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        근대 전환기종친 관료 이헌영李永의가문의식과 시무인식

        하명준 한국국학진흥원 2017 국학연구 Vol.0 No.34

        This article explores the family consciousness of Lee Hun-young, a government official from the royal family in modern transition era. The results of the study reveals that while he possessed a value system of typical confucian scholars, he also had a kind of modern consciousness. Lee Hun-young furthermore displayed his recognition of contemporary affairs through his proposals to King Gojong. As a eyewitness of the western style modernization, he especially thought that modern reform should be based on self-reliance. The fact that his perception and suggestions regarding contemporary issues were widely accepted by King Gojong can imply a path of transitional modernization. 근대 전환기 종친 관료 이헌영은 가문의 현창 등을 통해 종친으로서의 위상을 제고하는 동시에 「아훈兒訓」을 작성하여 다음 세대에 집안을 이끌어 나갈 아들에게 전수하였다. 그는 전통적 유학자의 가치 체계를 지니었으나, 다른 한편으로 그의 가문의식을 통해서 재래하는 사대부의 문화가 전환기를 거치며 근대적인 면모를 띠어 갔음을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 이헌영은 헌의와 대책을 통해 현실에 대한 시무인식을 드러내었다. 특히 그는 서구식 근대화를 목도하면서 자주自主와 자수自修에 기반한 개화를 강조하였다. 민란에 대처해서는 백성들의 봉기를 부정하고 근왕적 태도를 견지하였으나, 점차 일본의 침략이 노골화하여 국권상실의 위기에 처하게 되자 거기에 반대하는 공공公共의 분노와 집단행동을 인정하며 정당성을 부여하는 모습을 보였다. 유교적 이념과 가치에 기반한 사회질서를 구현하고 자주에 터전한 통상수교의 방도를 모색한 이헌영의 인식과 노력은 고종을 비롯한 조야朝野에서 ‘시무’로서 널리 긍정되었다. 이는 서구식 근대주의가 아닌 내적 계기에 즉하여 전환기 근대화의 경로를 탐색할 수 있는 시사점이 될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영조대 재지사족의 재난 경험과 기록의 정보화: 구상덕의 『승총명록』을 중심으로

        하명준 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 한국문화 Vol.- No.94

        . Gu Sangdeok, a local Confucian scholar rooted in Goseong, Gyeongsang province was a figure who lived in an age of disaster during the reign of King Yeongjo. In his Journal named Seungchongmyeongnok 勝聰明錄, literally meaning “a bright record that can surpass the intelligent”, he transcribed numerous disasters he had experienced to the brink of his death. Therefore, in order to trace Gu Sangdeok’s life and examine his actions and mind thoroughly, it is necessary to look closely at the aspects and effects of the disaster he had experienced. As a member of a declining aristocrat, Gu Sangdeok, dreamed of achieving fame and prestige through the passing of the civil service entrance examination, like any other scholar. However, since the early 1730s, the activities of Gu Sangdeok regarding the preparation of the exam had already decreased significantly. The major factor that dampened his studies was the experience of the critical Imgye Great Famine (1732-1733), which is considered the greatest disaster during the reign of Yeongjo. After he underwent this tragic period, Gu sporadically took the exam, but by 1743, he had completely ceased any attempt to pass the exam altogether. The disaster had a great influence on Gu in the sense that it alienated him from the civil service entrance examination, which had a significant meaning in the life of scholars during the Joseon Dynasty. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to savor the meaning of the records that Gu Sangdeok left in his journal. A journal is the most faithful archive regarding one person’s life. The contents of the journal allows us to navigate where the author's interests and intentions are. Seungchongmyeongrok can be characterized by the fact that it has devoted a lot of space to diagnosing and predicting disasters. Its author Gu Sangdeok mobilized various routes and available resources to collect and store disaster-related information in his diary. Since the 1730s, records had become gradually systematized and formalized. Its diverse and rich contents progressed from fragmentary weather-oriented information to crop, disaster, price fluctuation, and grain inventory. Most of the journal’s disaster-related records were made by enthusiasticly combining the contents of agricultural books with knowledge gained from his everyday experience, which is believed to reflect the growing practical interest in climate forecasting at the time. These disaster-related information and records were used as a basis for diagnosing the scale of the tragedies and seeking a breakthrough. In reality, however, it was unclear at what stage of life the disaster would strike. In the face of an unexpected crisis, people of the village, including Gu Sangdeok, sought to unite and overcome it together. The local community, where the spirit of reciprocity and cooperation is carried out, could be the most effective place to deal with and prepare for disasters. The life and records of Gu Sangdeok can also be said to be a faithful example of this spirit.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 후반 평안도 정주목사 이헌영의 흥학과 교육실태

