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하강진(Ha, Kang-Jin) 한국문학회 2008 韓國文學論叢 Vol.50 No.-
촉석루 제영시는 진주 지역의 문학성을 대표하는 문학 갈래로서 인정받고 있다. 촉석루는 역사적으로 흥폐를 반복했고, 누각 존립의 실태에 따라 형상화된 시적 의미도 다양한 편폭을 지니고 있다. 이는 촉석루 시를 이해할 때 치밀한 제재 분석이 전제되어야 함을 의미한다. 제재로서의 촉석루는 누각들의 변천 과정, 누각의 배치 형태, 누각의 심미적 요소 등의 특징을 포괄하는 개념이다. 기존의 연구에서도 이를 검토했지만, 결과가 불충분하거나 역사적 실체와 합치되지 않은 점이 더러 있다. 따라서 여러 문헌과 자료를 통해 본고에서 규명한 새로운 결과는 제재 접근에 있어서 중요한 정보를 제공할 것이다. 촉석루는 여러 차례 중수를 거쳤는데, 기존의 경우 일곱 번으로 보고 있으나 1786년과 1887년 두 차례 더 중수가 있었던 사실을 추가로 밝혔다. 이로써 18세기 이후 200여 년간의 중수 공백을 채울 수 있게 되었다. 그리고 1593년 제2차 진주성 전투에서 성이 함락될 때 촉석루는 전소되지 않았고, 일부가 훼손된 것으로 보는 것이 실제에 부합함을 알았다. 촉석루는 단독 건물로 존재한 것이 아니라 서각과 동각을 부속 누각으로 거느린 웅장한 건물 구조였음을 구체적으로 밝혔다. 흔히 이를 간과하고 있지만, 임란 전까지만 해도 촉석루는 쌍청당과 임경헌을 서각으로, 함옥헌과 청심헌을 동각으로 거느렸다. 부속 누각은 임란 때 모두 소실되었는데, 서각은 끝내 복구되지 않았고, 동각은 곧바로 중수되었다. 이중 청심헌은 적어도 1757년 이전에 벌써 훼철되었고, 함옥헌만 유일하게 존속되다가 20세기 초에 사라졌다. 이는 촉석루 본루만 기억되는 현재의 고정 관념과는 아주 다름을 보여준다. 촉석루는 부속 누각의 존재로 승경에 대한 심미적 흥취가 더욱 배가되었다. 한편 임진왜란의 특수한 경험은 촉석루의 제재 영역을 확장하고 주제의식을 전환시켰다. 즉 왜적에 대한 집단적 적개심, 전후 누각 중건에 따른 희열과 민족 자부심 등은 촉석루 제재에서 발견한 새로운 인식 내용이다. 특히 임진 사적을 대표하는 의암, 의암사적비, 의기사 등에 상징화된 충의 정신은 근대에도 여전히 촉석루 제영시에 적극적으로 수용되었다는 점이다. 의암사적비는 의암 위 언덕의 비각 안에 세워져 있다. 하지만 이 비석은 원래 촉석루의 부속 누각인 동각 위에 건립되었는데, 옛 지도나 개인 일기를 통해서 그 실재를 최초로 입증했다. 이보다 약간 뒤에 나라로부터 사액을 받아 의암 위에 정려각을 건립했는데, 19세기 이후 어느 때에 현 위치로 비석을 이전함으로써 지금과 같은 의외의 형태로 되었을 뿐이다. 이로써 의기 정표로서 의암사적비는 거의 동시대에 정려각과는 따로 존재했고, 애초의 위치는 지금의 장소가 아닌 촉석루 위쪽이었음이 새롭게 드러났다. 촉석루가 역사적으로 변천한 실체에서 보듯이 제재에 대한 치밀한 분석은 작품 해석과 감상의 기초적 단계로서 의의가 있는데, 본고를 통해서 충분히 다루지 못한 부분은 앞으로도 계속 논의할 필요가 있다. The Chok-seok Pavilion(矗石樓) was a subject material of many poems because the Chok-seok Pavilion, located on a cliff beside the Nam River(南江) in Jin-ju(晉州), had an excellent view and historicity at various times. It is necessary to understand the historical transition process of the Chok-seok Pavilion to appreciate highly literary poems on the Chok-seok Pavilion which is representative of Jin-ju. The Chok-seok Pavilion has been rebuilt nine times since it was founded about the middle of the time of Gor-yeo(高麗) dynasty at first time. Most literatures have described that the Chok-seok Pavilion was totally destroyed by fire during the second Jin-ju castle combat in 1593. It was adequate that the Chok-seok Pavilion was destroyed in part at that time. The Chok-seok Pavilion was a huge scale with annexes. The annexes in the east werethe Harm-ok Pavilion(涵玉軒) and Chungsim Pavilion(淸心軒).There were the Ssang-chung House(雙淸堂) and the Im-kyeong Pavilion(臨景軒) in the west at different periods. The pavilions in the