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유준,양용태 대한미생물학회 1972 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.7 No.1
To grow Myocbacterium leprae in cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages, studies were made with trypsin-purified Myco, leprae on 1) the dynamics of infection of mouse peritonal macrophages in vivo with Myco. Leprae by intraperitoneal inoculation, 2) growth experiment of Myco. Leprae in cultured rnouse Peritoneal macrophages by in vivo infection and in vitro caltivation and 3) the observation of pathological changes in spleens of mice induced by intraperitoneal inoculation of Myco. Leprae. Results are summarized as follows; 1. Continuing and significant decreases were observed in the numbers of both acid-fast bacilli in cultured macrophages and of macrophages harboring acid-fast bacilli by the length of intervals between the time of intraperitoneal inoculatioa of Myco. Leprae and the time of initiation of macrophage culture. 2. No evidence of multiplication of Myco leprae in the peritoneal macrophages in vivo was found, up to 5 months after intraperitoneal inocuIation. 3. With cultures of macrophages made 24 hours and 1 week after intraperitoneal inoculation of Myco. Leprae and maintained in vitro up to 2 to 3 months, microscopic examination of the stained preparations of cultured macrophages indicated that an apparent increase in the nurnber of acid-fast bacilli in the macrophages did occur. 4. Quantitative experiment with in vivo infected in vitro cultured macrophages revealed certain fetures of increase in the number of total acid-fast bacilli in the cultured macrophages 7 and 9 weeks after initiation of the cultures. 5. Pathological changes in the spleens mice inoculated with Myco. Leprae were of mainly degenerative nature in thd red pulp. No multiplicition of Myco. Ieprae was observed in the spleens of mice up to 5 months after intraperitoneal inoculation.
니세틸 정(아세틸 - 엘 - 카르니틴 500mg)에 대한 뉴로세틸 정의 생물학적 동등성
조혜영,오인준,이용복,임동구,문재동,심영순,김은아,정현철 한국약제학회 2001 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.31 No.1
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC), an endogenous component of the L-carnitine family, is naturally occurring molecule synthesized from L-carnitine (LC) by carnitine acetyl transferase. ALC has been shown to improve the cognitive performance of patients suffering from dementia of the Alzheimer's type and proposed for treating Alzheimer's disease in pharmacological doses. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two ALC tablets, Nicetile^(TM) (Dong-A pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and Neurocetil^(TM) (Kyung-Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration. Twenty six normal male volunteers, 22.80±2.76 year in age and 63.07±7.98 ㎏ in body weight, were divided into two groups and a randomized 2 × 2 cross-over study was employed. After one tablet containing 500 ㎎ of ALC was orally administered, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentrations of ALC in serum were determined using HPLC with fluorescence detector. Because of the presence of endogenous ALC, the calibration was performed using dialyzed serum. Pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUC_t, C_(max) and T_(max) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of the parameters. The results showed that the differences in AUC_t, C_(max) and T_(max) between two tablets were 2.72%, -0.65% and -8.42%, respectively, when calculated against the Nicetile^(TM) tablet. The powers (1-β) for AUC_t and C_(max) were 94.87% and 87.17%, respectively. Minimum detectable differences (△) at α=0.05 and 1-β=0.8 were less than 20% (e.g., 15.58% and 19.16% AUC_t and C_(max), respectively). The 90% confidence intervals were within ±20% (e.g., -11.84∼6.41 and -10.57∼11.88 for AUC_t and C_(max), respectively). Two parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that Neurocetil^(TM) tablet is bioequivalent to Nicetile^(TM) tablet.
