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        강우시 채수빈도가 논 오염부하량 산정에 미치는 영향

        한국헌,김진호,이종식,이정택,조재영,윤광식 한국환경농학회 2005 한국환경농학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        한정된 수질자료를 이용 오염부하 산정시 집중적으로 많은 샘플을 채취한 경우에 비해 어느 정도 차이를 갖는지를 규명하는 것은 모니터링에 따른 오염부하량 산정결과의 신뢰 범위 파악뿐만 아니라 경제적인 수질 샘플 채수빈도 수립에 곡 필요한 것으로 사료된다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 논에서의 강우-유출시 채수 빈도가 오염부하 산정에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 9개의 강우사상에 대해 2시간 간격으로 연속 수질샘플을 실시하여 분석한 결과 전체적으로 강우-유출과정 중 T-N, T-P, SS 농도는 시간별로 증·감변동을 하였으나 유량과의 상관성은 나타나지 않았다. 수질샘플 횟수에 의한 영향은 강우-유출과정 중 5회 정도 샘플을 실시하면 많은 수의 샘플을 채수한 경우에 비해 T-N ±15.2%, T-P는 -20.0~26.2%, SS는 -28.6~35.7% 범위안에서 오염부하를 추정할 수 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 차이범위가 ±10% 내에 들어가기 위한 샘플수는 일주기 조사시 T-N, T-P의 경우는 6회, SS의 경우는 단기유출시는 4회 정도 실시하면 되고, 장기 유출시에는 11회 정도 실시하면 되는 것으로 조사되었다. 유량-유하부하량 관계식으로 ±10%내의 차이를 보일 샘플횟수는 T-N의 경우는 6회 이상, T-P와 SS는 9회 이상 정도 실시하면 되는 것으로 조사되었다. In order to examine effects of sampling frequency during rainfall-runoff process from paddy field on the estimation of pollution load, EMCs of several water sampling frequencies were examined. Water quality samples were conducted by every two hours interval for each event. It was found that difference of load estimation between five times sampling and two hours consecutive sampling during rainfall-runoff showed 15.2~-15.2% for T-N, 20.0~-26.2% for T-P, 28.6~-35.7% for the SS, respectively. In the same way, the effects of number of sampling data on estimation of pollution load using runoff-mass load(L-Q) method were investigated. L-Q equation made of five times sampling data provided 10% differences in estimation of mass loads of T-N, T-P, and SS when compared to those by L-Q equation using entire two hours consecutive sampling data during runoff process.

      • 역전파 알고리즘을 이용한 자율주행로봇의 조향알고리즘 설계

        정헌,최한수 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 1998 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.20 No.1

        In this paper, we develope the direction indicator algorithm based on backpropagation for a mobile robot in an unknown environment. The structure of this neural network navigation system is composed of sensor system and backpropagation learning controllers for adjusting weight, the motion control system for real-time execution. The experimental results show that the developed direction indicator system operates properly and strongly at circumstance.

      • 보존적 치료로 회복된 망경색에 의한 급성복증 1예

        김정념,이숭환,김정식,김진호,배윤오,박성규,윤상정,한현영,이헌영 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Omental infarction, the end result of impaired perfusion to the greater omentum, is a rare benign self-limiting clinical entity. The main clinical symptom is non-specific localized abdominal pain with a moderately raised white blood cell and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These findings often mimic an abdominal surgical emergency. This condition is often misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or cholecystitis. The characteristic feature of CT scan and ultrasonography provide non-invasive diagnosis in most patients with omental infarction. We report a case of patient whose CT scan showed the characteristic finding of omental infarction. The patient was improved spontaneously only with conservative care.

      • 퍼지제어 스템의 입출력이득요소 설계 방법

        최한수,정창규,정헌 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 1997 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.19 No.2

        Fuzzy controller consists of rule base, membership function, fuzzy inference, defuzzification and I/O scaling factors. Performance of fuzzy controller depends on design method of then parameters. Especially, I/O scaling factor effects directory on the performance of fuzzy controller, but get out those value can not be obtained with more systemical method. A method of I/O scaling factor design for fuzzy controller is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is for nonlinear input scaling factor and variable output scaling factor. Purpose of this research is to make a control system have faster rising time, a smaller overshoot and a shorter settling time. Proposed fuzzy controller is evaluated by computer simulation on the 1st order and 2nd order process with various I/O scaling factors, and satisfactory results showed.