west destroyed by fire during the Im-jin war(壬辰亂) have never rebuilt. The Harm-ok Pavilion continued to exit for about 400 years and, however, was disappeared at the beginning of the 20 century. This fact was mentioned in the article for the first time. The main themes of the poems on the Chok-seok Pavilion were the gusto of refined taste due to the aesthetic characteristic of the Pavilion and the pride of Jin-ju. After the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1593, many poems expressed the collective hostility against the enemy Japan, the delightful feelings about the reconstruction of the Chok-seok Pavilion, and the ethnical pride. This characteristic change of the topics diversified the subjects of the works. The representatives of the characteristic change were specific None-Gae's historical relics(論介事蹟) such as the Public-spirited Rock(義巖),the Monument of the Public-spirited Rock(義巖事蹟碑),the Shrine of Public-spirited Gisaeng(義妓祠). They became the symbolic spaces giving literary men deep impression. Owing to this, the topics of the Chok-Seok Pavilion extended to the integrated image of a beautiful scenery and fidelity to the country and deepened the subjects of the poems on the Chok-Seok Pavilion.
Lee, Gil-Yong,Ha, Suk-Jin,Jung, Jong-Hyun,Seo, Dong-Ho,Park, Jong-Yul,Kim, Su-Rin,Park, Nam-Woo,Kweon, Dong-Keon,Park, Sang-Hoo,Park, Cheon-Seok The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistr 2009 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.52 No.3
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a linear high-molecular-weight polysaccharide with useful biomedical applications. Streptococcus zooepidemicus, a typical HA-producing bacterium, requires an animal-derived nitrogen source such as tryptone, peptone or sheep blood as a nutrient. Sixteen non-animal-derived (NAD) nitrogen sources were tested as a replacement for the expensive animal-derived nitrogen sources, which may have safety issues. Among the sixteen tested NAD nitrogen sources, a yeast-derived nitrogen source (YE 0251) showed the highest HA productivity, which was equivalent to the control HA production medium containing tryptone in a 5-L jar and in 3,000-L industrial fermentations. In the 3,000-L fermentation, YE 0251 increased cell mass (dry cell weight) and HA production by 11% and 8%, respectively, compared with the control HA production medium. The fmal specific volumetric productivity (0.41 g/L h) was improved by about 70% after reducing the fermentation time from 20 h to 12 h, compared to the conventional production medium.