        하명준 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2018 규장각 Vol.53 No.-

        이 연구는 19세기 후반 조선 왕조가 전통 교육에서 근대 교육으로 이행하는 시기에 정주목사로 부임하였던 이헌영의 교육 활동 사례를 통해 당시의 교육 실태를 점검한 것이다. 일제는 1905년 을사늑약을 체결한 후 전통적인 敎學의 가치와 기능을 폄훼하였다. 조선시대의 교육 역량을 왜소․부실로 간주하는 견해들은 통감부 설치 이후 일제에 의한 교육개혁을 정당화하는 논거로 정립되어 식민통치에 활용되었을 뿐만 아니라 해방을 지나 오늘에 이르기까지 전통 교육의 퇴락과 부진을 기정사실화하는 이론적 배경으로 답습되고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 19세기 후반 정주목사 이헌영의 흥학 활동과 실천 양상을 검토해 보면 이른바 조선후기 학교부재론이나 강학쇠퇴론과 같은 주장들은 근거가 박약함을 알 수 있으므로 전통 교육의 실상에 대한 새로운 접근과 인식이 요구된다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        조선·대한제국 관보 데이터베이스의 구축과 활용- 국사편찬위원회 한국사데이터베이스를 중심으로-

        하명준 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2022 장서각 Vol.- No.48

        이 연구는 국사편찬위원회 조선·대한제국 관보 데이터베이스(DB)의 구축과 활용을 검토한 것이다. 조선·대한제국 관보 DB는 기존의 영인본 관보와 DB가 가진 미비점, 이를테면 누락과 착간 등을 보완함으로써 신뢰할 수 있는 ‘정본(선본) 관보’를 표방하고 있다. 아울러 직관적인 인터페이스 구성과 검색 기능 강화로 사용자가 찾고자하는 정보에 쉽고 빠르게 접근할 수 있게 하였다. 이로써 종래 문헌 연구 방식으로 처리하기 어려웠던 대량의 역사자료들을 새롭게 혹은 두텁고 면밀하게 파악할 수 있게되었다. 이 글에서는 실제 검색의 몇몇 사례를 제시하여 관보 DB의 활용과 효용의잠재성을 타진해 보았다. 이 관보 DB의 구축은 연구의 저변 확대와 활성화에 기여할것으로 예상된다. 기존 관보와 비교해서 일부 판본과 내용을 달리하는 장서각본 관보를 추가로 구축한다면 자료는 더욱 풍성해질 것이다. 이와 같은 관보 DB 등을 통해19세기 말~20세기 초 한국 근대사의 진면목을 실증적·맥락적으로 살필 수 있게 되기를 기대하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        근대 전환기 종친 관료 이헌영의 가문의식과 시무인식

        하명준(河明埈) 한국국학진흥원 2017 국학연구 Vol.0 No.34

        근대 전환기 종친 관료 이헌영은 가문의 현창 등을 통해 종친으로서의 위상을 제고하는 동시에 「아훈兒訓」을 작성하여 다음 세대에 집안을 이끌어 나갈 아들에게 전수하였다. 그는 전통적 유학자의 가치체계를 지니었으나, 다른 한편으로 그의 가문의식을 통해서 재래하는 사대부의 문화가 전환기를 거치며 근대적인 면모를 띠어 갔음을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 이헌영은 헌의와 대책을 통해 현실에 대한 시무인식을 드러내었다. 특히 그는 서구식 근대화를 목도하면서 자주自主와 자수自修에 기반한 개화를 강조하였다. 민란에 대처해서는 백성들의 봉기를 부정하고 근왕적 태도를 견지하였으나, 점차 일본의 침략이 노골화하여 국권상실의 위기에 처하게 되자 거기에 반대하는 공공公共의 분노와 집단행동을 인정하며 정당성을 부여하는 모습을 보였다. 유교적 이념과 가치에 기반한 사회질서를 구현하고 자주에 터전한 통상수교의 방도를 모색한 이헌영의 인식과 노력은 고종을 비롯한 조야朝野에서 ‘시무’로서 널리 긍정되었다. 이는 서구식 근대주의가 아닌 내적 계기에 즉하여 전환기 근대화의 경로를 탐색할 수 있는 시사점이 될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. This article explores the family consciousness of Lee Hun-young, a government official from the royal family in modern transition era. The results of the study reveals that while he possessed a value system of typical confucian scholars, he also had a kind of modern consciousness. Lee Hun-young furthermore displayed his recognition of contemporary affairs through his proposals to King Gojong. As a eyewitness of the western style modernization, he especially thought that modern reform should be based on self-reliance. The fact that his perception and suggestions regarding contemporary issues were widely accepted by King Gojong can imply a path of transitional modernization.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮後期의 鄕村防衛實情과 民堡論

