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      • KCI등재

        ‘모던 만주’, 이상과 파국의 임계지대-김남천의 『사랑의 수족관』을 가로질러-

        최현식 ( Choi Hyun-sik ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2017 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        This paper deals with the train of romance and the issue of Manchuria focusing on Love Aquarium by Kim Nam-Cheon. Usually, this work is considered to be a narrative on the main characters’ desire about love and success, focusing on Kyungseong(an old name for Seoul). It also noted that the problems of occupation and life are observed and depicted with the appearance of company management, an engineer, charity business, a costume maker, and a bar waitress. Through this, this paper tries to review the reality of the colonial Joseon around 1940, the period often regarded as the ‘century of facts’, and the inside of novelist Kim Nam-Cheon who looks at it and his logic of conversion. This paper focuses on the narrative and imaginative approach of Manchuria, especially Gillim-Sagabang railroad, which is regarded as an indicator of the unknown and empty in this work. By doing so, it will examine the meaning and value of ‘Modern Manchuria’, the reality of the Korean people who migrated there and their bases of life. If Kyungseong is the space of Lee Shin-Kook of Daeheung Konzern, his daughter Kyung-Hee, and civil engineer Gwang-Ho, it is presumed that Manchuria is the space of Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja, those who focus on occupation and life. Of course, in Love Aquarium, the scenery and inside of Manchuria are mainly presented through the train and trips of Gwang-Ho and Kyung-Hee, their visit to Gillim. However, the colonial cities of pioneering, Sinkyung, JGillim, and Sagabang is another recreation of Kyungseong and a space of extension. In order to examine this critically and to reveal the reality of Manchuria of the time, Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja are set as narrators. Through this, this paper analyzes the problems of the farm pioneering group which had conflicts, fights, and unity among the people of Joseon, Japan, and Manchuria and the space of entertainment represented by ‘dancing women’ and ‘women who were sold’. In the end, this paper tries to reveal that Hyun-Soon and Yang-Ja, Korean immigrants who searched for life and occupation in Manchuria, and pioneer farmers were doubly alienated there.