하기도 감염증 환자의 치료에 있어서 Ceftibuten과 Cefaclor의 유효성 및 안전성 비교평가를 위한 임상시험
이홍렬,김세규,장준,김성규,이원영 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.2
Ceftibuten은 β-acyl side chain에 carboxye-thylidine moiety를 가진 aminothiazolyl cephalosporin으로, 전형적인 plasmid β-lactamase 및 새로운 TEM 효소에 대하여 구조적이 안정성과 경구 복용시의 흡수 정도가 향상되었다. 다른 3 세대 경구용 cephalosporin과 마찬가지로 항균력이 비경구용 cephalosporin와 비슷하고 약력학적으로는 더 우수하기 때문에 외래 환자들의 하부 호흡기계 감염에 비경구용 약제의 차선책으로 사용이 가능하다. 본 연구에서 병원외에서 발생한 하부 호흡기계 감염을 대상으로 ecftibuten과 cefaclor를 투여한 결과 임상 양상은 모두 치료후에 호전되었다. 임상적으로 유효한 cure와 improvement의 예는 ceftibuten군에서 89.7%, cefaclor군은 87.5%씩 이었고 양군간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 세균학적으로 ceftibuten 군에서 elimination이 더 많았으나 역시 양군간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. Ceftibuten군중 3.0%, cefaclor군은 7.4%에서 부작용이 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로써 ceftibuten은 병원외에서 발생한 하부 호흡기계 감염에 대하여 외래에서 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 항생제라고 생각된다. Ceftibuten is the aminothiazolyl cephalosporin, which contains a carboxyethylidine moiety at position 7 of the β-acyl side chain. The provides β-lactamase stability against both the classic plasmid β-lactamases, and also the new TEM enzymes, and excellent absorption by the oral route. Because, similarly to other oral third-generation cephalosporins, ceftibuten has the expanded antimicrobial spectrum like parenteral third-generation cephalosporins and better pharmacokinetic properties, it may be a good alternative against lower respiratory tract infection, mainly in the outpatient setting. In this study, we examined the efficacy and safety of ceftibuten in the patients with the community-acquired lower respiratory tract infection. We administrated ceftibuten or cefaclor in randomized comparative manner. Clinical manifestations were improved in both groups and overall effective rates were 89.7% in ceftibuten group and 87.5% in ceftclor group with no significant difference. Most isolated pathogens were eliminated by ceftibution such as Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and so on, even though cases were not sufficient. There was no serious adverse effect by ceftibuten. Conclusively, ceftibuten was thought to be an effective oral antobiotic against community-acquired lower respiratory tract infection in the outpatient setting.
대장 선종과 Apolipoprotein E 유전형과의 관계
김영호,최윤호,손희정,강태욱,최규완,최봉준,이종철,박상종,이지민,배문희,김재준,이풍렬 대한소화기내시경학회 2001 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.23 No.1
Background/Aims: Apolipoprotein B polymorphism plays an important role in the metabolism of cholesterol. And bile acids, which may be related to the development of colorectal adenomas, An association between apolipoprotein B genotype and colonic adenomas bas been reparted in a western country. This study was designed to determine whether the apolipopratein S was genotype would be associated with proximal or distal colonic adenomas in Koreans. Methods: On the colonoscopy, colonic adenomas were found in 132 patients. Proxima1 colonic adenoma was found in 35 patients and distal colonic adenoma was found in 97 patients. Serum leveis of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and trlglyceride were measured. Apolipoprotein E genotype was determined by PCR and allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization. 279 contro1 subjects without an adenoma on the screening sigmoidoscopy were se1ecfed randomly. Results: The serum levels of total choles0'rol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride did not significantiy differ between each adenoma group and control group. The individual frequencies of ε2, ε3 and ε4 alleles in patients with colonic adenomas did not differ from those in control subjects. The frequency of either heterozygote or homozygote for g 4 allele in patients with proximal adenoma was lower than that in control subjects (0.029 vs O.I68, p $lt; 0.05). Conclnsions: The data suggest that g 4 allele may be associated with a lower risk for the development of proximal colonic adenoma in Korean men.
