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        이영구 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 역사문화연구소 2007 역사문화연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The discovery of 『Fengshitu (The Paintings of Delegates)』 by A Kedun (1685-1756 AD) in Qing Dynasty provided many new clues for the research of the history of Sino-Korea relationship and Korean culture. Lately, it has become a hot topic among Korean and Chinese scholars. Since it is so important, it is necessary for us to do some research on its author and publication time. 『Fengshitu(The Paintings of Delegates)』 came from『Dongyouji (The Collection of Travelling to the East)』. The poems of 『Dongyouji (The Collection of Travelling to the East)』 were selected from A Kedun’s manuscripts when he was sent to Korea as a delegate for the first three times. The book was originally meant to be a calligraphy textbook for Jiang Heng, but its influence expanded later. So A kedun collected enough material for the paintings when he was sent to Korea for the fourth time. He invited the Haining painter, Zheng Yu, who was famous in the capital, to draw twenty paintings in the 3rd year of Emperor Yongzheng’s reign. 『봉사도』의 발견은 18세기 초 조선과 청나라의 정치 경제 외교 문화사 등에 새로운 단서를 제공해 주는 귀중한 자료이다. 『봉사도』의 제작시기와 작자에 대한 정확한 고찰은 매우 중요하여 본 논문은 이점들을 중심으로 탐구한 것 이다. 『덕음당집』 6권에 『동유집』이 있으며 여기에 수록된 시의 제목과 순서가 오늘날 우리가 보는 『봉사도』의 제시와 완전히 같다. 다만 상이한 세 가지 점은 첫째 『동유집』에는 모두 표제가 있고, 둘째 『봉사도』의 제시에는 주해가 있으며, 셋째 약간의 단어상 표현이 다를 뿐이다. 『봉사도』는 『동유집』에서 나왔으며 『동유집』 가운데 실린 시는 모두 아극돈(1685~1756년)이 3차례 조선에 사절로 나갔을 때 선택한 것으로 후에 그가 4차례 조선에 사절로 나갔을 때에는 그림을 그릴 소재를 충분히 준비했다고 볼 수 있다. 옹정 3년(1725년) 당시 북경에서 가장 활발하게 활동을 펼친 해녕 출신 화가인 정여에게 20폭의 그림을 청한 것임을 확인할 수 있고 그림의 문화 예술적 가치를 감안한다면 『봉사도』의 작자 중 한 명이라 할 수 있는 그의 공로를 간과해서는 안 된다.

      • Thucydides;「Historiai」의 Plataea 論爭

        李榮龜 新羅大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        There are some forty-odd speeches and dialogues in Thucydides' Historiai(VIII. volumes). Such was the descriptive style of Thucydides. Thucydides made rationalism his basic principle in dealing with and in interpreting historical facts, and dramatized these facts by the dramatic use of speeches. This descriptive style of Thucydides was heavily influenced both by Ionian rationalism and by such sophists as Gorgias and Protagoras. In addition, Thucydides was influenced by the descrlptive method of Lognpoioi. Together with such speeches and dialogues as Pericles' Speech(Ⅱ .35-46), Cleon's Speech (Ⅱ,37-40), Diodotus' Speech (Ⅱ.42-45), Brasidas' Speech(Ⅳ'.85-87), the Melean Dialogue (Ⅴ ,85-113) and the Corinthian Speech (Ⅲ.52-68), the Plataean Debate, included in Thucydides' unfinished Historiai, is believed by the present writer to be an extremely significant historical material in understanding the beginning of the Poloponnesian War. The Plataean Debate had its origin in the Theban invasion of Plataea in 431 B. C, abrogating the Thirty Years' Peace, Which resulted in the execution of 180 Theban war prisoners. With the help of her ally Lacedaemon, Thebes, having a strons hostile feeling against Plataea, finally forced Plataea to surrender unconditionally by besieging her for two years (429B. C.-427B. C,). In consequence of the defeat, Plataea was forced to submit to a war crimes trial presided over by five Lacedaemonian judges. Instead of simple answers re the judges' inquiries, the Plataeans made a long argument on behalf of themselves in which they delivered a strong verbal attack and insisted on an impartial andmoral judgment. In their rebuttal, the Thebans asserted, by counterattacking the Plataean debate, that the Plataeans should be ajudged guilty. The Lacedaemonian judges, however, ruled the Plataeans were guilty, with the result that 200 Plataeans and 25 Athenians were executed. Furthermore, numerous Plataean women were taken as slaves, and the Plataean territory was confiscated freely by the Thebans and their followers, 431B. C. being the real starting point of the Peloponnesian War, the Plataean Debate seems by the present writer to be one of the most important historical data for the study of millitary history.

