public health risks.

      • EEG Asymmetry and Coherence in Alexithymic Individuals

        Seung-Hyun Jin,Byung-Joo Ham,Jeong-Hyun Byun,Sooryun Choi,Byung-Chul Lee,Soo Yong Kim,이승환,최인근,김린 대한정신약물학회 2006 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.4 No.1

        Alexithymia is thought to reflect deficits in the cognitive processing and regulation of emotions. Several theories have been proposed for the underlying neurobiology, but the etiology of alexithymia is still unclear. One hundred and thirty nurse volunteers at Inje University Hospital, Korea, were screened in small groups for levels of alexithymia using the Korean version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20K). Coherence analysis was performed on the EEG recordings. The most interesting findings were that alexithymics had lower interhemispheric coherence values in the bilateral interior frontal and central areas and lower intrahemispheric coherence values in the interior fronto-occipital and parieto-central areas compared to non-alexithymics. These results support the interhemispheric transfer deficit model of alexithymia.

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