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      • 성인의 학습참여 열의 수준에 따른 학습동기 및 학습의 사회적 성과 인식 분석

        최운실(Choi Un shil),박새봄(Park Sae bom),임형균(Lim Hyung gyun),노희숙(Roh Hee suk) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2011 교육연구 Vol.25 No.-

        This study aims to empirically analyze the motivation to study and the social perception on the achievements of the study following the enthusiasm of an adult to take part in lifelong study. To fulfill the aim, the motivations of the lifelong study participant were categorized into three categories, academic-oriented, goal-oriented, and action-oriented; whereas the study’s social achievements were developed into 3 types of measurement tools, self-rated health status, interest in politics, and social trust. Lastly, this study conducted this research with 1,312 adults above 20 years old who live in lifelong learning city Y. The result of the analysis showed that first, according to the level of enthusiasm to take part in lifelong learning, a ‘lifelong learning pioneer group’ was named; second, it was empirically identified that the learning pioneer group was influenced by gender, age, and level of education; third, it was empirically proven that the motivation to learn among learning pioneer group members were more action-oriented than normal study groups; fourth, it was empirically shown that the learning pioneer group had a more positive perception of social achievments than normal study groups. 본 연구는 성인학습자의 평생학습참여 열의 수준에 따른 학습 동기 및 학습의 사회적 성과 인식에 대한 차이를 실증적으로 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 평생교육 참여 학습자의 학습동기 유형을 학습지향, 목표지향, 활동지향 등 3가지 유형으로, 학습의 사회적 성과는 건강(self-rated health status), 정치적 관심(interest in politics), 사회적 신뢰(social trust)의 3가지 차원으로 측정 도구를 개발하였으며, 최종적으로 본 연구에서는 평생학습도시 Y 평생학습도시에 거주하는 1,312명의 20세 이상 성인들을 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다. 분석 결과 첫째, 평생학습참여 열의 수준에 따라 ‘평생학습 파이오니아 집단’을 명명하였다. 둘째, 성별, 연령, 최종학력에 의해 평생학습 파이오니아 집단이 영향을 받음을 실증적으로 확인하였다. 셋째, 평생학습 파이오니아 집단이 일반 학습자 집단보다 학습에 참여하는 동기가 활동지향적임을 실증적으로 확인하였다. 넷째, 평생학습 파이오니아 집단이 일반 학습자 집단보다 학습의 사회적 성과에 대한 인식이 긍정적임을 실증적으로 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 대학 평생교육 발전 모델 탐구

        최운실(Choi Un Shil) 한국평생교육학회 2004 평생교육학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 한국사회의 독특한 상황적 애정과 대학 평생교육의 의미 탐색에서 출발하여 한국사회에서의 대학평생교육 발전 모델과 발전 전략 탐구를 시도하기 위함이었다. 이를 위해 대학평생교육 수요 촉발요인을 고등교육의 대중화ㆍ보편화 추세, 대학입학자원 감소에 따른 성인학습자 대학 평생교육 수요 증대, 학점은행제 등 대안형 고등교육제도 확대, 성인학습자들의 대학 선호성향과 전문특화교육 수요 증대, 지역사회와 교육 연계 강화네트워크 구심체로서의 대학 평생교육 수요 증대 등의 측면에서 분석하였다. 또한 대학 평생교육의 운영 현황과 특성을 설치 운 영 현황 및 프로그램 특성과 운영의 측면에서 분석하였다 . 대학 평생교육의 강점과 약점, 기회와 위협요인 등을 분석하는 SWOT 분석을 통해 대학 평생교육의 발전 비전과 방향에 대한 구체적 시사를 도출하였다. 대학 평생교육의 발전 모델 구안을 위해 대학 평생교육의 비전으로 “평생학습사회를 선도하는 열린 대학 평생교육”으로 설정하고 그 목표로는 인재개발, 지식개발, 사회개발을 설정하였으며, 교육 프로그램의 고급화, 맞춤화, 특성화, 전문화, 다양화, 첨단화, 인증화, 연계화라는 8 대 발전 전략과 이를 실현하기 위한 8 대 발전 과제로 대학평생교육 발전 청사진으로서의 마스터 플랜 수립, 범주와 특화 장료 확대, 독립 전담부서화와 지원 인프라 구축 전담 인력 확보, 경영혁신 및 특화 전략 개발, 평가인증체제 강화, 지역학습네트웍 구축, 글로벌 네트웍 공고화 등을 제시하였다. Korean adult learners' demands for lifelong learning are increasing as much as their worldly renowned high attention to education and learning. Among various avenue of lifelong learning providers, university-based lifelong learning is receivjng increased attention as well as demands from adult learners. This high demands for lifelong learning can be explained by the fact that there are routine demands for professional self-development and also there are certain high needs to have higher education degree even in an alternative mode which is caused by the 'diploma disease' in Korean society, In this context, the university-based lifelong learning is considered as a venue for fulfilling the learners diverse educational needs through its established facilities, traditions and social reputations. Based on the forementioned Korean contexts, this study attempted to construct a development strategy and models for university-based lifelong education in Korean society. To achieve this study objective, the author analysed the demands for University-based lifelong learning from five perspectives; first, analysis on increasing demands caused by the trends of universal and mass higher education: second, analysis of changing demographic trends and its effect on increasing demands and interests on adult-learner oriented higher education, third, adult learners' preferences on selecting universities; fourth, analysis of demands for specialized and/or professionalized education on campus; finally, examining the increasing demands for the universities to become a core of learning networks that connects universities and local communities. From the research analysing the various aspects of university-based lifelong education, the author predicted that while the demands for specialized and professional program "will increase, there will be a crisis of growing competitions for students as well from such factors like opening of educational markets and the rise of non-traditional lifelong education providers. This study conducted SWOT analysis and its results indicated that. in order to survive, current university-based lifelong education institutions should be more diverse, specialized, strategic, networked, connected to .local community, and need to develop a differentiation strategy that responds to adult learners demands for better quality. As a conclusion of this study, the author proposed a developmental model of university-based lifelong education. This model contain visions as follows; specialization, connections, differentiation. networkings, partnership, learner-oriented. This model is further analysed as ten strategies and tasks as follows; development of masterplan, expansion of program, establishment of independent self-governing organization and manpower including "Department of Adult comtinuing Education", establishment of innovative management system, development of evaluative recognition system, reinforcement of community based and global total learning network system.

