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      • KCI등재

        Kommunikationsverfahren und funktional-kommunikative Merkmale im Rahmen der funktional-kommunikativen Sprachbeschreibung Ein Beitrag zur Textlinguistik

        Lee, Jae-Won 德成女子大學校 人文科學硏究所 2005 인문과학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        언어학은 철학적 방향들로부터 영향을 받는다. 본고의 주제가 되는 구동독의 기능적ㆍ통보적 언어기술(FKS)은 구소련의 유물론과 심리학의 결과물이다. 원래 FKS는 슈미트가 중심이 된 구동독의 포츠담언어학파를 일컫는다. 이 방향은 행동중심 또는 행위중심 언어개념과 관련 있다. 본고는, 짧은 기간이나마 동독에서 많이 연구되었던 FKS 언어학을 이와 유사한 서구에서 발생한 언어학인 오스틴과 서얼의 언어행위론과 비교해 가면서 전체적인 얼개를 조명하는 것이 목표이다. 비록 지금은 사라졌지만, 그래도 언어학사라는 큰 줄기에서 보면 FKS의 연구 가치는 충분히 있기 때문이다. 우선 FKS에서 가장 중요한 개념들에 속하는 기능, 행동, 행위 그리고 조작과 같은 용어들이 설명되고, 이어서 언어행위론의 발화수반행위에 해당하는 통보방식(KV)이나 통보목적등이 구체적으로 논의된다. 이어서 통보방식의 하위개념에 해당하는 통보자질(FKM)이 상세하게 논의된다. 그리고 난후, 통보방식이 실현되는 구체적인 응용영역인 영역개념에 대한 여러 가지 사항들이 언급되고, 마지막으로 KV와 FKM의 응용가능성에 대한 문제점과 대안이 제시된다.

      • KCI등재

        지역 스포츠이벤트의 경제적 파급효과 분석에 관한 연구

        송석록(Sok Rok Song),이재우(Jae Woo Lee),이달원(Dal Won Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2007 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic impact of sports event as a part of sports marketing strategies of local city. To reach the purpose, Index of S city for 6 years - number of the sports events, public investment, survey for consumption, and Input-Output analysis. - were researched. S city held most sports event with 8 in 2001 and invested 14.8 million won. The most investment was 39.6 million won with 4 Sports events in 2003. The Production inducing effect reached 2,019 million won in 2001, 3,054 million won in 2002, 3,091 million won in 2003, 538 million won in 2004, 542 million won in 2005 and 1,548 million won in 2006. The highest income inducing effect was 862 million won in 2002 with 7 sports events, the employment inducing effect was calculated to 95 persons in 2002 and 94 persons in 2003, and the valued-added inducing effect was 1,738 million won in 2002. The most economic effects were higher than the average effects of whole other industries in Gangwondo which imply that the in S city held sports events contribute to regional development and more regional sports marketing.

      • KCI등재후보

        비복신경이식을 이용한 긴 거리의 말초신경 결손부 수복

        이종호,이세영,김명진,이은진,안강민,김성민,최원재,명훈,황순정,서병무,최진영,정필훈 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 2003 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.25 No.2

        The surgery of oral and maxillofacial area poses the risk of cranial nerve damage such as trigeminal nerve or facial nerve. Inferior alveolar nerve is prone to damage in the third molar extraction, implant installation, orthognathic surgery, open reduction and rigid fixation, and tumor ablation surgery. On the other hands,facial nerve is likely to be damaged or sacrificed with trauma or parotidectomy. In case of inferior alveolar nerve injury, the incidence is reported to be about 1.3%. The nerve function will almost recover in minimal damage, but it won't recover at last in total damage of a part of nerve unit. In latter cases, nerve regeneration in intended by allograft as nerve substitute or various route of merve condit. But the recovery with autograft is believed to be most relialbe mrthod in the rapair of long-span(longer than 15㎜)nerve defect. We have performed autologous sural nerve graft in the repair of nerve defect, which is caused by resection of benign or malignant tumor. Hereby we report the method of nerve harvesting, recovery of defected peripheral nerve and the complications of donor site with the discussion of sural nerve anatomy.

