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      • 사무직 근로자들의 몇 가지 일반 질환의 유병율

        박정일,조영선 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1983 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.22 No.3

        Newly established and promulgated Occupational Safety and Health Act has ruled out the mandatory physical examinations of the employees of certain industries such as Financing and Insurance. So, more active and autonomous health management on workers of those industries are demanded. In order to obtain some data on health management of the workers, we investigated prevalence rates of several main general diseases such as hypertension, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of urinary system and anemia among 15,700 ,Korean white collar workers who were working in Financing and Insrance and periodic general health examination has been carried out over a period of 1 year, from January to December 1982, at Catholic Industrial Accident Hospital, Catholic Medical College. The results were as Follows; 1. Prevalence rates of hypertension(criterion:160/95mmHg) were 7.11% in male and 0.98% in female and were markedly increasing with age. And prevalence rates of boderline hypertension(criterion:140-159/90-94mmHg) were 21.37% in male and 5.63% in female. 2. Prevalence rate of radiological chest abnormalities according to the result of 70mm photoflurography was4.67% 5.48% in male and 3.0% in female). And prevalence rate of radiologically active pulmonary tuberculosis confirmed by standard chest P-A roentgenography was 1.14%(1.11% in male and 1.21% in female). 3. Urine sugar positive in screening test occurred among 3.41% of males and 0.79% of females And prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus confirmed by fasting blood sugar level were 0.77% in male and 0.06% in female and were increasing with age. 4. Urine protein positive in screening test occurred among 3.06% of males and 5.56% of females. And prevalence rate of diseases of urinary system confirmed by urinalysis were 0.73% in male and 1.11% in female. 5. 0.75% of males showed below 34% value of hematocrit and 1.72% of females showed below 31% value of hematocrit. And prevalence rates of anemia confirmed by complete blood count were 0.14% in male and 0.91% in female. 6. The mean value of hematocrit of males was 43.5% with 3.54 S.D: that of females was 38.2% with 3.15 S.D. The 95 percent confidence interval of males ranged from 36.4% to 50.6%: that of females ranged from 31.9% to 44.5% It is recommended that the values of hematocrit as a screening criterion of anemia in Korean white collar workers are to be arranged below 37% in male and 32% in female.

      • 內臟轉錯症隨伴 左心症 : 合倂 大血管轉錯症에 對한 手術 1例 Levocardia with Situs Inversus Viscerum:A complicated combination of anomalies

        李寧均,朴鍾善,崔秉茂,金升煥,洪彰義,姜錫麟 中央醫學社 1963 中央醫學 Vol.5 No.5

        A six years old Korean girl was admitted in February 1963, with cyanotic congenital heart disease. By auscultation grade I -Ⅱ systolic murmur was audible along the left sternal border without thrill. Remarkable laboratory findings were high degree of and hematuria, polycythemia, albuminuria, and right sided hemiparesis. Transposition of the abdominal viscera with levocardia was found on routine X-ray study ECG showed right axis deviation and inverted P-wave in lead I . The right heart catheterization and angiocardiography with Shonander serial X-ray machine showed the right-sided (venous)atrium receiving the right and left superior vena cava separately, complete transposition of the great vessels, shunt at the ventricular level, and pulmonary stenosis. The inferior vena cava coursed along the left border of the spinal column and drained into the venous atrium, which is in the left hemithorax. The aortic arch was left-sided and bifurcated right ureter was visualized. Glenn' s procedure was done to increase the pulmonary blood flow in March 1963. Postoperative course was benign and uneventful. The follow-up study of the case, five month postively, revealed satisfactory results; increased exercise tolerance, marked relief from dyspnea on exertion, abolished cyanosis on rest, incresed arterial oxygen saturation (from 48% to 70%), normalization of hemogram, and increased pulmonary vascularity on the right lung field. The final anatomical findings of this unusually complicated cardiac anomaly were: (1) Levocardia with situs inversus viscerum, chamber inversion, and inverted P-wave in Lead I on ECG. (2) Transposition of the great vessels with pulmonary stenosis. (3) Intra-cardiac shunt or Shunts: i. Undetermined intracardiac shunt, Vntricular septal defect or single vent -ricle or atrioventricularis communis ? ii. Confirmed atrial septal defect. (4) Double superior vena cavae: left superior vena cava drained into the right atrial cavity (right atrium proper or coronary sinus?). Inferior vena cava on the left side. (By course of the cardiac catheter) Left aortic arch and left descending aorta. Bifurcated right ureter. Asplenia :presence not determined. Three lobes of the right lung confirmed by operation but numbr of lobes on the left lung undetermined. This report is believed to be the first operative palliation case of complete trans-position of the great vessels with pulmonary stenosis in a Korean literature.

