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      • 훈련용 유도 人形의 개발에 관한 연구

        김의환,최청삼,안병화 한국운동역학회 1994 한국운동역학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop a judo doll applicable to throwing (Nage-waza) and grappling technique(Katame-waza) training in judo. The height of the doll is 170cm and its weight is 50kg. The weight of the doll can be adjusted by lead belts having various weights that can be attached to the trunk or lower extremities. a judo doll was made of iron steel for skeletal structure vand coil spring for artiualation as similar to the human being in its shape as possible. The skin of the doll was made by soft rubber to be like human skin and protect the doll from an impact exerted during falling down by attack. Judo uniform(Judogi) is worn to the doll like as real human being. The knee angle can be flexed up to 35 degrees backward, torso 30degrees and doll itself 15degrees forward. The electric magnet plate was installed on the floor to keep the doll standing-together(Kumi-kata) the basic natural - position(Shizen-tai) and exert a certain amount of resistive force against an attacker to maximize training effect. Its magnetic force interacted through the iron feet of the doll can be varied by a control system. A structural frame having electric motor and control unit was constructed to automatically put the fallen doll back up to its original Kumi-kata and Shizen-tai after attack. Practicing with this doll has some advantages. It can be used to practice and train alone in such a way to prevent human parter from possible severe injuries. Also it is possible to use biomechanical analyses of judo skills more effectively with the attachment of sensors in the proper location

      • 몇가지 植物中의 Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae에 關하여(第三報)

        金鐘均,具順和 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1986 과학교육연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Mt. Kyeryong is in latitude 36°20'40" north and longitude 127°12'55" east, Mt. Chilgap is located in lati tude 36°24'35" north and longitude 126°57'30" east Two different areas in Chung-mam were examined by acid fuchsin staining for the presence of mycorrhizae. Fifty-seven species of herbaceous plants known as mycorrhizal species and non-mycorrhizal species were strictly divided by taxonomical way regardless of growth habits. 1. Out of 13 families 31 genus 45 species known as non-mycorrhizal species 6 families were proved to be non-mycorrhizal species and in some species of the other seven families VA-mycorrhiza was found. 2. In all 3 families 12 genus 12 species of two areas regarded as VA-mycor-rhizal species VA-mycorrhiza was observed. 3. But in 2 families 2 species known as non-mycorrhizal species the notable results were examined. Just in Commelina commmis in Chilgab and Galium verum var. asiatium in Gyeryong VA-mycorrhiza was found. According to the results of the experiment it seems that VA-mycorrhiza is affected by the taxonomical way more than by the environmental factors of habits.

      • ‘나혜석 거리’ 근대이미지 조성에 관한 연구

        김정동,이기욱,조홍석,한수형,구명화 목원대학교 건축도시연구센터 2003 建築·都市環境硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        As the first female artist of Western painting in the modern times, Hey-seok Na is the historical figure in Suwon, who went ahead of the times. Suwon City established the street of Hey-seok Na to commemorate her, in Ingye-dong, Paldal-gu. Street-establishment business for the historical figures is one of the factors with the biggest effects for the creation of local cultures. It has many merits such as the offer of fine view of city and resting area as well as giving the pride and educational effects to its residents. However, there are memorial hall or exhibitional hall not established in the street of Hey-seok Na, with the lacks in attractions and convenience facilities. With a poor decorative arrangement in the vicinity of the street, the meaning of street establishment and the image of Hey-seok Na are not well-delivered. Accordingly, the initial plan to make the street with citizens has not been well carried out. This research classified and analyzed the achievements and thoughts of Hey-seok Na, to embody it as the image and the concept of design to be expressed for the street was picked out. As a result, the image of Hey-seok Na, as the historical figure was set at modern times. the existing facilities in the street of Hey-seok Na was analyzed, centering on the time-factor of the modern times, deciding the spacial goal pursued by the street along with things to be improved.

      • 骨盤腔內 巨大 橫紋筋肉腫 1 例

        金瑩洙,河泰原,朴滿洙,姜瞬求,李重禾,尹栗老,薛鍾求 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        Rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a very rare and highly malignant disease in urologic field, has three categories-pleomorphic, alveolar, embryonal, and may arise from any part of the body that contains embryonal mesenchyme, whether striated muscle tissue is present or not. The common site in the genitourinary tract are prostate, bladder, and vagina. Herein we experienced a rhabdomyosarcoma of the pelvic cavity and reviewed literature briefly.

