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      • KCI등재

        한국근대소설과 부산의 시·공간성

        김승환(Seung Hwan Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.49

        The Times in Mildawon, a modern Korean short story, written by Donglee Kim in 1955, is a multi-text which has two story layers. First is the external text of Busan and second is the internal text of Munchong(文總). The narrator describes Busan as an alienated object with a long distance. Because of this reason, his descriptive stance is not a subject viewpoint ``now-and-here``, but is an object viewpoint ``then-and-there``. As said by Chatman, there are orders and layers in the story: Author - Implied Author - Narrator - Narratee - Implied reader - Reader. During the story description, the author, Kim, places himself outside of the text and gets an objective viewpoint. There are four relationships between writers: Author - Implied Author, Implied Author - Narrator, Narrator - Narrative Contents(story) - Inside Narrative Content - Narrative Content. The background, Busan, has been continuously marginalized as the story goes on. Kim gives an ordering: first, indirect narration - objectification of Busan; second, indirect narration - unfamilialization of Busan; third, indirect narration - symbolization of Busan; and fourth, indirect narration - alienation of Busan. This is a binary opposition inside Kim`s consciousness that is an invisible consciousness: Seoul centralization and Busan maginalization. It is originated from the theory of art for art`s sake. The Times in Mildawon has a strong anti-communism ideology which is backed by the ideology of pure literature.

      • KCI등재

        <감자>에 나타난 정신사건과 물리사건의 인과관계

        김승환 ( Kim Seung Hwan ) 현대문학이론학회 2019 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.79

        이 논문은 <감자>의 핵심사건인 복녀살인사건을 정신사건과 물리사건으로 분석한 글이다. <감자>에는 복녀의 죽음이 명료하게 묘사되어 있지 않으며 그 때문에 정신사건인 원인(복녀의 원한)과 물리사건인 결과(복녀의 죽음) 사이의 인과관계가 맞지 않는다. 이 논문에서는 복녀살인사건의 인과관계 상치현상을 김재권(Jaegwon KIM)과 데이비슨(D. Davidson)의 사건이론(theory of event)으로 분석했다. 복녀살인사건은 ‘어떤 시간에[t] 복녀가 왕서방에 대하여[x] 원한을 품었다[P]’는 정신사건이자 복녀 자신이 죽는 물리사건이다. 현실의 물리사건과 달리 마음의 정신사건은 믿음, 의도, 욕망, 희망, 지각, 인식, 기억, 생각, 느낌, 감정, 결심, 각성 등이 구성한 사건이다. 소설의 정신사건은 소설텍스트에서 묘사된 허구적 사건이며 현실의 물리사건과 같은 조건[x, P, t]으로 구성된다. 따라서 소설의 정신사건을 단순한 상상으로 규정하기보다 이야기 전개의 필연적 요소로 보고, 플롯의 개연성을 보완하는 소설적 장치로 볼 필요가 있다. 그것은 물리사건만으로 복녀살인사건을 분석했을 때 생기는 여러 가지 불확실성과 불확정성을 없앨 수 있다는 뜻이다. 한편 미완의 텍스트는 창의적 독서의 주체인 독자가 완성한다. 이 과정에서 독자의 상상력이 작동하는데 이 역시 정신사건이다. 가령 ‘복녀는 왕서방에게 낫을 빼앗겼다.’로 묘사된 소설의 물리사건은 독자에게 ‘‘복녀는 왕서방에게 낫을 빼앗겼다.’고 믿는다.’로 바뀌면서 정신사건이 된다. 또한 ‘복녀는 왕서방의 낫에 찔려 죽었다.’와 같은 텍스트의 물리사건은 독자에게 ‘‘복녀는 왕서방의 낫에 찔려 죽었다.’고 믿는다.’로 바뀌면서 정신사건이 된다. 이 두 문장의 속성예화(exemplification)에서 보듯이 독자가 ‘믿는’ 독서행위 역시 일종의 정신사건이다. 이처럼 타르스키에 근거하여 대상언어(object language)와 메타언어(metalanguage)의 층위를 나눔으로써 김동인 특유의 생략과 비약이 낳은 텍스트를 완결된 이야기로 읽을 수 있다. 이처럼 소설텍스트에서도 정신사건이 존재하고 독자의 창의적 독서과정에서도 정신사건이 작용하며 작가의 창작과정에서도 정신사건이 작동한다. 