Kim, Seog Ju,Cho, Seong-Jin,Jang, Ha Min,Shin, Jonghan,Park, Pil-Whan,Lee, Yu Jin,Cho, In Hee,Choi, Jung-Eun,Lee, Heon-Jeong S. Karger AG 2009 Neuropsychobiology Vol.61 No.1
<P>There have been controversial results regarding the association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and anxiety-related traits such as harm avoidance (HA). We aimed to investigate the interaction between <I>BDNF</I> Val66Met polymorphism and negative life stressors in HA. <I>BDNF</I> Val66Met polymorphism was genotyped in 391 community-dwelling Koreans (152 males, 239 females; 43.2 ± 14.1 years old). The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and the Center for Epidemiological Studies for Depression Scale (CES-D) were self applied. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV axis I disorders and face-to-face interviews investigating negative life stressors within the last 6 months were also performed. There was no significant difference in TCI score, major depressive disorder prevalence and CES-D score among the 3 genotypes (94 Met/Met, 188 Val/Met and 109 Val/Val subjects). There was no significant difference in TCI scores between subjects with stressors and those without stressors, while more common major depressive episodes (p = 0.03) and higher CES-D scores (p < 0.001) were found in subjects with stressors. However, there was a significant interaction between the <I>BDNF</I> genotype and negative life stressors in HA (p = 0.02). Only subjects with the Val/Val genotype showed higher HA with recent negative stressors. Our finding suggests that <I>BDNF</I> Val66Met polymorphism might influence HA by interacting with recent negative stress experience.</P><P>Copyright © 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel</P>
2010 해남, 평창, 원주지역 갈대 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가
서성(Sung Seo),한대덕(Dae Duk Han),장선식(Sun Sik Jang),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),최진혁(Jin Hyuck Choi),김진숙(Jin Sook Kim),김하영(Ha Young Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.1
본 연구는 부존 조사료자원 이용으로 수입사료를 줄이고 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 전남 해남(간척지), 강원 평창(강변), 원주(섬강변), 전남 영광(와탄강변) 등 4개 지역에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초 자생지를 탐색하고, 수확·이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 전남 해남 해남목장 내 갈대(Phragmites communis) 위주의 야초 자생지는 300 ha로 예년에는 2회 곤포작업하여 연간 사일리지로 2,300~2,500톤(ha당 8톤)을 생산하였으나 2010년도는 1회 곤포조제로 사일리지 2,000톤(ha당 7톤)을 생산하였다. 유통가격은 롤 당 53천원으로 ㎏당 110원이었다. 곤포는 전량 자가소비하며, 외부 작업단에 롤 당 26천원의 작업비를 지불하였다. 연간 조수입은 2억 2,260만원이며, 소득은 1억원 수준(345천원/ha)이었다. 초장 150 ㎝의 갈대는 조단백질 8.4%, 상대사료가치 71.9 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 60.1%로 사료가치는 볏짚에 비해 약간 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 갈대 사일리지의 사료가치와 유기산 함량은 동일 지역에서 동일한 재료로 사일리지를 조제하더라도 수확시기에 따라 차이가 컸으며(CP 4.7~6.4%, RFV 62.2~78.9, 건물 소화율 41.9~53.9%), 갈대 사일리지의 품질은 수단그라스에 비해 불량하였다. 강원 평창 강변 자생갈대의 사료가치는 초장이 79, 117, 121, 142㎝로 생육이 진행됨에 따라 낮아져, 조단백질은 각각 13.9%에서 7.6%로, 상대사료가치는 90.7 (건초 3등급)에서 76.1 (건초 4등급)로, 건물 소화율은 72.9%에서 54.7%로 감소하였다. 원주 섬강 주변 야초류는 곤포수확 작업에 어려움이 있었으며, 초장 130 cm의 갈대는 조단백질 8.5%, 상대사료가치 82.3 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 70.2%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 220㎝의 성숙한 갈대는 조단백질 10.2%, 상대사료가치 65.1 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 48.9%로 볏짚 대비 조금 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 전남영광지역에서는 와탄천 주변에 자생하는 갈대를 수거 이용하고자 시도하였으나 경제성이 없어 중단하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거·이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성이 양호한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전(늦어도 7월까지)에 수확·이용하는 것이 권장된다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and forage quality of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions surveyed were the Haenam ranch in Haenam, Pyeongchang, Wonju, and Yeonggwang. In Haenam, yearly silage production harvested from 300 ha was 2,000 MT (7 MT/ha). All of those round bale silages were self-consumed in that region, and marketing price was 50,000 55,000 won per roll (110 won/㎏). Phragmites communis of 150 ㎝ in length contained 8.4% crude protein (CP) with relative feed value (RFV) 71.9 and 60.1% in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), which was somewhat more favorable than forage quality of rice straw. The silage quality of Phragmites communis varied greatly by the time of harvest (CP 4.7 6.4%, RFV 62.2 78.9, and IVDMD 41.9 53.9%), even with the same district and of the same original forage materials. Generally, the quality of Phragmites communis silage of was poorer than that of sorghum * sudangrass hybrid. In Pyeongchang, forage quality of Phragmites communis was decreased from 13.9% to 7.6% in CP, 90.7 to 76.1 in RFV, and 72.9% to 54.7% in IVDMD, as plant was getting mature, from 79 ㎝ to 117 ㎝, 121 ㎝ or to 142 ㎝ in length. In Wonju, the quality values of Phragmites communis of 130 ㎝ in length were 8.5% CP, 82.3 RFV and 70.2% IVDMD, while those of matured grasses of 220 ㎝ in length were lower (10.2% CP, 65.1 RFV and 48.9% IVDMD), but this was a little more favorable than quality of rice straw. In Yeonggwang, feeding Phragmites communis was tried in a Hanwoo feed, but stopped due to low profitability. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses including Phragmites communis in this survey was poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and native grasses should be harvested on June or July to obtain richer forage quality in forage values than rice straw.
