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      • Gamma 분포모델에 의한 하천유량의 Simulation에 관한 연구

        이중석,이순택 한국수자원학회 1980 물과 미래(한국수자원학회지) Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구는 Gamma 분포의 이론적 검토와 이의 수공학에의 적용, 즉 Gamma 분포의 적합성 및 Gamma 모델에 의한 하천유량의 Simulation에 대한 연구와 검토를 행하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 분석에 있어서 우리나라 주요하천(낙동강, 한강 및 금강)의 월유량자료를 사용하였으며 분석을 간단하게 하기 위하여 자료를 Modular coefficient로 변환시켰다. 먼저 이변수 Gamma 분포형에 대한 월류량에의 적합성을 검정하였으며 이로부터 Gamma 분포형과 Monto Carlo 기법을 기초로 한 Gamma 모델에 의하여 월류량의 Simulation을 행하였다. 그 결과 기록치와 매우 근접한 Simulation 자료를 얻을 수 있었다. The prupose of this study are the theoretical examination of Gamma distribution function and its application to hydraulic engineering, that is studying the simulation of monthly streamflow by the Gamma distribtution function model(Gamma Model) based on Monte Carlo technique. In the analysis, monthly streamflow data in the Nak Dong River, the Han River, and the Keum River were used and the data were changed to modular coefficient in order to make the analysis convenient. At first, the fitness of monthly streamflow to 2-Parameter Gamma distribution was tested by Chi-square and Kolmogrov-Smironov test, by which it was found the monthly streamflow were fit well to this Gamma distribution function. Then, the Gamma Model based on the Gamma distribution and Monte Carlo Method was used in the simulation of monthly streamflow, and simulateddata showed that all their stastical characteristics were preserved well in the simulation. Consequently, it can be concluded that the Gamma Model is suitable for the simulation of monthly streamflow series directly by using the Mote Carlo technique.

      • Clark L.Hull의 演譯的 行動接近과 習慣族位階 形成에 關한 硏究

        李重昔 청주교육대학교 1974 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Clark L. Hull occupies a distinguished position in the contemporary Psychological theory. Noone else, perhaps with the exception of kurt Lewin, was so keenly devoted to the problems of scientiffic methodology. Few psychologists have had such a mastery of mathematics and formal logic as Hull had. Hull applied the language of mathematics to psychological theory in a manner used by no other psychologists. Whatever exists, Hull believed, exists in a certain quantity; whatever relationships have to be discovered by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equations. Hull discerned four research methods by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equation. Hull discerned four research methods, which deserves our educators' utomost concerns, leading to the discovery of scientific truth. ① The first method is simple, unplanned observation. ② The second is systematic, planned observation. ③ The third is the experimental testing of some specific and mutually nonrelated hypotheses. ④ The hypotheses come from Clark L. Hull occupies a distinguished position in the contemporary Psychological theory. Noone else, perhaps with the exception of kurt Lewin, was so keenly devoted to the problems of scientific methodology. Few psychologists have had such a mastery of mathematics and formal logic as Hull had. Hull applied the language of mathematics to psychological theory in a manner used by no other psychologists. Whatever exists, Hull believed, exists in a certain quantity; whatever relationships have to be discovered by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equations. Hull discerned four research methods by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equation. Hull discerned four research methods, which deserves our educators' utmost concerns, leading to the discovery of scientific truth. ① The first method is simple, unplanned observation. ② The second is systematic, planned observation. ③ The third is the experimental testing of some specific and mutually nonrelated hypotheses. ④ The hypotheses come from intuition or observation and are scrutinized by a carefully planned experimentation. Hull believed that the most fruitful one was the fourth method. Detailed for our reference, the hypothetice-deductive method is a three-step method of research that applies a rigorous deduction from a priori set principles. A system of definitions has to be introduced. Then a series of highly conceptualized postulates (tentatively stated laws) is proposed. From these definitions and postulates a series of detailed theorems is rigorously deduced. The totality of definitions, postulates, and theorems form a systematic and integrated theory. The advantage offered by a deductive method was apparent to Hull. As modern science gains its ground throughout all of spheres the life, mathematical and formal logical statements have unlimited generality. If psychology, in accordance with the behavioristic view, intends to become an objective science patterned after other natural science, the deductive-mathematical method seems to be the most appropriate one. Hull, kept his promise of