물리사건과 정신사건의 이론적용은 <감자> 이외의 다른 작품에도 적용될 수 있다. This essay is to analyze kernel event of Gamza by mental event and physical event. Kernel event of Gamza is the death of Bokyne who was born with noble disposition but changed to bulger disposition according to the environment under the colony of Japanese Imperialism. In Gamza, death of Boknye has not described clearly. Climax of Gamza deviates on kernel event as in “Mr. Wang. Let you problem!” Boknye decides not to make a problem. It is anomalous causation. Actually, kernel event finished with a result of Boknye’s death. On the other hand, Boknye’s hatred[cause] - Boknye’s death[effect] is not matched. Moreover, mental event as a cause and physical event as an effect are not match well. Nobody doubt story line due to its natural story stream and organized possibility of cause and effect. We can classify as twofold; ‘①Bokyne desires to kill Mr. Wang.’, ‘②Bokyne killed Mr. Wang.’ In these structure, ①Bokyne desires to kill Mr. Wang.’ is mental event which could be or could not be happened in real world, ‘② Bokyne killed Mr. Wang.’ is physical event which could be happened in real world. The difference may be decided by synthetic predicate as;‘desires to kill’ and ‘killed.’ This synthetic difference results in the semantic difference. In event theory, mental event occurs in the human mind. Feature of mental event is not exist in real world and don’t have spatiotemporal location. Mental event in the possible world is event as well as in the actual world. Main theories of this essay based on the event theory by Jaegwon KIM and Donald Davidson. Death of Boknye consists of object[x], property[P] and time[t] as set [x, P, t]. It is twofold events; mental event and physical event. Unlike physical event, mental events are belief, purpose, perception, remember, decision, hope, recognition, thinking, feeling, awakening etc. Mental event must be read with relation to plot, causation and probability. If reader read with physical event, reader can’t get rid of uncertainty of story line. Mental event might be a good way to analyse Korean Modern short story. Mental event in Gamza is a fiction consisting of object(x), property(P), time(t) as well as in actual event. In this reason, mental event in short story is not only imagination, but necessary apparatus for plot, probability and story line. Within this theory, reader should read mental event with plot and story line. If reader read story with only physical event of Boknye’s death, reader can’t read chain of causation. There is uncertainty and unpredictability of who must be accused the killing. Reader, the subject of reading, may accomplish the text’s empty part written by writer. In the reading, reader’s imagination will work properly. As Tarski said, we can exemplify one event as object language and metalanguage. Metalanguage is language about original sentence as an event as follow; ‘Boknye was robbed of sickle by Wang’ could be rephrased as ‘Reader believes that ‘Boknye was robbed of sickle by Wang’’ It is property exemplification said by Jaegwon KIM. If we differentiate object language and metalanguage by Tarski Skema, we can read story completely. Imagination is mental event. As we see, mental event in short story is very important reading by reader, and mental event work in creative writing by writer.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병에 대한 리스페리돈의 효과 및 안정성