      • 2, 2'-Methylene-bis-(3,4,6,-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid)(MTPA)의 肝디스토마症의 治療效果(第一報)

        金鍾石,金和雄,金重暎 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1972 慶北醫大誌 Vol.13 No.2

        The effect of MTPA was observed in 173 clonorchiasis patients who visited to the department of pharmacology, Kyungpook national university, school of medicine, from Sep., 1969 to Jun,, 1971 and 20, Mar. , 1972. In 173 patients, 162 patients had normal liver function, 10 patients were complicated with acute hepatitis and one of the patients had been inserted T tube into his common bile duct since 7 months after operation for bile stone. MTPA was administered oraly in daily dose of 7∼15㎎/㎏, which was divided into three equal part and given after each meal. To each patient the drug was given for 4 or 5 cures and one cure was composed of 6 days of drug administration and the interval between each cure was 10 days. The effect of drug was estimated with counting the number of eggs of clonorchis in the feces by the MGL method, the results were expressed as "negative", completly disappeared, and "80% diminution", number of the eggs reduced more than 80% than before treatment. Besides egg count, general symptoms and liver function before and after medication, and side effects induced by drug were also observed. The results obtained as follows. 1) In 51 patients treated with 10㎎/Kg/day for 4 or 5 cures, egg-negative rate was 49% and 80% diminution was 37%. 2) In 31 patients treated with 7 ㎎/Kg/day for first cure and than 15㎎/Kg/day for 3 or 4 cures, egg-negative rate was 58.1% and 80% diminution was 35.5%. 3) In 80 patients given in dose of 10㎎/Kg/day for first cure and then 15㎎/Kg/day for 3 cures or 15㎎/Kg/day for 4 cures, the egg-negative rate were 64.7%, and 69.5% and 80% diminution rate were 29.4%, and 23.9% respectively. 4) In the patients administered with MTPA, the gerneral symptoms and signs such as fatigue, anoraxia, indigestion etc. and hepatomegaly were improved. 5) In 10 patients complicated with acute hepatitis and administered with 3㎎/Kg/day for first cure and continued by 7㎎/Kg/day second cure and then 15㎎/Kg/day for 3 cures, 7 of them were egg-negative, 2 of them were 80% diminution. 6) Side effects induced by drug were gastric pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, fatigue and fever, But the side effects were so mild that discontinuance of administration of drug was not necessary in most cases. 7) In the patient inserted with T tube while administered with 7㎎/Kg/day of MTPA, clonorchis sinensis flew out from the T tube in living, but with 15㎎/Kg/day, clonorchis sinensis flew out in dead. From above results we think that MTPA is a useful drug for treatment of clonorchiais, and 15㎎/Kg/day is enough to kill clonorchis sinensis in the body.

      • KCI등재

        이소 맹출한 하악 측절치의 교정적 치험례

        임현화,김용수,장기택,김종철 대한소아치과학회 2000 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.27 No.3

        이소 맹출(ectopic eruption)은 치배가 그 발생지에서부터 정상 맹출 경로가 변화된 것을 의미한다. 즉, 치아가 치조골 혹은 기저골의 어느 위치에서 정상 맹출 과정에서 벗어나 비정상적인 위치나 방향으로 맹출하게 됨을 말한다. 이에 대한 다른 예로써 보다 드물고 특별한 치아 이상으로 전위(transposition)가 있는 데, 이는 같은 치열궁상에서 치아의 위치가 서로 바뀐 것을 말한다. 본 증례는 하악 측절치가 혼합치열기 초기에 제 1 유구치 하방으로 이소 맹출중인 치아 이상을 보여주는 데, 이 하악 측절치의 치관은 원심으로 심하게 경사졌고, 인접 유견치와 제 1 유구치의 치근 흡수를 야기하고 있다. 이와 같은 맹출 이상의 원인은 아직 확실히 규명되지 않았으나 현재 다음의 몇가지 원인을 생각할 수 있다.; (1)과거의 외상 병력, (2)유치의 만기 잔존, (3)유치의 조기 탈락, (4)유전적 요인. 치료법으로는 조기의 interceptive treatment와 보다 나중의 definitive treatment로 구분된다. 이소 맹출하는 하악 측절치는 인접 견치와 완전 전위되는 경향이 있으므로 조기의 교정적 간섭이 요구된다. 이는 이후의 영구치 발거나 완전 전위를 예방할 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 측절치의 이소 맹출을 바로잡는 데 있어서 고려해야할 중요한 요인은 치료 시기로써 일반적으로 혼합 치열기의 inter-transitional period 초기에 발육 중인 견치에서부터 멀리 떨어져 있을 때, 해당 측절치의 levelling과 근심화가 시행되어야 할 것이다. 본 증례는 아직 영구 견치가 맹출하기 이전인 혼합 치열기 초기에 적극적인 교정적 처치를 시행하여 이소 맹출중인 측절치를 본래 위치로 유도하였다. 주요어 : 이소 맹출, 전위, 교정적 간섭 Ectopic eruption should be understood as a change in the course of the normal eruption path of a dental bud at any moment its origin. An example of this alteration is the dental transposition, a rare and more specific dental anomaly that may be defined as a change of position between two teeth. This case shows ectopic eruption of transposed mandibular lateral incisor beneath primary first molar at the first transitional period of the mixed dentition. The crown of the lateral incisor has tipped distally, compelling root resorption and exfo1iation of the adjacent primary cuspid and primary first molar. The reason for such eruption is not elearIy understood, but it may involve ; (1)trauma history. (2)prolonged retention of the deciduous teeth. (3) premature exfoliation of the deciduous teeth. and (4)genetic factor. Treatment is divided into interceptive and definitive treatment. Ectopically erupting mandibular incisor tends to become transposed with the adjacent cuspid and thus seems to warrant early orthodontic intervention Early treatment may obviate later extraction of transposition of the incisor and canine in the permanent dentition. Timing is an important factor to be considered regarding in the correction of the lateral incisor transposition. This case advocates treatment with an active orthodontic therany at the early stage of the mixed dentition. before the eruption of the permanent cuspid.

