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      • KCI등재

        편마비 다리환자를 위한 보행보조로봇의 발목 2축 힘센서 설계

        최치훈,김갑순,Choi, Chi-Hun,Kim, Gab-Soon 한국센서학회 2017 센서학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        This paper describes the design and manufacture of a ankle two-axis force sensor of a walking assist robot for hemiplegic leg patient. The walking assist robot for the hemiplegic leg patient can safely control the robot by detecting whether the foot wearing the walking assist robot is in contact with the obstacle or not. To do so, a two-axis force sensor should be attached to the robot's ankle. The sensor is used to measure the force of a patient's ankle lower part. The two-axis force sensor is composed of a Fx force sensor, a Fy force sensor and a pulley, and they detect the x and y direction forces, respectively. The two-axis force sensor was designed using by FEM(Finite Element Method), and manufactured using by strain-gages. The characteristics experiment of the two-axis force sensor was carried out respectively. The test results indicated that the interference error of the two-axis force sensor was less than 1.2%, the repeatability error and the non-linearity of the two-axis force sensor was less than 0.04% respectively. Therefore, the fabricated two-axis force sensor can be used to measure the force of ankle lower part in the walking assist robot.

      • KCI등재

        마을어업의 변천에 관한 연구

        최치훈 한국도서(섬)학회 2019 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        The origin of the community-based fishery was derived from the exclusive fishery based on the fishing law(Fishery Ordinance) established in 1911 while under Japanese occupation. The fisheries operated the water areas with exclusive use, and fishery rights were obtainable with the permission of the Governor-General of Korea. The acquired fishery right couldn’t be endowed except for by the administration or support of fishing villages; however, the right was acquirable only for a fishing association. Moreover, a member of the association could fish with their own fishery right. The exclusive fishery merely underwent a change in name to the common fishery, but it had identical contents pertaining to fishing rights in 1953 when the Law of Fisheries was established. The government authorities revised the Law again in 1975 to increase common benefits and the Saemaul incomes of fishermen by utilizing a shore fishing area. An Eochongye could acquire a common fishing right like with the fisheries cooperative association with the revision of the law, and became a top priority in the competition. Therefore, the present fishing right is mostly possessed by Eochongyes; however, the management of common fishing becomes not faithful in terms of a decrease in fishing villages’ populations and an aging population. The common fishing got its name changed to a community-based fishery with the revision of the Law in 1995, at which the water area of community fishing grounds was reduced. A community-based fishery is for capturing and gathering with control and development of shellfishes, seaweeds, and sedentary fishery animals at the lowest tide water depth of 5 meters (7m in Gyeongsangbukdo, Gangwondo and on Jejudo) in the sea adjacent to a fishing village. In the case of Korea, patterns of community-based fisheries are dissimilar at different geographic circumstances; the east coast, west coast, and south coast; this produces various fishery products and utilization of fishing grounds. A community-based fishery has seen many changes since the establishment; it still has many loopholes in the law. The present paper is to contribute to an improvement and the development of the system at the community-based fisheries by perusing the laws for fisheries and its literature, and by field working. 마을어업의 연원은 일제강점기인 1911년 제정된 어업령의 전용어업이다. 이 어업은 수면을 전용하여 영위하는 어업이고, 어업권을 얻으려면 조선총독의 면허를 받아야 한다. 어업의 면허는 어촌의 경영 또는 유지를 위하여 필요한 경우를 제외하고는 부여하지 않고, 어업조합만이 취득할 수 있었다. 그리고 조합원은 어업조합이 취득한 어업권을 이용하여 어업을 할 수 있었다. 어업령에서는 제6종 면허어업을 수면을 전용하는 어업이라고만 규정하고 조선총독부 고시에 의하여 포개전용, 채조전용, 망어전용의 3종류로 분류하였다. 1929년 제정된 조선어업령에서 전용어업의 명칭을 부여하고 구체화 하였다. 전용어업은 1953년 수산업법 제정 시 공동어업으로 명칭만 바뀌었고, 어업내용은 똑 같았다. 정부는 지선어장을 활용하여 어촌주민의 공동이익과 새마을 소득을 증대시키기 위하여 1975년 법을 개정하였다. 법 개정으로 어촌계도 어업협동조합과 같이 공동어업의 면허를 받을 수 있게 되었고, 경합할 때에는 어촌계가 면허의 1순위가 된다. 이에 따라 수협이 보유하고 있던 공동어업권이 어촌계로 이양되어 현재 이 어업권은 대부분 어촌계가 소유하고 있다. 그러나 어촌인구 감소와 고령화 등으로 어촌계의 공동어업의 관리가 부실해 졌다. 특히 양식기술의 발달로 양식수산물 생산량이 급증하면서 공동어장의 생산물의 경제적 가치가 상실됨에 따라 공동어장에서의 공동작업조직을 통한 채조․포패업의 생산구조가 붕괴되는 현상이 전국적으로 파급되었다. 공동어장의 수심이 깊은 곳에 서식하여 지선어민들이 직접 포획․채취를 할 수 없는 전복, 소라 등 패류와 해삼, 성게 등 정착성 수산동물의 채취권은 일정 기간을 정하여 입찰 또는 수의로 가격을 결정하여 특정인에게 넘기는 어장빈매가 70~80년대에 걸쳐 연안어촌에서는 일반적인 현상이었다. 1995년 법 개정으로 공동어업은 마을어업으로 명칭이 변경되었으며, 마을어장의 수면은 축소되었다. 마을어업은 마을에 인접한 최간조시 수심 5미터(경상북도, 강원도 그리고 제주도는 7미터) 이내의 수면에서 패류․해조류 또는 정착성 수산동물을 관리․조성하여 포획․채취하는 어업이다. 우리나라는 동해안, 서해안 그리고 남해안의 지리적 환경으로 서로 다르다. 따라서 마을어업의 생산물과 어장이용 방식도 다양하다. 마을어업은 창설이후 많은 변화가 있었고, 여러 운영의 허점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 법조문 검토와 문헌 연구 그리고 현장조사의 방법으로 하였으며, 마을어업의 제도 개선과 발전에 도움이 되고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Bound States Induced by an Extended Impurity Scattering in an Unconventional Superconductor