      • 머리염색이 인체에 미치는 영향

        윤형식,황성호,이현륭,김수호,박연석,권낙현,정호진,김동훈,노현주,홍성호,박병찬,이관,정해관 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        일상생활에서 모발염색은 흔히 접할 수 있는 미용의 한 종류로 특히 젊은층을 중심으로 폭발적으로 유행하고 있다. 염색을 위항 사용하는 약제는 표백제와 발색제 등 각종 화학약품이 사용되고 있으나 이로 인한 건강장해에 대한 연구는 그리 많지 않다. 저자들은 염색이 인체의 모발건강에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 염색과 관련된 주관적 증상과 모발의 변화에 대한 실험적 연구를 시행하였다. 동국대학교 경주 캠퍼스 재학생 80명을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하여 염색 유 ·무 및 염색 후에 경험한 증상에 대해 설문 조사하였고, 의과대학 재학생 46명을 대상으로 피부 반응 테스트를 실시하였다. 또한 염색 전후의 모발 탄성도를 측정하였고 모발의 상태를 파악하기 위해 전자 현미경검사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 결과 염색 전에 비하여 염색 후 안구혼탁, 안구건조, 시력저하, 발진 및 접촉성 피부염, 모발손상, 모근손상 등의 증상을 더 많이 경험한다고 호소하였다(p<0.05). 모발손상과 모근손상은 헤어드라이어 사용 빈도에 따라 증가하는 것으로 조사되었다(p<0.05). 피부반응검사에서 가려움증이 가장 많은 증상이었으며 이는 여성보다는 남성에서 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 염색 전후의 모발장력은 염색 전 134.5±10.37g, 염색 128.0±30.69g, 염색 이틀 후 112.5±19.69g으로 나타났다. 염색 전후의 모발의 전자현미경 케라틴 층이 현저히 감소하고 모발이 가늘어지는 차이를 보였다. 염색은 모발손상, 모발 케라틴 손상 및 모근 손상, 발진 및 접촉성 피부반응, 안구혼탁, 안구건조, 시력 저하를 유발한다. 따라서 염색약으로 인한 손상에 대한 주의와 예방이 필요하다고 생각한다. 예방대책으로 염색 전 피부테스트를 통한 적합성 여부를 판단하는 것이 필요하며 가급적 염색을 피하는 것이 좋을 것이다. 염색약에 발암물질이 포함되어있다는 보고도 있어 염색 제조사의 철저한 실험과 염색 물질의 선별이 염색으로 인한 부작용을 최소화하는데 중요한 역할을 할 것이다. Hair coloring has became one of the most popular cosmetic activities to younger generations during last decade. However, there are few studies on the health effect of widespread use of chemical dyes. This study was conducted to study the effects of hair coloring dye on hair and other systems. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 80 persons in Kyongju campus, Dongguk University. We have done open patch skin test on 46 medical students. We also conducted scanning electron microscopy to examine the hair strength and structure before and after hair coloring process. Injury of hair and hair bulb, contact dermatitis, turbid eyes, xerophthalmia, and poor visual acuity were the main symptoms complained after hair coloring (p<0.05). Injury of hair and hair bulb were increased by frequency of hair-dryer use(p<0.05). In open patch test, pruritus was complanined by more than half of the subjects. Mean strength of hairs before and after hair coloring was as follows; 134.5 (SD 10.37)g before hair coloring, 128.0 (SD 30.69)g immediately after hair coloring, and 112.5 (SD 19.69)g after two days. The scanning electron microscopic findings of hair surface before and after hair coloring showed decreased keratin layer and thinning of the hair. Hair coloring induces injury to hair, its keratin layer, and hair bulb as well as contact dermatitis, turbid eyes, xerophthalmia, and poor visual acuity. Therefore, we think that precaution is needed in use of hair coloring dye. To prevent complications induced by hair coloring dye, it is necessary, especially to those with allergy or skin disorders, to perform skin test before action and avoid hair coloring whenever possible. Longterm health effects of hairdye should be studied and manufacturing companies should try to minimize complications induced by hair coloring dye.

      • KCI등재


        최현식(Choi, Hyun?sik) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.46

        이 글은 이육사의 시를 ‘예외상태’에 처한 호모 사케르, 곧 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 개념과 의미를 빌려 해석하고자 한다. ‘예외상태’는 파시즘과 나치즘이 구체적 실례로 거론되는 것에서 보듯이 문민적 영역 속에 군사적 전시 권한이 확장되는 사태, 나아가 헌법의 효력이 정지되어 시민들을 권력의 자의적 처분에 따라 말살시킬 수 있는 폭력적 상황을 뜻한다. ‘벌거벗은 생명’은 그런 상황에서 ‘살해는 할 수 있으나 희생물로는 가치화될 수 없는 생명’을 뜻한다. 일제 천황이 지배하는 식민지 조선은 ‘예외상태’가 상시화된 공간이었으며, 특히 일제에 대한 비판과 저항에 종사하는 식민지인은 ‘호모 사케르’로 간주되어 마땅한 위험 분자들이었다. 본고는 이를 중심으로, 첫째, ‘한 개의 별’, 곧 새로운 지구의 건설을 염원하는 방랑자의 ‘노정’, 둘째, 실향과 탈향의 ‘고향’ 담론을 통한 살해의 회피, 그리고 동아시아의 현실 인식과 문학에의 의지를 새롭게 배우는 또 다른 고향으로서 중국, 문학운동의 모범으로서 루쉰의 영향과 수렴의 의미, 셋째, 이육사의 타자 지향성을 대표하는 ‘손님’과 ‘초인’의 발견과 호명, 그를 통한 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 본원적 고향으로의 귀환과 도래의 의미, 궁극적인 사태로서 ‘살해’의 회피와 미학적 구원의 가능성, 넷째, 1946년 육당의 사후 발간된 유고 시집 『육사시집』의 진정한 가치, 즉 ‘저항’을 넘어서는 ‘벌거벗은 생명’의 기록과 기억의 위대성과 같은 주제들을 살펴보았다. The purpose of this study is to analyze Lee, Yuk-sa’s poems in terms of Homo Sacer positioned in ‘State of Exception’, that is, the concept and meaning of ‘nuda vita’. As fascism and Nazism are discussed with concrete cases, ‘exception status’ implies the situation in which the military authority of war is extended within the civilian sector and even the status of violence in which the effect of the Constitution stops and citizens can be annihilated according to the arbitrary disposal of authority. ‘Nuda vita’ means ‘life that can be killed but never becomes devalued as a sacrifice’ in such situation. In Chosun, the colony ruled by the Japanese Emperor, was the space where ‘exception status’ was ordinarily found. Especially, the colonized people engaged in criticism or resistance to Japan were those regarded dangerous as ‘Homo Sacer’. Mainly about that, this study has examined, first, ‘The One Star’, the ‘journey’ of a wanderer wishing to build new Earth, second, the avoidance of killing based on the discourse of the ‘hometown’ related to displacement or deprivation, China as another hometown to recognize the reality of East Asia and learn will for literature newly, and also the influence of Lu, Hsun as a model of the literary movement and the meaning of convergence, third, the discovery and calling of ‘The Guest’ and ‘The Superhuman’ representing Lee, Yuk-sa’s orientation to others, the meaning of return and coming to the original hometown of ‘nuda vita’ through that, and also the avoidance of ‘killing’ as the event of ultimacy and the value of possibility of aesthetic salvation, and fourth, the authentic value of Yuk-sa’s poetry, the collection of his poems published after Yukdang’s death in 1946, that is, the records of ‘nuda vita’ beyond ‘resistance’ and themes such as the greatness of memory.