      • KCI등재

        문민정부의 교육개혁과 평생교육정책 공과 분석

        최운실(Choi Un-shil) 교육종합연구원 2006 교육종합연구 Vol.4 No.2

        본고에서는 오늘날 평생교육 발전 기폭제로서의 문민정부 5.31교육개혁을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 5. 31교육개혁의 배경과 골격 그리고 사회적 파급 영향 등을 분석하였다. 문민정부 대선 공약에서부터 당시 교육개혁위원회의 4차에 걸친 교육개혁정책 및 평생교육개혁정책 추진전략 등을 심층 분석하였다. 당시 평생교육 개혁정책의 특징으로는 평생교육정책의 새로운 비전 제시, 평생교육 추진체제 공고화, 미래 평생교육을 주도할 평생교육 중장기 발전계획의 수립, 평생교육 법제 인프라조성, 평생교육 결과 인증체제로서의 학점은행제 도입 등을 지적하였다. 이와 같은 배경과 특징을 지니는 5. 31교육개혁으로 촉발된 문민정부의 평생교육정책 공과로는 사회 전역에 평생학습마인드의 확산 정착, 평생교육의 양적 성장을 통한 기회 제공 및 참여 확대, 평생교육 추진체제와 법제 인프라 구축, 평생학습 평가인정시스템 구축 등을 분석, 제시하였다. 그러나 이러한 성장의 이면에는 평생교육 정책 추진의 문제점과 딜렘마가 상존하고 있음을 지적하였다. 평생교육정책의 맥이 면면히 이어지지 못한 채 단절된 부분이 많다는 점, 우후죽순격의 양적 확대와 그로인한 질적 수준의 취약성과 부실의 문제, 평생교육 양극화와 편포 현상, 낮은 참여율과 참여기반의 저조함 등을 분석하였다. 정책공과를 종합적으로 분석해 볼 때, 문민정부의 5.31교육개혁과 평생 교육개혁정책 추진은 학습국가 코리아의 평생교육 인프라 조성과 토대 형성 그리고 평생교육 성장 촉매를 위한 결정적 단초를 제공했음을 결론으로 지적하고 있다. The article analysed the 5.31 education reform of the Civilian Government, a catalyst for today s life-long learning. To this end, first, it analysed the background of 5.31 education reform, its structure and its social implication. Also, it tried in-depth analysis starting from the election campaign to four-time education reform policies by the education reform committee to life-long learning policies. The features of then life-long learning reform policy were as follows: to present a new vision of life-long policy; to establish the life-long learning system; to make a mid/long-term development plan of life-long learning to lead a future life-long education; to build legal infra-structure for life-long learning; to introduce credit-bank system to recognize the result of learning. With this background and features, the life-long learning policy of Kim Young Sam s government spurred by 5.31 education reform showed such accomplishments: to educate people about life-long education; to present opportunities through outward growth of life-long learning and expand participation; to establish life-long learning system and legal infrastructure; to establish evaluation accreditation system. However, behind the growth are dilemmas and unresolved problems of the policy: the life-long learning policy failed to be conducted in an organized way; its quality growth did not follow the quantity growth; the education is polarized; the participation rate is low. In conclusion, 5.31 education reform and life-long learning reform policy served as foundation for establishing life-long learning infrastructure and the expansion of the education.

