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      • KCI등재

        읽기 교육내용의 비판과 실천적 재구성

        김혜정 ( Kim¸ Hyejeong ) 한국어교육학회 2021 국어교육 Vol.- No.174

        This study aims to examine how current educational content should be transformed to enable readers to demonstrate their capabilities as practical knowledge. To this end, we examined our reading education in contrast to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the United States. The results showed that reading curriculum is biased toward the reading function, and it is necessary to revise the educational content that was seemingly selected without evidence and focus on key functions. Furthermore, when selecting functions, it is necessary to enhance the system and affiliation between categories, as well as to increase the specificity, practicality and consistency of functional statements, by presenting them as principles of iterative deepening when arranging them. Accordingly, we proposed a content system table centered on “function” and “genre, text, attitude, and context” as categories of different layers. And decoding, reading fluency, changes of high school ‘reading’ subjects are required to enhance practicality of reading education, This is expected to increase the practicality of reading education as practical knowledge.

      • KCI우수등재

        The Association between Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Investment Efficiency

        ( Shin¸ Hyejeong ),( Park¸ Seun-young ) 한국회계학회 2021 회계학연구 Vol.46 No.4

        We investigate the relationship between board with female outside directors (FODs) and firms’ investment efficiencies using the firms listed in KOSPI from 2015 to 2019. We find that the association between firms with FODs and their investment efficiencies is generally insignificant although we find a weak negative association with under-investment. Then, we conduct the additional analyses to see if the association between them would be different in firms with high agency costs arising from excess free cash flow. Interestingly, we find that firms with FODs are negatively associated with over-investment as well as under-investment but the association is only pronounced in firms with higher level of free cash flow. The results of this study continue to maintain when we employ propensity score matching approach to address self-selection bias. Overall, our evidence supports the prior studies suggesting the positive aspect of gender-diverse boards in corporate decision-making process. That is, gender diversity may enhance board‘s governance roles, providing implication that female outside directors in boards can add a value to a firm needing a strong governance mechanism. This could be of interest of regulators and policy makers while considering the adoption of female quota system in the board of directors in listed firms.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 출산의 의료화에 대한 여성 산파의 대응 -새러 스톤(Sarah Stone)의 전략을 중심으로-

        배혜정 ( Bae¸ Hyejeong ) 영국사학회 2020 영국연구 Vol.43 No.-

        18세기에 조산술에서 낯선 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 해부학 지식과 분만 겸자로 무장한 ‘남성’ 산파가 급성장하여 조산술을 산‘과학’으로, 여성의 분야를 남성의 분야로 변모시킨 것이다. 기존 연구는 어떻게 남성이 조산술 분야를 지배하게 되었는가라는 질문에 대부분 집중해 왔다. 즉, ‘승자’에 초점을 맞출 뿐 ‘패자’에게는 그다지 관심을 두지 않았다. 이에 본 논문은 여성 산파 새러 스톤의 『완벽한 조산술 실무』를 중심으로 출산의 의료화 및 남성화에 대한 여성 산파의 대응과 전략을 면밀히 검토했다. 이 책에는 영국 최초로 여성이 쓴 증례집이라는 가치 이상의 목적과 대안이 담겨 있었다. 스톤은 여성산파에 대한 일방적 폄하에 맞서 그들의 능력을 옹호하는 한편, 해부학 지식만 믿고 출산을 외과적으로 접근하는 남성 산파의 문제점을 폭로한다. 하지만 스톤의 방식은 문제 제기에만 머물지 않고 자신의 숙달된 조산 기술과 지식을 다른 산파와 공유함으로써 모든 산파의 경쟁력을 높이는 쪽으로 나갔다. 그래서 해부학과 출산 도구도 조산술 발전에 유용하다면 마다하지 않았다. 다만, 의학과는 구별되는 조산술 고유의 특성을 살리는 방향이어야만 했다. 출산은 상처를 도려내거나 질병을 치료하는 것이 아니라 새 생명을 얻는 ‘자연적인 일’인 탓이었다. 이처럼, 계몽된 산파였던 스톤은 여성의 몸을 분만 행위에서 유리시키는 출산의 의료화에 반대하면서도 새로운 과학적 지식을 겸비한 산파술, 곧 질적으로 전문화된 조산술을 지향했던 것이다. During the eighteenth century the man-midwife armed with anatomy knowledge and the obstetrical forceps had grown rapidly, shifting a midwifery into a science and women’s field into men’s one. The existing studies on the subject have mostly focused on the question of how men came to dominate the field of women. In other words, they only focused on the “winner” but didn’t pay much attention to the “loser.” Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine midwives’ responses to the medicalisation of childbirth, focusing on Sarah Stone’s A Complete Practice of Midwifery. The significance of Midwifery goes beyond that it is the only book of case notes published by a female midwife in eighteenth-century England, First of all, Stone wanted to share her skill, experience and knowledge with other midwives to enhance the competitiveness of all midwives. Moreover, anatomy and childbirth tools were acceptable if they were useful for the development of midwifery. However, she emphasized the unique characteristics of midwifery which were distinct from medicine. In Stone’s view, childbirth is not about cutting out a wound or treating a disease, but about getting a new life. In short, Stone opposed the medicalisation of childbirth that separates women’s bodies and minds from delivery and aimed for qualitatively specialized midwifery.

