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      • 생체분해성 망막압정을 이용한 망막고정에 대한 실험적 연구

        김용백,민병무,김창식,박근성,김승영,길숙종,조항진,이성복,노승무,송규상,강대영,조준식,양준묵,정경수,최선웅,이진호,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Biodegradable retinal fixation devices obtain mechnical fixation of the retina with desirable chorioretinal scarring and with the potential for local, sustained release of antimetabolites and steroids to inhibit proliferative vitreoretinopathy. We manufactured a biodegradable retinal tack with barb that was designed in order to prevent intrusion from implantation of retinal tacks. This study was carried to evaluate the efficacy for retinal fixation and the capability for sustained release of drugs with a newly designed biodegradable retinal tack Biodegradable retinal tacks were made of polymers of glycolic acids and were designed with barbs in a shape to prevent the disinsertion. Biodegradale retinal tacks are divided into 3 parts, a conical portion that is inserted into the sclera, a cylinder portion that remains in the vitreous, and a neck portion between the pin and the cylinder. The tapered conical end was manufactured to allow easy insertion through the retina and choroid into the sclera. A cylinder portion was manufactured with a tapered angle that fixes firmly into the orifice of 19 gauge spinal needle. A neck portion, 0.4 mm in diameter, was designed to prevent disinsertion from following implantation of retinal tack. The applicator was a 19 gauge spinal needle and its orifice was prepared to 15°angle to accept the tapered cylinder portion of the retinal tack. The retinal tacks, secured in the needles, were passed through the formed vitreous and inserted into the retina, choroid, and sclera and were released by pushing the internal needle, usually within 2-3mm of the medullary ray of the posterior rabbit retina A retinal tack was placed in each of 8 pigmented rabbit eyes. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy and fundus photography were performed periodically from 1 day to 8 weeks after surgery. Eight eyes were enucleated and studied by light microscopy at 8 weeks. Biomicroscopic evaluation of the animals revealed edemas adjacent to the retinal surfaces immediately after insertion of the biodegradable retinal tacks in all the animals. These edemas disappeared after 1 week. The first noticeable change in the size of retinal tacks was shown after 2weeks. The size of the retinal tacks gradually got smaller, decreasing to about one-half at 4 weeks and about one-third at 8 weeks. All retinal tacks remained in inserted places without any movement for an 8 week period. On light microscopy, epiretinal proliferations were seen to extend into the vitreous cavity. Cellular capsules that lined the inner aspect of the scleral defect caused by tack insertion were found. However the adjacent retina had a normal cytologic appearance and architecture in all specimens. We manufactured a biodegradable retinal tack that is designed to prevent intrusion from implantation of retinal tacks. All biodegradable retinal tacks reduce in size with time, but no retinal tacks extruded from the inserted place. The newly designed biodegradable retinal tack can be used for retinal fixation and may be used as a vehicle for the introduction of pharmacologic agents to prevent the cellular events that promote proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

      • 당뇨병성 합병증을 가진 환자에서 혈중 Erythropoietin 농도

        김동규,유기동,허광식,김상용,윤성호,조영신,권용은,김태원,김건영,정종훈,배학연 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1998 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.23 No.1