강원도 양양지역 소나무림의 지상부 바이오매스와 수관층 연료특성에 관한 연구
김성용 ( Sung Yong Kim ),이영진 ( Young Jin Lee ),장미나 ( Mi Na Jang ),서연옥 ( Yeon Ok Seo ),구교상 ( Kyo Sang Koo ),정성철 ( Sung Cheol Jung ),김경하 ( Kyung Ha Kim ) 한국산림과학회 2012 한국산림과학회지 Vol.101 No.2
The objective of this study was to analyze the above-ground biomass and crown fuel characteristics of Pinus densiflora stands in Yangyang, Gangwon province. A total of thirteen representative trees were destructively sampled in Yangyang region. The results showed that the stem density (g·cm-3) was 0.347~0.409, whereas the above-ground biomass expansion factors ranged from 1.251~1.419. In terms of crown fuel biomass, the above-ground biomass was 161.6 Mg·ha-1 while the stem biomass, branch biomass and needle biomass were 126.4 Mg·ha-1, 29.3 Mg·ha-1 and 5.9 Mg·ha-1, respectively. Needles and twigs with less than 1 cm diameter accounted 45.2% of the total crown fuel load. The available crown bulk density, which was calculated by dividing the crown fuel load to the crown volume, was 0.178 kg·m-3. The results of this study on the biomass and carbon stocks estimation of the Pinus densiflora together with the crown fire hazard assessment based on crown fuel loads are very significant information for the forest managers.
Yang Ho Park,Jang Uk Kim,Dong Hwi Kim,Yeon Kyu Sonn,Jin Ha Yun,Huhn Pal Moon,Soo Yeon Cho 한국토양비료학회 2016 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.49 No.6
This study was conducted to improve the continuous techniques for international competitiveness of ginseng industry to Korea-China FTA negotiation and conclusion, and provide the basic information for ginseng industry development of Korea. It was carried out the visiting of the northeastern three provinces (Jilin, Liaoling and Heilongjang) in China for 3-year from 2014 to 2016 and observed the farmers’ fields of ginseng cultivation with soil environmental status. The types of ginseng cultivation could be observed in small scales of 0.5∼3.0 ha, in middle scales of 4.0∼10.0 ha and in large scales of 30∼700 ha with the kinds of imhasam, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng and western ginseng. Also ginseng was cultivated in newly reclaimed land of forest in two types of direct seeding and transplanting of ginseng seedlings. The field beds of ginseng growing were covered with vinyl films in arch design of 100∼130 cm height and vinyl was painted in spraying with blue, green and yellow colours for shading. It was investigated in status of the physico-chemical properties of soils. The physical information on the field soils were silt loam, loam and sandy loam in soil textures, and some plain in low slope, some alluvial fan or local valley in forest of land topography. Soil pH ranged within 5.0∼5.2, soil EC was 0.93∼3.78 dS m<SUP>-1</SUP>, organic matter was 37∼35 g kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, nitrate nitrogen 63∼490 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, available P2O5 55∼163 mg kg-1, and in exchangeable cations, K was 0.30∼0.98, Ca was 6.5∼14.0, Mg was 1.1∼5.3 cmolc kg<SUP>-1</SUP> in ranges. Farmers used the fertilizer for ginseng cultivation in 10∼11 t of compost, 200∼400 kg ha<SUP>-</SUP>1 of complex fertilizer and 750 kg ha<SUP>-1</SUP> of oil cakes. The northeastern three provinces of China can use the newly lands with large areas of ginseng cultivation in soil sickness by continuous cropping. and the soil basic fertility is batter than that of Korean in standard guide of ginseng cultivation soil.