      • KCI등재

        A Consideration of the Function of Implicature in the Sitcom, Modern Family

        Hye-Jeong,Kim 한국영어어문교육학회 2013 영어어문교육 Vol.19 No.3

        The goal of this study is to look at the function of implicature and to consider how it works in communication. An interlocutor listens to a speaker's utterance and has to interpret what has been said. The speaker's utterance often conveys more than the literal meaning of that utterance. This is called implicature. This interpretation of an utterance, which enables a listener to understand what a speaker has said and respond accordingly, can be different depending on a number of variables, one of which is implicature. Conversations in the sitcom Modern Family were analyzed to look at implicature from three points of view: reinforcing communicative intention, disclosing emotionalism, and mitigating conflict. If second language learners notice and understand the function of implicature, it might be easier for them to be aware of what a speaker really wants to say and understand their intention at that moment. Students need to learn to figure out the intention of a speaker and respond in an appropriate way. To notice implicature and manage ongoing conversation naturally, the awareness-raising activity, student-centered interaction, is introduced briefly. Explict and direct attention to implicature and its function in communication is necessary to enhance communicative competence.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 텍스트 분석을 이용한 통일교육 관련 교육 담론 분석 - 2015-2020년을 중심으로 -

        최혜정 ( Choi¸ Hye Jeong ),박형빈 ( Park¸ Hyoungbin ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2021 초등도덕교육 Vol.- No.74

        본 연구에서는 2015년부터 2020년까지의 통일교육, 민주시민교육, 평화교육 관련 교육 담론들의 연구 추이와 핵심어, 핵심어 사이의 구조를 네트워크 텍스트 분석을 활용하여 분석하였다. 이 과정을 통해 도출된 각 교육 담론 간의 변화 양상과 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 통일교육, 민주시민교육, 평화교육 관련 연구는 점차 증가하는 추세이나 통일교육과 평화교육은 민주시민교육과 비교해 정부 정책의 영향을 많이 받는다. 둘째, 통일교육과 평화교육 사이의 연구는 활발한 반면, 통일교육과 민주시민교육을 다룬 연구, 평화교육과 민주시민교육을 다룬 연구, 통일교육, 민주시민교육, 평화교육을 함께 다루는 연구는 상대적으로 부족하다. 따라서 통일교육과 평화교육에서 민주주의, 시민, 시민성 등 민주시민교육과 관련된 교육 담론이 더 활성화 될 필요가 있다. 셋째, ‘시민’이 통일교육, 민주시민교육, 평화교육 담론을 연결하는 핵심어로 작동할 수 있다. 넷째, 각 교육 담론에서 도덕교육과 연관된 ‘가치’, ‘도덕’, ‘도덕과’ 등의 핵심어가 비교적 큰 영향력을 가지고 있다. 따라서 통일교육, 민주시민교육, 평화교육을 관통하는 ‘핵심 가치’가 무엇인지에 대한 연구 진행이 필요하다. The structure between the key words of educational discourse are related to different parts of schooling, namely unification education, democratic education, civic education, and peace education from 2015 to 2020, using network text analysis. The findings derived from this study are as follows. Firstly, research on unification education, democratic civic education, and peace education is increasing, but unification education and peace education are more influenced by government policies than democratic civic education. Secondly, while research on unification and peace education is active, research on unification and democratic civic education isn’t. Moreover research on peace and democratic civic education, as well as research on unification, democratic civic, and peace education are relatively insufficient. So educational discourse related to democratic civic education, such as the ideas of democracy, citizen and citizenship, needs to be more active in unification and peace education. Additionally, ‘citizen’ can work as a key word linking unification, democratic civic, and peace education discourse. Lastly, in each educational discourse, key words such as ‘value’, ‘moral’ and ‘moral curriculum’ related to moral education had a relatively large influence. Therefore further research must be conducted on are the ‘core values’ that penetrate unification education, democratic civic education and peace education.