      • KCI등재
      • 11세기 英語封建社會의 계급구조에 관한 硏究 : 둠즈데이 �价�농촌社會分析을 중심으로 Based on the Analysis of the Domesday Book

        李榮龜 新羅大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The English feudal society of the 11th century was a kind of dual society formed through the amalgamation of Anglo-Saxon and continental factors by the William the Conqueror's policy. As a result of this conquest of England, the large majority of tenants-in chief(and also under-tenants) in the Anglo-Norman society were taken capture by the continental people. At the same time, a large number of the Anglo-Saxons fell into many kinds of peasant classes under the condition of serfdom. This study is undertaken with the intention of understanding the class structure of Anglo-Norman feudal society in the 11th century through an analysis of the Domesday Book, which collecs much information of the society and was compiled according to William the Conqueror's writ in 1085. Through this same approach, H. Ellis, F.W. Maitland, and H.C.Darby made an sattempt to inquire as to the class structure of the English society of the 11th century by a statistical analysis of the domesday Book many yeas ago. The object of this study, based on their reserach work, a deepened understanding of the many kinds of social classes and the peculiar characteristics of class structure in the six different localities of the domesday society. From this study, the class structure of the Anglo-Norman society in the 11th century is generally confirmed as follows:the population rate of the tenants-in-chief (and the under-tenants) was about 3.0% and the remaining peasant classes were about 96.9% of the whole population of the Domesday Society. According to the social division of the Domesay society, we can also divide the many kinds of peasants into four main social classes depending on their free and bond conditions:(1) free peasant (liberi-homines and sokemen), (2) serfs (villeins, bordars, cottars, and coscets), (3) slaves (mem and women slaves), (4) the other classes (coliberts, oxmen, men, swinherds, etc.) As the result of this research, entirely the sokemen and liberi-homines, as the free peasant class, were found almost in several Domesday counties of the northeast districts, can also be found and the distribution area of the rest of the classes can be found;villeins and bordars were in all Domesday counties, cottars were in the southern counties, and slaves were also found all counties of Domesay society. As a specific characteristic of class structure of this Domesday society, it can be concluded that the Anglo-Norman society, according to the view of Marxist historians, is a kind of class society, based on medieval serfdom and the ruling class's exploitation of the peasant classes. In conclusion we can find some fault of historical documents in the process of analyze the Domesday Book as follow:(1) the Domesday Book Present many defail about Population, even so the picture that emerges is only a verly imferfect one. There is no record for the area now covered by the four northern counties of Cumberland, Westmoland, Northumberland, and Durham. (2) Also, the Domesday statistics for the population raise two major difficulties;the first is that the noble and many kinds of peasant class may have been entered as individuals and not as heads of houshold. The actual story of the making of Domesday Book is told briefly in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle under the near 1085. After discussion at a council held at Gloucester in mid-winter, King William I sent his men into each shire to enquirie in great detail about its resources and who held them. It says all the surveys(gewrita) were then brought to him. But they do not throw much light upon the actual operation of compiling the original returns. however there are other documents besides Domesday Book, which must have been composed from the original returns. Among these subsidiary documents is the so-called Exeter Domesday Book that the relevant portions of the main Domesday Book were made. Howerer, as H.C.Darby said, Domesday Book is the most famous English public record, and it is probably the most remarkable statistical document in the history of England. It also tells us much about the English feudal society of the 11th century.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 環境藝術의 造形意味

        李映求 효성여자대학교 산업미술연구소 1987 산업미술 Vol.2 No.-

        Up to now researchful activities through new recognition to environment in all sciences progress openly. In rapidly and highly changeable in dustrial society the fact is the reason why new environment is being created and controlled by human beings rather than naturally preceding environment was modelled. Under such re-illumination about environmental recognition a term called "environmental art" began to appear in art circles since from 1960's And the field of studies is being extended by a series of empirical artists. Such situation was caused continously by orientation of compound-style through studying of new field. that beginning of the 20th century. The solution of two problems that modern fine art has is suggested by such situation. Broken phenomena from the mass of people, one of such situation. derived between "artists discovery" and "masses acceptance" was suggested that the mass of people experience actually as the participants through logic of maximization of empathy by fine art. Extremely impersonal problems in modern fine art seek for return of humanity and liveliness through putting reality into works. This thesis is emphasized above and following viewpoints. Firstly the originated backgrounds to environmental art is arranged. Second is analyzed about the meaning of formative art to modern environmental art on the basis of generated aesthetics. Thrid is analyzed about meaning of it's aesthetic characteristics. Furthermore it's new possibilities as future art is considered. Through analysis about environmental art with above goals and concerns, this thesis comes to the following conclusion. 1. The basis of environmental art exists in object's thought, and it's progress is achieved by things in itself of object art, variableness of kinetic art and purity of action art. 2. Environmental art is combine-art with totaliy and display-art put emphasis on assemblage thought. 3. In order to maximize for empathy the environmental art is "circumstantial art" which guides the participation of masses through utilizing of the auditory sense, the sense of touch and the sense of smell including the sense of sight. 4. Environmental art is technological art with scientific environment through using of scientific method and means in modern extreme science. Finally environmental art is avant-garde art for recognition of the emotion in the times nowdays, and tells which the future possibility is achieved by purity that is true is fact through groping dialectic unity of all art. Additionally environmental art exists in as challenging culture which is developed new unknown field out of art, as art-behavior with breaking between human beings' lives and the arthful boundary.