transcendent truth(perceptible evidence). He was influenced by the moderate wing of logical positivism (David Hume's view on induction and causation and importance of logical analysis0 and by conventionalism (French mathematician and philosopher H. Poincar'e suggested that any system of postulates can be proposed, but it should be modified according to the results of empirical testing). During the period 1929-1953, research in the field of learning was heavily dominated by a long series of theoretical and experimental studies that in their wholeness involve the best example of the afore mentioned hypothetico-deductive system-making in psychology to appear during the first half of the century. Over a quater of a century, Hull developed several theories which varied in scope and addressed themselves to several different forms of learning. All his life Hull was modifying his learning theory in an effort to keep it in accord with the experimental evidence. He was stating hypothetical postulates and putting them to an experimental procedures, which were to prove or to disprove or to adjust his hypotheses in accordance with the observational evidence. As soon as the quantitative data obtained in experimentation became available, he transformed his postulated into quantitative statements. These statements quantified his theory construction. Of course, on this point Hull is open to criticism (not giving the particulars of such contention). His system is a behaviorism, and as such falls into the family of theories which also includes those of Watson, Guthrie. and Skinner. He formulated an objective quantitative theory of Neo-Behaviorism which is designated ds Deductive Behaviorism. Hull's theory is an S-R theory and consists of a chain of intervening variables bridging a logical gap from stimulus to response. To sum up, it will be convenient to consider the theory as consisting of five major clusters of variables, in order: habit formation, generalization and stimulus compounding, motivation(later Hull motivation theory will be argued), inhibition., and response evocation. Like Watson, Hull stressed conditioning as the basic learning process. His theoretical model was a Newtonian mechanism. He developed an intricate system of definitions, postulates, and theorems to bridge the gap from simple conditioning to more complex forms of learning. For example, in presenting his theory of learning, Hull stated, "Whenever a reaction(R) takes place in temporal contiguity with an afferent receptor impulse(S)resulting from the impact upon a receptor of a stimulus energy(S), and this conjunctions followed closely by the diminution in a need (and the associated diminution in the drive, D, and in the drive receptor discharge, ??), there will result and increment △(S→R), in the tendency for that stimulus on subsequent occasions to evoke that reaction within Hullian reinforcement, the stimulus and the response are not simultaneous; the stimulus precedes the response. Furthermore, learning does not take place with a single trial; it is stamped in through a process of repeated need or drive stimulus reduction. Thus, he thought of learning in terms of receptor-effector connections and of reinforcement in terms of need or drive stimulus reduction. He thought that learning occurs through biological adaptation of and organism to its environment in a way to promote survival. According to Hull, behavior involves an interaction between stimuli in the environment and the response which the organism makes to these stimuli through the medium of the nervous system in accordance with molar or macrocosmic or coarse grained behavioristic approach. (The molar approach deals with the organism as a whole, the molecular with the detailed, fine and exact elements of action of the nervous system. Molar is opposed to molecular; the latter would presumably deal with the action of the ultimate nerve cell, the protoplasmic molecules making up the neuron or the atoms constituting the molecule, or even the electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., constituting the atom). This interaction, which constitutes learning, involves fundamentally the biological adaptation of the organism to its environment. Influenced by Darwin's theory of survival, Hull maintained that it was necessary to think of the organism in a setting of organic evolution in which certain optimal conditions were essential for survival. Biological adaptation facilitiates survival. When, however, the conditions necessary for survival are less than optimal, a state of need arises within the individual. The function of behavior is to satisfy needs. A state of need operates upon an event or state designated as drive which is a state of lack-food privation, water privation, therm deviation from the optimum, tissue injury, the action of sex hormones in the organism that arouses activity and demands satisfaction or reducing, which serves the promotion