      • 心臟血管 外科 手術 100例 報告

        李寧均,元官喜,朴鍾善,鄭埈 中央醫學社 1963 中央醫學 Vol.5 No.3

        Fifty cases of congenital cardiac malformation and fifty cases of acquired heart disease and injuries of cardio-vascular system were treated Surgically in this department. Main lesions of congenital origin were twenty-two cases of tetralogy of FalIot and 16 cases of patent ductus arteriosus. Mair lesions of acquired type were five cases of cardiac trauma, nine cases of aortic and major arterial injury, and thirteen cases of mitraI stenosis, Three cases of typical pulseless disease with eye-ground findings and four cases of Mitral insufficiency. In twelve cases general hypothermia were utilized. Oul of seventeen open heart Surgery cases with Bubble type oxygenator four Mitral insnfficiency and one Atrial septal defect cases surrvied but all six teralogy cases expired, . In two cases hypothermic hemodilution peousfusion with double helix resesvoir oxygenator were` utilized with one surviirval. In congenital cyanotic malformation group Glenn proceadures were performed in nineteen cases,. inducing fifteen cases of tralalogy of Fallot. In mitral insufficiency open mitral valvuloplasty was done with ivalon baffle attachment to the mural cusp in two cases.

      • KCI등재

        국내 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) 감염자와 정상인의 면역학적 표지인자 비교연구

        신영오,류재천,최병선,박용근 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCINE 1995 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.1 No.1

        HIV감염자는 질병의 진전에 무관하게 감염 후의 경과시기에 따라서 CD4 T림프세포등 각종 면역상태를 나타내는 표지가 변한다. 따라서 HIV감염자의 질병진전을 예보하기 위하여서는 정기적으로 CD4등 각종표지를 측정하여 감염자의 질병상태를 monitoring하게 된다. 그러나 이러한 수치를 감염자관리에 적용하기 위하여서는 우리나라 일반인의 정상치를 파악하여 이를 지표로 해야하므로 국내정상인의 각종면역치에 대한 조사가 요구된다. 현재의 기준으로는 500이하로 떨어질 때에는 예방차원에서 AZT를 복용하게 되며 200이하로 떨어지면 질병의 유무에 관계없이 환자로 관리하게 된다. 본연구에서는 한국인 185명의 감염자와 140명의 비감염자에 대하여 정기적으로 CD4 및 CD8T 림프세포와 CD4/CD8비를 측정하였다. 시험은 Flow cytometer(Facstar)를 이용하여 각각의 CD 분자에 대한 모노크로날 항체를 이용하여 2중혈광색소염색방법으로 측정하였다. HIV감염자의 CD4-T림프세로 절대수 및 백분율은 각각 462 및 18.2%이었는 반면, CD8의 수치는 1,170 및 47.0%이었다. 또한 CD4/CD8비는 0.43이었다. 이와는 대조적으로 비감염자의 경우, 한국인의 CD4의 평균세포수는 886, 백분율은 32.9%이었으며, CD8 세포수는 730, 백분율은 26.8 그리고 CD4/CD8비는 1.31이었다. 외국인과 한국인과의 면역지표수치를 비교하였을 때에 CD4세포수와 백분율, CD8의 백분율에서는 현저한 차이가 없었으나 외국인 비감염자의 경우 CD4백분율이 43.6%, CD8 T림프세포의 절대수가 560으로 한국인과 약간의 차이가 있었다. 따라서 HIV감염자관리를 위한 면역지표측정시험에서의 각종수치의 정확한 해석을 위하여서는 한국인 비감염자수치를 고려해야할 것으로 판단된다. Several studies showed that the immunological factors such as CD4+ cell number, CD4%, CD8+ cell number and CD4/CD8 ratio and the serological factors such as β²-microglobulin(β²-MG), neopterin, soluble CD4, and soluble CD8 are related to the risk of development of AIDS. Especially, the CD4+ cell counts have been used to monitor progresson of HIV disease, to stratify, and to follow patients in clinical trials. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCP) in USA has made the CD4+ cell count as a part of the classification of HIV disease. It is composed of 3 categories such as 1, 2, and 3 which asr ≥500/㎣, 200/㎣ ≥and <500/㎣, and < 200/㎣, respectively. In this study, to estimate the differences of immunological factors between HIV-infected and normal human groups in Korea, CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells, and the CD4/CD8 ratio were measured in 185 HIV-infected subjects and 140 healthy adult subjects. The lymphocyte subsets such as CD4+ T and CD8+ T were analysed by flow cytometer(FACStar) with two-color immunofluorescent stain using monoclonal antibodies such as anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 antibodies. The absolute numbers and percentages of CD4+ T and CD8+ T and the CD4/CD8 ratio of HIV infected persons were 462±277/㎣, 18.2±7.7%, 1,170±534/㎣, 47.0±10.6% and 0.43±0.26 whereas those of uninfected persons were 886±299/㎣, 32.9±7.0%, 730± 259/㎣, 26.8±6.4% and l.31±0.46(P<0.01). In addition, estimating the reference values of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets of Korean, the absolute numbers and percentages of CD4+ T and CD8+ T and the CD4/CD8 ratio of 140 healthy adults persons were measured and compared with those of foreigners. The reference ranges of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD4%, CD8%, and the CD4/CD8 ratio and 1.31t0.46, respectively. The significant differences were not observed when compared with those of foreigners. However a little difference was observed in the percentages of CD4+ T and the absolute numbers of CD8+ T between the normal values of Korean and those of foreigners were 43.6±8.9%, 560±230/㎣. This result can also be useful as a basic data for the treatment and surveillance of HIV-infected patients in Korea.

