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      • KCI등재

        요양보호사 대상 교육의 효과에 대한 메타분석

        이정은,권운영,조한아 한국보건복지학회 2021 보건과 복지 Vol.23 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identify effective educational interventions for care workers and to present basic data for setting up educational programs. Meta-analysis was conducted on 48 papers that analyzed the effects of education programs for care workers in Korea. A total of 2,828 research participants were included in this analysis. As a result, the overall average effect size of education for care workers was 1.041. After removing outliers with an effect size of 3 or more and correcting for publication bias, the overall effect size was 0.872, indicating a large effect. The education program had large effects in the areas of caring ability and intrapersonal characteristics, a medium effect in the area of working environment characteristics, and small effects in the areas of physical characteristics and social characteristics. Among the educational fields, death education, clinical ability improvement education, therapy, and sex education had large effects. Among the educational methods, group counseling, lectures and practice, and hands-on activities had large effects. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to develop programs for strengthening the clinical expertise of care workers and emotional and therapeutic programs for stress management from various angles in the future. 본 연구의 목적은 요양보호사 대상 교육 프로그램을 메타분석을 통해 종합함으로써 다양한 프로그램의 특성에 따른 효과를 종합적으로 진단하려는 것이다. 이에 국내에서 진행된 요양보호사 대상 교육 프로그램의 효과를 분석한 48편의 논문을 대상으로 메타분석을 실시하였다. 연구 참여자는 총 2,828명이었다. 요양보호사 교육의 전체 평균 효과크기는 1.041이었으며, 효과크기 3 이상의 이상치를 제거 후 출판편향을 교정한 전체 효과크기는 0.872로, 큰 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교육 프로그램은 돌봄 능력과 개인내적 특성 영역에서 큰 효과가 있었다. 근무환경 특성 영역에서 중간 효과, 신체적 특성과 사회적 특성 영역에서 작은 효과가 있었다. 교육 영역 중 죽음교육, 임상능력증진교육, 치료요법 및 성교육에서 큰 효과가 있었고, 집단상담, 강의와 실습, 체험활동의 교육방법에서 큰 효과가 있었다. 향후 요양보호사의 임상적 전문성 강화를 위한 프로그램과 스트레스 관리를 위한 정서적, 치료적 프로그램 등을 다각적으로 개발해나갈 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of a Mumps Outbreak in a Dental Clinic at a University Hospital

        이정은,이순옥,강진숙,이종윤,김계형 대한감염학회 2019 Infection and Chemotherapy Vol.51 No.3

        Background: The Korean Society of Infectious Diseases recommends non-mandatory vaccination of newly employed healthcare workers (HCWs) with 2 measles–mumps–rubella (MMR) vaccine doses. Here, we aimed to investigate the seroprevalence of mumps among HCWs exposed to index patients with mumps and the efficacy of MMR vaccination as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) when a mumps outbreak was encountered among HCWs in a tertiary university hospital in Korea. Materials and Methods: Four HCWs were diagnosed with mumps over a 4-day period in January 2016. Three were working at a dental clinic and one visited the clinic on the day of symptoms onset of the first patient. We investigated all HCWs who either worked in that dental clinic, visited the clinic, or being within 1.5 meter of the patients with mumps without wearing surgical masks. Seventy HCWs were exposed to 4 HCWs with mumps. We interviewed all the exposed HCWs to investigate mumps infection and MMR vaccination history; they were all tested for mumps IgG. Results: Of the 70 exposed HCWs, 56 (80%) were females; the median age was 34 years (range 21–59 years) and 3 had a history of mumps infection. The vaccination status verification of mumps among the HCWs was unavailable. As for serologic testing, 54 (77.1%) were seropositive. Seropositivity rate for the mumps virus in males was significantly lower than that in females (50.0% vs. 83.9% respectively, P = 0.007). A lower seroprevalence of mumps was observed among HCWs aged ≥40 years than those aged <40 years; however, this difference was not significant (65.2% vs. 83.0%, P = 0.096). During the initial intervention, all exposed HCWs were vaccinated because the turnaround time for serologic testing was expected to be >2 days. Thirty-four (62.9%) of 54 seropositive HCWs and 16 seronegative HCWs were administered MMR vaccines as PEP and following this, no additional cases of mumps were encountered during the maximum incubation period. Conclusion: Of the exposed HCWs, 77.1% were mumps-seropositive. Seropositive rates differed according to factors such as age and sex. Eligible HCWs received a MMR vaccine as PEP and no additional mumps cases occurred during the incubation period. It was useful in our infection control activities during the mumps outbreak.

