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      • KCI등재후보

        Repellent Effect of Camomile and Lavender Essential Oils against House Dust Mite in Bed Fabric

        Myun-Goo Kang,지차호 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.1

        House dust mite (HDM) allergens has been associated with allergic disease such as asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. In order to control of house dust mites, various acaricidal agents have been suggested but their remains act as allergens even after death. Therefore, expelling the mite is more effective policy than killing them because of avoidance of allergen. In this experiment, we compared the repellent effect of two essensial oils (Matricaria chamomilla, Lavandula vera) against house dust mites, Dermatophagoids farinae and D. pteronyssinus in bed fabric. The essential oils were applied by direct contact method at various doses (0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, 0.00625 μl/cm2) and at a various exposure times (30, 60, 120, 180, 240 min). The result of this experiment suggests two oils have a significant repellent activity. Camomile essential oil in 0.0125 μl/cm2 at 240 minutes caused 93.7% repellent effect and lavender essential oil in 0.05 μl/cm2 at 180 minutes caused 88.9% of repellent effect. The result show that camomile essential oil has more potent repellent activity than lavender essential oil in particular concentration.

      • KCI등재후보

        Repellent Effect of Camomile and Lavender Essential Oils against House Dust Mite in Bed Fabric

        Cha-Ho Jee, Myun-Goo Kang 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.1

        House dust mite (HDM) allergens have been associated with allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. Various acaricidal agents have been suggested for control of house dust mites; however, their remains act as allergens even after death. Therefore, for avoidance of allergen, expelling the mites is a more effective policy than killing them. In this experiment, we compared the repellent effect of two essential oils (Matricaria chamomilla, Lavandula vera) against house dust mites, Dermatophagoids farinae and D. pteronyssinus in bed fabric. The essential oils were applied by direct contact method at various doses (0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, and 0.00625 μl/cm2) and at various exposure times (30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min). Results of this experiment suggest that the two oils have significant repellent activity. Camomile essential oil in 0.0125 μl/cm2 at 240 minutes had a repellent effect of 93.7% and lavender essential oil in 0.05 μl/cm2 at 180 minutes had a repellent effect of 88.9%. The results of this study showed that camomile essential oil has more potent repellent activity than lavender essential oil at a particular concentration.

      • KCI등재후보

        만성 혈전색전성 폐고혈압증-3 예 보고-

        강경호,이상화,이진구,김광택,김형묵,심재정,유세화,조재연,인광호,박상면,오유환 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.50 No.5

        Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is the result of single or recurrent pulmonary emboli arising from sites of venous thrombosis. For reasons still unknown, the emboli in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension patients do not resolve completely. The vessels involved are the central elastic vessels such as main, lobar and/or segmental arteries. Such patients should be considered separately from acute pulmonary embolism because their thrombi are potentially removable by surgical thromboendarterectomy. The prevalence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonory embolism seems to be lov, in Korea. But, we experienced 3 cases of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in a year recently. They complained of progressive exertional dyspnea for a few months to years. Lung perfusion scan revealed multiple segmental perfusion defects and pulmonary angiography, spiral CT reveal multiple defects in main and lobar pulmonary arteries. One patient(case 1) died of low output cardiac failure while waiting for operation, and another patient(case 2) has been treated medically at OPD, one(case 3) was treated by right main pulmonary artery thromboendarterectomy and his pulmonary arterial pressure was sucessfully dropped from 60/39mmHg to 26/18mmHg. We reported 3 cases of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension with review of literatures.

      • KCI등재후보

        저산소성 폐질환에서 폐동맥압의 비관혈적 측정에 관한 연구

        이진구(Jin Goo Lee),인광호(Kwang Ho In),박상면(Sang Myun Park),조재연(Jae Yeon Jho),심재정(Jae Jeong Shim),강경호(Kyung Ho Kang),심완주(Wan Joo Shim),유세화(Se Hwa Yoo) 대한내과학회 1995 대한내과학회지 Vol.49 No.4

        N/A Objectives: The presence of pulmonary hypertension in patients with hypoxic lung disease is associated with poor prognosis. Right heart catheterization is the reference method for the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension but this invasive technique is not always well tolerated in all patients with hypoxic lung disease. There is a need for noninvasive method to allow the accurate estimation of pulmonary arterial pressure in these patients. To find reliable noninvasive methods of measuring pulmonary artery pressure, we evaluated the reliability of continuous wave Doppler echocardiography and gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy in patents with hypoxic lung disease. Methods: Noninvasive measurements of systolic pulmonary artery pressure by continuous wave Doppler echocardiography and right ventricular ejection fraction by gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy were compared with systolic pulmonary atery pressure measured by cardiac catheterization in 12 patients with hypoxic lung disease. Results: 1) The systolic pulmonary artery pressures estimated by continuous wave Doppler echocardiography correlated closely with those measured by cardiac catheterization (r=0.88, p<0.01) 2) The right ventricular ejection fraction estimated by gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy was also correlated well with the systolic pulmonary artery pressure measured by cardiac catheterization (r=0.85, p<0.01). Conclusion: Continuous wave Doppler echocar-diographic estimation of systolic pulmonary artery pressure and gated car diac blood pool scintigraphic estimation of right ventricular ejection pressure are reliable and feasible noninvasive assessment of pulmonary hypertension in patients with hypoxic lung disease.

