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        계명대학교 <전공글쓰기>의 교수법 개발을 위한 운영과정 분석 및 제언

        이은숙,기도형,박창일,이은숙,최성곤 한국교양교육학회 2015 교양교육연구 Vol.9 No.4

        This study amis to examine a settlement and spread in <Writing in major> in Keimyung University and develop better teaching methods of writing and operating scheme. The operating scheme is divided into three stages: a conceptual recognition sage of <Writing in major> in 2013, an embodiment stage of <Writing in major> through analysis of cases of class in 2014, and an activity stage <Coaching writing in major> in 2015. First, the development of syllabus was conducted in an conceptual recognition sage of <Writing in major>. There exist a number of questions about the concept of <Writing in major>, association with <Korean Writing Tutoring Clinic>, methods of teaching, and contents of the lecture; however, professors did not understand the definite conception of them. In the second stage, an embodiment stage of <Writing in major> through analysis of cases of class in 2014, the cases of <Writing in major> were presented in department of <Sports Marketing>, <Taekwondo>, and <International Trade & Commerce> in fall semester, 2014. It was to give opportunities to propose directions of class operation through a demonstrative lesson in an instruction part and to learn that teaching methods of writing is more crucial than contents of major. In the last stage, an activity stage <Coaching writing in major> in 2015 endeavors to devise plans for the future by conducting surveys with students and professors of <Writing in major>. The professors appreciate the writing class was grueling compared to other classes and importance of writing made them take charge of the classes. The professors also found that development of lecture contents was the most difficult and suggested the cooperation with instructors in teaching writing. Students recognised that they had benefits in improving communication skills and seeking for a job. Both professors and students agreed to the necessities of <Writing in major>. Therefore, in order to stabilize <Writing in major>, a regular workshop of teaching writing on campus is essential. Second, it is important to research suitable models of writing according to majors. Third, assignments should be focused on the depth, not the numbers of them. Forth, objective assignment criteria must be presented to the students. Fifth, materials for the class or writing could be abundant if the teachers share their ideas. Sixth, the way students learn to write other than <Writing in major> could be assisted by tutors in <Korean Writing Tutoring Clinic> and the professors let tutors know the students’ visits in advance. Lastly, it is imperative for students to study logical writing for college students in addition to grammatical rules and practice writing. 이 글은 계명대학교의 <전공 글쓰기>의 개설과 정착 및 확산의 과정을 살펴보고 <전공 글쓰기>의 더 효율적인 운영방안과 글쓰기 교수법을 모색하고자 하는 목적을 지니고 있다. 이를 위해 <전공 글쓰기>의 운영단계를 2013년의 <전공 글쓰기>의 개념 및 필요성 인식의 단계, 2014년의 <전공 글쓰기>의 수업사례 분석을 통한 구체화 단계, 2015년의 <전공 글쓰기 코칭 다이어리> 교수커뮤니티의 활동 단계로 나누어 살펴볼 것이다. 먼저, 2013년의 ‘<전공 글쓰기>의 개념 및 필요성 인식의 단계’에서는 2번의 워크숍과 <전공 글쓰기> 표준강의안 개발에 대해 살펴보았다. 워크숍에서는 <전공 글쓰기>의 개념 및 필요성, ‘표현력 클리닉과의 연계’ 등에 대해 많은 질의응답이 오고갔으나 아직은 <전공 글쓰기>의 개념 및 교수법, 강의 콘텐츠 등에 대해 많은 교수들이 분명한 개념을 확립하지 못하고 있었다. 두 번째, 2014년의 ‘<전공 글쓰기>의 수업사례 분석을 통한 구체화 단계’에서는 2014년 2학기에 개설한 <스포츠마케팅학과>, <태권도학과>, <국제통상학과>의 전공 글쓰기 사례를 발표하였다. 이런 수업 사례 발표는 <전공 글쓰기>의 수업 운영에 대한 방향을 제시하는 데 큰 도움을 주었다. 뿐만 아니라 도입부의 수업 시연까지 함으로써 <전공 글쓰기>를 앞 둔 교수들에게 실제적인 도움을 주고자 했다. 담당교수들에게는 전공 컨텐츠보다는 글쓰기 교수법에 대한 콘텐츠가 더 필요한 것을 알 수 있었던 워크숍이었다세 번째, <전공 글쓰기 코칭 다이어리> 교수커뮤니티의 활동 단계에서는 <전공 글쓰기> 수강생과 교수를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 통해 <전공 글쓰기>의 향후 방안을 모색하고자 했다. 설문결과 담당교수들은 이 강의가 타 강의에 비해 아주 힘든 강의라고 인식하고 있었지만 글쓰기 관련 강좌의 중요성 때문에 책임감을 느껴 강의를 맡았으며, 강의 콘텐츠 개발을 가장 힘든 것으로 밝혔으며, 글쓰기 담당교수들과의 협업을 제의하고 있었다. 학생들은 전공인으로서 의사소통능력 및 자기표현능력, 전공 관련 취업능력 향상에 도움을 받았다는 의견을 보여주고 있었다. 담당교수와 수강학생 모두 이와 같은 강의가 절대적으로 필요하다는 의견을 나타내었다. 따라서 전공 글쓰기의 성공적인 운영 및 정착을 위해서는 첫째, 규칙적인 교내 전체 워크숍을 통해 글쓰기 교수법의 확산을 도모할 필요하기 있다. 둘째, 계열별 전공 글쓰기의 모형을 따로 개발할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 과제를 출제할 때 중간고사를 전후하여 학생들의 과제의 숫자보다는 깊이에 주목하는 것이 좋다. 넷째, 과제를 출제할 때는 미리 평가기준을 제시하여 학생들에게 평가기준이 주관적이라는 인상을 주지 않는 것이 좋다. 다섯째, 강의소재발굴의 어려움은 해당학과 전공 교수님들께서 공유하는 방향으로 진행하면 다양한 강의 콘텐츠를 개발할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 여섯째, 전공 콘텐츠외 글쓰기 어문규정에 대해서는 표현력 클리닉의 도움을 받는 것이 효율적이며, 표현력 클리닉에 학생들을 보낼 때는 미리 튜터에게 지침을 주는 것이 필요하다. 일곱째, 어문 규정 외에도 대학생에게 꼭 필요한 논증 글쓰기에 대한 개념을 주지시키고 이를 적극적으로 활용할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스와 러시아에서 토포스로서의 카페