      • 上顎洞에 發生한 Aspergillosis의 一例報告

        林大銑,宋圭鉉,朴敬浩,朴暎緖,李玩永 中央醫學社 1963 中央醫學 Vol.5 No.4

        A case of secondary aspergillosis of the left maxillary sinus following chronic sinusitis in a 42 year old male coal miner specialist is reported. His chief complaints were nasal obstruction and postnasal drip of several years duration. Roentgenogram revealed marked and moderate shadow in the left and right maxillary sinuses respectively. Significant operative findings included almost paper-thin bony walls of the left maxillary sinus, and small amount of yellow greenish purulent material was drained, followed by yellowish brown semisolid tissue on further curettage. The latter specimen was found to be essentially mass of fungi, showing numerous distinctly septate, branching hyphae on the Papanicolaou stain of the direct smears of the cut surface of the specimen, and Hematoxylin-Eosin and Periodic Acid Schiff stains of paraffin sections. Pertinent aspects of clinical and pathological differential diagnosis between aspergillosis - and mucormycosis, are described. Aspergillosis presents usually benign course, with insignificant chief complaints as our case, whereas mucormycosis is most frequently associated with uncontrollable diabetics, and run usually acutely fatal course. There are three main types of ucormycosis-cerebral, pulmonary and intestinal. The characteristic broad nonseptate branching hyphae of mucor, and marked affinity to the blood vessels,, penetrating the tough walls of arteries, with thromboses and infarction, readily differentiate aspergillosis from mucormycosis.

      • 한국산 시궁쥐(Rattus norvegicus)와 곰쥐(Rattus rattus)의 mtDNA RFLPs

        김회숙,유선아,백상기,김영진 충남대학교 기초과학연구소 1996 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.23 No.2