        이민수,김용구,김영훈,연병길,오병훈,윤도준,윤진상,이철,정희연,강병조,김광수,김동언,김명정,김상훈,김희철,나철,노승호,민경준,박기창,박두병,백기청,백인호,손봉기,손진욱,양병환,양창국,우행원,이정호,이종범,이홍식,임기영,전태연,정영조,정영철,정인과,정인원,지익성,채정호,한상익,한선호,한진희,서광윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.1

        연구목적 : 본 시험의 목적은 임상시험 시작전에 연구자들을 대상으로 PANSS Workshop을 통하여 PANSS, ESRS에 대한 국내에서의 표준화 작업을 구축하고 새로운 정신병 치료제인 리스페리돈의 효과와 안정성을 재확인하여 리스페리돈 사용에 대한 적정화를 이루는데 있다. 연구방법 : 1996년 4월부터 1996년 9월까지 국내 39개 대학병원 정신과에 입원중인 혹은 증상이 악화되어 입원하는 정신분열병 환자 377명을 대상으로 다시설 개방 연구를 시행하였다. 1주일간의 약물 배설기간을 가진후, 리스페리돈을 8주간 투여하였고, 기준점, 1주, 2주, 4주, 그리고 8주후에 평가되었다. 용량은 제1일에는 리스페리돈 1mg씩 1일 2회, 제2일에는 2mg씩 1일 2회, 제3∼7일에는 3mg씩 1일 2회 투여하였다. 이후 환자의 임상상태에 따라 임의로 증량할 수 있으며, 최대 일일 16mg을 초과하지 않도록 하였다. 추체외로 증상을 조절하기 위한 투약을 허용하였다. 임상증상 및 부작용의 평가는 PANSS(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), CGI(Clinical Global Impression) 그리고 ESRS(Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale)을 사용하였다. 연구결과 : 377명중 343명(91%)이 8주간의 연구를 완결하였다. 치료 종결시점인 8주후 PANSS 총점수가 20% 이상 호전된 경우를 약물 반응군으로 정의할때, 약물반응군은 81.3%였다. 리스페리돈에 반응하는 예측인자로는 발병연령, 이전의 입원 횟수, 유병기간이 관련 있었다. 리스페리돈은 1주후부터 PANSS양성, 음성, 및 일반정신병리 점수상에 유의한 호전을 보여 효과가 빨랐다. CGI의 경우도 기준점에 비해 1주후부터 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. ESRS의 경우, 파킨슨 평가점수는 기준점과 비교해 투여 1주, 2주, 4주후 유의하게 증가되었다가 8주후 기준점과 차이가 없었다. Dystonia 평가점수는 1주후만 유의한 증가를 보였으며, dyskinesia 평가점수는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 혈압, 맥박수의 생명징후 및 일반 혈액학 검사, 생화학적 검사, 심전도 검사에서 유의한 변화는 없었다. 결 론 : 이상의 다시설 개방 임상 연구를 통해 리스페리돈은 정신분열병 환자에서 양성증상뿐만 아니라 음성증상 및 전반적인 증상에도 효과적인 것으로 사료된다. 보다 명확한 평가를 위해서는 다른 항정신병약물과의 이중맹검 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 또한 장기적 치료에 대한 평가도 함께 이루어져야 하겠다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of risperidone in the treatment of Korean schizophrenic patients. Method : This multicenter open study included 377 schizophrenic patients drawn from 39 university hospitals. After a wash-out period of 1 week, the schizophrenic patients were treated with risperidone for 8 weeks and evaluated at 5 points ; at baseline, and 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. The dose was increased from 2mg/day(1mg twice daily) to 6mg/day(3mg twice daily) during the first week and adjusted to a maximum of 16mg/day over the next 7 weeks according to the patient's clinical response. Medication to control extrapyramidal symptoms was permitted. The psychiatric and neurological status of the patients was assessed by PANSS, CGI, and ESRS scales. Results : 343(91%) of 377 patients completed the 8-week trial period. Clinical improvement, as defined by a 20% or more reduction in total PANSS score at end point, was shown by 81.3% of patients. The predictors of response to risperidone were associated older age, shorter duration of illness, fewer previous hospitalization. Risperidone had rapid onset of action ; a significant decrease of the total PANSS and three PANSS factor(positive, negative, general), and CGI was already noticed at the end of first week. For the ESRS, parkinsonism rating scores were significantly increased until week 4 comparing with baseline. Dystonia rating scores were significantly increased until week 1, and dyskinesia rating scores were not significantly changed during the study. Laboratory parameters including vital sign, EKG, hematological, and biochemical values showed no significant changes during the trial. Conclusions : This study suggests that risperidone is generally safe and effective against both the positive and negative symptoms in our group of patients.

      • 거제도(경상남도, 거제시)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),지성현(Sung Hyun Ji) 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.2

        2017년 7월 4일부터 6일까지 경상남도 거제시 거제도 일대를 김주필, 김대희, 지승환, 지성현, 최라미, 이영경 등 한국거미연구소 회원들이 주야로 채집한 결과, 총 23과 56속 75종이 조사 연구되어 이에 발표하는 바이다. 채집한 표본은 주필거미박물관에 보관하였다. From July 4 to 6 in 2017. Joo-Pil Kim, Dae-Hee Kim, Seung-Hwan Ji, Sung-Hyun Ji, Ra-Mi Choi, Yeong-Gyeong Lee, the members of The Arachnological Institute of Korea investigated the spiders in the whole area of Geoje city, Geoje-do, Gyeongsangnam-do and report 23 Family 56 Genus 75 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • Gelation에 의한 방사성 폐기물의 안정화/고형화 : Ca 및 Zr 첨가에 따른 이성분계의 열적 및 수화학적 안정성 Thermal/Hydrochemical Stability of a Binary System with Ca or Zr as an additive

        김인태,박환서,유승곤,김환영,김준형 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        In the previous study, we suggested a new concept, named as GRSS(Gel-Route Stabilization/Solidification) and investigated a material system applicable to volatile radioactive waste, a reaction condition and chemical limitations. From these results, this paper investigated the effect of some additives, which have been considered as the major component of ceramic waste forms(apatite and sodium zirconium phosphate), on the thermal stability and chemical durability. The Si-P system with Ca at appropriate composition shows good thermal stability but low chemical durability while the Si-P system with Zr shows relatively low thermal stability but relatively high chemical durability.