      • KCI등재후보

        성인고등교육기관으로서의 교육대학원 역할 모델 탐색

        최운실(Choi Un shil) 한국평생교육학회 2003 평생교육학연구 Vol.9 No.3

        이 논문은 최근 평생교육적 차원에서 전통적 고등교육기관으로서의 대학이 급속히 비전통형 성인 고등교육기관으로 확대, 재편되는 변화 동향에 주목하여, 지금까지 학적 탐구와 관심의 대상으로 탐구되어 오지 못했던 교육대학원의 성인고등교육기관으로서의 새로운 역할과 기능을 성인학습 관점에서 분석하려는 목적으로 시도된 것이다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 성인학습 관점에서 교육대학원의 새로운 역할 모텔을 ① 생애발달기제로서의 역할 모델, ② 안드라고지 실천 기제로서의 역할 모델, ③ 자기주도 성인학습 지원 기제로서의 역할 모델, ④ 인식 전환과 개조 학습력 개발 기제로서의 역할 모델, ⑤ 성인계속학습 모니터링 촉진 기제로서의 역할 모델, ⑥ 교육전문 능력 개발 기제로서의 역할 모델 등 여섯 가지 측면에서 탐구·제시하고 있다. 결론적으로는 이러한 새로운 역할 모델 탐구를 통해 교육대학원이 성인고등교육기관으로서 교육 전문가들의 자기주도적 전문능력배양의 성인학습 촉매 기제가 되어야 함을 강조하고 있다. This study attempted to provide an analytical model of new role and functions for the Graduate Schools of Education. As we observe a rapid expansion and changes being made at traditional university organizations into non-traditional institutions of higher learning for adults, the need for academic review on the role of Graduate School of Education is increasingly important. A new role model provided by this study for the Graduate School of Education from the viewpoint of adult learning theories is consisted of the following six role sets; ① role for life-span development mechanism; ② actualizing role for andragogic concepts, ③ supporting role for self-directed adult learning, ④ roles for cognitive transformation and reconstructive learning capabilities, ⑤ roles for promoting and monitoring adult and continuing learning, ⑥ roles for developing practical post-modernity capabilities. Analysis of a new role model for the Graduate School of Education relevant to the changing environmental requirements accentuate the needs for educators to change the School and themselves into a Meccha of adult learning characterized by active "sandwich2d adult learning" that incorporates work and study.

      • KCI등재후보

        생애단계에 따른 평생교육 체제 모델 탐색

        최운실(Choi Un Sil),이희수(Lee hee Su),변종임(Byun Jong Im) 한국평생교육학회 2003 평생교육학연구 Vol.9 No.3

        지식기반사회, 평생학습사회, 인적자원개발은 서로 불가분의 관계에 있다. 학습자 개개인의 삶의 질 향상의 극대화와 효율적인 인적자원개발을 위해서는 생애단계별 학습 기회가 서로 분절되지 않고 지속적으로 연계되어야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 생애주기와 생애단계별 학습과업을 연계하는 평생교육 모형으로서 통생애와 범생애가 고려된 평생교육 모델이 제시되어야 한다. 특히, 학습 요구의 변화와 학습자 참여 패턴 추세를 면밀히 파악하여 학습자의 요구를 예측하고 그에 맞는 프로그램을 개발해야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 생애단계별 학습과업에 기초하여, 평생학습 참여실태와 요구분석을 통해 평생교육 체제 모델을 구안하였다. 본 연구에서 구안한 모델은 아동기, 청소년기, 성인전기, 성 인중기, 성인후기라는 여섯 단계의 생애단계를 근간으로 각 생애단계별 평생교육의 핵심 이념과 핵심 교육프로그램, 생애단계별 평생교육의 주관 교육기관들을 공식적 교육기관과 비공식적 교육기관으로 구분하여 제시하였다. 또한 전 생애를 포괄하는 평생교육 시스템으로서 대안적 학력인증제도와 생애에 걸친 평생교육 전담기관을 기본으로 전제함으로써 전 생애에 걸쳐 한국 평생교육의 기저를 형성하도록 구안하였다. This study attempted to search for the lifelong education system model by life cycle through analyzing the request and participation status in lifelong learning, based on the learning tasks by steps. Knowledge-based society, lifelong learning society, and human resource development are in an inseparable relation with each other. In order to maximize the improvement of learner's individual quality of life and develop efficient human resources, the learning opportunity by life cycle has to be not separated but connected continuously. For this, a lifelong education model regarding the lifelong and the lifewide should be suggested as a lifelong education model connecting the life cycle with learning tasks by life's steps. In particular, after closely examining the change of learning request and the trend of learners' participation pattern, the learners' demand must be predicted and the appropriate program should be developed. The concept of lifelong education has put an emphasis on vertical and horizontal integration of learning opportunity since it appeared. However, so far, studies have approached to one point among life cycle only in the horizontal phase, but they didn't try to approach in the integrated phase of life. Therefore, political efforts are needed to examine the status of learning opportunity by life cycle and to connect them with each other. In this context, this study attempted to search for a lifelong education system by life cycle for learning request by steps and opportunity distribution. It also attempted to develop the lifelong education system model in order to develop programs and provide lifelong learning policy services after investigating Korean learning status and requests by life cycle and connecting them with learning tasks by development steps.