      • 만성 호중구성 백혈병(Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia) 1예

        정재면,홍택원,고동희,강준구,김태종,이웅수,최정혜,안명주,김인순,최일영,이영열 한양대학교 의과대학 2002 한양의대 학술지 Vol.22 No.2

        Chronic neutrophilic leukemia is a very rare myeloproliferative disorder characterized by splenomagaly, persistent neutrophilia, bone marrow granulocyte hyperplasia, elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, the absense of philadelphis cheomosome. Recently we have experienced a case of chronic neutrophilic leukemia in a 73 years old woman who complained of general weakness. On admission, peripheral blood examination showed leukocytosis with mature neutrophil: Hb 10.5g/㎗, WBC 33,200/㎣, platelet 751,000/㎣ and neutrophoil 93% in differential count. The underlying disease for leukemoid reaction has not been detected. Leukocyte alkaline phospatase score was elevated. Bone marrow study revealed hypercellular marrow with prominent neutrophilic hyperplasia and without myelofibrosis. The cytogenic study shows normal bone marrow cell karyotype without philadephia chromosome.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Role of cysteinyl leukotriene signaling in a mouse model of noise-induced cochlear injury

        Park, Jung-Sub,Kang, Seo-Jun,Seo, Mi-kyoung,Jou, Ilo,Woo, Hyun Goo,Park, Sang Myun National Academy of Sciences 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.111 No.27

        <P>Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common types of sensorineural hearing loss. In this study, we examined the expression and localization of leukotriene receptors and their respective changes in the cochlea after hazardous noise exposure. We found that the expression of cysteinyl leukotriene type 1 receptor (CysLTR1) was increased until 3 d after noise exposure and enhanced CysLTR1 expression was mainly observed in the spiral ligament and the organ of Corti. Expression of 5-lipoxygenase was increased similar to that of CysLTR1, and there was an accompanying elevation of CysLT concentration. Posttreatment with leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA), montelukast, for 4 consecutive days after noise exposure significantly decreased the permanent threshold shift and also reduced the hair cell death in the cochlea. Using RNA-sequencing, we found that the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) was up-regulated after noise exposure, and it was significantly inhibited by montelukast. Posttreatment with a MMP-3 inhibitor also protected the hair cells and reduced the permanent threshold shift. These findings suggest that acoustic injury up-regulated CysLT signaling in the cochlea and cochlear injury could be attenuated by LTRA through regulation of MMP-3 expression. This study provides mechanistic insights into the role of CysLTs signaling in noise-induced hearing loss and the therapeutic benefit of LTRA.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        실험견의 급성 저산소성 폐고혈압증에서 K+ Channel 의 역할

        조재연(Jae Youn Cho),박상면(Sang Myun Park),박희남(Hee Nam Park),이진구(Jin Goo Lee),심재정(Jae Jeong Shim),인광호(Kwang Ho In),강경호(Kyung Ho Kang),유세화(Se Hwa Yoo) 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        N/A Objectives: Numerous studies about mediators in acute hypoxic process have been done. These studies revealed that endothelium derived relaxing factor(EDRF, known as nitric oxide) contributed greatly to the pathogenesis of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and endothelium derived hyperpolarizing factor(EDHF) regulated the tone of vascular smooth muscle. EDHE is known to open K+ channel, hyperpolarizes vascular smooth muscle cells, closes voltage-dependent Ca++ channel and finally relaxes vascular smooth muscle. Some studies revealed that acute hypoxic pulmonary hypertension was developed by inhibition of EDRF &EDHF. To investigate the role of K+ channel in pulmonary hypertension during acute hypoxia, we measured changes of hemodynamic parameters in experimental dogs after adding glibenclamide(K+ channel blocker), methylene blue(S-guanylate cyclase inhibitor), L-NNA(NO synthase inhibitor) and nicorandil(K+ channel opener and S-guanylate cyclase activator). Methods: Six dogs were anesthetized with thiopental sodium and mechanically ventilated with Harvard volume-cycled animal ventilator. Venous and arterial catheters were placed in the limb vein for infusion and femora} artery to measure systemic arterial pressure. Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted via right internal jugular vein for measuring pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure asnd cardiac output. We measured the influence of glibenclamide (3mg/kg). methylene blue(lmg/kg), L-NNA (30mg/kg) and nicorandil(300μg/kg) on the changes of hemodynamic parameters during normoxia and hypoxia. Results: The infusion of nicorandil did not affect mean pulmonary arterial pressure during normoxia and significantly inhibited the increase of mean pulmonary arterial pressure during hypoxia. Glibenclamide did not change mean pulmonary arterial pressure during normoxia, but significantly augmented the increase of mean pulmonary arterial pressure during hypoxia. Methylene blue infusion did not affect mean pulmonary arterial pressure during normoxia, but moderately augmented the increase of mean pulmonary arterial pressure during hypoxia. The infusion of L-NNA did not affect mean pulmonary arterial pressure during normoxia and augmented the increase of mean pulmonary arterial pressure singnificantly during hypoxia, The increase of pulmonary arterial pressure induced by glibenclamide, methylene blue, and L-NNA, under hypoxic state was inhibited by nicorandil. Conclusion: Glibenclamide (K channel blocker) did not affect the mean pulmonary arterial pressure in normoxic state, but augmented the pulmonary hypertension during hypoxia and this effect was inhibited by nicorandil. It is suggested that K+ channel contributes to pulmonary hypertension developed during hypoxia, and the depressive effect of nicorandil seems to be attributable to its dual actions as a K' channel opener and an activator of S-guanylate cyclase.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Gitelman 씨 증후군으로 오진된 Pseudo - Bartter 씨 증후군 1 예

