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        메이지신궁과 ‘화혼양재(和魂洋才)’

        박규태(Park Kyu Tae) 원광대학교 종교문제연구소 2018 한국종교 Vol.43 No.-

        일본 근대화를 성취한 메이지(明治)시대의 연호는 말할 것도 없이 메이지천황에서 비롯된 것이며, 이런 의미에서 메이지천황은 근대 일본을 대표하는 상징 중 하나라고 말할 수 있다. 마찬가지로 메이지천황과 쇼켄(昭憲)황태후를 제신으로 모신 메이지신궁(明治神宮)은 근대신도를 대표하는 상징적 공간이라 할 만하다. 근대신도의 두드러진 특징으로 특정 인간을 제신으로 모신 창건신사를 빼놓을 수 없는데, 메이지신궁은 그 중 천황을 제신으로 모신 창건신사의 ‘특별한’ 사례라 할 수 있다. 메이지신궁은 여타의 창건신사와는 달리 내원(內苑)과 외원(外苑)이라는 이원적 구조로 이루어져있기 때문이다. 1920년 현 도쿄 도심부인 시부야구 요요기(代々木)에 건립된 메이지신궁은 신사건축을 기조로 한 내원과 서양식 공원인 외원 및 양자를 연결하는 참배로(表参道)로 이루어진 종교=문화복합공간이다. 이 중 일명 ‘요요기의 숲(代々木の杜)’이라 불리는 70만 평방미터의 내원은 12만그루(365종)의 헌목으로 이루어진 인공림으로 통상 신도 진수숲(鎮守の森)의 이상형으로 말해지기도 한다. 한편 외원의 경우는 서양풍의 〈성덕기념회화관〉(聖德記念繪畵館)과 메이지천황의 장례식 터가 위치하고, 그 왼쪽에는 〈국립경기장〉(구메이지신궁 외원경기장)과 신궁구장(神宮球場)을 비롯한 각종 스포츠 시설들이 들어서 있으며, 오른쪽에는 메이지천황이 대일본제국헌법을 발포했던 〈메이지기념관〉(구 헌법기념관)이 배치되어 있다. 본고의 목적은 ‘토착적=일본적 근대화’라는 관점에서 일본 근대성의 한 상징인 메이지신궁의 이원적 공간구조와 구성원리에 내포된 함의 및 의의를 특히 ‘화혼양재’(和魂洋才)라는 모토와 결부시켜 규명하는 데에 있다. 이때 ‘토착적=화혼, 근대화=양재’라는 기본도식과 함께 양자의 상호 중충성 혹은 교차성에 주목할 것이다. During the Meiji Age Japanese modernization was accomplished, and in that sense the Emperor Meiji is one of the symbols that represents modern Japan. Similarly , the Meiji Shrine is a symbolic space that represents modern Shinto religion that enshrined as ritual gods the Emperor Meiji and the Empress Shoken. As one of the outstanding features of modern Shinto religion, the founding Shrine that enshrined as ritual gods specific human beings can not be left out. The Meiji Shrine was a special case of establishing a shrine that enshrined the Emperor as a ritual god. This is because the Meiji Shrine, different from other established shrines, was composed of a dual structure of Inner Park and Outer Park. In 1920, the Meiji Shrine was built at Yoyogi in Sibuya in the present downtown of Tokyo. It is a complex space of religion and culture that was constructed with a visiting road to connect both the Inner Park, based on Shrine buildings, and the Outer Park, a Westernized park. The Inner Park of 700,000 square meters, called the Forest of Yoyogi, is an artificial forest made up of 365 kinds of 120,000 donated trees, and it is said to be ordinarily an ideal Shintoist forest. On the other hand, in the Outer Park, the Western-styled Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery and the burial site Emperor Meiji are located, and on it’s left various sports facilities were built including the National Stadium (stadium at the outer park of former Meiji Shrine) and the Ball Park of Divine Shrine, while on the right the Meiji Commemoration Hall (former Constitution Commemoration Hall) was built where Emperor Meiji proclaimed the Constitution of the great Japanese Empire. The object of this paper is to investigate the meaning, contained in the principle of a dual space structure, of the constitution of the Meiji Shrine that is a symbol of Japanese modernity - especially in association with the dictum: ‘Japanese spirit combined with Western Learning’, from the standpoint of ‘indigenous, Japanese modernization.’ When conducting this investigation, based on the notion that ‘indigenous’ means the Japanese spirit, and ‘modernization’ means embracing Western Learning, the paper concentrates on the characteristics of mutual interfusion and exchanges between the two cultures of Japan and the West, the former representing indigenous being and the latter representing modernization.