        RFLPs(restriction fragment length polymorphisms) of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) of Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus in Korea were observed. All of the mtDNA of R. norvegicus individuals were shown no variatioin by the single digestion with EcoR Ⅰ, Hind Ⅲ, Ksp Ⅰ, Hind Ⅱ and Cfo Ⅰ as well as the double digestion with BamH Ⅰ/Sac Ⅰ or Hpa Ⅰ/Xba Ⅰ. Morph-1(18.75%) and morph-2(81.25%)) were observed by digestion with Hind Ⅱ in mtDNA of R. norvegicus. Morph-1(91.70%) and morph-2(8.30%) were observed by digestion with Cfo Ⅰ in mtDNA of R. norvegicus. In the mtDNA obtained from 3 R. rattus individuals, no variants were observed. The types of mtDNA obtained from 48 R. norvegicus individuals were four types(RN 1, RN 2, RN 3 and RN 4). The frequency of RN 1, RN 2, RN 3 and RN 4 was 66.67%, 14.58%, 6.25% and 12.50%, respectively. The value range of nucleotide diversity in mtDNA of R. norvegicus was between 0.0059 and 0.0153, and the value of nucleotide diversity of mtDNA between R. norvegicus and R. rattus was 0.13. The divergence time between the two species is believed to be 6.5 million years ago.

      • KCI등재후보

        참당귀의 흰쥐 4-Vessel Occlusion 전뇌허혈에 대한 신경방어효과

        김영옥,하니나,부영민,박선영,박주영,유영법,신준식,안덕균,김호철 대한본초학회 2002 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Objectives : Angelicae Radix, the root of Angelica gigas N_AKAI (Umbelliferae) , which has been used to nourish the blood(補血), regulate menstruation(調經), relieve pain and promote bowel movements(崩漏) and activate blood circulation for the treatment of fatigue, headache, constipation and blood troubles in traditional Korean medicine. It's flavour and channel tropism is sweet(甘), pungent(辛), warm(溫), acting on the lung, heart and spleen(肺, 心, 脾). The purpose of study we report here was to determine the neuroprotective effect of Angelica gigas on global ischemia induced by 4-vessel occlusion in Wistar rats. Methods : Angelica gigas extracts was lyphilized after extraction with 85% methanol. We induced 4-VO for 10 minutes and reperfused again. The number of CA1 pyramidal neurons were counted after 7 days of reperfusion under the cresyl violet staining. Results : The results showed that Angelica gigas had significantly neuroprotective effects (100, 250 and 500mg/kg of AR extracts, p<0.001) compared with control group. Each neuroprotective ratio was about 66.1, 79.3 and 78.6% respectively. Immunohistochemical data partially explained the protective effects of Angelica gigas via attenuation of COX-2 induction in hippocampus. Conclusion : Angelica gigas gas neuroprotective effects on the global ischemia induced by 4-vessel occlusion in Wistar rats and the attenuation of COX-2 induction is thought to be its possible mechanism.

      • 국내에서 유행하는 HIV의 전파 경로에 따른 Subtype 분포

        이주실,남정구,김성순,강춘,최병선,김옥진,박미선,성봉모,서순덕,전수경,변승옥,신영오,조해월 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.5

        Background : Previous data have been reported that subtype B is prevalent in South Korea, but neither the extent nor the proportion of subtypes could be evaluated. This study was designed to analyze the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes, temporal instructions and transmission dynamics between epidemiological groups. Methods : 1,280 Koreans had been diagnosed as HIV seropositive during the period 1985 to 2000. Among them, 134 individuals were selected for this molecular epidemiological study. 134 DNAs were isolated from uncultured or cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells. V3-V5 (0.7 kb) fragment of HIV-1 env gene was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction and was sequenced. Results : HIV-1 isolates from thirty-seven homosexuals were all subtype B (100%). On the other hand, 66 isolates from 94 heterosexuals were subtype B (70%) and 28 were non B subtypes (30% : 13 A, 4 C, 2 D, 8 E , 1 G). Only subtype B strains were isolated from 73 males who were infected with HIV inside Korea while 16 B and 20 non B subtype strains were isolated from 36 males who were HIV infected outside of Korea. However, B and non B strains were isolated half and half from females who were infected inside Korea except one. Conclusion : The HIV-1 subtype B strains are prevalent in Korea from the early HIV infection until present in both homo and heterosexuals. Non B strains have been transmitted from men who were infected outside Korea to their spouses and casual partners. So, we need further study to monitor subtype B and non B HIV transmission in epidemiological groups of Korea, (Korean J Infect Dis 33:311∼318, 2001)

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