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      • Sparganum 에서 생성된 성장호르몬 유사물질에 관한 면역조직화학적 연구

        김명옥,김창환,곽기훈 慶尙大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        Spirometra erinacei의 전이숙주인 흰쥐가 제 3기유충 Plerocercoid (Sparganum)에 감염되었을때 숙주의 성정에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 흰쥐에 Sparganum을 감염시켜 숙주의 성장을 조절하는 뇌하수체 조직중 성장호르몬(GH) 분비세포와 Sparganum에서 성장호르몬 유사물질 분비조직과의 관련성이 있는가를 면역조직화학적으로 추구하였으며 또한 Sparganum의 감염에 따라 숙주의 혈중 성장호르몬의 농동변화등을 관찰하여 다음과 같은 실험결과를 얻었다. 1. 뇌하수체에서 성장호르몬 양성분비 세포는 정상대조군보다 감염 45일, 60일, 75일째 가장 감소하였으며, 감염 90일째는 정상대조군과 같은 수준으로 회복되었다. 2. Sparganum에서 전체적으로 tegument와 epidermal musculature에 성장호르몬 유사물질을 분비하는 세포들이 많이 분포하였고, 감염일이 경과될수록 tegement와 epidermal musculature층이 두껍게 염색반응이 나타났으며, parenchymal musculature내에서도 일부 염색되었다. 특히, epidermal musculature 층에서 성장호르몬 양성세포들이 많이 나타났다. 3. SPARGANUM에 감염된 쥐의 혈중 성장호르몬 농도는 정상대조군과 유의차가 없었다. In the studies, we carried out to localize the growth hormone(GH) analogue in Sparganum and to investigate the influence of GH like substance on the rats during infection period, by immunohistochemistry and dot-ELISA. For immunohistochemistry, pituitaries of adult male rats infected with Sparganum and Sparganum itself were disseced out after perfusion with 4% neutral buffered paraformaldehyde. Tissues were embedded and sectioned at a thickness of 5 ㎛. Rabbit anti-rat GH was used as a first antibody avidin-biotin peroxidase complex(ABC) method was applied. The concentration of GH in rat blood was estimated by dot-ELISA with anti-rat GH and ABC complex. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In the pituitary glands of the infected rats, the GH secreting cells decreased in number at 45, 60, 75 days after first infection. But at 90 days after infection, the number of GH secreting cells retain the control level. 2. The Sparganum had many GH like substance secreting cells in its tegument and epidermal musculature. As the infections are longer, the tegument and epidermal musculature were stained more intensely. And also parenchymal musculature was stained pratially. 3. The concentration of GH in the blood of infected rats had no significant difference between infected groups and normal groups.

      • 다특성치 강건설계방법을 이용한 표면거칠기 최적조건에 관한 연구

        서장훈,박명규 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Taguchi's parameter design is to determine optimal settings of design parameters of a product or a process such that the characteristics of a product exhibit small variabilities around their target values. However, his analysis of the problem focused on only one performance characteristic or response, although in product and process design, considering multiple characteristics is commoner. The critical problem in dealing with multiple characteristics is how to compromise the conflict among the selected levels of the design parameters for each individual characteristic. In this thesis, a methodology using SN ratio optimized by univariate technique is used and a parameter design procedure to achieve the optimal compromise among several different response variables is used. A study to analyze and solve provlem of a surface roughness experiment has presented in this thesis. We have taken Taguchi's parameter design approach, specifically Cho and Park's Methodology, and determined the optimal levels of the selected variables through analysis of the experimental results using S/N ratio.