of optimal conditions for survival. Under the pressure of needs and drives the organism undertakes adaptive actions. Thus drive is the motivating factor which stimulates to activity and impell the individual to make a response. Since drives bring out responses, they constitute the dynamics of behavior and thus are the bases for all behavior. The resulting action is goal-directed, the goal being the reduction of the drive, and the pattern of actions responses which lead to reduction of need become predominant or reinforced apparently, this is exactly what Thorndike had in mind with "stamping in" in the law effect. (Hull adopted Thorndike's law of effect, whereas Watson rejected it). This reduction of drive must occur in order that learning takes place. The central principle in Hull's theory is reinforcement, which refers to "any set of conditions which when appropriately employed, favors learning". It has the effect of reducing need; that is, it involves the strengthening of the process of interaction between stimuli and responses. Reinforcement is the key principle in learning since " learning takes place only when the action that is performed is reinforce or rewarded." whether or not a response will be repeated depends upon whether or not it has been rewarded. A stimulus which leads to a need-reducing action may become associated with another, originally neutral, stimulus. This is conditioning as described by Pavlov. Put in another words, Hull believes that no conditioning will take place unless there is need reduction. Reinforcement is need reducing, and conditioning takes place only when there is reinforcement. In Hull's frame of reference, "the conditioned reaction is a special case of law of effect." In Hull's theory a distinction has been made between primary and secondary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement refers to the reduction of the basic needs of the organism. Secondary reinforcement refers to stimuli originally neutral but which closely and consistently associated with the reduction of a primary need or satisfaction of a drive tends to acquire reinforcing properties in its own right. Hull also considered that reinforcement constitutes the primary condition for habit formation, acquisition, and development which is the central factor in learning. Through such higher-order conditioning many things and actions come to have value and can serve as reinforcers. Higher-order conditioning is conditioning based up on previous conditioning (originally neutral stimuli become closely associated with primary reinforcing stimuli and thereby become effective in reducing need and neutral stimuli acquire the power of acting as reinforcing agents.) Hull employed the term habit strength to refer to "how firmly a particular stimulus-response relationship has been established." Habit is the result of the occurrence of stimulus, response, and reinforcement in close temporal conjunction. Reinforcement brings about an increase in habit strength, and learning occurs when habit grows. Habit strength is determined by the frequency with which a certain response has been rewarded or followed by a reward. In summary, one feels that probably Hull's contribution to psychological theory was much greater than Hull's own theory could be. Psychologists may accept or reject this or that part of Hull's theory or even reject it entirely. Yet there is a deep feeling of respect and admiration for the house that Hull built. His theory is entrenched with numerous and ingenious experimeds conducted in most rigorous manner by himself and his brilliant friends, followers, and disciples, among them J.S. Brown, J. Dollard, C. I. Hovland, G. E. Kimble, N. E. Miller, H. O. Mowrer, K. W. spence, H. G. Yamaguchi (to mention only a few), and some of them assumed themselves a leading position in the contemporary theory of learning. Hull's way of reasoning is impeccable, his explanations are lucid, and his constant double-check of theory against empirical evidence invites emuluation, some questions still remain open, among them the question of the generality of his statements and of the general validity of his quantifcations and the most general problem of whether psychology should be studied in the manner in which Hull studied it.

      • KCI등재
      • 敎育大學生의 正體感形成과 未來敎師像의 投影