      • KCI등재

        인권의 역린, 여성의 정치적 권리: 에티엔 발리바르의 ‘인권정치’에서 「인권선언문」에 대한 독해

        이정은 한국여성철학회 2019 한국여성철학 Vol.32 No.-

        인권은 시민권과 관계없이 독자적 가치를 지니지만, 시민권이 박탈되면 인권도 박탈되는 상황에 처한다. 근대 이후로 민족 국가를 단위로 정체가 형성되었기 때문이다. 그래서 아렌트와 아감벤은 시민권이 없는 인권은 무의미하고 무기력하다고 토로한다. 그러나 이 글은, 인권이 독자적 가치를 지니며 정치적 저항의 동력이라는 점을 발리바르의 인권정치를 통해 논증한다. 발리바르에게 인권과 시민권을 정치적으로 천명한 세계사적 기반은 「인간과 시민의 권리 선언문」이다. 선언문은 인권과 시민권의 동등성, 자유와 평등의 동등성을 개시하지만, 동등성을 이탈하는 모순과 아포리아도 동시에 노정하기 때문에 정치적 봉기의 동력이 된다. 이 글은 동등성의 아포리아를 논증하면서 인권이 지닌 정치적 가능성을 이주자와 난민 여성이 겪는 배제와 혐오를 극복하는 데 활용하려고 한다.

      • KCI등재

        생쥐의 B 세포에서 IgE의 분비와 Cytokine 생산에 대한 소청룡탕(小靑龍湯)의 효과(效果)

        이정은,한영주,박양춘,배한호,Lee Joung-Eun,Han Young-Ju,Park Yang-Chun,Bae Han-Ho 대한한방내과학회 2003 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        Objective : We aimed to identify the inhibitory effects of SocheongRyoungTang on Cytokine Production and Secretion of IgE in Highly Purified Mouse B cells. This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of SoCheongRyongTang(SCRT) on Antiallergy. Materials and Methods : We measured the cytotoxic activity for cytokines transcript expression, production of $IL-1{\beta},\;IL-4,\;IL-6,\;IL-10,\;IFN-{\gamma},\;TNF-{\alpha},\;TGF-{\beta}$ proliferation of B cell in anti-CD40mAb plus rIL-4 plus HRF stimulated murine splenic B cells and histamine in anti-CD40mAb plus rIL-4 plus HRF stimulated mast cells. Results : 1. SCRT increased the gene synthesis of $IFN-{\gamma}(m-RNA)$, the appearance of IL-10, $IFN-{\gamma}$. 2. SCRT decreased the gene synthesis of $IL-l{\beta},\;IL-4,\;TGF-{\beta}(m-RNA)$ and the appearance of $IL-l{\beta},\;IL-4,\;TGF-{\beta},\;IgE$ significantly. Conclusion : SCRT decreased the proliferation of B cell significantly. According to the above results, it is suggested that SCRT extract might be usefully applied for prevention and treatment of Allergic disease.