        연구 배경 : 고혈당성에 의한 산화환원반응 이상(가저산소증)이 조절 되지않는 당뇨병의 특징으로 혈관과 신경 기능에 대한 진성 저산소증의 효과와 유사하며, 당뇨 합병증의 병태생리에 중요한 역할을 한다. 고혈당이 있는 인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 인슐린 수준이 정상이듯이, 빈혈이 있는 당뇨병 환자에서 EPO의 농도는 실제 혈색소 농도의 감소비율과 차이가 있을 것이라 추측된다. Friedman 등은 당뇨병성 합병증 원인 인자로 가저산소증(pseudohypoxia) 또는 저산소증(hypoxia)을 제기하였고 이런 인자들이 EPO의 상대적 또는 절대적 결핍에 의한 것임을 보고하였다. 방법 : EPO-Trac^(TM 125)I RIA kit을 이용하여 방사면역측정법으로 EPO 수준을 검사하였다. 전혈 3㎖을 5-10㎖ 시험관에 정맥 채혈하였으며, 용혈과 장기간의 보존을 위하여 원심분리를 즉시 시행하여 혈청을 영하 200C에서 냉동 보관 후 일괄적으로 검사 결과를 얻었다. 결과 : 1996년 9월부터 1997년 2월까지 조선대학교 부속병원 내과에 입원한 2형 당뇨병 환자 63례를 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 당뇨병성 합병증이 없는 군과 있는 군간의 혈색소, 혈중 EPO농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 있었으며 혈색소의 감소율보다 혈중 EPO의 감소율이 더 높았다. 2) 당뇨병성 망막증의 유무에 따른 혈색소 농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 혈중 EPO농도는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 증식성군에서만 혈중 EPO의 감소비율이 혈색소에 비해 높았다. 3) 당뇨병성 신증의 유무에 따른 혈색소, 혈중 EPO농도는 유의한 차이가 있었고 혈색소 감소율에 비해 EPO농도의 감소율이 높았다. 신증의 중증도에 따른 혈색소, EPO의 차이는 미세알부민뇨군을 제외하고는 유의한 차이를 보였고 혈색소 감소율에 비해 EPO의 감소율이 더높았다. 4) 당뇨병성 신경병증의 유무에 따른 혈색소 농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 EPO농도는 유의한 차이를 보였다. 혈색소와 EPO의 감소비율은 비슷하였다. 신경병증의 중등도에 따른 혈색소와 EPO농도의 변화는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 stage 3에서는 혈색소감소율보다 EPO감소율이 더높았다. 결론 : 당뇨병성 합병증을 가진 환자에서 빈혈의 정도는 대부분 혈청 EPO치의 절대적 감소에 의함을 간접적으로 밝혀낼 수 있었으며 차후 더 많은 대상으로 비교 분석이 필요하리라 사료된다. Background: Hyperglycemic-induced redox(pseudohypoxia) imbalance is a characteristic feature of poorly controlled diabetes that mimics the effects of true hypoxia on vascular and neural functions and plays an important role on the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. As is true for apparently "normal" insulin levels typically found in NIDDM even in the presence of hyperglycemia, a "normal" erythropoietin level in an anemic diabetic subject may be disproportionally low for the actual red cell mass. Therefore, Friedman et al suggested that pseudohypoxia or hypoxia as an etiological factor of diabetic complications are due to absolute or relative erythropoietin deficiency Method: EPO-TracTM 125I RIA kit was used for the quantitative determination of erythropoietin(EPO) in serum by radioimmunoassay. An adequate sample of blood (3ml whole blood) was collected aseptically by venipuncture in a 5~10ml glass tube to yield a minimum of 400 L of serum per assay. The serum was promptly removed from the clot by centrifugation in order to avoid hemolysis. Then to increase its storage time it was frozen at -200C in a nonself defrosting freezer. Finally, tests were undertaken simultaneously Results We studied 63 cases with diabetes mellitus, who were admitted to Chosun University Hospital from September, 1996 to February, 1997 at the Department of Internal Medicine. We defined the control group, as diabetic patients who did not have anemia(<13mg/dl), diabetic complications(retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy) and the remainders were defined as the experimental group(we excluded anemic patients, who had secondary causes of anemia and diabetic patients with end stage renal disease)Data were as follow 1) The relationship of Hb and the 24hr urine protein between diabetic patients with and without complications significantly differed(p=0.02, < 0.001 respectively), but the Hb level was poorly related between diabetic patients with and without retinopathy(except in preproliferative, proliferative subgroups) and neuropathy. 2) Subgroups of patients with diabetic complications had higher 24hr urine protein than patients without diabetic complications, except stage I diabetic neuropathy 3) The EPO level was significantly different between diabetic patients with and without complications. 4) The correlation between EPO and Hb was significantly different, especially in diabetic patients with retinopathy and nephropathy according to severity of diabetic complications, compared with patients who did not have diabetic complications such as retinopathy and nephropathy. Conclusion: We know that anemia induced by diabetic complications is due to relative EPO deficiency than absolute EPO deficiency, and further evaluation and studies are needed on many cases in the future

      • 산후에 발병한 특발성 부갑상선 기능저하증 I 예

        김정인,김상용,신병철,김경남,서영욱,이범주,김진화,배학연 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.2

        Hypoparathyroidism is usually the result of an inadvertent surgical removal of all the parathyroid glands, In some instances, not all the tissues are removed, but the remainder undergoes vascular supply compromise secondary to the fibrotic changes in the neck after surgery, Previously, the surgery for hyperthyroidism was the most frequent cause of acquired hypoparathyroidism. Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism is a relatively rare disease that is characterized by hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia due to a parathyroid hormone deficiency of an unknown cause, It usually develops at a young age, and shows various clinical symptoms and signs accompanied with hypocalcemia. In addition, it is rarely associated with polyglandular autoimmune syndrome during the follow-up. Hypocalcemia and idiopathic hypoparathyroidism associated with labor and lactation are rarely reported condition previously. We here describe a case of a woman in whom the symptomatic severe hypocalcemia appeared after her delivery. We reviewed all the previously reported cases and suggest a possible physiological explanation for the association between pregnancy, lactation, and the appearance of symptomatic hypocalcemia.

      • 생체분해성 안과제형의 안구내흡수정도와 안독성

        민병무,김용백,박근성,송규상,양준묵,이성복,조항진,길숙종,김승영,김학용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        An improved retinal tack can be used to fix the retina in complicated retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. We used the retinal tack made by biodegradable polyglycolic acid, polylactic acid and copolymers. The tacks with polyglycolic acid were placed in the retina the right eyes of 10 rabbits as group 1, with polylactic-polyglycolic acid copolymers as group 2 in each left eyes. We examined the absorption rates and degree of intraocular inflammation at 1 day, 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks and compared both eyes. The tacks were absorbed with time in both eyes, but more rapid in copolymers. And there was no inflammation in both eyes. Now, this study will be a base on the drug delivery system in intraocular pharmacological and surgical management.

