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      • KCI등재

        야뇨증 환아들의 심리사회적 특성에 대한 다기관 연구 : 행동 및 정서 문제를 중심으로

        조수철,김재원,신민섭,황준원,한상원,박관현,이상돈,김경도,김건석,서홍진,이유식,정재용,김영균,문두건,남궁미경,한창희,조원열,김영식,배기수,이종국,정우영,신의진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.6

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems associated with nocturnal enuresis in Korean children. Methods : Three hundred eighteen children with nocturnal enuresis, together with their parents, completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale according to DSM-IV (DBDS), Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSC). Ninety-three normal students were selected as the control group. Results : Compared to the normal control group, the mean scores with regard to the withdrawn, social problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems profiles were significantly higher in the nocturnal enuresis group according to the CBCL results. The nocturnal enuresis group also scored significantly higher in the ADHD and ODD profiles of the DBDS. The nocturnal enuresis group was more depressed and anxious than the control group according to the results of the CDI and STAI. The mean score of the PHCSC was significantly lower in the nocturnal enuresis group when compared to the normal control group. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that children with nocturnal enuresis in Korea have clinically relevant behavioral and emotional problems. The findings support the link between nocturnal enuresis and psychopathology in Korean children.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        경희대학교 서울캠퍼스 진입로 및 주변 보행공간 기본계획

        김동찬,김영준,마원,김충희,노경식,이가영 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2008 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Kyung-Hee University in Seoul accept changing of education environment to deal with World's information technology society so that school had preparing the Masterplan to grow up campus's vision since 2006th. Finally we finish up this plan. However, realization of the Masterplan need a lot of financial resources, much times and phases in improvement. Especially, our school needs symbolized business in 2009 due to school of 60th anniversary. So we made a plan that to construct by design which is going to reshape campus's main road and westside afforest place for future. As a result, purpose of research is to improve an atmosphere conducive to academic pursuit, to show up greatness of school and to deal with changing school's environment rapidlly. That is why the Masterplan is trying to find school of superb scenic and developing of environment to congratulate of our school's 60th anniversary main approach and walking spaces.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 수술후 경막외강에 주입한 ketamine의 진통효과에 관한 연구

        정기호,조남수,임경준,유병식,정종달,김용일 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1993 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.18 No.1

        Author divided 60 patients who got lower abdomen or lower extremity surgical operation into three groups. Each group consisted of 20 patients. We injected ketamine 10㎎, 20㎎, and 30㎎ respectively into the epidural space when the patient complained of pain postoperatively and observed the postoperative analgesic effect of ketamine. Finally, we concluded the following : 1) The onset time of analgesic effect. : The analgesic effect appeared within 10 minutes in 3 groups and the significant difference among them was not seen. 2) The duration of analgesic effect : The duration of analgesia was relatively short with less than 1 hour on an average in all 3 groups and was not constant. 3) Cardiopulmonary system. : The significant change of blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate was not seen in all three groups and and the difference among them also was not seen. 4) Side effects. : Sedative action(16%), nausea(10%), dizziness(5%), headache(3.3%) From above results, the epidural administration of ketamine is not suitable for postoperative pain management because of a lot of side effects as well as short and inconstant duration of analgesic effeet.

      • KCI등재후보

        경희대학교 국제캠퍼스 걷고 싶은 거리 조성계획

        김동찬,김영준,마원,김충희,노경식,이가영 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2008 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Kyung-Hee University Global Campus accepted changing of education environment to adapt to the World's information technology society so that school has been preparing the Master plan to grow up campus's vision since 2007. However, realization of the Master plan need a lot of financial resources, much times and phases in improvement. Especially, our university needs symbolized business in 2009 due to the 60th anniversary of our university. Based on this we want to improve the main entrance road environment from school gate to the school of international management and reconstruct the spatial environment beside the main road. The purpose of this research is to construct a pedestrian space environment and reconstruct the campus environment which adapt to the new times' demands. That is why the Master plan is trying to find the landscape scenic which adapts to our school' s main entrance space and the improvement method about the pedestrian space of the Global campus to congratulate of our university's 60th anniversary.