      • 스키시즌권 구매자들의 스키장별 선호도 조사

        장현철,김경식,방준현,최천진,엄정식,김응준,이루지 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the perception and preference of skiers in a bid to provide ski resorts with useful information about successful positioning strategy. The subjects in this study were 9,722 skiers who purchased season tickets from N web site that sold ski season tickets. Their online purchasing route and page view were analyzed to find out what factors affected their purchase of ski season tickets. The findings of this study were as follows: First, 78 percent of the people investigated were make, and 22 percent were female. By age, the largest group was in their 20s(5,344 skiers), followed by those in their 30s(3,434), those in their 40s(631) and teenagers(229). Second, their page view rate with Yangji recorded highest with 24%, followed by Sungwoo Resort with 23% and Chonmasan with 13 percent. Third, by geographic area, the skiers from southern Gyeonggi province bought the largest number of tickets for the 2002/2003 season, followed by Gangweon province residents and northem Gyeonggi province dwellers. In the case of the 2003/2004 season, those from Gangweon provinece pruchased the most tickets, followed by southern Gyeonggi province dwellers and north Gyeonggi province residents.

      • KCI등재

        방약합편(方藥合編) 하통(下統) 방제(方劑)의 병증(病症) 및 병리(病理) 활용(活用)에 대한 고찰(考察)

        염현식,김희수,Eyum Hyun-Sik,Kim Hui-Soo 대한한의학방제학회 2003 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.11 No.1

        From the study of the symptom, pathology in prescription of Ha-Tong from The Bangyakhapeun. I have reserched 163 prescription. It can be concluded as follows. 1. Prescription about Fecal disease which was the most as 11.66% of the whole, following order Internal disease(6.75%), Uterus Disease(5.52%) Sick-by-Cold Disease(5.52%), Eye Disease(4.91%), Blood Disease(4.91%), Unbalanced humoral status Disease(4.91%), Gynecologic Disease(4.91%). 2. The Fecal Disease divide diarrhea and dysentery; The Internal Disease divides with Sik-sang(食傷) Chu-sang(酒傷), Sik-juck-yu-sang-han(食積類傷寒), Carbonic acid, Vomiting acid; The Uterus Disease divides with Urinnary Disadvantage, Urinary retention, Incontinence; The Sick-by-Cold Disease divides with yang-myung-byung(陽明病), sang-han-goi-jng(傷寒壞證), sang-han-bun-gal(傷寒煩渴), sang-han-sum-ou, sang-han-hyul-jng(傷寒血證), sang-han-ja-ri(傷寒自利), sang-han-bun-jo-jng(傷寒煩燥證). 3. The Diarrhea and Dysentery many used o-ryung-san, hwng-gum-jak-yak-tang(黃芩芍藥湯) hyang-ryun-hwan(香連丸) etc, and The Internal Disease many used pyung-we-san(平胃散) as a basic prescripton. 4. The organ problem use the Sil-yuol(實熱) of the liver, stomach, lung, uterus, small intestine; six natural factors problem used the Sil-jng(實證) of the wind, fire, heat, cold, dampness; And used Unbalanced humoral status, lntrnal hurt, qi and blood, seven extream feeling.