      • 스포츠 교육모형을 적용한 경도정신지체 초등학교 학생의 축구지도 프로그램의 효과

        이민광,이재원 용인대학교 2011 특수체육연구 Vol.9 No.-

        초등학교 체육학습에서 스포츠 교육모형을 적용한 실험집단과 전통적 교육모형을 적용한 비교집단 간 심동적 영역 및 정의적 영역에 어떠한 변화가 있는지를 알아보고, 그 원인과 효과를 규명하는 것에 연구의 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 서울 특별시에 소재하는 Y구 관내 초등학교에 재학 중인 경도정신지체 초등학생 30명을 대상으로 실험집단에는 스포츠교육모형을, 비교집단에는 전통적 수업모형을 적용하여 실시하였다. 심동적 영역의 검사 도구로는 축구기능(패스, 드리블, 슛, 게임 수행능력), 의 변화를 측정하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 축구의 기능 평가를 보완하기위해 KLK축구 기술 검사 도구를 아동에 맞게 변형하여 축구 검사를 사전, 사후로 나뉘어 측정하였다. 정의적 영역 검사의 설문지는 김도수(1996), 박미영(1998)의 정의적 영역 설문지를 토대로 수정 보완하여 사용했던 이재우(2003)의 「스포츠교육모형의 적용을 통한 초등체육수업의 효율적인 지도」에서 사용된 질문지를 이용하였다. 연구절차는 축구운동기능 사전검사를 4주차 학습 종료 후 사후 검사를 9주차에 측정 하였고 KLK축구 기술 검사 사전검사는 4주차 학습 종료 후 사후 검사는 9주차에 측정 하였으며, 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 심동적 영역에서 신체활동량은 실험집단이 통제집단에 비해 신체활동량의 평균 점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 건강과 신체발달과 학생중심 수업의 t검증 결과 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 정의적 영역 중 심리적 특성에서 실험집단이 비교집단에 비해 높은 점수를 얻었다. 넷째, 정의적 영역 중 사회적 특성에서 실험집단이 통제집단에 비해 높게 나타난 하위 영역은 원만한 인간관계, 협동심, 준법성, 질서의식, 팀워크의 중요성, 책임감의 중요성, 게임에 대한 경쟁심의 7개 하위 항목의 평균점수가 많이 나타났으며, 팀워크의 중요성에서 가장 큰 평균점수의 향상을 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 스포츠 교육모형을 적용한 체육수업을 진행 하는 것이 전통적인 수업 모형을 적용한 체육 수업보다 학생들의 수업 태도와 같은 정의적 영역에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 심동적 영역에서도 전통적인 수업모형보다 비교적 신체활동 시간을 많이 확보 할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to prove the reason and effect about compared the group of applied sports education system and traditional education system in elementary physical education classes between psychomotor domaim and affective domain. To achive this purpose, This study selected 30 the elementary school student and experimental group applied sports education system, comparison group applied traditional education system, who was mild mental retardation Y-gu, in Seoul. The test tool of psychomotor domain was different skill of soccer.(passing, dribbling, shooting, performance skill of game). To compensate the defect in skill of soccer evaluation, modified KLK soccer skill test tool for approached children after that, divided and measured the experimental group and comparison group. The questionnaire was using in「Effective Teaching of Elementary Physical Lessons Through the Application Sports Education Model」Jae Woo Lee(2003) which based on Do Su Kim(1996), Mi young Park(1998)'s affective domain questionnaire with modified and compensated. The process of study was following, before test of soccer exercise skill measured end of 4th week and after test of soccer exercise skill measured end of 9th week, same as KLK soccer sillk test. First, The domain of affective, experimental group's average score of physical activity was higher than comparison group's. Second, There were significantly differences the results of t test, between health and physical development in student focused class. Third, experimental group's score was higher than comparison group's which among the affective domain of psychological characteristics. Fourth, among the affective domain of social characteristics which high score experimental group than comparison group the following harmonious relationship, cooperation, consciousness of keeping laws, consciousness of keeping orders, importance of teamwork, importance of responsible, competitive spirit of game especially importance of teamwork's average score was the biggest increasing. According to this study, applied sports education system effected positive influence than applied traditional education system which part of affective domain same as attitude of class. According to this study, applied sports education system effected positive influence than applied traditional education system which part of affective domain same as attitude of class.