에어로졸 증착법에 의해 티타늄 기판위에 제조된 다중벽 탄소나노튜브 강화 수산화아파타이트 코팅층
한병동,박동수,류정호,최종진,윤운하,이병국,김현이,Hahn, Byung-Dong,Park, Dong-Soo,Ryu, Jung-Ho,Choi, Jong-Jin,Yoon, Woon-Ha,Lee, Byung-Kuk,Kim, Hyoun-Ee 한국세라믹학회 2008 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.45 No.10
Multi-walled carbon nanotube(CNT) reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coating with a thickness of $5{\mu}m$ has been successfully deposited on Ti substrate using aerosol deposition(AD). The coating had a dense microstructure with no cracks or pores, showing good adhesion with the Ti substrate. Microstructural observation using field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) showed that CNTs with original tubular morphology were found in the hydroxyapatite-CNT(HA-CNT) composite coating. Measurements of hardness and elastic modulus for the coating were performed by nanoindentation tests, indicating that the mechanical properties of the coating were remarkably improved by the addition of CNT to HA coating. Therefore, HA-CNT composite coating produced by AD is expected to be potentially applied to the coating for high load bearing implants.
Park, Yang Ho,Kim, Jang Uk,Kim, Dong Hwi,Sonn, Yeon Kyu,Yun, Jin Ha,Moon, Huhn Pal,Cho, Soo Yeon 한국토양비료학회 2016 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.49 No.6
This study was conducted to improve the continuous techniques for international competitiveness of ginseng industry to Korea-China FTA negotiation and conclusion, and provide the basic information for ginseng industry development of Korea. It was carried out the visiting of the northeastern three provinces (Jilin, Liaoling and Heilongjang) in China for 3-year from 2014 to 2016 and observed the farmers' fields of ginseng cultivation with soil environmental status. The types of ginseng cultivation could be observed in small scales of 0.5~3.0 ha, in middle scales of 4.0~10.0 ha and in large scales of 30~700 ha with the kinds of imhasam, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng and western ginseng. Also ginseng was cultivated in newly reclaimed land of forest in two types of direct seeding and transplanting of ginseng seedlings. The field beds of ginseng growing were covered with vinyl films in arch design of 100~130 cm height and vinyl was painted in spraying with blue, green and yellow colours for shading. It was investigated in status of the physico-chemical properties of soils. The physical information on the field soils were silt loam, loam and sandy loam in soil textures, and some plain in low slope, some alluvial fan or local valley in forest of land topography. Soil pH ranged within 5.0~5.2, soil EC was $0.93{\sim}3.78dS\;m^{-1}$, organic matter was $37{\sim}35g\;kg^{-1}$, nitrate nitrogen $63{\sim}490mg\;kg^{-1}$, available $P_2O_5$ $55{\sim}163mg\;kg^{-1}$, and in exchangeable cations, K was 0.30~0.98, Ca was 6.5~14.0, Mg was $1.1{\sim}5.3cmol_c\;kg^{-1}$ in ranges. Farmers used the fertilizer for ginseng cultivation in 10~11 t of compost, $200{\sim}400kg\;ha^{-1}$ of complex fertilizer and $750kg\;ha^{-1}$ of oil cakes. The northeastern three provinces of China can use the newly lands with large areas of ginseng cultivation in soil sickness by continuous cropping. and the soil basic fertility is batter than that of Korean in standard guide of ginseng cultivation soil.