      • LabVIEW를 이용한 유도전동기의 권선고장 자동진단

        한동기(Dong-gi Han),송명현(Myung-hyun Song),박규남(Kyu-nam Park),이태훈(Tae-hun Lee) 대한전기학회 2006 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.7

        본 논문에서는 유도전동기의 고정자권선 고장진단을 목적으로 이상적인 전동기의 전류신호와 실시간으로 운전하고 있는 전동기 전류신호를 Park’s Vector에 각각 적용시켜 Park's Vector 패턴을 만들고 패턴 피크값의 기준치와 측정치의 편차를 이용하여 오차치를 벗어날 때 고장으로 진단하는 Park's Vector 패턴의 피크값을 이용한 고정자권선의 고장진단을 시도하였다. 숙달된 작업자가 Park’s Vector패턴을 보고 고장을 분석해야 했던 방법과는 달리 패턴을 비교하지 않고도 자동으로 고장을 진단하고 정보해주는 진단 방법을 제시하였다. 실제 전류분석 및 진단을 위해 상용 프로그램인 LabVIEW를 이용하였다.

      • 고액 상평형의 측정과 추산 연구

        박소진,박영신,황태원,한규진,오종혁,원동복 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        정적인 융점측정 방법으로 benzene+n-dodecane, cyclohexane+phenol, phenol+water, water+sulfolane 및 diethylcarbonate+nitrobenzene계에 대한 고액 평형을 측정하였다. 측정된 고액평형 데이터는 문헌값과 modified UNIFAC에 의해 예측된 값과 비교하였으며, 추산값과 실험값은 ±1.61K 범위에서 잘 일치하였다. 본 연구에서 고찰된 diethylcarbonate의 융점은 기존문헌치와 큰 편차를 보여 재검증이 필요하다. Solid-liquid equilibrium(SLE) data were measured for benzene+ n-dodecane, cyclohexane+phenol phenol+water, water+sulfolane, and diethylcarbonate+ nitrobenzene systems by using static melting point measuring method. Measured SLE data were compared with the literature values and also compared with the values predicted by modified UNIFAC(Dortmund) equation. The experimental results are in good agreements with the published and estimated values, and the average deviation between the experimental values and the calculated values is ±1.16K. The measured melting point of diethylcarbonate shows some difference from literature value, and it will be certified through other experimental data for different systems.

      • 결핵균 30 kDa항원과 Interleukin-2 혹은 Anti-CD28의 병합이 건강인 말초혈액 림프구와 단핵구 증식에 미치는 영향

        박정규,윤상호,조은경,김화중,백태현 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1994 충남의대잡지 Vol.21 No.2

        Cell-mediated immunity is necessary for protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. T lymphocytes are thought to play a central role in cell-mediated immune response. And in vitro stimulation of leukocytes with mycobactria or their products induces synthesis and release of several cytokines, including IL-2. To study the T lymphocyte proliferative response to purified 30 kDa antigen from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, IL-2 or their combination, peripheral blood lymphocytes and mononuclear cells isolated from healthy subjects were stimulated with the 30 kDa antigen, IL-2 or both. The proliferations of lymphocytes and molnonuclear cells to 30 kDa or 30/32 kDa antigen were significantly increased in PPD(+) group when compared to those in PPD(-) group. It is confirmed here that have shown synergy between 30 kDa antigen and IL-2(250U) in the induction of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells proliferation in PPD(+) group. The proliferative response reflects synergy between two separate activation stimuli. And macrophage-like cells existed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were shown to help the synergy of the proliferative response to mycobacterial antigen and IL-2. The proliferative responses of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells to 30 kDa antigen were more increased than those to 30/32 kDa antigen. So it was suggested that 30 kDa antigen was the more immunogenic antigen than 30/32 kDa antigen.

      • 토끼에서 근육주사시 입자 크기에 따른 amoxicillin의 비교 약물동태학

        박승춘,윤효인,오태광,장범수,배순이,조준형,정상희,이내경,김민규 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1998 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.6 No.-

        To investigate the pharmacokinetic difference between the two amoxicillin (AMX) particles in rabbits after intramuscular injection (i.m.), both of AMX-S (particle size: 10 ㎍) and AMX-L (particle size: 100 ㎍) were injected into New Zealand White rabbits (1.2±0.3 ㎏) at a dose rate of 10 ㎎/㎏ of body weight. In this study, serum AMX concentrations were detected by microbiological assay with E. coli BE 1186 which shows high antibiotic sensitivity. After i.m. administration, AMX-S and AMX-L were best fitted as 1-compartment model with the absorption and elimination phase. The biological half-life (T_1/2, _k10) of AMX-S is 4.06±1.09 h and that of AMX-L 4.76±0.69 h. The serum maximal concentration time (T_max) of AMX-S and AMX-L were 0.88±0.17 h and 0.77±0.11 h, respectively. Maximal AMX concentration (C_max) (AMX-S: 5.71±0.62 ㎍/㎖, AMX-L: 5.04±0.25 ㎍/㎖) in serum showed a significant difference (p<0.05). In terms of bioequivalance, however, there was no difference between the two AMX's after i.m. injection in the basis of C_max and AUC.