      • 위암환자의 복강내에 투여한 Mitomycin C-Carbon Particle의 Mitomycin 용출에 관한 연구

        노승무,조영훈,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,강대영,송규상,조준식,최선웅,이진호,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,인현빈,정현용,김학용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Locoregional recurrence is the most common type of recurrence in surgical operation of gastric adenocarcinoma, and peritoneal dissemination is one of the most difficult problems in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma treatment. Because the peritoneal cavity is the most common site of the first recurrence after gastric cancer resection, intraperitoneal chemotherpy seems a logical choice for cancer chemotherapy. The Mitomycin C(MMC) adsorbed by the activated charcoal particles(CH) is relatively released when the drug concentration surrounding the carbon particles becomes low in the peritoneum of the peritoneal cavity. For the intraperitoneal chemotherapy on the advanced gastric adenocarcnoma, mitomycin C adsorbed on activated carbon particles was administered in the peritoneal cavity just before abdominal wall closure. The closed drainage tubes were inserted in the peritoneal cavity and clamped for tuo hours after completion of operation. MMC concentrations were serially measured in peritoneal fluid, plasma and urine at 2hour, 48 hour, 72 hour and 168 hour following its administration in order to study the efficacy of the MMC-CH as a drug delivery system. There were minimal toxicities in born marrow, liver, and gastrointestinal system after intraperitoneal MMC-CH administration. The data of this study suggested that MMC-CH may have a somewhat more beneficial effect than surgery alone when administered in optimal dose and schedules, but the MMC concentration of the peritoneal fluid was not sufficient to eradicate remnant cancer cells, and effective duration of maintenance was only below 24 hours in the peritoneal fluid and plasma.

      • 위암 환자의 복강내 투여를 위한 Activated Charcoal-Alginate Bead 제형으로부터 Mitomycin C의 용출 거동

        이진호,최선웅,서중기,김동민,정경수,오정연,김진향,노승무,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,강대영,송규상,양준묵,조준식,정현용,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Locoregional recurrence is the most common type of recurrence in surgical operation of gastric adenocarcinoma, and peritoneal dissemination is one of the most difficult problems in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma treatment. Because the peritoneal cavity is the most common site of the first recurrence after gastric cancer resection, intraperitoneal chemotherapy seems a logical choice for cancer chemotherapy. In this study, Mitomycin C (MMC)-activated charcoal (CH)-alginate (ALG) beads were prepared by the mixtures of CH particles adsorbed with MMC as an anti-cancer drug and aqueous alginate solution. The alginate is recognized as biodegradable, nontoxic, and biocompatible. The release of MMC from the beads in 0.1 M Tris buffer was stable and continuous until about 1 week. The MMC-CH-ALG beads can be applied in the peritoneal cavity for intraperitoneal chemotherapy since they provide a good adhesiveness on the tissue and controlled release pattern of the drugs.

      • 애드혹 시스템을 위한 비디오 스트리밍에 관한 연구

        윤현식 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        Now-a-days, wireless communication network technology has created variety types of advanced wireless systems. This paper accomplishes the research of Ad-Hoc wireless networks technology to apply wireless multimedia streaming services. specially, to introduce embedded multimedia streaming system. The result of study in this paper will provide the more efficient streaming video and audio services in the field of Ad-Hoc wireless networks.

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