        이동규(Dong Kyu Lee),정재면(Jae Myun Jung),강준구(Jun Goo Kang),김태엽(Tae Yeob Kim),김태종(Tae Jong Kim),오호석(Ho Suk Oh),최창렬(Chang Youl Choi),한상웅(Sang Woong Han),김호중(Ho Jung Kim) 대한신장학회 2002 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.21 No.3

        A 31-year-old woman had a history of fatigue and hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis and hypocalciuria. The patient had a subtotal thyroidectomy and denied ingestion of diuretic medication. Her clinical and laboratory findings were consistent with Gitelman`s syndrome. Normal blood pressure, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hypocalciuria were present. She confessed to us that she had been taking a pill due to constipation for 7 years. She was afraid that her husband know it. But we don`t know the reason why she had concealed it Surreptious ingestion of diuretics must be excluded in any adult patient in whom a diagnosis of Bartter`s or Gitelman`s syndrome is considered.

      • KCI등재후보

        산화질소 ( Nitric Oxide ) 의 기도내 신경성 염증 조절에 관한 연구

        심재정(Jae Jeong Shim),박상면(Sang Myun Park),이진구(Jin Goo Lee),조재연(Jae Yeun Cho),인광호(Kwang Ho In),유세화(Se Hwa Yoo),강경호(Kyung Ho Kang),김철환(Chul Hwan Kim) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        N/A Baekground: Asthma is classified as an inflammatory disease because there are inflammatory changes in the asthmatic airways. There are many evidences that sensory neuropeptides are involved in these inflammatory responses. Neurogenic inflammation is caused by the antidromic nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) release of neuropeptides from vagal nerves. Recently nitric oxide (NO) has received considerable attention as a messenger molecule in the peripheral nervous system and relaxes airway smooth muscle. Also NO is a potent vasodilator and involved in plasma exudation from airway vessels, To investigate the role of nitric oxide in neurogenic inflammation, neurogenic inflammatory responses in rat airways according to duration of NANC stimuation and effects of NO were evaluated, Method: Neurogenic inflammation was produced in rat airways of 2 experimental groups of 1 min and 2 min stimulation with 5V, 1mSec, 5Hz after cholinergic and adrenergic blockade and compared with sham NANC, The magnitude of airway microvascular leakages was checked in the trachea, main bronchus, peripheral bronchus, and lung parenchyme and the leakeage was measured by Evans blue dye extravasation. NW-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA, 5 mg/kg iv), L-NNA and L-arginine (50 mg/kg iv) were given 15 min before 2 min stimulation on 3 separate groups for evaluation of NO effects, and microvascular leakage was compared with 2 min NANC stimulation group. Results: 1) Vascular permeability of 1 min NANC stimulation group was increased trachea (208.2%, p<0.05), main bronchus (169.4%, p<0.05), and peripheral bronchus (123.6, p=0.18) compared with sham NANC group. 2) There was about l.5 times increase of vascular permeability in 2 min stimulation group compared with 1 min stimulation group (p<0,05), but not significantly increased permeability of lung parenchyme in both groups. 3) In L-NNA pretreated stimulation oup, there was increased vascular permeability of the trachea (133.3%, p<0.05), main bronchus (167.4%, p<0.05), and peripheral bronchus (197.1%, p<0.05) compared with 2 min stimulation group. 4) L-NNA and L-arginine pretreated stimulation group revealed suppressed vascular permeability com- pared with L-NNA pretreated stimulation group. Conclusion: These results revealed that neurogenic inflammation in the rat airway increases inflammatory responses according to duration of stimulation and blocking of NO synthetase increases neurogenic inflammation. These results provide that nitric oxide modulates inflammatory response of NANC stimulation of the vagal nerves in the rat airways.

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