      • 肝吸蟲의 宿主血液 攝取에 관한 硏究

        朱東善,鄭啓憲,林漢鍾 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to confirm whether Clonorchis sinensis has an activity of blood intake from host during the course of development of the fluke in the body of the host. The following results were observed: 1. The observations were made weekly on the appearance and the amount of contents with black materials in the cecal lumen of worms which were removed from the bile duct of the rats infected experimentally with metacercariae of C. sinensis. only Tow weeks after the infection, the black materials were already observed in the cecal lumen, and the amount of it was increased in examinations at the 3rd and 4th week of infections. By the 5th week, the majority of worms found to have full cecal contents with black materials. 2. The black materials in the lumen of the intestinal ceca of C. sinensis were proved by benzidine test to be the degenerated products of hemoglobin. 3. Electronmicroscopic examination of the cecal contents of C. sinensis revealed the presence of blood cells. The blood cells found in the contents were morphologically all the same to the blood cells of the host rabbits. 4. It was easier to identify the leucocytes in microscopic fields than the erythrocytes, because the leucocytes retained somewhat normal shape of it, while the erythrocytes were almost degenerated. In the cecal contents there were also rich debris which supposed to be components of blood cells. Nothing other the probable blood components was identified. 5. Scanning electronmicroscopic examination demonstrated that the oral sucker of C. sinensis has the opening and a lip is thick with many fine transverse striae or wrinkles on their surface. Many mammillary papillae were there close to the oral sucker. The results of this study confirmed the belied that C. sinensis has an activity of blood intake from the host with the oral sucker.

      • 用寒遠寒과 用熱遠熱에 대한 考察 : 六元正紀大論에서

        채영진,신창환,임현택,여성원,한성규,이재원,정헌영,금경수 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        Five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors influence not only human disease but also difference of medicine effect. Because the climate of summer is very hot, that is easy to increase the properties of hot medicines, a doctor must be careful to use it in summer. Also the climate of winter is very cold, that is easy to increase the properties of cold medicines, a doctor must be careful to use it in winter. But in the certain conditions to use diaphoretics or purgatives, in spite of that regulation a doctor can use them.

      • 긴촌충(廣節裂頭條蟲) 感柒의 一例

        李駿商,林漢鍾,鄭啓憲 순천향대학교 1980 논문집 Vol.3 No.3

        韓國에서의 긴촌충(廣節裂頭條史) 感染例는 日制時 慶南地方 住民들의 大便檢査 증에 史卵이 觀索되었다는 報告가 있었고, 患者로부터 成忠을 얻어 報告한 例는 趙等(1971)이 報告한 1例 뿐이었다. 著者들은 14歲의 韓國少年으로부터 길이 685cm의 頭節이 없는 史體를 얻었다. 治療藥製는 Bithionol이었다. 忠體를 形態學論으로 檢討한 바 Diphyllobothrium latum(Linnaeus, 1758) Luhe, 1910으로 同定되었다. 患者는 그때까지 外國을 旅行한 經驗이 없었으며 市中에서 生鮮膾률 먹거나 약수터 또는 溪流의 물을 마신 記憶이 없고 더우기 뱀이나 개구리를 生食한 經驗은 전혀 없다고 한다. 다만 그는 本硏究室을 찾기 1年前 그의 父親을 따라 浦項으로 바다낚시를 간 일이 있으며 그곳에서 낚아 올린 농어( 魚)를 謄로 먹은 經驗이 있다고 하였다. 그러므로 本例의 感染源은 魚일 가능성이 많으며 分明한 것은 國內의 土着感染이란 점이다. , 國內에서 수시로 報告되는 sparganum症의 例로 보거나 中間宿主의 役割을 할 수 있다고 思料되는 甲穀類 및 魚類에 대한 報告와 韓國海洋의 魚類分布로 보아 韓國에서의 廣節裂頭條忠 感染率은 窓外로 높을지도 모른다. A case of Diphyllobothrium latum infection was recorded. A 14-year-old Korean boy was infected with this tape worm and treated with bithionol orally. An incomplete strobila without scolex and neck parts was collected. It was identified as D.latum on the basis of morpho1ogical characteristics. The most probab1e source of infection is autochthonous according to the past history of the patient. This is the second record of Diphyllo-bothrium latum infection in Korea which was verified with the recovery of the adult worm.

      • 촉각시스템의 실시간 제어와 출력특성

        김영동,최한수,김영수,강원찬,정헌 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 2003 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.25 No.1

        In this paper, the virtual-reality system is tried to developed, which controls not only the sense of sight and hearing but also the sense of touch, In order to develope the sense of touch in this study, the stable tactual transaction-system, based on summing up the basic algorithm and theory, is embodied. The hardware of this system consists of the 6DOF haptic interface, a controller and a driver. In the case of the software, the proxy algorithm is applied for the force-transaction and the mopping algorithm is used for graphic transaction. In addition to this, the imaginary-device driver is utilized for controlling the system and manager-class is also included in this system to manage the position-change and the like. Consequently, the graphic rendering alg, orithm is deduced by the real-time calculation and simplification because the purpose of this system is to transact in the real time. Applying this system to the PC, we prove that it is possible to deform the graphics and transact the haptic. Finally we suggest the variable simulation program to show the efficiency of this system.

      • 十二變에 대한 考察 : 六元正紀大論을 중심으로

        채영진,남호현,이석모,여성원,한성규,이재원,안민식,정헌영,금경수 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        The six kinds of natural factors(It refers to wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness and fire.) is constantly moving to maintain the balance of whole climate of one year. Four seasons are the largest mediation of whole climate of one year. The cold and the heat have the relationship of mutual intervention. The dampness and the dryness have it also. In this process they raise various climate appearance. And that various climate appearance influence the whole lives on the earth. This paper is concerned with the classification of them.

      • KCI등재

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