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        광무대의 공연 활동 연구: 1910년대 전통연희공연을 중심으로

        김민수 ( Kim¸ Minsu ) 이화여자대학교 음악연구소 2021 이화음악논집 Vol.25 No.4

        본고는 1907년에 등장해 1930년까지 전통연희를 위한 전용극장의 역할을 했던 광무대의 운영 기간 중 1910년대에 전개된 전통연희공연을 시기별로 변화가 감지되는 특징에 따라 1910-1914년과 1915-1919년으로 구분해 그 사적 흐름을 규명해 보았다. 우선 주요 논의 대상인 1910년대에 관한 이해를 돕고자 개장 초기인 1907-1909년까지 광무대가 지향한 전통연희공연의 방향은 무엇이었는지 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 설립 초기에 여타의 극장들이 당시 운영되던 관영극장의 공연방식을 답습하고 있었던데 반해 광무대는 공연자와 공연레퍼토리에 대한 새로운 발상의 전환으로 흥행을 선도하며 전통연희공연을 위한 전문극장으로서 도약하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 1910-1914년의 기간은 전통연희공연이 활성화되었던 시기로 광무대의 주요공연자와 이에 따른 공연레퍼토리에 초점을 맞춰 그 특징을 파악해 보았다. 이 시기 전통연희를 공연하던 장안사와 단성사는 흥행을 위해 시기별로 단체를 조직하거나 명창과 더불어 기생을 고용해 무대에 올렸다. 그러나 광무대는 전통연희에 다재다능한 소수의 전속 기생을 고용해 공연 종목에 따른 관객의 반응 정도에 따라 전속 기생을 교차 출연시키는 방식으로 전통연희공연을 흥행으로 이끌었다. 특히 이 시기 광무대는 자신들만의 공연방식을 고착화하고 전통연희를 상설공연으로 정착시키며 전통연희를 위한 공연장으로서의 면모를 확고히 정립해 나갔다. 1915-1919년의 기간은 전통연희를 위한 극장이 점차 축소되었던 때로 이에 따른 광무대의 대응은 무엇이었는지 살펴보았다. 이 시기 광무대는 전통연희공연을 재편, 유지하며 공연자만을 전격 교체하는 것으로 극장의 분위기를 쇄신했다. 나아가 광무대는 당시 흥행을 담보하던 신파극을 끝내 수용하지 않고 신구파극이라는 새로운 공연레퍼토리를 고안함으로써 신파극의 유행에 기민하게 대응하며 전통연희를 수호하는 유일한 극장으로서의 역할을 묵묵히 수행하고 있었음을 확인했다. This paper investigated the historical flow by dividing traditional performances into 1910-1914 and 1915-1919 according to the characteristics of changes in the 1910s during the operation period of Gwangmudae, which appeared in 1907 and served as a theater dedicated to traditional performances until 1930. First of all, in order to help understand the 1910s, which is the main topic of discussion, we looked at the direction of the traditional performance aimed by Gwangmudae from 1907 to 1909. Through this, it can be seen that at the beginning of its establishment, other theaters were following the previous performance method, while Gwangmudae was leaping as a specialized theater for traditional performances, leading the box office with a change of new ideas for performers and performance repertoire. The period 1910-1914 was when traditional performances were activated, and the characteristics were identified by focusing on the major performers of the Gwangmudae and the corresponding performance repertoire. Jangansa Temple and Danseongsa Temple, which performed traditional performances during this period, organized groups by period for box office success or hired Gisaengs along with master singers to perform on the stage. However, Gwangmudae led the traditional performance to the box office by hiring a small number of exclusive Gisaengs who are versatile in traditional performances and cross-staging them according to the audience’s response to the performance event. In particular, during this period, Gwangmudae fixed its own performance method, established traditional performances as permanent performances, and firmly established its aspect as a performance hall for traditional performances. The period 1915-1919 was when the number of theaters for traditional performances gradually decreased, and we looked at the response of the Gwangmudae accordingly. During this period, Gwangmudae renewed the atmosphere of the theater by reorganizing and maintaining traditional performances and replacing only performers. Furthermore, Gwangmudae confirmed that it was silently playing its role as the only theater to defend traditional performances by responding quickly to the trend of new dramas by devising a new performance repertoire called new and old dramas.