      • 滋賢丸 煎湯液이 無麻醉 家兎의 腎臟機能에 미치는 影響

        鄭銀卿,金庚植,柳道坤,李昊燮 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1992 원광한의학 Vol.2 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of Jasinhwan(滋腎丸) water extract on the renal function and arterial blood pressure. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Urine volume, renal plasma flow, and glomerular filtration rate were significant increased after intravenous administration of Jasinhwan water extract(0.2㎖/㎏). 2. Urine volume, renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate, and urinary excretion of electrolytes were significant increased after intravenous administration of Jasinhwan water extract(0.4㎖/㎏). 3. Heart rate was significant decreased after intravenous administration of Jasinhwan water extract(0.4㎖/㎏). These results suggest that the increased of ruine volume after intravenous administration of Jasinhwan water extract was related with the changed of renal hemodynamics and the increased of urinary excretion of electrolytes.

      • 刑事訴訟法上의 餘罪에 관한 硏究

        鄭京植 건국대학교 1977 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        1.Definition of subsidiary offence The term "subsidiary offence" has been frequently uses in various meanings, but in this article it is defined as the cirmes other than formal offence (herefater called as a principal offence), which is dealt with definite procedures (for instance, arrest, detention or indictment), among those offences committed by the same suspects or the accuseds, and it is sometimes called to an offences having possibilities to put on trial. The meaning of subsidiary offence practically is wider than that of the above definition. For instance, undiscovered crimes handled by the investigating agencies comparing with discovers ones as well as untrialed crimes comparing with convicted crimes. Generally speaking, it might be very difficult to conduct investigation for several facts of crime simultaneously. In spite of this fact, a simultaneous trial for several criminal offences is actually requested, as far as possible, in order to avoid reiteration of investigation and trial as well as to take consideration of penal term, in view of the principle of litigating economy in corformity with regulations pertaining to annexed offences in the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure. Therefore, conception of subsidiary offence has apparently originated in connection wish requirement for simultaneous trial aiming at the interest of the suspects and the accuseds. On the other hand, subsidiary of fence has made so many difficult problems through each step of litigating procedures, especially concerning the confinement of the suspects and the accusers and accordingly, the judgement and attitude relating to this problem have brought a great influence on the status of the suspects and the accuseds. Prior to the main study of subsidiary offence, we have to pay special attention on the criticism that the request of simultaneous trial for this offence, which was principally originated for the interest of the suspects and the accuseds, has brought a result of misappropriation for these people by the investigating agencies in the course of disposition concerning subsidiary offence. 2.Basic standpoint relating to confinement of human body and subsidiary offence Theories on setting a unit concerning confinement of human body is separated into two categories-Unit based on Person or on the case-. Those who are supporting the principle of case-unit have strongly insisted upon the theory that the confinement should be strictly based on principal criminal fact as described on writ of arrest, and the validity of the writ is to be applied for only competent fact thereto. On the contrary, men sticking the principle of suspect-unit have been fimrly insisted on the idea that the confinement of the suspects or the accusers is merely restricted to these defendant in relation with confinement of human body as demanded by the Court. Judging from the comprehension of the existing law, it is deemed to be justifiable construction to adopt the principle of caseunit. Accordingly, several confinements can be exercised to the same suspects or the accusers when the investigation and trial for several criminal facts were conducted. In practical procedures, however, in order to evade complicated procedure, the con-finement has ordinarily carried out for one fact and the other subsidiary offences have usually been investigated or put on trial together with the existing case inclusively. Eventhough, this method is deviated from the original idea of Code of Criminal Procedure, it has beers admitted in practice because of its taking interest of the suspects and the accuseds into consideration. In ease of adopting the principle of case-unit, dual confinements of same person are possible-arrest person on charge of fact A, and arrest him separately on charge of fact B-, but this must be denied on viewpoint of the principle of person unit. The discrepancies of such viewpoint may bring a serious inftuence in the various fields of subsidiary offence. 3.Substantial problems Causes of confinement and subsidiary offence In cases that the subsidiary offences written on the writ of arrest are serious and multiple, we can draw deduction that there is much probability of fight of the arrested It seems to be a unreasonable abuse of confinement to arrest a person in advance for a minor criminal fact in order to investigate serious and important subsidiary offence. Thus, in order to arrest a person for his subsidiary offence there should be some kind of substantial relationship between subsidiary offence and principal offence, that is, both belong to similar facts, or are committed in the same opportunity and so on. b.Cause of extension of confinement and subsidiary offence There might also be an opposition theory in this concern. In the case when offence A and B constitute the fact of the same kind, and when the criminal intention of Offence A becomes clear through the proof of offence B, or whole criminal plan and intention can be obviously proven by means of annexing both two offences A and B (Exp: Illegal possession of weapons, and murder), the investigation of subsidiary offence B could be allowed open as a part of content of principal offence A. This must be admitted because it does not belong to the abuse of extention of arrest. c.Bail and subsidiary offence Although the denial theory being applied in general in the field of confine-ment by standing on the principle of case-unit, and in consideration of human rights stipulated in the Code of criminal procedure, on the occasion of bail, it would be appropriate to make judgement by considering important fact included in an additional indictment by taking consideration of prohibiting dual confinement for a person who is under confinement already. 4.Right of reception by defense counsel and subsidiary offence There might be some question if we could impose some restriction on the right of reception by defense counsel against suspects and the accused involving in a principal offence for the purpose of investigating subsidiary offence, but it had to be permitted in such circumstance that such a imposition of restriction would bring them a serious result toward the investigation of subsidiary offence thereby. 5.Place of confinement and subsidiary offence There is problem about removal of the suspects and the accuseds to the other confinement to perform investigation of subsidiary offence, and this matter should be prudently decided by considering all substantial circumstances as to the result of serious disadvantage to their defense activities and treatment as well as an unfavorable condition in the proceeding of harmonious trial. 6.The circumstantial evidence, assessment of case and subsidiary offence The existance of subsidiary offence have substantially composed of a circumstance of crime, and should be considered as a factor of assessment of case. Sufficient consideration should be taken in the time of decision concerning sum total of principal penalty including days of detention for the unconvicted and penal indemnity.