      • KCI등재

        아미노산의 라세미화 반응을 이용한 치아상아질로부터의 연령추정

        송정화,황적준,김종열 大韓法醫學會 1993 대한법의학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        For the estimation of age, the measuring of D/L ratio in racemization of aspartic acid(Asp) in human dentine can be used and it estimates age more accurate than the conventional physiological methods. In the natural state, the optical isomers of amino acid slowly undergo spontaneous, nonenzymatic racemization, so the detectable amount of D-enantiomer will be formed from pure L-isomer in dentine. This fact can be used to determine the age of living human and animals or the age of fossil bones. This study, therefore, was measured D/L ratio of aspartic acid in human dentines to estimate the age of each individual. The correlation of D/L ratio of aspartic acid with actual age was obtained as follows, The correlation value between the D/L ratio and the actual age was 0.9886, the standard estimated deviation(σ) was 2.07 years of age and the k(yr??) was 8.0×10??. The actual and the estimated ages coincided in 23% of the cases. The errors of ±1 year were 15%, that of ±2 years wee 40%, ±3 years 15%, ±4 years 4%, respectively. Errors of exceeding 5 years were not obtained.

      • 금강 하류역의 어류상에 관하여

        황금화,전상린,김미옥,황종서 상명대학교 기초과학연구소 1992 기초과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        금강 하류역의 어류상을 밝히기 위하여 1990년 2월부터 12월까지의 기간에 월 2회씩 총 6개 조사지소에서 수온과 염분도의 측정 및 어류의 채집을 실시하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 월평균 수온은 2월에 3.58℃로 가장 낮았고, 8월에 29.71℃로 가장 높게 나타났다. 조사지소별 평균 염분도는 St. 1에서 0.015‰로 가장 낮았고, St. 6에서 9.45‰로 가장 높았다. 2. 총 58종에 30,680개체의 어류가 채집되었으며, 종구성비로 볼 때 일차담수어는 21종(36.2%), 주연성담수어는 18종(31.0%), 그리고 해산어는 19종(32.8%)으로 나타났다. 3. 각 조사지소 중에서 St. 1, 2에서는 일차담수어가 우세하였으며, St. 3, 4에서는 주연성담수어가 우세하게 나타났고, St. 5, 6에서는 해산어와 주연성담수어가 우세하여 염분도 측정결과와 잘 일치하였다. 4. 총 58종 중에서 웅어 Coilia ectens, 누치 Hemibarbus labeo, 瘟歷早 Microphysogobio tungtingensis, 밀자개 Peltobagrus nitidus, 황줄망둑 Tridentiger nudicervicus, 오셀망둑 Lophiogobius ocellicauda, 강주걱양태 Repomucenus olidus 등의 어종에서는 계절적인 이동을 볼 수 있었으며, 이러한 이동은 수은 측정결과와 잘 일치하였다. 5. 총 58종 중 한반도 고유종은 일차담수어인 각시붕어 Rhodeus uyekii, 가시납지리 Acanthorhodeus gracilis, 왜매치 Abbottina springeri, 줄몰개 Gnathopogon strigatus, 긴물개 Squalidus gracilis majimae, 돌마자 Microphusogobio yaluensis 그리고 흰수마자 Gobiobotia naktongensis 등의 7종이었다. 6. 어류의 월별 체장분포로부터 황줄망둑 Tridentiger nudicervicus, 가실망둑 Acanthogobius ommaturus, 오셀망둑 Lophiogobius ocellicauda, 꺽정이 Trachydermus fasciatus, 그리고 돌가자미 Kareius biocloratus 등의 산란기와 생장율이 추정되었다. Fish fauna was investigated at six stations in Kum-river estuary during the periods from Feb. to Dec., 1990, twice a month. In order to reveal the environmental influences on fish fauna, water temperature and salinity were measured in each station. The results are as follows: 1. Water temperature was the highest with 31 C in Aug. (all stations) and the lowest with 2 C in Feb. (St. 4, 5, 6). Salinity was the highest with 16.45%0 at St. 6 in Feb. and the lowest with 0.06%0 at St. 1 in July. 2. From the study of fishes were identified a total of 58 taxa representing 22 family, 47 genera, 55 species and 3 subspecies. The composition of fishes based on habitats was composed of 21 primary freshwater fishes, 18 pheripheral freshwater fishes and 19 marine fishes, respectively. 