        河明埈(Ha Myung-Joon) 歷史敎育硏究會 2010 歷史敎育 Vol.114 No.-

        This article discusses the state of the rural defense in the late Chos?n, problem and its various tasks, then investigates the usage of Dasan’s Min Bo Ron as the official National Defense system. Chos?n’s military system was traditionally carried out with a focus on the Central Guard. The reason for this was that state desired establishment of a Centralized system by a strong Central Guard. This policy was fixed by the completion of the Five Military Corps in the late 17th century. But, the policy brought about the weakening of the Local Military Forces. Due to the aggravation of the National finance, the purpose of the Military Service System was preferred for the reason of taxation rather than for the reason of the national defense. Also, as threats from outside decreased, concerns about Local Military Forces became less important. Moreover, Military Posts system was initially made to look after training of Sog’o militia. However, it often resulted in confusion of the Military Command system and brought about several ill-effects both to the military and the people. Measures for the rural defense were urgently desired in situations where Sog’o militia and Military Posts system caused a nuisance to the people and lost its military function. Under these circumstances, two opposing issues on the Rural Defense Policy were raised. The first was argued by the government officials called the “No-ron”. They regarded the weakness of the Local Military Forces was caused by mismanagement of the Military System. They also argued that problems in the management should be corrected and improved or to reinforce the Rural Defense by training the Local Government Officials(Suryong)’s Personal Guard. These arguments had limits because it was not based on the desire of the land reform by farmers’ Principles of Farmer-soldier Service(byeongnongilchi). The second was argued by Confucians called the “Nam-in” in the opposition. They found the cause to be the lack of a basic reward system. Therefore, they wanted to make an attempt to reform the Military System which was based on the farmers’ land ownership. In addition, they wanted to defend the rural areas by combining the Local Organization and the Military Organization. These arguments also had some limitations in that it is not able to remove a social status of a noble family. The above mentioned arguments remained as problems of the Rural Defense Policy. Also, the Rural Defense Policy in the 18th century was very general and superficial because it was formed while the state of the foreign affairs was steady. Moreover, this policy considered Cheong to be more of a military threat than Japan. However, in the late 18th century Japan’s hostility toward Chos?n was becoming bad to worse. As the western influence began to strengthen, Japan put forward the idea that the invasion of Chos?n was necessary in order to protect themselve. In reality, the Friendly-neighbor Policy between Chos?n and Japan had already come to an end at the time. So, Chos?n had to make sure to set up a solid defensive measures from an attack from Japan. However, Se-do Government in the 19th century was abandoning such responsibilities. Defense against Japan’s attack was becoming a problem at the time. In the face of these difficult military problems, Dasan Jeong Yak-Yong put forward a solution in the『Minbo?i』in his book which the Rural Defense Discussion was intensely included. Through the management of Public Defense(Min Bo), he desired to preserve the life of people and property. Also, he wanted to defend the country by cooperating with the government forces as well as to stabilizing the existing Local society. This Dasan’s Public Defense Discussion(Min Bo Ron) standed on the confidence about the people in that it is based on the people’s arm that put under taboo. In addition, the style of electing people by ability, managing an organization by unbiased view can predict that Public Defense and is consists of a ra

      • KCI등재

        정조대 영남 무관 노상추의 지역 정체성과 북방 관직활동

        하명준 ( Ha Myung-joon ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2018 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.66

        정조대 出仕한 노상추는 영남 남인의 사족 출신으로 원래는 문관이 되고자 하였다. 그러나 숙종대 환국 과정에서 노론에게 ‘黨禍’를 입은 집안 내력 및 영남 남인에 대한 정치적·지역적인 홀대로 인해 진로를 수정하여 무과로 전향하였다. 노론 주도의 정국에서 노상추는 무과 급제와 宣薦, 그리고 벼슬을 얻기 위해 지난한 시간을 보내야 했다. 그는 정조 11년(1787) 함경도 갑산의 진동만호로 발령받았을 때 세력이 없어 쫓겨나는 것이라고 단언하였는데, 그 저변에는 변방 갑산을 오랑캐의 땅으로 여긴 지역인식이 자리하고 있었다. 영남 남인으로 세태를 원망하던 노상추는 정조와의 만남을 통해 관료 생활의 획기적인 전기를 맞았다. 탕평책을 추진한 정조의 特旨로 정3품의 평안도 삭주부사에 임명된 노상추는 尙武와 농본 위주의 목민 활동을 전개하였다. 그런데 목민 활동의 과정에서 이웃한 고을의 수령들과 불화가 있기도 하였다. 이는 노상추가 견지한 ‘영남인 무관’으로서의 지역 인식과 정체성에서 말미암은 것이었다. 이로 인해 노상추는 삭주부사에서 파직당했다. 이후 영남 남인을 견인하던 정조가 승하하면서 功名을 이루고자 했던 노상추의 노력도 무산되고 말았다. No Sangch’u, a confucian scholar from the Southern faction in Yongnam area, entered government service in the reign of King Chongjo and originally intended to be a civil officer(文官). However, due to the fact that his family had suffered in the course of Hwan’guk (換局, change of government) during reign of King Sukjong, and also the fact that the Nam party from Yongnam area was politically neglected and regionally discriminated, he changed his course and became a military officer(武官). In a political state with Noron taking the lead, No Sangch’u had to endure extremely difficult situations. When he was appointed as Chindongmanho(鎭東萬戶) of Kapsan, Hamgyong province in the year of Chongjo 11 (1787), he saw it as banishment due to poor power, which was also a result of perceiving his new post as barbaric grounds. An encounter with king Chongjo led to a turning point in No Sangch’u’s career. As a special royal order of the king, No Sangch’u was promoted as governor of Sakchu. While his government activities were focused on encouraging military spirits and agricultural development, he also experienced unfortunate dissonance with neighboring governors. This was an outcome of No Sangch’u’s regional perception and identity as a military officer of Yongnam origin. As a result of this incident, No Sangch’u was dismissed from Sakchu. The death of king Chongjo eventually rendered his efforts in achieving accomplishments to fail.