김문준 ( Kim Moon Joon ) 한국철학사연구회 2018 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.58
한국 서원의 교육 내용과 방식은 주자가 제시한 교육 내용 및 방식과 대부분 유사하지만, 학파에 따라 다소 다른 방식으로 운영되었다. 돈암서원의 초기 원장으로 재임한 이들은 모두 김장생의 문인이었던 김집·송준길·송시열 등이다. 돈암서원은 같은 노론계 서원이었던 화양서원·석실서원이 기호 지역의 중심 서원으로 성장하면서 서원의 위상과 강학 활동도 약화되었을 것이라고 추정된다. 돈암서원 설립 초기의 학규는 전하지 않는다. 돈암서원의 운영 방식은 돈암서원 운영 전반에 관하여 17세기 후반 원장으로 재임하던 송준길에게 문의한 윤증의 서신을 통해 짐작할 수 있다. 이 서신을 통해 볼 때, 돈암서원의 학규는 이이의 <은병정사학규>와 유사하였다고 추정된다. 18세기 이후 돈암서원의 역대 원장은 노론의 낙론계 학자들로서 권상하 계열보다 김창협 계열의 원장이 많았다. 돈암서원 원장은 화양서원, 석실서원의 원장이 겸임하거나 전후로 재임했을 가능성이 많다. 돈암서원에서 행한 강학 활동은 서원 설립 초기에는 김장생-송시열의 교학체계에 따라 소학→가례→심경→근사록 등 성리서를 우선하고 다음에 사서·오경을 가르쳤다. 점차 노론계 낙론 서원인 석실서원 출신의 학자들이 원장으로 부임하면서 소학→사서→오경을 먼저 가르치고 다음에 성리서를 가르치는 이이의 교학체계를 시행하였으리라 추정된다. 이러한 강학 순서는 김창협 계열의 학자들이 설립하고 운영했던 석실서원의 강학 내용과 순서이다. 돈암서원의 입학 자격은 신분은 중시하지 않았으며, 학문과 인품을 중시했다. 서원에서 과거 공부는 허용되지 않았다. 원생들은 서원에서 거재(居齋)하면서 강학에 참여하는 것이 원칙이었으나, 점차 서원의 재정이나 운영이 어려워지면서 자기 집에 거가(居家)하면서 삭망에 행하는 강회에 참여하는 형태로 변화되었다. The contents and method of education of all Korean scholars are similar to the contents and method of education provided by Zhu Xi(朱熹), but they operated in a somewhat different way according to schools. Those who served as the first directors of Donam Seowon were Kim Gip(金集, 1574~1656), Song Joon-gil(宋浚吉, 1606~1672) and Song Si-yeol(宋時烈, 1607~1689), who were the writers of Kim Jang-saeng(金長生, 1548∼1631). Donam Seowon is supposed to have weakened the status of scholarship and the activities of lectures as HwaYang Seowon and Seoksil Seowon, which principals were all the Noron(老論) scholars, grew to be the center of education institution of the Noron. Donam Seowon have not preserved the school regulations. But the way of operating system of Donam Seowon can be guessed through the letter of Song Joon-gil, who was the headmaster of the late 17th century on the whole operation of Donam Seowon. From this letter, it is assumed that the school of Donam Seowon is similar to the ‘Unbyoung-Jungsa regulations’ written by Lee Yi(李珥). The headmasters of Donam Seowon was the Noron scholars. And scholars of the Kim Chang-hyeop(金昌協, 1651~1708) school became headmasters more than the scholars of Kwon Sang-ha(權尙夏, 1641~1721) school. Headmasters of the Donam Seowon had served as the headmasters of HwaYang Seowon and Seoksil Seowon also. In the early days of the establishment of the Donam Seowon, the lecture activities conducted in Donam Seowon were preceded by the textbooks of Kim Jang-saeng/Song Si-yeol's teaching curriculum and neo-confucian books[i.e Sohak(小學)→Family Ritual(家禮)→Simkyong(心經)→Keunsarok(近思錄). It is assumed that the scholars of Seoksil Seowon, who was a Noron Nak-ron(洛論) scholars, gradually adopted Lee Yi's teaching curriculum[i.e, Sohak(小學)→Sasoe(四書)→Okyoung(五經)]. This lecture contents and procedure was contents and procedure of the Seoksil Seowon, established and operated by the scholars of the Kim Chang-hyeop school. Entrance qualification of Donam Seowon's did not place importance on the social status, but on scholarship and personality. The examination for a high-ranking government official was not allowed. Although the principle, students had to participate in the lecture and study(講學), they were living in Seowon, while the financial and operating of the Seowon became increasingly difficult, the students were changed to participate in the conference(講會) held twice a month while studying at their homes.
Joon‑Young Heo,Min‑Seok Baek,Kwang‑Jun Euh,Kee‑Ahn Lee 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.5
This study investigated the microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties of Al–5 wt.%Mg alloy manufactured by twin rollstrip casting. Strips cast as a fabricated (F) specimen and a specimen heat treated (O) at 400 °C/5 h were produced andcompared. In the F specimen, microstructural observation discovered clustered precipitates in the center area, while in theO specimen precipitates were relatively more evenly distributed. Al, Al 6 (Mn, Fe), Mg 2 Al 3 and Mg 2 Si phases were observed. However, most of the Mg 2 Al 3 phase in the heat-treated O specimen was dissolved. A room temperature tensile test measuredyield strength of 177.7 MPa, ultimate tensile strength of 286.1 MPa and elongation of 11.1% in the F specimen and167.7 MPa (YS), 301.5 MPa (UTS) and 24.6% (EL) in the O specimen. A high cycle fatigue test measured a fatigue limit of145 MPa in the F specimen and 165 MPa in the O specimen, and the O specimen achieved greater fatigue properties in allfatigue stress conditions. The tensile and fatigue fracture surfaces of the above-mentioned specimens were observed, and thisstudy attempted to investigate the tensile and fatigue deformation behavior of strip cast Al–5 wt.%Mg based on the fi ndings.