        李重昔 淸州敎育大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        This research intends to take an overall stock of what state the identities of the collegian students are being formed in, who have been now enrolled at Cheonju Teachers College, irrespective of the adversities of their homes. Most of the students suffer economic crunches in their schooling and boarding. Most important, Cheonju Teachers College was raised from 2 years term to 4 year-term in 1984. It does not provide the setting in which the students can put their aspirations into practice as in the past. It isn't geared in quality as well as quantity to lead the students into the universe of the best that has been said for melting the would-be teachers' conflicts herein. It has been argued that the students don't report themselves pleased with the level of faculty and the substance tought by them. The self-concept, as the core of personality pattern (physical self-image, psychological self-image, real self-image, and ideal self-image) is moulded up into an abiding form by the following factors: physical defects, school and college, social status, family influence, level of aspirations, emotions and cultural patterns. Approximately 450 subjects, who are composed of male freshers, male sophomores, female freshers, and female sophomores, responded to 20 questionnaires. They asked about the motives of choosing this college, the influence of their past teachers, life styles, life perspectives, types of anxiety, coping with emotional disorders, conflicts and their counselors, gender identity and premarital sexual experiences, socialization and their important persons, work ethics and leisure time, influence and their parenting, view of nature and aesthetic critique, religious view and nirvana, egoticism and altruism, and human relationship. We recognize that 19-25 olds of today are different in the radarscopes from those of the same ages of one or two decades ago. Do they make better value judgements? The figures polled are listed below: Male Students ----------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------------------------------- G H I J K ----------------------------------------------- 1 33.33333 18.39080 22.98851 10.34483 14.94253 2 60.91954 18.39080 10.34483 3.448276 6.896552 3 24.13793 54.02299 6.896552 3.448276 11.49425 4 3.448276 13.79310 21.83908 51.72414 9.195402 5 27.58621 17.24136 5.747126 37.93103 11.49425 6 44.82759 16.09195 6.896552 18.39080 13.79310 7 19.54023 29.88506 9.195402 29.88506 11.49425 8 21.83908 18.39080 34.48276 9.195402 16.09195 9 20.68966 27.58621 14.94253 20.68966 16.09195 10 17.24138 10.34483 12.64368 41.37931 18.39080 11 37.93103 13.79310 25.28736 5.747126 17.24138 12 13.79310 25.28736 36.78161 5.747126 18.39080 13 41.37931 12.64368 13.79310 19.54023 12.64368 14 2.298851 2.298851 56.32184 28.73563 10.34483 15 18.39080 42.52874 9.195402 8.045977 21.83908 16 34.48276 6.896552 36.78161 0 21.83908 17 42.52874 32.18391 12.64368 2.298851 10.34483 18 25.28736 26.43678 13.79310 20.68966 13.29310 19 16.09195 26.43678 19.54023 22.98851 14.94253 20 50.57471 5.747126 20.68966 6.896552 16.09195 Female Students ------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------------------------------- S T U V W ------------------------------------------------- 1 50.71429 17.14286 0 11.07143 21.07143 2 52.5 40.35714 6.428571 .7142857 0 3 37.14286 52.5 4.642857 2.142857 3.571429 4 5.357143 7.857143 42.14286 42.5 2.142857 5 39.64286 21.78571 5.357143 29.28571 3.928571 6 52.14286 10 6.785714 22.5 8.571429 7 10.35714 31.78571 12.14285 42.5 3.214285 8 28.57143 10.35714 35.71429 21.78571 3.571429 9 19.28571 36.07143 11.07143 25 8.571429 10 5.714286 12.85714 26.42857 49.64286 5.357143 11 42.14286 11.07143 35.35714 4.642857 6.785714 12 30.71429 6.071429 42.85714 13.92857 6.428571 13 35 12.14286 18.21429 32.5 2.142857 14 3.214285 9.285714 58.57143 24.28571 4.642857 15 17.14286 63.57143 3.928571 3.214286 12.14286 16 27.14286 26.07143 38.92857 1.071429 6.785714 17 38.92857 42.85714 13.92857 3.571429 .1742857 18 24.28571 23.57143 5.357143 38.21429 8.571429 19 23.57143 17.14286 34.28571 19.28571 5.714286 20 72.85714 7.142857 6.428571 7.5 6.071429 -------------------------------------------------------- Early adulthood is a period in which the individuals engage in extensive exploration, planning, implementing and decision making of career alternatives teacher profession. They find out adult roles and try them on, either in real life or in fantasy. During their collegean days, maturing capabilities interact with parents, professors, peers, counselors, and so forth, to culminate in self actualizition, (1) efficient perception of reality, (2) acceptance of self, others, and nature, (3) spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness, (4) problem centering, (5) detechment: need for privacy (6) autonomy: independence of culture and environment, (7) continued freshness of appreciation (8) peak or mystic experience (9) social interest, (10) interpersonal relation (11) democratic character structure, (12) discrimination between means and ends (13) sense of philosophical humor, (14) creativeness, (15) resistance to enculturation -through five phases of career development: fantasy stage, tentative stage realistic stage and crystallization. With the self-actualizing agents as a triggering gadget, the students should be open-minded to obtain an education either from parents or from their professors and others concerned to aspire to good teachers coming up to our expection in the days to come.