      • KCI등재

        소년원 임시퇴원제도에 대한 정책적·입법적 개선방안

        김혜정 ( Kim¸ Hye-jeong ) 한국소년정책학회 2021 少年保護硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        In the Juvenile Act, there is a protective disposition for resocialization from an educational point of view that helps juvenile offenders grow into healthy adults. The reason why we are preparing a juvenile criminal justice policy separately from the criminal justice policy for adults is that we believe that juvenile offenders have a higher potential for education and improvement than adult offenders. It is necessary to help juvenile grow into healthy adults rather than stigmatizing them as criminals and punishing them even if they commit crimes. The Juvenile Reformatory provides education such as subject education, vocational competency development training, and certification exam so that juvenile in protection can be nurtured so that they can return to society as healthy juveniles. Among juveniles detained in Juvenile Reformatory, if it is recognized that the purpose of correction has been achieved because of good correctional grades, they are subject to ‘Release on Parole’ or ‘Release’ pursuant to Article 44 of ‘Act on the Treatment of Protected Juveniles’. Protective juveniles imposed with disposition No. 9 will be ‘Release on Parole’ from the Juvenile Reformatory with about one month remaining. Upon release on parole, the juvenile will be charged with probation for six months. Because of the situation in which they will receive probation for a period that is about six times the remaining period, juvenile in probation often think that release on parole is rather unfavorable treatment. In principle, it is reasonable that the probation imposed along with Release on Parole should be for the remainder of the confinement period. For the judgment of Release on Parole, it is necessary to make a specific evaluation using various currently developed recidivism risk assessment tools. If necessary, it is also necessary to actively review the development of a tool to evaluate the recidivism risk of children in protection.

      • KCI등재

        근대(近代) 어문교육(語文敎育)에서 문식성(文識性)의 성격과 변천 과정

        김혜정(金惠貞) ( Kim¸ Hye-jeong ) 한국어문교육연구회 2020 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.48 No.4

        이 논문은 근대의 문자 생활을 살펴보고, 당시 한글 보급과 교육이 사회적 문식성을 충족할 수 있었는지를 고찰함으로써 국문 문식성의 교육적 한계와 의의에 대해 논하였다. 언문일치에의 노력과 문자보급 운동으로 압축될 수 있는 근대 어문교육은 주로 글자를 전혀 모르는 문맹자들을 대상으로 한 ‘한글 교육’이었다. 그러나 당시 식자 사회는 한자 문식성 사회였기 때문에 한글을 떼었다고 하더라도 사회가 요구하는 제도적 문식성, 즉 적어도 중학교 이상의 교육을 수행하거나, 신문, 출판서적, 공적 기관의 공문서 등을 읽기 위해서는 한자 식견이 더 필요했다. 대표적으로 근대의 관보, 전보, 신문, 서적류의 경우, 조사와 어미, 고유어를 제외하고 주요 대상이나 개념을 뜻하는 거의 모든 단어는 한자로 표기된, 한주국종체가 대부분이었기 때문이다. 이와 같이, 봉건 신분 사회를 공고히 했던 한자가 뒤안길로 멀어지고 한글이 ‘국문’으로서 지위를 부여받았지만, 실제 문자 생활은 그것과 괴리가 있었다. 그러나 한글 문식성은 1890년대 후반의 한글 신문과 전보, 소설 등을 읽는 도구로서 역할하며 최소한의 문맹을 벗어나도록 함으로써 근대적 자각으로의 인식 변화를 주도했다. This paper discussed the educational limitations and significance of Korean literacy by examining whether the dissemination and education of Hangeul could satisfy social literacy in the modern literary life. Modern language education such as consistency between speech and text, Hangeul movement and so on, was mainly Korean language education for illiterates who did not know any letters. However, the literacy community at the time was a Chinese-literary society, so even if the Korean alphabet was learned, it needed more Chineselanguage knowledge to carry out the institutional literacy required by society, at least middle school, or to read newspapers, publications, and official documents. In the case of modern government gazette, telegram, newspaper, and books, almost all the words meaning the main subject or concept were written in Chinese characters, except for postpositional particle, ending of a word and native words. As such, the Chinese characters that consolidated the feudal status society were separated and Hangeul was given status as national characters, but the real literary life was different from that. However, Hangeul literacy played a role as a tool for reading Korean newspapers, telegrams, and novels in the late 1890s, leading to a shift in perception toward modern awareness by allowing them to escape the least illiteracy.

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