      • KCI등재

        영조대 活人署에 대한 인식과 운영 실태

        하명준(Ha, Myung-joon) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2021 역사문화연구 Vol.79 No.-

        이 연구는 영조대를 중심으로 활인서에 대한 인식과 운영의 실태를 살펴본 것이다. 영조 연간에는 활인서에 대한 인식을 담고 있는 두 가지 양상의 속담이 회자되었다. 하나는 ‘活人署가 아니라 殺人署’라는 속담이다. 활인서가 유명무실하여 사람을 살리지 못하고 오히려 사람을 죽이는 의료 기관이라는 의미를 담아 사용되었다. 또 하나는 ‘活人別提罷職’이라는 속담이다. 병자가 죽게 되면 활인서 별제에게 책임을 전가하여 파직시키는 일이 잦았기 때문에 죄가 없이 횡액을 당한 경우에 이 속담이 사용되었다. 이 두 가지 속담의 용례들은 당대의 활인서에 대한 시선과 인식이 단일하지 않고 다층적이었다는 사실을 알려준다. 활인서는 도성의 전염병자를 전담해서 구료하는 기관이었으므로 전염병의 발생과 확산은 활인서의 존재 의의를 가늠케 하였다. 전염병이 불같이 일어나고 사망자가 속출하였을 때 조정에서는 어김없이 활인서의 무실함이 강조되고 ‘살인서’의 면모가 부각되었다. 그렇지만 영조대는 활인서의 운영을 정비하고 활인책을 강구함으로써 일정하게 의료적인 성과를 거두었던 것도 사실이었다. 활인서의 경험과 대책은 京外에서 한결같이 따라야 할 규례로 제시·계승되고 있었다. 당대의 시각에서는 병막에 수용된 병자 중에서 절반 정도의 사망자가 발생하게 되면 조정에서 활인서를 설립한 뜻에 위배되는 것으로 보았다. 이를 감안하면 영조 연간에 운영되었던 활인서는 종래 ‘살인서’로 평가된 것과 같이 기능을 전혀 상실한 관서라고는 할 수 없으며, ‘활인’의 영역에서 절반 정도의 성공(혹은 실패)을 거둔 의료 기관이었다고 할 수 있겠다. This study examines the perception and management of the Office for the Saving of People (活人署), or OSP, particularly focusing on the reign of King Yeongjo. During the reign of King Yeongjo, there were two phrases that was well-known to the contemporary people containing the perception of OSP at the time. The first phrase was that “the Office for the Saving of People is in fact an office that kills people (殺人署).” This saying reflects the recognition that OSP did not function as it was intended and rather became a medical institution that took lives, thus making it unworthy of its name. The second phrase was that “the special director of the Office for the Saving of People is dismissed from his position(活人別提罷職).” When patients died from disease, it was common for the special director of OSP to take responsibility for the losses of lives and be dismissed from his position. Because of this, the saying was used when a person was unfairly treated or went through an unexpected disaster. These two examples display a multi-layered complex reception and perspective toward OSP throughout the period. During the reign of Yeongjo, some medical advancements were achieved due to the reorganization of OSP and taking measures to implement medical policies for saving lives. From a contemporary perspective, a death toll of about a half of the accommodated patients in the quarantine station was believed to be against the purpose of the establishment. Considering the perception regarding its function and purpose, we cannot assert that OSP had completely malfunctioned as done in previous studies and as was evaluated in its byname “an office that kills people.” It is possible to say that it was a medical institution that had achieved about half a success (or failure) in the area of “saving the people”

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