채수준(Chae, Soo-Joon),이아영(Lee, A-Young) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.4
[연구목적] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도가 공시품질에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지 분석하고자 하였다. 소유지배괴리도는 공정거래위원회가 ‘대규모기업집단 정보공개시스템’을 통해 제공하고 있는 지배주주의 소유권 및 지배권을 사용하여 측정하였으며, 공시품질로는 경영진단의견서(MD&A)를 고려하였다. [연구방법] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도가 경영진단의견서 공시품질에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위해서 2010년부터 2013년까지 유가증권시장에 상장된 1,483 기업-연도 표본을 대상으로 선형회귀분석을 실행하였다. [연구결과] 소유지배괴리도와 MD&A 공시품질 간에는 유의한 양(+)의 관련성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 소유지배괴리도가 큰 기업일수록 MD&A 공시사항을 충실히 기재하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이는 상반된 두개의 해석을 가능하게 한다. 높은 소유지배괴리도로 인한 지배주주의 사익추구 가능성을 은폐하기 위한 수단으로 공시를 적극적으로 활용할 수 있다는 측면과 높은 소유지배괴리도로 인한 기업지배구조에 대한 부정적인 기업이미지를 해소하고 시장과 원활하게 소통하기 위해 공시를 활용할 수 있다는 해석이 가능하다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구는 소유지배괴리도와 같은 기업의 소유구조가 기업의 공시품질에 영향을 미치는 요소임을 규명한다는 점에서 공헌도가 있다. 본 연구의 실증결과는 괴리도가 큰 기업일수록 MD&A와 같은 재량적 공시를 적극적으로 수행함으로써 소유구조에 따른 대리인 비용 및 정보비대칭을 완화하고자 하고 있음을 보여준다. 아울러, 대규모 기업집단 지정과 같은 규제제도가 기업들에게 스스로를 관리하게 하는 유인이 될 수 있음을 시사한다. [Purpose] The purpose of this study is to analyze how control-ownership wedge affects disclosure quality. We consider Management Discussion and Analysis(MD&A) as a proxy for disclosure quality [Methodology] This study conducted a linear regression analysis for 1,483 firm-year samples listed on the KOSPI market from the period between 2010 to 2013 to verify the effect of the ownership and control wedge on MD&A. [Findings] This paper showed that there is a significant positive (+) relationship between control-ownership wedge and MD&A disclosure quality. The results of this study verified that firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge faithfully described MD&A disclosure items. These results can be explained in two opposite directions. One explanation is that managers of firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge can actively use the MD&A disclosure as a mean to conceal the pursuit of the interests of the controlling shareholders. The other explanation is that the MD&A disclosure can be used to solve the negative corporate image of the corporate governance structure due to a high degree of control-ownership wedge and to communicate smoothly with the capital market. [Implications] This study has a contribution that the company’s ownership structure, such as the control-ownership wedge, is a factor influencing the disclosure quality of the company. The empirical results of this study show that firms with a greater degree of control-ownership wedge actively disclose the discretionary disclosure such as MD&A to alleviate agency cost and information asymmetries according to the ownership structure.
Brain, Language and Consciousness : Coming of Hieroglyphic age
Song, Joon-Mahn 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2001 East west education Vol.18 No.-
The brain study revealed there are two types of mental mechanisms, the left and right hemispheric consciousness. Recent research showed the cultural selection of brain organization through language use, namely the right hemisphere processing of the visuo-spatial informations and the left, the linguistic informations. And the two distinct conscniousnesses spring from the hemispheric sides. The visuo-spatial character of Eastern language, the hieroglyphic(象形) Chinese, hinges upon the right hemispheric consciousness. The current computerized visual media demand a new coherent theory of the present culture. The hieroglyphic Chinese, still alive and well, being used more than 4,000 years, could shed some light as an alternative to the metaphysical one as Derrida declares. 象形時代到來.