      • KCI등재

        단절론적 세계의 복원과 선험적 논리학

        김민수(Kim, Minsu) 중앙어문학회 2018 語文論集 Vol.75 No.-

        이 글은 소설가 김소진의 문학세계를 조망하여 1960년대 이후의 원체험을 가진 지식인이 1990년대에 이르러 나타난 현대성과 그 징후에 대응하는 방식을 살펴보고 이를 통해 그의 문학세계가 지닌 의미를 보다 확장시키기 위해 쓰여졌다. 본고에서는 김소진의 소설이 원체험을 바탕으로 “삶의 총체적 서사”를 그려나가고 있다고 판단하였으며 그의 작품을 원체험의 세계, 현실세계, 가능세계 등 세 가지의 유형으로 분류하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 그가 ‘밥풀때기’를 집중적으로 조명하려고 했던 것은 사회의 주변부에 머물러 있던 그들을 역사의 일부로 해석하고자 하였기 때문이다. 김소진은 지식인의 입장이면서도 원체험을 통해 그들을 닮아가는 과정에서 경계인에 있음을 인식하였다. 또한 거대담론의 시대가 지났음을 확인한 그가 현실 세계에 순응하는 모습을 보였던 것은 ‘살아간다’는 명제의 중요성을 인식했던 것으로 볼 수 있으며 이를 통해 원체험과 현실세계를 성공적으로 접합시켜 의미화에 도달했다고 볼 수 있다. This article expands the meaning of Kim So-jin’s literary world by examining this world and how intellectuals with original experiences since the 1960s responded to modernity and signs that appeared in the 1990s. Kim So-jin’s novels were based on the original experiences and are thought to draw “the total narrative of life.” We investigated his works by classifying them into the following types: the world of original experience, the real world, and the possible world. Kim Sojin intended to emphasize “the rice grains” in society because he wanted to interpret them as a part of history, as people who still remain on the periphery of society. Kim So‐jin recognized that, because he was also an intellectual, he partly resembled them through his original experiences. Furthermore, he confirmed that the age of the grand discourse was over, and he showed his adaptation to the real world in his recognition of the importance of the proposition of “living.” Through this, it can be said that he reached the signification by successfully connecting original experiences with the real world.

      • Highly Stable and Effective Doping of Graphene by Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of Ruthenium

        Kim, Minsu,Kim, Ki-Ju,Lee, Seung-Joon,Kim, Hyun-Mi,Cho, Seong-Yong,Kim, Min-Sik,Kim, Soo-Hyun,Kim, Ki-Bum American Chemical Society 2017 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.9 No.1

        <P>The sheet resistance of graphene synthesized by chemical vapor deposition is found to be significantly reduced by the selective atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Ru onto defect sites such as wrinkles and grain boundaries. With 200 ALD cycles, the sheet resistance is reduced from similar to 500 to <50 Omega/sq, and the p-type carrier density is drastically increased from 10(13) to 10(15) cm(-2). At the same time, the carrier mobility is reduced from similar to 670 to less than 100 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). This, doping of graphene proved to be very stable, with the electrical properties remaining unchanged over eight weeks of measurement. Selective deposition of Ru on defect sites also makes it possible to obtain a grapherie film that is both highly transparent and electrically conductive (e.g., a sheet resistance of 125 Omega/sq with 92% optical transmittance at 550 nm). Highly doped graphene layers achieved by Ru ALP are therefore expected to provide a-viable basis for transparent conducting electrodes.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Effects of a supportive workplace environment on the success rate for smoking cessation camp