      • 생체분해성 고분자를 이용한 사시수술용 제형개발 및 효용성에 대한 연구

        민병무,김용백,김승영,김창식,박근성,길숙종,조항진,이성복,노승무,송규상,강대영,조준식,양준묵,정경수,최선웅,이진호,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        A new device, muscle clamping system was developed to facilitate exact quatifying technique A strabismus surgery, and reduce the risk of complications. The device is composed of a lower fixing body with three jaws and an upper supporting body. They are used to clip an extraocular muscle and fix it to the sclera with a single bite. Superior rectus recession on 16 rabbit eyes were performed with this new device. Conjunctival injection, muscle adhesion strength, and light microscopic findings were examined at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks postoperatively. The Conjunctival injection were minimal, adhesion power ranged from 420 to 600 gram gravity, which is sufficient in withstand the normal pull of human extraocular muscle. In microscopic exam, some Inflammatory cells and fibrosis were found. The new device was technically easy, fast, and accurate, so it may be useful in stabismus surgery.

      • KCI등재후보

        당뇨환자에서 발생한 두개저의 침습성 아스페르길루스증 1예

        이지연,김성범,김용현,김정한,유상균,김희영,정영걸,박승철,정학현,최재걸,이진수,김민자 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.5

        두개저의 침습성 아스페르길루스증은 매우 드물지만 치명적인 질환으로 침습성 아스페르길루스 부비동염에 합병될 수 있다. 침습성 아스페르길루스증의 치료 원칙은 병변의 외과적 적출술과 장기간의 항진균요법으로 되어 있으나, 적절한 치료 기간과 치료 반응의 경과 판정에 대한 지침은 없는 실정이다. 저자들은 부비동염 증상을 주소로 내원하여 아스페르길루스종을 진단받고 4개월 전에 수술받은 적이 있는 당뇨 환자에서 두 개저의 침습성 아스페르길루스증을 진단하였으며, 병소의 부분적인 수술적 제거와 5개월 이상의 전신적 항진균제 사용으로 환자의 임상 경과가 호전되었으며 치료전과 치료 과정에서 시행한 갈륨스캔에서 방서성동위원소의 섭취가 점차 감소하여 일치하는 소견을 관찰할 수 있었다. 이에 저자들은 당뇨를 포함한 면역저하자에서 발생하는 아스페르길루스 부비동염은 조직 침습 유무에 대한 정확한 진단이 매우 중요하며, 추후에도 침습성 아스페르길루스증으로 진행할 수 있음을 유의해야 할 것을 강조하며, 또한, 갈륨스캔이 그러한 감별과 치료 경과 판정에 유용함을 경험하여 보고하는 바이다. Invasive aspergillosis of skull base is a rare but potentially lethal disease which complicates fungal sinusitis and requires surgical debridement, and long term antifungal therapy. However, optimal duration of antifungal therapy and standard method to monitor of clinical response are not known. A 55-year-old diabetic female patient presented with headache and otatgia 4 months after surgery for non-invasive aspergilloma of sinus. Brain MRI findings revealed bone destructions at the skull base and mastoid process. Mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty were performed, and the resected specimen showed fungal hyphae invading the tissue. Amphotericin B was given for 9 weeks (a total dose of 3.3g) with oral itraconazole, followed by itraconazole (400 ㎎ daily) alone for another 12 weeks. Serial gallium scans, taken before treatment and at 8th and 16th weeks following therapy, showed gradual reduction in uptake of the lesions. We emphasize that non-invasive Aspergillus sinusitis may progress to invasive disease, and strong suspicion of invasiveness is mandatory, especially in immunocompromised patients including diabetes mellitus. Also, we suggest that gallium scan is useful for determining the presence and extent of the disease, and monitoring clinical response following therapy.

      • Rat의 복강에 삽입한 Fluorouracil-Polyglycolic acid 제형의 Fluorouracil 용출에 관한 연구

        노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,강대영,송규상,최정목,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 忠南大學校 癌共同硏究所 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        A common form of relapse in adenocarcinoma of the stomach is intraperitoneal dissemination, in fact, among gastric adenocarcinoma patients who have undergone surgery intended to cure, approximately 50% of the patients develope initial recurrence in the peritoneal cavity regardless of the anatomic site of the primary tumor within the stomach. The efficacy of systemic postoperative chemotherapy to prevent peritoneal recurrence of gastrric adcnocarcinoma is not satisfactory. There is still a great need for improved therapeutic strategies on the disseminated microscopic disease and small miliary nodules remaining on the peritoneal surface or lymphatics after operation. The authers have made fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid composite disks(Fu-PGA disks) with fluorouracil and biodegradable polymer: polyglycolic acid for more effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy. We inserted the Fu-PGA disk(s) in the peritoneal cavity of rat and pharmacokinetic study was performed to measure fluorouracil concentration in the peritoneal fluid, plasma, liver, kidney and heart tissue at 24 hour, 72 hour and 168 hour after insertion of Fu-PGA disk(s). Myelosuppressive action of this composite also was determined following its administration. The data of this study suggested that Fu-PGA composite will be a new device releasing drugs in a controlled manner and having targetability to peritoneum, and this device will be improving the efficacy of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric adenocarcinoma.

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