      • 동굴을 이용한 수산물 저장의 사회 경제적 투자효과 분석 : 광천지역을 중심으로 In the Case of Kangchun Districts in Chungnam Province

        이무원,임재환 忠南大學校 地域開發硏究所 1998 地域開發論叢 Vol.10 No.-

        This study is aimed at identifying the socio-economic effects for storage of fishery products in natural carvens. The traditional pickled shrimps produced and stored in the natural caves in Kwangchun area were surveyed to get information on the socio-economic effects. The surveyed data were processed by TSP, Qbasic and B/C Ratio computer programs and analyzed the decision marking criteria such as B/C ratio, NPV and IRR. The socio-economic effects of the storages of the fishery products are as follows. 1. The storage benefits per ton were showed as 118,500won for the pickled shrimps. 2. Considering 10% of the opportunity cost of capital, the upper limits of investments were amounted to 7,049 thousand won for the pickled shrimps. 3. The investment of the natural cave storages were revealed economically feasible considering the decision making criteria as B/C ratio = 1.09, NPV = 459,730 thousand won and IRR = more than 100%. The other socio-economic effects of the both storages are expected as; 1. The cave storages of the fishery products will contribute to increase consumer's and producer's welfare through the control of supply and demand and price stability. 2. Longterm storage of the fishery products without damaging quality and grades will be made on account of the storage conditions with relatively low temperature, high humidity and indifferent affects from the outside climate. 3. Utilization of the underground space, the existing carvens, for storage will maximize the land use and the sustainable environment considering the mountainous area, two third of the total national land area. In conclusion, the underground space like natural or artificial carvens are considered the most suitable for storage of the pickled shrimps on account of the storage conditions with moderate temperature, humidity and blocking the sun light. Accordingly a study on convenient utilization of the existing carvens and new development of artificial caves should be made considering transportation and input-output of the farm and fishery products. Financial support of the government should be institutionally rearranged for the successful implementation of storaging fishery and farm products in natural and man-made caves.

      • 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 침습성 모균증 : 수술과 Liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF 병합 요법에 의한 성공적인 치험 1예

        이원영,오기원,임국희,장재혁,이동건,최정현,강무일,신완식,차봉연,이광우,손호영,강성구 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        저자들은 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 부비동형 모균증에 대하여 수술과 함께 liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF의 복합치료를 하여 성공적으로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Mucormycosis (zygomycosis) primarily affects diabetic or immunocompromised patients and typically progresses rapidly, necessitating surgical excision and antifungal therapy with amphotericin B. Large doses of amphotericin B are needed for cure, but it has the risk of causing significant renal toxicity. The recent development of liposomal amphotericin B allows antifungal therapy to be administered with potentially improved efficacy and reduced nephrotoxicity. We have experienced a case of paranasal mucormycosis successfully treated with surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. A 59-year-old male suffering from diabetes mellitus for 6 years was admitted with pain at left maxillary area. He was diagnosed as mucormycosis after cytologic exam on the necrotic nasal mucosa, which showed typical hyphae. He have had diabetic nephropathy with macroproteinuria and had rapidly rising serum creatinine levels with the amphotericin B treatment: creatinine levels reverted to basal level with the use of liposomal amphotericin B. Despite surgical excision and continued antifungal therapy, his infection was not effectively controlled. Therefore, GM-CSF was administered additionally to improve phagocytic activity of leukocytes. He was finally cured after receiving a combination of aggressive surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed clinical description of the treatment of mucormycosis with liposomal amphotericin B in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        현대화 온실의 투자분석