      • 敎育行政의 寄生倂發症勢 및 學校風土의 組織健康에 대한 分析

        李重昔 淸州敎育大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        It is probably an exaggeration to say that the recent developments in educational administration constitute a revolution, but it is no exaggeration to say that the last or two decades have witnessed profound changes which seem to forecast more extensive developments in the near future. Much of the "new" in educational administration involves new knowledge which leads to new insights into administrative behavior with consequent hope for increasing the professional capability of school administrators to meet the challenges that lie ahead in our education. Some refer to the "revolution" in educational administration while others speak of a "new ferment" in it and still others discuss the status qo educational administration. The refore, it is almost impossible today to maintain a school in status quo forces for change in our society are so powerful and so pervasive that remaining static is nearly impossible. The chief school administrators, who constitutes the kernel parts of a school with teachers, and pupils, are in a unique position to block or facilitate the initiation of change. In another word, "a change in the school labeled as an innovation is in their grips. Kurt Lewin and his associates have contributed another significant theory concerning interpersonal behavior in organizations which is generally the approach that is widely associated with "group dynamics." Lewin posited that important determinants of organizational behaviors are (1) the characteristics of the individual, (2) the characteristics of the group, and (3) the cultural norms. Together, these determinants form a field of forces which change the climate and effectiveness of the organization to be discussed here. The development of the social systems view of organizational behavior-beginning with Mayo and Roethlisberger's Western Electric researches in the 1930's and continuing through the work of Getzels in the late 1950's-has underscored the intimate interrelationship between the individual person and the organization and has pointed up the importance of role in the organization. And Lewin's stress on the importance of the individual's participation in decisions which affect him has aided the development of a concept with which names such as Argyri's immoturity-maturity theory McGregor's Theory, Y. X and theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, and Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory. are associated. Essentially, this concept is that organizational behavior is strongly affected by the administrator's influence and the need for the individual to control himself. Thus, the trend is not only away from the arbitrary, coercive, autocratic exercise of power, but toward more effective, personal involvement-as reflected in organizational behavior. There is obviously a quid pro quo relationship between the role-player and the organization, the maintenance of which can be thought of as a state of equilibrium between the needs of the organization (nomothetic) and those of the individual. As long as this state of equilibrium exists, the relationship will presumably be satisfactory, enduring, and relatively productive. Lonsdale explains three useful terms-(1) Homoeostasis, (2) Feedback, and (3) Entropy as an indicator of the state of equilibrium existing between the organization and its external environment. Warren Bennis also provides a succinct listing of the "human problems confronting contemporary organization-(1) Integration, (2) Social influence, (3) Collaboration, (4) Adaptation, and (5) revitalization. Chris Argyris uses the concept of organizational effectiveness similarly to Miles and Benni's use of organizational health. Argyris contends that organization effectiveness hinges on an organizations's ability to accomplish three essentials-(1) Achieve its goals. (2) Maintain itself internally, and (3) Adapt to its environment. Miles uses 10 dimensions to describe organization health as followings-(1) Goal focus. (2) Communication adequacy, (3) Optimal power equalization. (4) Resources utilization. (5) cohesiveness, (6) Morale, (7) Autonomy, (8) Innovativeness, (9) Adaptation, and (10) problem-solving adequacy. This researcher tried to overhaul the organizational climate and health of korean school by the use of the above-mentioned dimensions of organizational heath listed by Miles. Accordingly, The most important possible concern focus is that we should deal with matters such as leadership, organizational climate, decision making, change in an organizational setting confronting our school. and etc. In the future school organization will undoubtedly be needed, staffed, and organized around a "climate of beliefs with regard to effective human behavior in organizations which will make the more responsive both to internal and external pressures. This climate of beliefs, or system of values, will include the following, as described by Bennis: 1. Full and free communication, regardless of rank and power. 2. Reliance on consensus, rather than on the more customary forms of coercion or compromise, to resolve conflict. 3. The idea that influence is based o technical competence and knowledge, rather than on the vagaries of personal whim or prerogatives of power. 4. An atmosphere that permits and even encourages emotional expression, as well as task-oriented acts. 5. A basically human bias, one which accepts the inevitability of conflict between the organization and the individual, but which is at the same time willing to consider such conflicts on rational grounds. Taking these viewpoints into account let us take a look at our beliefs to which the adherents of the "new" in educational administration would tend to subcribe: 1) Administration is comprised of specialized knowledge skills, and understandings which are different from the activities being administered. 2) The practice of administration, in the new sense, is based on a realistic view of organizations as they actually exist. 3) the scientific foundations of the "new administration" are in the behavioral science. 4) Change is ineluctable in educational administration, and innovation is urgently needed.

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