      • KCI등재

        문해력이 낮은 장애 청소년을 위한 대체도서 개발 연구

        이정은 한국학습장애학회 2015 학습장애연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This research was conducted to systematically and specifically introduce developing alternative book, “easy-to-read book” for teenagers with low literacy and to examine the validity of its processes and results in order to provide practical assistance to those interested in producing such books. The research took three steps: planning, development, and evaluation. In the planning phase, an advisory panel that can discuss the development of books was formed. After selecting a book, the panel was consulted on the general development process and book development over a planning meeting. In the development phase, the text of the selected book ‘dongbackgot’ was revised with the perspective of Universal Design for Learning. Moreover, illustrations that can facilitate comprehension were developed in collaboration with a professional illustrator. Next, the advisory panel was again consulted to revise and add to the texts and illustrations. The book was edited and designed through a publication company before its publication. In the evaluation phase, the advisory panel and a review committee consisting of professionals examined the validity of the process and the result. Through a discussion on the findings of this research, suggestions on future development of alternative books and related studies were offered. 이 연구는 문해력이 낮은 장애 청소년을 위한 대체도서인 ‘읽기 쉬운 책(easy-to-read book)’을 개발하는 과정을 구체적이고 체계적으로 안내하고, 그 과정과 결과물에 대한 타당도를 점검하여 이러한 도서 제작에 관심 있는 누구에게라도 실질적인 도움을 주고자 실시되었다. 연구는 기획, 개발, 평가로 이루어진 3단계의 절차를 거쳤다. 기획단계에서 도서개발을 위한 실제적인 협의를 할 수 있는 자문단을 구성하고, 도서를 선정한 후 자문단과의 기획회의를 거쳐 향후 전반적인 개발과정과 도서제작에 대한 자문을 받았다. 개발단계에서는 선정된 한국단편소설 ‘동백꽃’의 원문을 수정하기 위하여 보편적 학습설계의 관점을 갖고 관련지침을 적용하였다. 또한 내용의 이해를 도울 수 있는 삽화를 새롭게 제작하는 과정을 전문삽화가와의 협력을 통해 진행하였다. 그런 다음 자문단과의 협의를 거쳐 도서의 내용과 삽화에 대해 수정과 보완을 하였다. 이후 출판인쇄업체를 통해 도서 편집과 디자인을 한 후 도서를 출판하였다. 마지막으로 평가단계에서는 이상의 과정을 거쳐 최종 출판된 도서에 대해 기존의 자문단과 그 외의 관련 전문가들로 구성된 검토진을 대상으로 개발과정과 결과물로서의 도서에 대한 타당도 점검을 실시하고 의견을 수집한 후 분석하였다. 마지막으로 이 연구의 의의를 밝히고, 연구결과에 대한 논의를 통해 향후 대체도서 개발과 관련연구를 위한 제안을 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        평창 두타산 산림식생의 군집유형과 입지환경요인의 상관관계

        이정은,신재권,김동갑,윤충원,Lee, Jeong Eun,Shin, Jae Kwon,Kim, Dong Gap,Yun, Chung Weon 한국산림과학회 2017 한국산림과학회지 Vol.106 No.3