        이은숙,이승억 한국프랑스학회 2018 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.101 No.-

        Le but de cette étude est de trouver certaines différences ou resemblances culturelles entre deux pays, la France et la Russie, en s’appuyant sur le fonctionnement d’un café, en tant que “topos”. Le café a été réservé aux gens de haute société au 17e siècle en France, alors que celui n’existait pas en Russie. La culture du café a été developpée dans ces deux pays au 18e siècle. D’abord, le café a été consideré comme un espace de discussion, d’échange et de partage sur des idées de la politique en France. En revanche, le Konditerskaya s’est introduit en Russie à cette époque-là, à la place du café. Ensuite, une période d’Or du café a été arrivée au 19e siècle en France et il est certain que ce phénomène est également apparu en Russie, grâce à la relation culturelle avec la France et à l’acception “passionnante” de leur part. Au 20e siècle, le café a joué un rôle significatif dans ces deux pays pour que les gens aient pu se communiquer et se partager leurs idées et il est ainsi sûr que cela influençait à la culture populaire et à l’Avant- garde. Dans cette étude constrastive, nous pouvons comprendre que le café s’est développé au fils du temps d’une manière similaire dans ces deux pays, en tant que “topos” où des idées apparaissent et se développent grâce à l’échange communicatif. Il se peut qu’ un individu puisse oublier le soi du quotidien, en devenant un autrui dans un café, comme si le goût du café représente cet espace en ses aspects tels que la puissance, l’excitation et la désillusion. Alors, nous pouvons aussi dire que de nouvelles cultures sont nées et librement introduites dans le café. Au milieu du 20e siècle, l’introduction de l’existentialisme et son influence ont des preuves dans le développement du rôle sociétal du café en France. Il est pourtant possible qu’il y ait peu de cafés en Russie à cause de leur régime communiste et enfermé. Donc, cela nous permet d’apprendre que le café comme topos est lié, à la rigueur, à l’ambiance politique et à la société.

      • 노인들의 안전사고 발생 실태 조사연구

        이은숙,김소선 연세대학교 간호정책연구소 1999 간호학탐구 Vol.8 No.2

        Accidents are a very serious problem among the urban elderly. Injury from accidents cause death and disability in the elderly. In many cases injuries in the elderly result in delayed recovery. Hence, this descriptive survey study was done to determine the incidence rate of accidents and associated factors. The sample consisted of 335 persons over the age of 65. Data were collected from April 1 to April 30, 1999 in a large metropolitan area through personal interview using a structured questionnaire. Asking about accidents that had occurred over the last one year from April 1998 to March 1999. The content of the questionnaire included items on the occurrence of accidents and attitudes toward accidents. The data were analyzed using SAS PC statistical package. The results of the study are as follows; 1. The total number of accidental injuries was 145 among the 335 persons in the study sample. The mean rate for accidents was 0.43 times and 29.9% of the subjects experienced an accident during the last one year. 2. The highest incidence rate for accidents was observed to be in the spring, and as for time of day, from 8-12 a.m. 3. In the analysis of the location where the injury took place, the frequent places were out of doors(58.06%) and on the road(27.59%)was the most frequent place among them. On the other hand the injuries that took place at home was 41.94% 4. Most of the accidents were caused by falling(53.17%) followed by traffic accidents, 11.11%, and the most frequent types of injury were open wound(20.51 %), followed by, fractures(19.66%), sprains(19.66%a), and contusions(19.66%). 5. Most of the injuries were to legs and feet, followed by arms and hands. 6. For the most part they were treated at a hospital, and emergency treatment was mostly done by themselves with, stabilization being the main type of first aid. The cost of treatment ranged from less than 5,000 won in most cases(41.73%) to a similar rate of more than 20,000 won(40.16%). 7. Type of housing, number of family members and health status were statisticaly significant in chi-square analysis.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        보건의료직종별 구강보건관리 인지도에 관한 조사연구

        이은숙,나수정,한만덕,김희천,권혜숙 대한구강보건학회 1999 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to assess the needs of oral health education program for health personnels who engaged medical service by self-administered questionnaire. The respondents of this questionnaire study were the 459 health personnels who worked at a general hospital in Seoul. The obtained results were as follows: 1, The most often exhibited daily frequency of tooth brushing was 3 times a day. 2. The most frequently exhibited time of doing tooth brushing was after taking a meal or before going to bed. 3. The most widely used method of tooth brushing was the scrubbing. More Doctors used the rolling method than engineers. 4. Approximately 35% of the white-collar workers or workers in technical post viewed the lack of Vitamin C as the cause of periodontal disease. 5. 82.2% of the whole subjects responded that fluorine can prevent tooth decay. The above-mentioned findings showed the needs of oral health education to personnels who engaged in health or medical service. Oral health educational program should be offered regularly to them.

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