      • KCI등재후보

        평생교육 관점에서의 성인기초능력 개념 모형과 연구동향 분석

        최운실(Choi Un-shil) 한국평생교육학회 2006 평생교육학연구 Vol.12 No.4

          이 연구는 평생교육적 관점에서 최근 중요한 관심사로 부각되고 있는 성인기초능력의 개념 모형을 조감하고, 관련 연구동향을 분석함으로써 성인기초교육을 강화하기 위한 시사를 도출하려는 목적으로 시도된 것이다.<BR>  성인기초능력은 전통적으로 읽기, 쓰기, 셈하기라는 3Rs를 중심으로 단순 문자문해력으로 이해되어 왔으나 오늘날 지식기반 사회에서 그 개념 범주와 영역이 사회성 기술이나 고차적인 인지능력 등으로 확대되면서 그 중요성이 더욱 강조되고 있다.<BR>  본 연구에서는 성인기초능력 개념 모형 및 측정에 관한 국내외 연구들을 유네스코 및 OECD와 우리나라의 KEDI, KRIVET 등을 중심으로 분석해 보고 이에 기초하여 성인기초능력 함양을 위한 기초교육 강화의 과제를 제시하였다. 과제는 성인기초능력의 정확한 구성요소 및 개념 모형의 설정, 기초능력 함양을 위한 다양한 모형 설정 및 전략 개발 구안의 필요성, 그리고 확대된 새로운 개념의 성인기초능력에 대한 인식 전환 등의 측면에서 제시하였다.   Lifelong learning can be accomplished on the basis of solid fundamental education. Adult fundamental education that enable them to support themselves to learn, must be precedence. The importance of literacy in knowledge-based society is not accumulating knowledge from limited areas, such as 3R (reading, writing, and arithmetic). What we desperately need are procedural knowledge, flowing knowledge, and methodical knowledge, accompanied by inquiring attitude, so learners can grow via learning.<BR>  Recently, the concepts such as basic competence, literacy, life skills are taking international concerns. Western countries, UNESCO, OECD, and EU express their interest on the inquiry on literacy as adult fundamental skills, and proceed with giant projects. Various nation-wide studies on the current state of adult literacy have implemented also in Korea by KEDI and KRIVET.<BR>  This study analyzed the conceptual model and research trends of adult basic competencies under the perspective of lifelong education. This study could draw a conclusion that adult basic competencies are driving force of knowledge based society, at the same time, those are cornerstones of human resources development. In addition, those are core factors that are inevitable to reform lifelong learning society, which we are bounded to live today.<BR>  It was confirmed that, without the stepping stones of adult basic competencies, neither knowledge based society, nor lifelong learning society is possible to be established. On this study, suggestions were proposed in order to develop adult basic competencies in the dimension of lifelong learning, and reinforce adult fundamental education for the sake of that.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 자본 관점에서의 시민사회단체 평생교육 프로그램 분석

        최운실(Choi Un-Shil),윤선영(YOON Sunyoung) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2008 평생학습사회 Vol.4 No.2

        Interests in social capital has increased in many academic fields recently. The Purpose of this study is to analyze the civil education programs in civil organization for examining the educational implication and relationship with lifelong education through concept of social capital. This study assumes that lifelong education contributes to the development of social capital which includes network, trust, civil engagement. To examine the relationship between lifelong education and social capital, this study analyze the lifelong education in civil organizations using elements of social capital, network, trust, civil engagement. In this analysis, some meaningful results are founded. First, the lifelong education program of Canaan Farmhand School shows the largest rate in network of social capital. Second, the lifelong education program of Dosan Academy includes the largest rate in trust of social capital. Third, the civil engagement is included in the lifelong education program of YMCA. Implication of this study is that lifelong education in civil organizations includes elements of social capital. In addition, learning has keen relations with social capital, also learning network can affect the creation of social capital. It means lifelong education and social capital have interrelationship.