      • 배양중인 계배간충직세포의 protein kinase C 활성도 분석

        朴大圭,孫鍾京,鄭在昌 경북대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        To investigate the relationship between protein kinse C (PKC) and chondrogenesis, PKC activity was assayed in cultures of stage 23/24 chick limb bud mesenchymal cells under various conditions. PKC activities of cytosolic and particulate fractions were low in 1 day cultured cells. As chondrogenesis proceeds, cytosolic PKC activity increased more than 2-fold, while that of the particulate fraction increased only slightly. Three days' treatment of cultures with PMA(5×10 exp (-8)M) inhibited chondrogenesis judged by the accumlation of Alcian blue bound to the extracellular matrix and depressed PKC activity in cytosolic fraction. When cells were grown for 3 days in control medium after 3 days' treatment with PMA, chondrogenesis resumed and PKC activity recovered to normal values. PKC activity in cultures plated at low density (5×10 exp (6) cells/ml) or that in PMA treated cells. On the other hand, staurosporine promoted chondrgenesis without affecting PKC activity. Furthermore, reversal of PMA's inhibitory effect on chondrogenesis by staurosporine was not accompanied by recovery of PKC activity. These data indicate that increases in PKC activity is closely related to chondrogenesis and that PMA inhibits chondrogenesis by depressing PKC. However, staurosporine's enchancing effect of chondrogenesis is not related of PKC activity.

      • 패켓망 X.75 구간의 THROUGHPUT 감소 요인과 개선책에 관한 연구

        박규태,김연태,박명구 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1985 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        The aim of CCITT (International an Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) X.75 Recommendation is to provide an efficient international data communication for packet network subscribers. International calls (Virtual circuit) through the X.75 link are characterized with various parameters. The throughout class of the parameters associated with Packet transmission and receiving speed of terminals is most important parameter due to the efficiency of data transfer. Sometimes, users feel that the actual throughout is less than the assigned value, connected to oversea's packet terminal. It is also found that dominant factors are propagation and bit error rate delay. We propose that the dominent delay factors are minimized by using submarine cables instead of the satellites, and bigger window sizes in the link level. All the research and analysis in this paper have been done under the REAL CIRCUMSTANCES.

      • Gymnemic acid의 간장 및 신장의 조직에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험적 연구

