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레이저형광측정을 통한 DIAGNODENT의 우식진단에 관한 생체와 연구
박종석,이광희,김성형,김대업 大韓小兒齒科學會 2000 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.27 No.1
새로운 레이저형광측정기술을 사용한 Diagnodent의 우식진단능력을 탐침을 사용하는 시진법 및 일반적 방사선사진촬영법과 비교하여 평가하기 위하여, 건전하거나 열구우식이 있는 발거된 대구치와 소구치 103개를 대상으로 위의 세 가지 방법의 검사를 각각 시행하고 그 성적을 비교하였다. 시진 및 방사선검사 성적이 증가할수록 Diagnodent성적도 함께 증가하는 분포를 나타내었다(P<0.01). 시진 성적과 Diagnodent 성적간에는 피어슨 상관계수 0.676, 스피어만 순위상관계수 0.694의 상관성이 있었고, 방사선검사 성적과 Diagnodent 성적간에는 각각 0.623,0.658의 상관성이 있었다(P<0.01,전체). Diagnodent 검사법은 민감도가 매우 높은 것으로 나타났으나, 가양성의 측정치가 많아 특이도가 낮게 나타났으며, 우식단계별 진단기준을 제시하기 위하여는 더 많은 연구가 필요하다고 평가되었다. The purpose of study was to compare the laser fluorescence detection by Diagnodent (KaVo. Germany). visual inspection using dental explorers, and conventional dental radiography as diagnostic tests for dental caries. One hundred and three human premolars and molars which had no caries or fissure caries were tested by the three methods. Diagnodent scores increased as the scores of the other two tests increased(P<0>01). There were significant relationships between visual inspection scores and Diagnodent scores (Pearson 0.676. Spearman 0.694) and between radiography scores and Diagnodent scores(Pearson 0.623. Spearman 0.658) (P<0.01. all.> Diagnodent test proved to have high sensitivity and low specificity and more studies are necessary to present the diagnostic criteria for progressive caries stages.
객체지향형 실시간 EMS 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 개념디자인
최상열,김종형,신명철,김응모,김학만 성균관대학교 1997 학술회의지원논문목록집 Vol.1997 No.-
Currently, EMS(Energy Mangement System) database is implemented by relational concept but, It is hard to describe the characteristic of power system data which require real time management and composite type. This paper present the way how to design conceptual schema for EMS database using ovject-oriented concept which is free to decribe composite data type and support inheritance concept.
교육환경영향평가제도 도입방안에 관한 연구 : 학교정화구역 내 교육환경 사례분석을 통하여
장창곡,김재현,고준환 韓國學校保健學會 2004 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.17 No.2
Purpose : The aim of the study is to provide information about selecting school sites for new schools in congested urban areas and to propose a method to manage harmful environments around primary and secondary schools. Method : Four schools were selected around Gilum New Town and Ilsan City. The problems were identified by counting the businesses classified as harmful and prohibited in a school zone through surveying, collecting reports from relevant sources, and asking questions of authorities in school districts. Results : It was found that many harmful businesses prohibited by the Law of School Health were present in the safe zone of schools in both Ilsan city and Gilum New Town. The school site of Bohyun Elementary School was classified as poor because there was a steep ascent at the entrance and the school was surrounded by a dangerous, steep boundary. We suggested that an education and environment assessment system by completed before the school site was selected. Conclusion : There is a urgent need to improve the approval and permission process of harmful businesses as well as regulatory standards of school site selection in the light of the shortage of land.
3차원 수치모델링을 통한 스토커식 도시폐기물 소각로의 연소특성 및 운전성능 최적화
전영남,송형운,김미환,채종성 조선대학교 환경연구소 2001 環境硏究 Vol.17 No.2
This study has developed the 3-dimensional numerical model, and applied for the investigation of combustion characteristics and optimized operating conditions in MSW incinerator, in Gwangju. The model developed in this study has verified through the correspondence between the predicted and the measured temperature in combustion chamber which is operating as reference condition. By predictive results. The Sangmoo incinerator has a good characteristics of combustion and low emission, even though after burning zone produces incomplete products by which primary air is introduced not enough. Parametric screening studies have been achieved for the suggestion of optimal operating conditions. For the optimum of combustion characteristics, operating conditions should be changed with varying the property of wastes.
곽동준(GOAG Dong-Joun) 한국프랑스문화학회 2010 프랑스문화연구 Vol.20 No.-
La Poetique du caprice chez Saint-Amant GOAG Dong-Joun Qu‘est-ce que le caprice? Est-ce qu'il est un genre de la poesie francaise? Quelle relation a-t-il avec Saint-Amant? Cet etude commence par se poser ces questions. Boileau a remarque dans son Art poetique(1674) que “Le caprice tout seul faisait toutes les lois.”(v.114) C'est dire que le caprice avec toutes les lois est un genre de la poesie francaise au debut du dix-septieme siecle. Au contraire, Furetiere qui etait contemporain avec Boileau, a precise dans son posthume Dictionnaire universel (1690) que le caprice a recours plutot a “la force du genie qu'aux regles de l'art. Saint-Amant a intitule quelques pieces, Caprice.” Voila tout d'abord une contradiction en ce qui concerne la notion de caprice entre Boileau et Furetiere. C'est-a-dire que celui-la a vu une regularite des poemes a forme fixe dans le caprice, passant par celle de moyen age francais, par exemple la ballade, le triolet, le rondeau, etc., ecrits par Villon, Marot, Malherbe; celui-ci l'a defini comme l'inspiration inventive du poete, caracterise par les pieces qui sont “un peu bizarres et irregulieres.” Selon Furetiere, Saint-Amant tout seul est un poete qui represente le genre de caprice. Bien sur, le caprice provient de capriccio italien, qui signifie la boutade, la satire et la rhetorique ingenieuse, etc. Mais Saint-Amant l'a rendu sublime au niveau plus haut. Lui seul, le premier, il a invente le caprice a la maniere francaise. Et il est le maitre veritable du caprice francais. Saint-Amant a compose nombre de poemes divers de caprice pendant 20 ans, entre 1632 et 1644 ; caprices, caprices heroi-comique, epitres heroi-comique, odes heroi-comique, etc. Alors, qu'est-ce que le caprice pour lui? C'est d'une part l'acte libre de creation du poete, et la fantaisie inventive ou imaginative, d'autre part. Il a la theorie inflexible sur le caprice, disseminee par les prefaces ou les oeuvres, en particulier celle du Passage de Gibraltar ou du Moyse sauve. Le poete a essaye de synthetiser son style poetique a travers le caprice, et de realiser son ideal poetique sur la base de la versification du caprice.