2010 파주, 안산지역 갈대, 억새 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가
서성(Sung Seo),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),박형수(Hyung Soo Park),심재진(Jae Jin Shim),박진길(Jin Gil Park),성하균(Ha Guyn Sung),김종덕(Jong Duk Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2011 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.31 No.2
본 연구는 부존 조사료자원의 이용을 활성화하여 수입사료를 줄이고 가축 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 경기 파주 (민통선 지역)와 경기 안산 (시화지구)에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초자생지를 탐색하고, 수확?이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 파주 민통선 내억새 (Miscanthus sinensis)와 갈대 (Phragmites communis) 혼합 자생지는 90~100 ㏊ 규모로, 1차 곤포작업으로 사일리지 520톤 (㏊당 6톤), 2차로 380톤 (㏊당 4톤)을 조제하여, 연 사일리지 900톤 (㏊당 10톤)을 생산하였다. 곤포의 유통가격은 롤당 52~55천 원으로 ㎏당 130~137.5원이었다. 곤포는 자가소비 50~70%, 판매유통 30~50%로, 수익성은 인건비 정도로 추정되었다. 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 억새는 조단백질 9.6%, 상대사료가치 82.4 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 67.7%, 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 각각 13.8%, 84.3 (4등급), 67.9%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 수확이 늦어짐에 따라 사료가치는 크게 낮아졌다. 안산 시화지구 (3공구)의 갈대 등 야초류자생지는 100 ㏊ 정도로 2009년도에는 50 ㏊에서 사일리지 550톤 (㏊당 11톤)을 생산하여 롤당 50천 원에 유통하였으며, 2010년도는 잦은 강우와 장마로 부분 이용에 그쳤다. 고초기의 갈대는 건물률 89.8%, 조단백질 2.2%, NDF 80.6%, ADF 55.4%, 상대사료가치 52.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 36.4%로 볏짚에 비해서도 사료가치는 크게 낮았다. 초장 80 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 조단백질 12.9%, 상대사료가치 99.8 (3등급), 건물 소화율 66.6%로 사료가치는 양호하였으며, 개화기의 초장 150 ㎝ 갈대는 조단백질 4.5%, 상대사료가치 59.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 42.2%로 볏짚의 사료가치와 비슷하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거?이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성을 고려한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전 (늦어도 7월까지)에 수확?이용하는 것이 권장된다. 본 연구에서 조사된 대부분의 야초류는 상대사료가치가 75 이하인 건초 5등급으로 사료가치는 매우 낮았으며, 키가 작은 영양생장기에 수확한 경우에만 4등급으로 나타났다. 부존 조사료자원의 이용은 양질의 사료작물 생산과 병행하여 추진하는 것이 바람직하였다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and nutritive value of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions within the Civilian Control Line in Paju and Sihwa region in Ansan were surveyed. In Paju, the yearly silage production was 900 MT harvested from 90 ha (10 MT/㏊). About 30~50% of these were sold out at the marketing price of 52,000~55,000 Won per roll (130~137.5 Won/㎏). Regrown Miscanthus sinensis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 9.6% of crude protein (CP), 82.4 of relative feed value (RFV), and 67.7% of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Regrown Phragmites communis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 13.8% of CP, 84.3 of RFV, and 67.9% of IVDMD. As harvesting was delayed, the quality was decreased dramatically. In Ansan region, Phragmites communis plantation covers 100 ha. The silage production was 550 MT from the area of 50 ha (11 MT/㏊) in 2009. And the marketing price was 50,000 Won per roll. But in 2010 only a small amount of grasses could have been baled due to frequent and much rainfall from spring to summer season. However, the good forage quality was observed from regrown Phragmites communis of 80 ㎝ in length, 12.9% CP, 99.8 RFV and 66.6% IVDMD, while that of late matured grasses was very low, 2.2% CP, 52.9 RFV and 36.4% IVDMD, greatly lower than forage quality of rice straw. The quality of grasses at bloom stage of 150 ㎝ in length was similar to that of rice straw, showing 4.5% CP, 59.9 RFV and 42.2% IVDMD. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses in this survey were very poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis should be harvested during June or July to obtain better forage quality which is richer in forage values than rice straw. Production of high quality forage crops was also desirable for self sufficiency of forage.