      • 비만증 환자에서 한약제에 의한 체중 감소효과

        Oh, Seung-Joon,Jeong, In-Kyung,Kim, Young-Seol,Choi, Young-Kil,Paeng, Jeong-Ryung,Bae, Jung-Hwan,Shin, Hyun-Dae 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Seung-Joon Oh, In-Kyung Jeong, Young-Seol Kim, Young-Kil Choi, Jeong-Ryung Paeng¹, Jung-Hwan Bae and Hyun-Dae Shin²Department of internal Medicine, College Medicine, Endocrine Research Institute¹. Department of Rehabilitation, College of Oriental Medicine², Seoul, korea. Bady Fat Reduction Effects of Red Ginseng Compound Preparation on the Patients with Obesity. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 244-254, 1999.-Obesity can be defined as a metabolic disease due to an increased state of fat tissues caused by an imbalance of calorie intake and use. Recently, in Korea by improvement and westernization of food intake, along with decrease in exercise activities, the prevalence of obesity has increased greatly. Our objectives were to study stability and effects of decrease in body fat by administering red ginseng compound preparation (known to have body fat decreasing effects in laboratory animals) to obesity patients on low calorie diets. Changes in weight and body fat were measured while carrying out calorie-restricted diets on patients for 4 weeks, then administering red ginseng compound preparation for another 4 weeks. The patients were 20 people whose BMI were 25kg/㎡ or over and whose percent body fat was also 30% or over when tested by bioelectrical conductivity. 1. Changes in weight were from 70.04kg(base line) to 67.43kg(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 2. In similar sense, BMI decreased from 27.12kg/㎡(base line) to 26.56kg/㎡(after dieting), and further to 26.01kg/㎡ (after taking red ginseng compound preparation). The BMI seemed to decrease significantly compared to the baseline after the use of red ginseng compound. 3. Waist hip ratio was changed from 0.8858(base line) to 0.8728, but it was statistically insignificant. 4. The percent body fat was 35,16%(base line), 33.87%(after dieting), and 31.68%(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 5. Complete blood cell count and blood chemisrty remained unaffected by the administration. 6. In concern to endocrinologic studies, T3 decreased from 118.7 to 98.2ng/dL, and T4 increased from 8.8 to 9.2㎕/ dL. Epinephrine showed a tendency to decreased from 0.27 to 0.25 ng/mL, and norepinephrine increased from 0.39 to 0.44ng/mL. 7. Leptin was not changed. 8. Some patients complained adverse effects; constipation(5 patients, may be due to diet therapy), fatigue (2 patients), pruritus(2 patients), flushing(s patients), dizziness(3 patients) and epigastric discomfort(2 patients). However their symptoms were mild, so medication did not stopped. In conclusion, loss of weight without significant side effects was observed during low calorie diet and red ginseng compound preparation administration. This is thought to be in relation to sympathetic nerve system rather than adrenal gland. Also, further long0term studies should be required, since the observed results were based on short-term changes in weight.

      • 겔화 반응 및 열처리한 금속염화물의 결정 및 구조특성

        김인태,박환서,유승곤,김환영,김준형 한국공업화학회 2003 응용화학 Vol.7 No.2

        A new concept for the stabilization and solidification of volatile radioactive wastes via gelation in a simple material system is introduced in this paper. Using sodium silicate as a reaction module and phosphoric acid as a catalyst or stabilization agent. CsCl is chemically converted to thermally stable compounds. The heat-treated product at 1000℃ contained a cristobalite crystalline framework and a glassy phosphorus-rich phase with a high Cs content. The morphology looked like honey flowing on the honeycomb. From TG/DT analysis, Cs could not be vaporized below 1300℃ by changing the aging conditions and molar ratio of Si/p. As a new concept, GRSS(gel-route stabilization and solidification) could give us the chance to make the high temperature waste conditioning process more stable and economical.

      • Rifampicin에 의한 것으로 추정되는 위막성 대장염1예

        김수현,이은우,정종혁,문승현,김동한,양혁승,오영상,김호동,김도현,박혁,박정환,박경옥,이영직 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.2

        Pseudomembranous colitis, caused by altering the normal colonic flora and allowing the multiplication of Clostridium difficile, is an deleterious adverse effect of antibiotics. But it is rarely reported by rifampicin. Rifampicin is one of the first line drug in the treatment of tuberculosis and many patients are exposed to its potential adverse effects. We experienced a patient that had abdominal discomfort and hematochezia due to pseudomembranous colitis after receiving antituberculous medication, and which was probably caused by rifampicin. A 82 years old man was admitted with abdominal discomfort and hematochezia for one week. On the past history he had been diagnosed as endobronchial tuberculosis about 4 months ago. Colonoscopy revealed multiple discrete whitish mucosal lesion on rectosigmoid colon, and histologic findings were consistent with pseudomembranous colitis. The antituberculous agents were discontinued and vancomycin was administered. The patient's symptoms were resolved within several days. There was no recurrence after reinstitution of the antituberculous agents excluding rifampicin. We report here on a case of pseudomembranous colitis probably due to rifampicin.

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