      • 現行 刑事訴訟法의 運用上 不調和에 관한 硏究

        鄭京植 건국대학교 1978 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        1.Preface The current code of criminal procedure has a compromising character by which a lot of elements of the adversary system based on the Anglo-American Law were introduced to the procedure of the ex officio system represented in the European Continental Law. Discordance arising from such a compromising law is hereby analyzed as follows on the standpoint of comparative law through administrative experiences in the past. 2.The first discordance Discordance could be observed between scurf a substantial law as a German-style criminal code requiring verification of criminal intent as a mental parts and the Anglo-American procedural law under which the probative value of evidence of mental parts is left to the discretion of judges. 3.The second discordance The discordance exists between the old typed tribunal practice disapproving the circumstantial evidence and presumption in the determination of facts and the up-to-date procedural law. 4.The third discordance We could find that, in spite of admitting the right to remain silent, the cureent procedural law, in order to restrict it, tried to reduce the utilization of the presumptive evidence, to mitigate the probative value of the circumstantial evidence and to deny the crime of court insult which meant the defiance of the court order. 5.The fourth discordance While the procedural law refused the jury system, it introduced large amounts of principles rejecting the probative value to the documentary evidences. 6.The fifth discordance Several legal restrictions in gathering evidences have deteriorated the difficulties in litigation activities. In other words, under the procedural law it might be very difficult to conduct fact finding due to overloaded judicial cases as well as a shortage of investigation resources and time limitation. 7.The sixth discordance The disapproval of arrangement system contradicts itself with the inevitable situations to perform a heavy loads of criminal cases in reality. 8.The seventh discordance It could be said that the procedural law established the incompulsory measrues as a general rule in investigation, but neglected such an actual arrangements as an increase of investigation expenses, improvement of investigator'a quality and the solid scientific search. 9.Conclusion The system of Anglo-American Law could be compared with clothing fittable to our body, if wear, though it seemed to be threadbare rags on the surface. On the contrary, our criminal procedural law might be contrasted with clothing feeling uneasy, when we wear, even it could be visible to be a neat and beautiful one on the surface. It would be desirable to take consideration into accordance and proportion in the field of application, instead of saying that our contemporary law is the worst one.

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