        Kim Woojin,Kim A Ram,Ock Minsu,Jeon Young-Jee,Lee Heun,Kim Daehwan,Kim Minjun,Yoo Cheolin 대한직업환경의학회 2023 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        Background: This study was conducted to identify the success rate for smoking cessation over time after participation in a therapeutic smoking cessation camp, and to identify how participant characteristics, including a supportive workplace environment for smoking cessation (SWESC), affect the success rate for smoking cessation. Methods: In all, 296 participants at smoking cessation camps in Ulsan between 2015 and 2020 were investigated. The success rates of smoking cessation after weeks 4, 6, 12, and 24 at camp were investigated. The participants were grouped as workers with an SWESC, and workers without an SWESC, and variables (age, education, household income, marital status, drinking, exercise, body mass index, morbidity, job, number of counseling sessions, cigarettes smoked per day and smoking initiation age) were investigated. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted at each time point. In addition, Cox regression analysis was performed to evaluate the variables affecting the success rate for smoking cessation over time. Results: The smoking cessation success rate of workers with an SWESC at week 24 (90.7%) was higher than that for workers without an SWESC (60.5%). Multiple logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between each variable and the success rates for smoking cessation at week 6, 12, and 24. SWESC was confirmed as significant (p < 0.05) variables for increased success rate for smoking cessation at all 3 time points. After adjusting for all variables, the Cox proportional hazards survival analysis showed a hazard ratio of 6.17 for SWESC (p < 0.001,; 95% confidence interval: 3.08–12.38). Conclusions: At a professional treatment smoking cessation camp, participants with an SWESC showed a significantly higher success rate for smoking cessation. Supportive workplace environment for workers’ health is expected to be an important factor for smoking cessation projects as well as other health promotion projects at workplace.

      • Surface dipole enhanced instantaneous charge pair generation in triboelectric nanogenerator

        Kim, Kyeong Nam,Jung, Yun Kyung,Chun, Jinsung,Ye, Byeong Uk,Gu, Minsu,Seo, Eunyong,Kim, Seongsu,Kim, Sang-Woo,Kim, Byeong-Su,Baik, Jeong Min Elsevier 2016 Nano energy Vol.26 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Developing a successful strategy to maximize the surface charge density is crucial to speed-up the commercialization success of triboelectric nanogenerator. Here, for the first time, the fabrication of positive triboelectric material to donate electrons efficiently to dielectrics is reported, by increasing the stretchability for the uniform contact and by introducing a functional group for the surface potential control. A highly stretchable and conductive film with Ag nanowires and PDMS was fabricated as a base material, in which the portion of nanowires exposed above the embedding surface should be accurately controlled. In specific, positively charged 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP) coated Au nanoparticles, prepared by phase transfer method, are coated. The DMAP lowers the effective work function of the nanoparticles by a permanent dipole induced at the DMAP-Au interface and enhances the electron transfer to the dielectrics, confirmed by the Kelvin probe force microscope measurement. The designed nanogenerator gives an output performance up to 80V and 86μA, and 2.5mW in output power, 2.5 times enhancement compared with the conventional TENG. With the integration with AC to DC converting circuit and buck-boost circuit, the nanogenerator produces a constant voltage of 2.6V. The wireless sensing system, which operates the remote controller, were also demonstrated, turning on a siren.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A positive triboelectric material to donate electrons efficiently to dielectrics is developed. </LI> <LI> The keynote is to increase the stretchability and to introduce a functional group. </LI> <LI> It was proven to be effective for the uniform contact and surface potential control. </LI> <LI> The TENG gave an output performance up to 80 V and 86 μA, and 2.5 mW in output power. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Isolation of Indole Utilizing Bacteria Athrobacter sp. And Alcaligenes sp. From Livestock Waste

        ( Minsu Kim ),( Jin Hyung Lee ),( Eonmi Kim ),( Hyukjae Choi ),( Younghoon Kim ),( Jintae Lee ) 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2016 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.26 No.-

        Indole is an interspecies and interkingdom sig-naling molecule widespread in different environmental compartment. Although multifaceted roles of indole in dif-ferent biological systems have been established, little infor-mation is available on the microbial utilization of indole in the context of combating odor emissions from different types of waste. The present study was aimed at identifying novel bacteria capable of utilizing indole as the sole carbon and energy source. From the selective enrichment of swine waste and cattle feces, we identified Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the genera Arthrobacter and Alcaligenes. Bacteria belonging to the genus Alcaligenes showed higher rates of indole utilization than Arthrobacter. Indole at 1.0 mM for growth was completely utilized by Alcaligenes sp. in 16 h. Both strains produced two interme-diates, anthranilic acid and isatim, during aerobic indole metabolism. These isolates were also able to grow on several indole derivatives. Interestingly, an adaptive response in terms of a decrease in cell size was observed in both strains in the presence of indole. The present study will help to explain the degradation of indole by different bacteria and also the pathways through which it is catabolized. Furthermore, these novel bacterial isolates could be potentially useful for the in situ attenuation of odorant indole and its derivatives emitted from different types of livestock waste.

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