        박순록,신인철,강주섭,서대규 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1994 環境科學論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        생체에 투여된 물질은 생체내에서 아무 변화없이 체외로 배설되는 경우도 있지만, 대부분은 체내에서 여러가지 생화학적 변화를 거쳐 배설된다. 이런 체내에서의 생화학적 변화는 주로 간장에서 일어나고, 이런 물질과 그 대산사물의 배설은 주로 신장에서 이루어지며, 일부는 다른 경로를 통하기도 한다. 그러므로, 약물의 대사 및 배설장기인 간장과 신장에 이런 물질이 축적되면 그 장기가 손상되는 악순환을 거치게 된다. 이에, 본 실험은 2000여년 전부터 오늘에 이르기까지도 인도지방에서 비만이나 당뇨병에 대한 민간요법제로 이용되어 온 Gymnema sylvestre 잎의 유효성분인 gymnemic acid의 신장과 간장의 조직에 미치는 영향을 검토하고자 실시하였다. 실험동물은 정상 Wistar계 웅성 흰쥐(체중 200gm 내외)를 사용하였고, 실험기간중에 먹이와 물은 자유로이 공급하였다. 실험군은 정상대조군과 동일한 조건하에서 15일동안 gymnema산을 각각 500㎎/㎏, 800㎎/㎏의 용량으로 하루 3회, 즉 오전 7시, 오후 2시, 오후 7시에 각각 경구투여하고, gymnema산 투여 15일째 24시간동안 절식시킨 후 경동맥사혈로 희생시킨 다음 개복하여 간우측 전엽과 우측 신장을 적출하여 일반 육안적 소견과 Hematoxylin 및 eosin 이중염색상의 광학 현미경적 소견을 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 흰쥐 신장의 육안적 소견과 Hematoxylin 및 eosin 이중염색 소견에서는 정상 대조군과 GA투여군에서 특기할 만한 소견이 관찰되지 않았다.(Fig 1-a, 1-b, 1-c). 2. GA(500㎎/㎏)투여군 흰쥐 간장에서 Hematoxylin 및 eosin 이중염색 소견상 간소엽의 중심대와 일부 중간대에서 동양혈관이 확장되었고, 간세포대의 배열이 불규칙해졌으며, 간세포내의 간세포배열이 불규칙해졌고, 공포변성이 초래된 간세포도 관찰도었다(Fig. 3-a,3-b). 3. GA(800㎎/㎏) 투여군 흰쥐 간장에서 Hematoxylin 및 eosin 이중염색 소견상 간소염 전반에 걸쳐 동양혈관이 확장되었고, 간세포대배열이 불규칙해졌으며, 간세포대내의 간세포 배열이 불규칙해졌고, 공포변성이 초래된 간세포도 관찰되었다(Fig. 4-a, 4-b). The majority of the chemicals that enter a living system is taken to elimination by hepatic biotransformation and renal excretion of its metabolites and unchanged form. But, some chemicals are also excreted into feces or through other routes. Therefore, the accumulation of the chemicals in the liver and kidney have damaged the organs. It was more than 3000 yours ago that Gymnema sylvestre. Asclepaidaceae piant indegenous to certain regionss of the tropical and subtropical countries, began to be used a popular folk medicine among native population in India in order to treat obesity and "Madhumeha(DM)" and its use still continues to today in India. Theorefore, this study has the purpose to investigate the effect of gymnemic acid(GA) Which is an effective ingredient of Gymnema sylvestre on the liver and the kidney. In the study, Wistar albino male rats weighing around 200gm were divided into three groups, basic diet group(control), GA(500㎎/㎏)group, GA(800㎎/㎏)group, and administered orally the gymnemic acid for 15 days in dose of 500㎎ and 800㎎ per ㎏ of body weight triple a day. All animals were sacrificed at 15 days after the daministration of gymnemic acid and starved for 24 hours sacrificing them, the specimens and eosin. The specimens have been examined grossly and light microscopically. The results were as follows. 1. In the gross and light microscopic observations of the kidney, the control and all experimental groups were not observed pathologic findings. 2. The gross observations of the liver of the of the control and all experimental groups wrer not observed pathologic findings. 3. The sinusoidal dilation, hepatic cord irregularity and disarrangement of hepatocyte were observed in the central zone and a part of intermediate zone of the hepatic lobule of the 15 days GA(500㎎/㎏) administered group. 4. The sinusoidal dilatation, hepatic cord irregularity, disarrangement of hepatocyte and abnormal shaped hepatocytes were observed in all zonesof the hepatic lobule of the 15 days GA(800㎎/㎏) administered gruop. Consequently, it is suggested that administration of large dose of gymnemic acid in the normal rats induces hepatic cellular damages.

      • KCI등재

        골격성 Ⅲ급 부정교합 환자에서 하악골상행지 시상분할골절절단술후 상순과 하순의 연조직 변화에 관한 연구

        박관수,김태열,김희광,정정권,윤규호,전인성 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.6

        Purpose : The prediction of profile change as a result of orthognathic surgery remains a problem during preoperative planning because of the difference relative movements of the hard and soft tissues. This study was performed to predict the changes o( upper and lower lips after BSSRO with non-rigid fixation Material and Methods : 15 patients wish skeletal Class III malocclusion treated by bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy(BSSRO) and mandibular setback were selected for analysis. Cephalometric data of presurgery and postsurgery 12 months were used. Wilcoxon signed rank test, calculation of Spearmans correlation rho and simple regression analysis were performed to predict the relations between hard tissue changes and soft tissue changes. Results : The horizontal change of hard tissue Pogonion and those of lower lips showed high correlation and the ratios were from 71% to 84%. The horizontal change of hard tissue Pogonion and those of chin showed high correlation and the ratios were from 90% to 92%. The horizontal change of hard tissue Pogonion and those of upper lips showed moderate correlation and the ratios were from 7% to 18%. Conclusion : This study suggests that the changes of lower lips are highly affected by the hard tissue change of mandible and those of upper lips are moderately affected. In comparison with other studies, no significant differences were found among the fixation methods.

      • 이동량 보상 및 분류 벡터 양자화기

        박규태,전중남,신태민,연창모 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1987 논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        This study describes an interframe image coding method using motion compensated and classified vector quantization(MC-CVQ). In motion compensated vector quantization(MCVQ), it is very important to encode the significant block. Therefore, we propose the MC-CVQ which encodes the significant block in the motion compensated error image by the classified vector quantizer. We classify the significant blocks according to the positions of the significant vectors, and also classify the significant vectors into 15 classes according to the positions of the significant pels. The computer simulation shows that the signal-to-noise ratio and the average bits of MC-CVQ are 0.2-0.25 bits/pel and 35 to 37 dB, respectively.

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