      • 한국의 기수련이 심장박동간격변화에 미치는 영향

        이명수,허화정,김병기,류훈,정현택 한국정신과학학회 1998 韓國精神科學學會誌 Vol.2 No.2

        심장박동간격은 최근 교감신경과 부교감신경의 안정을 알아보는 척도로 쓰이고 있다. 본 연구는 4~12개월 천도선법 기수련을 행한 20대의 20명의 기수련자와 동일 연령층의 20명의 일반인을 대상으로 하여 1시간 동안 천도선법을 수행하게 하여 전, 참선, 후의 심장박동을 생리 기록계로 측정을 하여 빠른 퓨리에 변환 (FFT)을 통하여 심장박동간격을 조사하였다. 그 결과 자율신경제의 안정척도인 저주파수 적분 값과 고주파수 적분 값의 비(LF/HF)가 수련전과 수련 중에서 천도선법 기수련생들의 값이 일반인과 비교하여 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 났으며 (p<0. 01) 특히 두 그룹 모두 HF 의 값이 유의하게 변화하는 것을 보았을 때 천도선법 기수련이 부교감신경의 활동을 조절하여 자율신경계를 안정화 시킨다는 것을 보여주었다. The effects of ChunDoSunBup (CDSB) Qi-training on the power spectrum of heart rate variability were studied in 20 healthy subjects and 20 CDSB Qi-trainee (subjects with CDSB Qi-training for 4-12 months) Continuous ECG signals were recorded during 1) 10 min of rest in sitting position, 2) 1 hour of CDSB Qi-training , 3) 10 min of post-training. Fast Fourier transformation was used to determine the power spectrum of heart rate variability While CDSB Qi-training, there were significant decrease in the ratio of low to high frequency power spectrum. And value of pre and mild-training in CDSB Qi-trainees were lower than that of control subjects There was a significant changes in high frequency power of both group, but net in low frequency These results suggest that CDSB Qi-training may stabilize autonomic nervous system by modulate parasympathetic nervous system.

      • KCI등재후보

        공동 수,배송 모델을 위한 프레임웍 구축

        이명호,이계주,김내헌 대한설비관리학회 2003 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        With approaching a digital information society, the business environment of B2B and B2C is getting a portal service using mobile since the wire/wireless internet and web utilization is populated to customers. The development of digital information and internet technologies changed the environment of enterprises and the technology. And the achieving customer satisfaction and the various demand of customer made the integration of logistics information system on the consolidated transportation recognized as a core of the business. So in this study, we intend to provide the standard of product development that is valuable on the market through the implementing a framework of consolidated transportation model to the companies, designing a collaborated inventory and also suggest the standard of consolidated transportation model through the data modeling and case study.

      • 제조물책입(PL)법 도입에 따른 식품부문의 안전성에 대한 연구 : 수도권을 중심으로 The Metropolitan Area

        張晶牙,서장훈,朴明圭 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2004 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        What is the most important in articles of food is hygienic safety. Because food is the most common thing in our everyday life, however, the importance of its hygienic safety and other many problems caused by food may be easily neglected. Since PL Law came into effect in July of the last year(2002) in Korea, many domestic firms have taken great interests in PL. And the purpose of PL Law is to provide a means for those injured by defective products to receive redress. Additionally, enterprises get to place more importance on the safety of the products, which led to improvement in competitiveness and enhancement in quality. Consequently customers can get better products. So, it aims not only to compensate the injured by defective products but also to act an incentive to makers/suppliers of food to make their products more safe. Therefore, this study was aiming to analyze the expected risks to articles of food after the enforcement of PL Law, and to establish a defending plan.

      • 객체지향기법으로 구현한 계수규준형 1회 샘플링검사방식

        김국철,서장훈,박명규 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2004 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The design of attribute single sampling plans bas been studied for a long time. It is hard to get the sampling plan (n,c) to satisfy the required producer's risk α and consumer's risk β exactly, because the sample size n and the acceptance number c must be integer. In actual practice of using attribute single sampling plans, the producer's or consumer's risk is often different from its specified value. In order to satisfy both the producer's or consumer's risk, the actual risk should be chosen close enough to the required value. The purpose of this paper is to find the sample size n and acceptance number G to satisfy the required proceduer's or consumer's risk. A computerized approach is presented which provides the design procedure for on line sampling plan.

      • 제조물책임(PL)법 도입에 따른 식품부문의 안전성에 대한 연구 : 수도권을 중심으로

        張晶雅,徐漳勳,朴明圭 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2004 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        What is the most important in articles of food is hygienic safety. Because food is the most common thing in our everyday life, however, the importance of its hygienic safety and other many problems caused by food may be easily neglected. Since PL Law came into effect in July of the last year(2002) in Korea, many domestic firms have taken great interests in PL. And the purpose of PL Law is to provide a means for those injured by defective products to receive redress. Additionally, enterprises get to place more importance on the safety of the products, which led to improvement in competitiveness and enhancement in quality. Consequently customers can get better products. So, it aims not only to compensate the injured by defective products but also to act an incentive to makers/suppliers of food to make their products more safe. Therefore, this study was aiming to analyze the expected risks to articles of food after the enforcement of PL Law, and to establish a defending plan.


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