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        건축부문의 건설경기와 범죄의 상관관계에 관한 연구

        허자연(Heo, Ja-Yun),구동환(Gu, Dong-Hwan),정창무(Jung, Chang-Mu) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.12

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of construction business cycles in architectural sector on crimes in Korea. Literatures on correlations between architecture industry and crimes have mostly focused on artificial environmental factors such as CPTED and etc.. But role of architectural construction for crime prevention, or impacts on other social pathologies, should not be ignored, taking its high employment effect into consideration. Earlier works about factors causing crimes found that the unemployed are easy to commit a crime. In this perspective, construction business, especially architectural sector, might be a solution since it offers plentiful temporary positions and jobs for unskilled workers on construction sites. It can be explained by “Anomie Theory” and “Rational Choice Theory”. This study examines empirically the influence of fluctuation in construction business market on criminality using Granger Causality Test and Error Correction Model with annual construction expenses and crime rates data from 1990 to 2011 in Korea. All factors were tested statistically for reliability with unit root test(ADF test) and cointegration test(Johanson cointegration test). On the two estimated models, results showed that upturn of construction business contributed to reducing crimes, one of social pathological problems caused by unemployment. Also, on Impulse-Response Analysis, there were significant short and long-run effects on 5 major crimes by expenditure of architectural construction industries. This outcome implies that the construction business has a social role for maintaining public stability. It would be for shedding new light on the importance of architectural construction industry in terms of creating jobs for unskilled and temporary workers liable to commit crimes.

      • KCI등재

        소셜네트워크서비스(SNS)와 상권 활성화에 관한 연구

        허자연 ( Ja Yun Heo ),정연주 ( Yeon Ju Jeong ),정창무 ( Chang Mu Jung ) 관광경영학회 2014 관광경영연구 Vol.62 No.-

        Recent trends show the emerging commercial areas in Seoul are ever more diversified and dynamic. Meanwhile, social network services(SNS) are playing an increasingly important role in building a reputation for commercial area as more people utilize it to make travel decisions. The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between the information on SNS with commercial areas’ vitality. Using time-series data on the number of visitors to a commercial area and the number of tweets mentioning the area, this study develops VAR and VECM models. The analysis of the search results confirms a positive impact of exposure to information on SNS on a commercial area’s vitality. Due to the difficulty in obtaining data, this study bears limitations in making seasonal adjustments for time-series data and adopting appropriate exogenous variables. Suggestions for future research include attention to variables that reflect spatial characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        상업공간의 젠트리피케이션과 지역 상인 공동체에 관한 연구

        허자연(Ja Yun Heo),정창무(Chang Mu Jung),김상일(Sangil Kim) 한국공간환경학회 2016 공간과 사회 Vol.26 No.1

        급격한 상업화 이면에서 반복적으로 나타나는 고질적인 문제들에 대해 정부는 지역공동체 상호협력 등을 기조로 정책 대안을 마련 중에 있다. 본 연구는 정책도구로 활용하고자 하는 상인들의 공동체에 중점을 두어, Arnstein의 ‘주민참여사다리’를 바탕으로 젠트리피케이션 과정별로 나타나는 상인 공동체의 참여 수준을 고찰했다. 경리단길, 신사동 가로수길, 압구정로데오거리의 상인 공동체를 대상으로 연구한 결과 젠트리피케이션 초기에 형성된 주민자율 단계의 공동체가 활성화 이후 명목적 참여 단계의 공동체로 대체되는 현상을 확인했다. 이미 젠트리피케이션을 겪은 지역에서는 참여 단계가 복합적으로 관찰되었으며(압구정로데오거리), 성숙기에는 명목적 참여 단계를(가로수길), 젠트리피케이션이 진행되는 지역에서는 주민자율 단계와 비참여 단계(경리단길 및 보석길)가 공존하고 있었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 젠트리피케이션의 부작용을 방지하기 위한 정책방안에 동태적으로 변화하는 젠트리피케이션 현상에 착안해서 시기별로 적용 가능한 대안을 보완해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구결과가 신자유주의적 입장에서 참여 형 거버넌스로의 패러다임 변화를 반영한 상업공간의 젠트리피케이션에 대한 정책대안 도출의 근거가 될 것을 기대해본다. Recently, the commercial gentrification in Seoul raises structural and endemic problems such as drastic rent raising, worsening living conditions and displacement of native residents and mom-and-pop stores. So, local governments begin to suggest countermeasures against side-effects of commercial gentrification, and the keywords of these suggested political solutions are ‘local communities’ and ‘citizen participation’. This study explores and compares the characteristics of four different shop-owner communities, in the areas at different stages of gentrification, in terms of ‘the ladder of participation’ by Arnstein. Through in-depth interviews with leaders and members of each shop-owner community, this study finds out that the shop-owner communities show different citizen participation level depending on gentrification stages. In the early stages, the shop owners voluntarily gather and actively work together to host selp-sponsoring events and publish their own booklet, showing higher level of participation, degrees of citizen power. At gentrified area, the shop owners gradually become passive and the local communities are substituted by the communities of building owners’ or a local place marketing enterprise, showing participation degrees of tokenism or non-participation. This result could be the criteria of political approaches at different gentrification stages. This study offers insights to solve the endemic problems accompanied by gentrification and establishes the academic basis of political decisions for commercial areas as authentic urban fruitful amenities.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초고층건물의 건설이 경기변동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        허자연(Heo, Ja-Yun),김현정(Kim, Hyun-Jung),정창무(Jung, Chang-Mu) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.6