3. Primary freshwater fishes were dominated at St. 1 and St. 2, while pheripheral freshwater fishes and marine fishes were dominated at St. 5 and St. 6. It was in accordance with the distribution of salinity gradient. 4. Among 58 taxa, Coilia ectens, Hemibarbus hbeo, Microphysogobio tungtingensis, Pelteobagrus nitidus, Tridentiger nudicervicus, Lophiogobius ocellicauda and Repomucenus olidus were to be a seasonal migrations, it was corresponded with the variations of water temperature. 5. Among 58 taxa, Rhodeus uyekii, Acanthorhodeus gracilis, A bbottim springeri, Gnatbpogon stn gatus, Squalidus gracilis majimue, Microphysogobio yaluensis and Gobiobotiu naktongensis were the Korean endemic species in this study area. 6. From the distribution of monthly body length, Tridentiger nudicervicus, Acanthogobius ommaturus, Lophiogobius ocellicauda, Trachydemzus fmiutus and Kareius bicoloratus, could be estimated the spawning periods and growth rate.

      • DS-CDMA 시스템 적용을 위한 Smart Antenna 기술

        장태규,김종윤,김재화 중앙대학교 정보통신연구소 1999 정보통신연구소논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구에서는 fading 및 공간적인 scatter를 고려한 전파환경 모델을 제시하고, CDMA 수신기능 블록들을 포함한 beamforming 알고리즘의 동작 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. MVDR 및 steering-only beamforming 알고리즘을 적용하여 위치추정 기능 및 계수 최적화기능에 대한 성능 및 오차영향을 개별적으로 분석하도록 하였다. Beamforming의 성능 지표인 SINR에 대한 해석식을 유도하고 이를 동작시뮬레이션을 통하여 얻은 SINR 결과와 비교 제시함으로서 본 연구에서 구현한 beamforming 안테나 동작 시뮬레이션과 해석의 타당성을 확인하였다.


        Immunomodulatory effect of canine periodontal ligament stem cells on allogenic and xenogenic peripheral blood mononuclear cells

        Kim, Hak-Sung,Kim, Kyoung-Hwa,Kim, Su-Hwan,Kim, Young-Sung,Koo, Ki-Tae,Kim, Tae-Il,Seol, Yang-Jo,Ku, Young,Rhyu, In-Chul,Chung, Chong-Pyoung,Lee, Yong-Moo Korean Academy of Periodontology 2010 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.40 No.6

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of canine periodontal ligament stem cells on allogenic and xenogenic immune cells in vitro. Methods: Mixed cell cultures consisting of canine stem cells (periodontal ligament stem cells and bone marrow stem cells) and allogenic canine/xenogenic human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were established following the addition of phytohemagglutinin. The proliferation of PBMCs was evaluated using the MTS assay. The cell division of PBMCs was analyzed using the CFSE assay. The apoptosis of PBMCs was assessed using the trypan blue uptake method. Results: Periodontal ligament stem cells and bone marrow stem cells inhibited the proliferation of allogenic and xenogenic PBMCs. Both periodontal ligament stem cells and bone marrow stem cells suppressed the cell division of PBMCs despite the existence of a mitogen. No significant differences in the percentages of apoptotic PBMCs were found among the groups. Conclusions: Canine periodontal ligament stem cells have an immunomodulatory effect on allogenic and xenogenic PBMCs. This effect is not a product of apoptosis of PBMCs but is caused by the inhibition of cell division of PBMCs.

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