하수용,송대진,하진환 濟州大學校工科大學附屬産業技術硏究所 1991 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.2 No.-
복어의 加工貯藏을 위한 基礎資料를 얻고자 乾燥, 冷凍, 解凍過程中의 筋育組織變化를 觀察하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 복어의 筋育組織構造는 表皮, 眞皮 부분에 따라 약간의 血合肉層과 普通肉으로 構成되어 있고 皮下脂肪層이 없으며, 細胞間質, 筋隔膜등의 結締組織은 비교적 많은 편이었다. 2. 筋肉組織은 질기고 두꺼운 表皮層과 질기고 부드러운 結締組織으로 연결되어 있으며, 筋肉의 部分에 따라 전복처럼 서로 교차하는 筋纖維가 存在하였다. 3. 乾燥에 依한 組織의 變化는 乾燥初期에는 結締組織의 脫水收縮이 일어나고 相對的으로 筋束의 間隔은 벌어지며, 乾燥末期에는 筋隔膜, 筋節은 收縮하고 筋束사이는 벌어지며 筋細胞는 密集되는 現象을 나타내었다. 4. 1개월 凍結貯藏後의 氷結晶의 分布는 貯藏溫度에 따라 달랐으며 -35℃에서는 細胞內에, -10℃에서는 細胞外에 氷結晶이 생겼고 筋纖維의 凝集現象을 볼 수 있었다. 5. 1개월 凍結貯藏後 解凍한 경우 -35℃의 것에서는 거의 生鮮狀態로 復元되었으나 -10℃의 것은 脫水變形이 심하여 復元이 不充分하였고, -35℃ 凍結後 -20℃에서 3個月동안 貯藏하였던 것은 氷結晶의 흔적이 그대로 남아있고 脫水收縮이 심하며 復元狀態도 극히 不良하였다. 6. 筋肉의 均質化에서 생것은 실처럼 가늘게 으깨어지고 풀어지며, 1개월간 凍結貯藏한 것은 풀어지지 않았다. 그리고 凍結貯藏溫度의 차이에 따른 變化는 거의 볼 수 없었고, 凍結貯藏에 依해 保水性과 彈力이 低下함에 따라 收縮變形이 일어나며 단단해졌다. The observations on the histological changes of muscular tissue during the processes, such as drying, freezing and thawing were carried out to get basic data for processes and storage of puffer, Fugu χanthopterus. The results are as follows: Epidermal part is tough and thick. That is connected with muscular tissue by soft and tough connective tissue. The muscular tissue structures of puffer are epidermis, corium and partially dark muscle, without hypodermic fat. According to the respective muscular parts, there exist crossed muscle fibers like abalone. The connective tissues of intercellular materials and myocommata were found abundantly. During the courese of drying, the dehydration of muscular tissue occured on connective tissue in the early stage; thus caused widening between muscle bundles respectively. In the late stage of drying, contraction of myocommata and the widening between muscle bundles were appeared. After frozen storage for a month, distributions of ice crystal were affected deeply by freezing temperature, that is, those were observed mainly on the intracellular sites when frozen at -35℃, while on the extracellular sites when frozen at -10℃, but the ice crystals formed in both temperatures caused the condensation of muscle fibers. Thawing after frozen storage for a month, a recovery of muscle fibers and figuration were observed in muscular tissue stored at -35℃, while insufficient recovery of muscle fibers and disfiguration by dehydration at -10℃. In the observation of muscle fibers when the tissue was homogenated with 1% cold formalin, the fresh tissue was fragmented to myofibril level and intermixed like thread, while the frozen tissue for a month became rigid due to disfiguration, contraction, the loss of elasticity and water holding capacity.