        최치훈 한국물리학회 2005 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.47 No.1

        We study the eect of an extended impurity scattering on the bound state in an unconventional superconductor. We compute the resonance energy of the bound state by varying the depth and the width of a two-dimensional square potential well for a p-wave superconductor. New bound states develop from the continuum in the superconducting gap as the strength of the impurity scattering increases. The resonance energy shows a pattern of oscillation as a function of the depth or the width of the potential well due to the quantum interference between the quasiparticle wave functions scattered from dierent parts of thWe study the effect of an extended impurity scattering on the bound state in an unconventional superconductor. We compute the resonance energy of the bound state by varying the depth and the width of a two-dimensional square potential well for a p-wave superconductor. New bound states develop from the continuum in the superconducting gap as the strength of the impurity scattering increases. The resonance energy shows a pattern of oscillation as a function of the depth or the width of the potential well due to the quantum interference between the quasiparticle wave functions scattered from dierent parts of the extended potential. We also compare the results with those for a model potential composed of four point-like potentialse extended potential. We also compare the results with those for a model potential composed of four point-like potentials We study the effect of an extended impurity scattering on the bound state in an unconventional superconductor. We compute the resonance energy of the bound state by varying the depth and the width of a two-dimensional square potential well for a p-wave superconductor. New bound states develop from the continuum in the superconducting gap as the strength of the impurity scattering increases. The resonance energy shows a pattern of oscillation as a function of the depth or the width of the potential well due to the quantum interference between the quasiparticle wave functions scattered from dierent parts of the extended potential. We also compare the results with those for a model potential composed of four point-like potentials

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