        이광원,임재환,이두희 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1997 농업과학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        The number of modernized green houses have been increased to produce high quality and high-pay off farm products. The unit investment costs per pyeong(3.3058㎡) for building a glass house was estimated at 449 thousand won. On the other hand, the unit prices for the PC house with iron frame and the vynil house with automatic control system were revealed 365 thousand won and 93 thousand won respectively. The main objective of the study was to identify the financial feasibility of the green house investment prevailed in rural area. At present, some farmers have selected the green house without any consideration of profitability of crops and accessibility of their farming practices and technology. For the soundness of green house cultivation and management, the indices of finacial efficiency for the modernized green houses were necessary. The decesion making criteria such as NPV(Net Present Value), IRR(Internal Rate of Return), B/C Ratio and Payback Period were analyzed for the individual high investment facilities considering the present farmer's technology and on-farm benefits and costs. The results of the feasibility analysis of green houses were as follows: 1. In case of 100% private burden of the investment costs, NPV revealed only positive value for the vinyl house with automatic system and IRR for the house was also estimated at more than 10% and B/C Ratio was amounted to more than 1.0. On the other hand, the other glass and PC houses showed negative NPV and unacceptable B/C ratio and IRR. 2. In case of the following terms and conditions as 50% Government subsidy, 20% loans and 30% farmers burden of the total investment cost, all the green houses showed acceptable IRR. B/C Ratio and NPV. 3. The financial feasibility of the glass house was acceptable in tomato cultivation rather than in cucumber cultivation. The payback periods of cucumber were represented as 8.9 years for glass house, 8.5 years for PC house and 4.1 years for vinyl house with automatic system respectively. In conclution, the glass and PC house cultivation of high value vegetables were only acceptable under the Government subsidy and loan systems from the view point of farmer's financial situations. On account of the unacceptable economic rate of return, the government subsidy and loan policy for glass house cultivation should be transfered to the vinyl and pc houses in the future.

      • 홈 네트워크에서 스케일러블 어플리케이션 서비스 방법

        이윤주(Yun-Ju Lee),임태범(Tae-Beom Lim),김경원(Kyung-Won Kim),문재원(Jae-Won Moon),이석필(Seok-Pil Lee) 한국멀티미디어학회 2010 한국멀티미디어학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2010 No.2

        홈 네트워크 상에서 다양한 디지털 기기들 간에 멀티미디어 콘텐츠를 공유/연동하는데 있어, IPTV환경에서 응용프로그램을 비디오, 오디오, 그리고 이미지 파일과 같이 공유/연동할 수 있도록 하는 방법을 제안하고 사용자의 편의성을 증진시키고 시청 환경이 서로 다른 디지털 기기에 동시 적용 가능하며 다양한 시청 환경에 최적화된 사용자 인터페이스를 제공하도록 한다.

      • KCI등재

        인위적 진화의 세계

        이재원(Lee, Jae-Won) 동남어문학회 2012 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.33

        This writing is an attempt to examine the logic behind artificial evolution in the early writing of Lee Kwang-su. According to his account, human civilization is the result of artificial evolution. By defining human personality as abilities of artificial evolution, he tried to change the way of basic understanding human being. He presented in the existence which comes true the essence of the human being which is such the civilized person. At logic of his artificial evolution, the problem of civilization was converted with creation of individual all who have the desire toward civilization. He looked at the situation and position of korean society from the viewpoint of world history and admitted the differential temporality which is dividing between korean society and western civilization. The Lee’s ideas of artificial evolution serves as alternative way to jump over the differential temporality. In the early writing, the methods of the artificial evolution are reform of education system, reading literature and revolution. Through this method, Lee tried to prepare ‘Civilized people’ and ‘shared commitment to social values’ that are practical foundation of artificial evolution.

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