      • KCI등재

        평생교육사의 직무만족도와 조직헌신도 영향 요인에 관한 위계적 회귀 분석

        최운실(Choi Un-Shil),권재현(kwon jae-hyun) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2007 평생학습사회 Vol.3 No.2

        This study aims at drawing out implications by clarifying causes affected on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of lifelong education specialists which serve a decisive variable in implementing efficient lifelong education and raising its achievements. The study is undertaken by the method of hierarchical multiple regression analysis for which relevance of analysis tools by areas in order to analyse job satisfaction has been verified, and satisfaction index by areas calculated. The index has put weight depending on importance of detailed questions consisting of each area, the weight of each question has been drawn out based on multiple regression of instinctive degree of satisfaction(general degree of satisfaction). The relation between real degree of satisfaction of job satisfaction index drawn out by areas and organizational commitment established four hierarchical multiple regression analysis, and by inputting each model in order, it shows how variables of each area effect on real degree of satisfaction and organization commitment. As a result, it showed that the level of job satisfaction of lifelong education specialists were relatively low while satisfaction index between fellows high, the area of personnel-payment the lowest. In the analysis of relation between organizational satisfaction index by each area and real degree of satisfaction, it showed that the critical cause affecting on job satisfaction of lifelong education specialists was time required for conducting works followed by work volume, decision-making process, relation between individual development and work while background variables such as age of lifelong education specialists and employment type not making significant effect on job satisfaction. In the case of organizational commitment, work variables such as work volume and working condition, not individual background variables, have greatly affected. This result implicates that work propriety, rationalization, enhancement of specialization of lifelong education specialists, and efficient leadership of head of organization and senior officer, and democratic and horizontal network are important in order to achieve efficiency of lifelong education and raise achievements.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신입사원의 취업 전과 후로 인성에 대한 인식 전환 경험 연구: 근거이론을 바탕으로

        이한나(Lee, Han Na),최운실(Choi, Un Shil) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.15

        본 연구의 목적은 첫 사회생활을 시작한 신입사원을 대상으로 성공적인 직장생활을 위한 중요 인성 요소에 대한 인식이 취업 전과 후로 어떻게 전환되는지, 전환의 원인은 무엇이며, 전환의 결과로 무엇을 경험하게 되는지를 이론적 틀에 제시하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 입사 3개월에서 1년 6개월 이내의 실무 경험을 지닌 신입사원 6명을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 실시하였으며, 근거이론적 방법을 적용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 신입사원은 ‘성공적 직장생활에 대한 선입견’이라는 인과적 상황에 따라 ‘관계 능력에 대한 새로운 인식’의 중심현상을 경험하였고, 이러한 현상은 ‘처음 하는 업무에 대한 부담감’, ‘다양한 업무 환경 적응’이라는 맥락적 조건에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 ‘내⋅외부 조언’, ‘관찰 및 경험’의 중재적 조건에 따라 ‘관계를 강화하는 다양한 인성 요소의 실천 ‘이라는 상호작용 전략을 활용하였고, 그 결과 ’직장생활 만족도 향상‘, ’업무능력 향상‘으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 입사 초기 신입사원이 겪는 어려움을 덜어내고, 조직 적응에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate and provide a theoretical framework on how the perception of important personality factors change in case of the newly employed who have started their first social life in leading a successful career before and after the commencement of their work, what causes the change, and what they experience with the outcome. To carry out the research, in-depth interviews were conducted with six newly employed who had been pursuing practical experience at their workplace from three months to one year and a half, and the gained data were analyzed by applying grounded theory methodology. The newly employed experienced a central phenomenon of new perception of relationship ability according to the causal conditions of preconception about successful career’. Such a phenomenon was found to be affected by certain contextual conditions such as ‘pressure on the first task , adaptation to different types of working environments . In addition, the interaction strategy of various personality factors that strengthen relations was used according to the intervention conditions of internal/external advice and observation and experience , which resulted in improvement of career satisfaction and improvement of job performance . The results of this study can help the newly employed to ease difficulties that occur in their early stage of the new career and help them adapt to the organization.

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