      • 先天性 股關節 脫臼의 治療後 防射線 所見의 變化에 對한 分析

        이영구,徐光倫 인제대학교 1987 仁濟醫學 Vol.8 No.2

        선천성 고관절 탈구 환자의 치료결과를 치료 방법별 연령별로 구분하여, 방사선학적 소견을 중심으로 비교 관찰하여 통계학적 유의성을 분석 확인하였으며, 이 결과는 향후환자에 따른 치료 방법의 선택에 지침이 될 것이다. Development of acetabulum and epiphysis of the femoral head following reduction in seventy-four patients with ninty-one congeenitally dislocated hips were assessed radiologically. Acetabular index, CE angle of Wiberg, neck-shaft angle of the femur and overgrowth of the pelvis and femur were measured according to the various treatments. To evaluate results, the method of treatment was divided into four classes; closed reduction, open reduction, open reduction combined with pelvic osteotomy, and modified Klisic operation (open reduction, pelvic osteotomy, femoral shortening and so no). Each treatment was compared with four groups according to age; first group was belong to patients under twelve months of age, second from twelve to twenty-four months, third from twenty-four to thirty-six months, and fourth over thirty-six months. This paper agrees to Harris (1976) and Lindstrom (1979) about improvement of acetabular index and CE angle of Wiberg that skewed a rapid rate of repair in the first six months and thereafter slowly progressed to normal range of degree. Overgrowth of pelvis and femur was also noticed in cases of hips treated pelvic and/or femoral surgery, moreover even in cases of open reduction only. The goal of this preliminary investigation may be supposed to propose the idea which method of treatment to the first visiting patient will approach the most satisfactory final result.

      • 고질혈증에 대한 Bezafibrate의 임상효과

        이영구,박호진,임경호,유원상 인제대학교 1982 仁濟醫學 Vol.3 No.2

        고지혈증을 가진 20명의 환자에게 Bezafibrate(BezalipR)를 투여하여 임상관찰한 결과 큰 부작용없이 중등도의 TC 감소와 현저한 TG 감소, 중등도의 HDL-C의 증가를 가져왔다. The effects of Bezafibrate or Hyperlidemic patients were investigated in 20 patients and blood lipid level were checked sereally for 20 weeks. The following results are obtained. 1.The serum High density lipoprotein-cholesterol were moderately increased by 13.4%. 2.The sera cholesterol level were reduced moderately by 9.4%. 3.The serum triglyceride level were markedly reduced by 43.4%. 4.Bezafibrate has been well tolerated in most patients and the trial proved, Bezafibrate to be effective in reducing cholesterol, triglyceride & increasing high density lipoprotein-cholesterol level.

      • 선천성 고관절 탈구의 치료

        이영구,조현오,김재도 인제대학교 1981 仁濟醫學 Vol.2 No.3

        1979년 6월 개원이래 약 22개월 동안 인제의과대학 부속 부산백병원에서 치험한 선천성 고관절 탈구환자 15례, 18고관절에 대한 치료결과를 분석하여 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고한다. From June 1979 to April 1981, fifteen patients with eighteen congenital hip dislocations were treated by either closed or open method, through mainly medial approach, according to the state of the dislocated hip and age of the patients. Among them, 3 cases, were bilateral congenital dislocation of the hip. The average follow-up was one year. As results of this study, fourteen hips(88%) among eighteen hips were above good by Saddon's classification.

      • 전대뇌동맥-전교통동맥의 미세수술해부학적 형태에 관한 연구

        이영구,이기찬 고려대학교 의과대학 1981 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.18 No.1

        The author present this study of microsurgical anatomy of proximal anteries (A-1 segment) and anterior communicating arteries (ACoA) in the normal adult brain to provide clearer basis for strategy in surgery of skull base lesions. The A-1 segments varied in length from 1.34 to 1.90㎝ (average 1.53㎝). The length of the ACoA was usually between 1.0 to 3.4㎜ (average 1.73㎜). The diameter of the A-1 segment varied from 1.45 to 2.50㎜ (average 1.9㎜) and the diameter of ACoA varied from 0.70 to 1.45㎜ (average 1.1㎜). From 5 to 16 basal perforating arteries (average 9.7) exclousive of Heuber's artery arose from A-1segment. The lateral half of A-1 was a richer source of the perforating branches than the medial half; 74% of them arose from the lateral half of the A-1 segment. They arsoe from posterior in 47.4%, postero-superior in 34%, and postero-inferior in 18% aspects of the A-1 segment. The ACoA gave off 1 to 6 perforating branches ( average 3.5) from its postero-superior in 56%, posterior in 26%, posteroinferior in 15%, and anterior in 12% wall of the artery. Recurrent artery of Heubner was found to have its origin from the A-2 segment ( vertical portion of anterior cerebral artery) in 65%, from the A-1 segment in 10%, and at the level of the anterior communicating artery in 25%, 55% of the recurrent arteries coursed anterior to the A-1 segment, which would have been seen upon elevating the frontal lobe prior to visualizing A-1 segment. Among 10 anterior communicating arteries examined, double anterior communicating artery was found in 2 cases and triple in one case. Duplication of a portion of A-1 segment was also found in one case.

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