        Correlation between economic recession and skyscraper construction was revealed by Andrew Lawrence in 1999 : investments in skyscrapers peak when cyclical growth is exhausted and the economy is ready for recession. Moreover, there are some negative viewpoints on large-scale urban development project such as skyscrapers and large complexes : Skyscraper Curse, a myth about building a company’s headquarters, and etc.. This study focuses on empirical analysis about correlation between skyscraper construction projects and urban economies, using Vector Error Correction Model with 2 endogenous and 2 exogenous variables focused in Seoul. On the estimated model, we performed Impulse-Response Analysis and Various Decomposition Analysis. As a result, we can find a significant correlation between constructing skyscrapers and regional economies. According to the empirical analysis, differenced GFA(gross floor area) of skyscrapers causes a negative effect to differenced GRDP temporarily. This study results are expected to be helpful tips not only for forecasting economic crisis but also for making important decisions whether investing the huge development project or not.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도시재생사업의 공공성 확보를 위한 대안 연구

        이보람(Lee, Bo Ram),허자연(Heo, Ja Yun) 한국도시행정학회 2018 도시 행정 학보 Vol.31 No.1

        도시재생뉴딜사업은 정부와 국민의 협력 거버넌스를 기반으로 추진될 계획이며, 도심에 진행되는 사업의 특성상 다양한 이해관계자의 역할과 책임이 요구된다. 도시재생사업의 수익성 확보를 위해서는 도심 내 유휴공간 및 공유지의 활용은 불가피하며, 따라서 도시재생사업은 공공성이 전제되어야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 공공성을 실현하기 위한 사회적 책임의 관점에서 뉴욕시 로우라인 사례를 고찰하였다. 현장 방문, 관계자 인터뷰, 지역신문기사 분석을 통해 사업 추진과정과 구조, 다양한 주민참여방식, 젠트리피케이션을 방지하기 위한 노력 등을 구체적으로 파악했다. 로우라인 사례는 재원 마련과 수익성 확보에 있어 민간부문의 자발적인 투자를 장려하고, 다양한 재원조달 방식을 채택했으며 공유지를 저렴한 가격에 임대하여 사업성을 높였다. 다양한 이해관계자들의 이해관계를 조율하기 위해 지역에 대한 이해도가 높은 전문가들의 제안 수렴, 주변 지역 공동체와 환류과정을 통해 계획안 작성, 다양한 유형의 주민참여를 통해 사업에 대한 주민들의 이해도를 높였다. 마지막으로 공동체적 접근을 통한 젠트리피케이션 방지를 통해 공공사업이 사유화되는 것을 예방하고자 했다. 로우라인의 사례를 통해 도시재생사업의 공공성 확보를 위한 새로운 대안을 모색했다는 데 본 연구의 의의가 있다. It is crucial to understand the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in executing “Urban Regeneration New Deal Projects” successfully with the partnership of public and private governance. Particularly, considering the profitability of urban regeneration projects, abandoned public spaces are certainly profitable –it is necessary that these projects should pursue “publicness.” Therefore, this study explores the case of Lowline in New York City, which seeks to enhance publicness, with the perspective of corporate social responsibility. To analyze the detailed process and the structure of the project, community participation methods, and effort to prevent gentrification, not only on-site visit and in-depth interviews are conducted, but also local newspaper articles are reviewed. Lowline has promoted private sector voluntary investment to secure the profitability, broadened financing options, and improved feasibility by leasing public land at low cost. Moreover, Lowline has discussed with groups of experts of the area, created plans and programs with surrounding neighborhoods, and promoted community engagement to strengthen the relationship between different stakeholders. Finally, efforts to prevent gentrification as well as privatization by building partnership with local organizations are examined. The case study of Lowline demonstrates a new approach in achieving “publicness” of urban regeneration projects.

      • 서울시 상업 젠트리피케이션 실태와 정책적 쟁점

        김상일(Sang-Il Kim),허자연(Ja-Yun Heo) 서울연구원 2016 서울연구원 정책과제연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        There are growing concerns about negative effects of commercial gentrification in Seoul. This study explores the issues and alternatives through field survey, data analysis, interviews and surveys of shop owners, landlords and residents, to understand necessity and directions of government intervention in gentrification. Studies are mainly limited in Gyeongridan-gi, Yeonnam-dong, and a part of Seochon and Donggyo-dong, which have not only new in-comer stores, but also old stroes. Increasing attention of media and the number of real estate transactions, and soaring rent are commonly observed in these areas. Landlords have shown superior status in commercial building lease transactions, causing imbalance between supply and demand of store spaces. Using this authority, some landlords require higher rent, make tenants implement landlords’ duties, such as building repairs and payment of the licensing costs for changing building use, and even interrupt transactions of premiums. Paying such a high rent limits business types and it makes similar business types intensively concentrated. Competition among similar business causes zero-sum game, reducing benefits of stores. Gentrification in residential areas destroys authentic residential environments with traffic, parking problems, noises, trash and displacement of neighborhood retail shops. The famous street filled with transport cafes, over thirty years of tradition, is deteriorated and now replace by fancy restaurants, cafes and pubs for tourists. To prevent these negative effects of commercial gentrification, counter-measures against balloon effects into neighboring area have to be prepared. Also administrative procedures have to be simplified for political timeliness and institutional strategies are needed to encourage landlords’ participation. By disclosing information of commercial building transactions, unfair contracts by informational asymmetry could be prevented. A current law for protection of commercial building tenants cannot guarantee withdrawing profits worth prior investment and sunk cost of tenants, so improvement of some provisions of the law would be needed. However, local economic conditions and local characteristics are too different to adopt same provisions according to regions. Therefore it is more reasonable that local government decide their own limits of rent contract period, rent rising ratio, and business types. To prevent excessive commercialization in residential area, which are approved by the current zoning system, district unit plan including controlling business types and sizes have to be provided.

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