        본 연구는 두타산 일대 산림식생구조를 밝히고, 식생유형분류와 입지환경인자와의 상관관계 파악을 목적으로 수행되었다. 2016년 6월부터 10월까지 Z-M학파의 식물사회학적인 방법에 의해 식생조사를 수행하여 총 46개소의 식생자료를 획득하였고, 이 자료를 토대로 식생분류를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 최상위 수준에서 신갈나무군락군으로 분류되었으며, 신갈나무군락군은 철쭉군락과 거제수나무군락의 2개 군락으로 분류되었다. 철쭉군락은 동자꽃군과 철쭉전형군 2개의 군으로 세분되었고 동자꽃군은 박새소군과 동자꽃전형소군 2개의 소군으로 세분되었다. 거제수나무군락은 들메나무군과 박달나무군 2개 군으로 세분되었다. 들메나무군은 병꽃나무소군과 승마소군 2개 소군으로 세분되었다. 두타산 일대 산림식생은 총 6개의 식생단위, 14개의 종군단위, 2쌍의 대별종군으로 분류되었다. 수관층위구조의 분석결과, 식생단위별로 임관의 계층이 서로 겹치지 않는 단조로운 구조인 박새소군(식생단위 1), 동자꽃전형소군(식생단위 2), 병꽃나무소군(식생단위 4)과 겹치는 복잡한 구조인 철쭉전형군(식생단위 3) 승마소군(식생단위 5), 박달나무군(식생단위 6)이 나타났다. 승마소군(식생단위 5)의 수직적 계층구조가 가장 발달하였으며, 박달나무군(식생단위 6)은 초본층 식피율이 가장 낮았다. 일치법에 의한 식생단위와 환경요인과의 상관관계를 보면, 해발 1,100 m, 사면 중부, 경사 $20^{\circ}$, 암석노출도 20%, 교목층 DBH 30 cm를 기준으로 철쭉군락(식생단위 1~3)과 거제수나무군락(식생단위 4~6)이 분류되었다. CCA 분석 결과 철쭉군락(식생단위 1~3)은 해발, 지형과 정의 상관관계, 거제수나무군락(식생단위 4~6)은 부의 상관관계 분포경향이 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analyze forest vegetation type classification and relationships between the type and environment factor in Mt. Dutasan. Data were collected by total of forty six plots using Z-M phytosociological method from June to October, 2016, and analyzed by vegetation classification, canopy layer structure and relationships between vegetation unit and environment factor using coincidence methods. As a result of vegetation type classification, Quercus mongolica community group was classified at a top level of vegetation hierarchy that was classified into Rhododendron schlippenbachii community and Betula costata community. R. schlippenbachii community was divided into Lychnis cognata group and R. schlippenbachii typical group. L. cognata group was subdivided into Veratrum oxysepalum subgroup and L. cognata typical subgroup. B. costata community was divided into Fraxinus mandshurica group and Betula schmidtii group. F. mandshurica group was subdivided into Weigela subsessilis subgroup and Cimicifuga heracleifolia subgroup. Therefore the forest vegetation was composed of six vegetation units with two kinds of bisected species groups and fourteen species groups. As the result of an analysis of canopy layer structure, there were two kinds of structures with monotonous structures V. oxysepalum subgroup (vegetation units 1), L. cognata typical subgroup (vegetation units 2), W. subsessilis subgroup (vegetation units 4) and complicated structures R. schlippenbachii typical group (vegetation units 3), C. heracleifolia subgroup (vegetation units 5), Betula schmidtii group (vegetation units 6). The vertical layer structure of vegetation unit 5 was the most developed and vegetation unit 6 had the lowest coverage of herb layer. According to the correlation between vegetation unit and environmental factor, R. schlippenbachii community (vegetation units 1~3) and B. costata community (vegetation units 4~6) were classified based on 1,100 m of altitude, middle slope, twenty of slope degree, twenty percents of bare rock and thirty centimeters of DBH in tree layer. R. schlippenbachii community (vegetation units 1~3) showed positive correlation with altitude, topography and B. costata community (vegetation units 4~6) showed negative correlation tendency with them.

      • KCI등재

        히구치 이치요 『우라무라사키(裏紫)』 론 - 사랑의 광기에 달리는 히토즈마(人妻) -

        이정은 일본어문학회 2020 일본어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        URAMURASAKI, published in May 1896, is the only unfinished work among Ichiyo’s novels. In this paper, I analyze what kind of personality he has in the “Hitozuma” family, what he pursues through Oritsu, the protagonist of Ichiyo, and how he tried it in his work. As a result, in the limited time of the previous work “NOKIMORUTSUKI”, in terms of expressing the sentiment shaken by the courtship of a man before a marriage, it is similar, but through a bold choice that challenges a fixed moral rather than a moral choice, a loving, not a husband. I could see that it was completely different in terms of facing men. In other words, among Ichiyo’s works, it can be said that it is an unconventional work that expresses a subjective and strong woman, not a woman who suffers within the world or family. It can be said that it is the conscious expression of the artist Ichiyo that he tried to have a subjective life as a human being, not social institutions and moral notions. In addition, Oritsu’s psychological conflict, drawn in a limited time, and the bold conclusion of making a decision to reach the madness of love are noteworthy in that they impressed the reader.

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