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      • KCI등재

        미취학 자녀를 둔 취업모의 심리사회적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색: 개인, 가족, 직장 관련 변인 중심으로

        최명애,안정신,Choe, Myeong Ae,An, Jeong Shin 대한가정학회 2022 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.60 No.3

        This study examined the factors influencing the psychosocial well-being of working mothers of preschool children. It investigated the mediation effects of sociological ambivalence in the relations of psychosocial well-being with a family-supportive work environment and with the gender-role stereotype of family members. In addition, it tested the moderated mediation effects of the traditional gender-role attitudes in workplace and meta-mood. Data were obtained from 476 working mothers of preschool children. Using SPSS 25.0, Cronbach's alpha reliability was calculated, descriptive statistics were generated, and Pearson's correlation analysis performed. Mediation and moderated mediation analyses were carried out using the SPSS process macro 3.5 program. The main results were as follows: first, sociological ambivalence mediated the relationship between psychosocial well-being and a family-supportive work environment. The mediating effect of sociological ambivalence was moderated by emotional attention, a sub-factor of meta-mood. Second, sociological ambivalence mediated the relationship between psychosocial well-being and the gender-role stereotype of family members. In addition, the traditional gender-role attitudes in workplace moderated the mediating effect of sociological ambivalence on the relationship between the gender-role stereotype of family members and psychosocial well-being. These results can be used to inform discussion on changing policy and education to improve the psychosocial well-being of working mothers with preschool children.

      • KCI우수등재

        인간 너머의 기후정의

        최명애 대한지리학회 2023 대한지리학회지 Vol.58 No.4

        최근의 기후위기 비상상황은 인간과 비인간의 구분을 넘어 지구상의 모든 존재의 삶을 위협하고 있다. 그러나 기존의 기후 논의에서 비인간은 누락되거나, 혹은 비인간에게도 공정한 전환이 필요하다는 선언적 수준에서 언급돼왔다. 이 논문은 기후정의와 체제전환 논의가 인간중심적으로 이뤄져 왔다는 문제의식에서 출발, 인간과 비인간을 망라하는 다종적 관계를 중심으로 기후 논의를 새롭게 살펴본다. 기후정의와 다종적 정의를 기후 위기 맥락 속에서 결합한 다종적 기후정의는 기후 위기 속에서 인간과 비인간이 공유하는 취약성, 신체적 경험과 공감, 관심 기울이기와 응답-능력을 통해 형성, 작동하는 관계적 성취물로, 다종적 상호의존성과 돌봄의 감각과 지향으로 설명할 수 있다. 다종적 기후정의 관점에서 탄소중립을 위한 최근의 해상풍력발전 확대는 인간과 비인간의 연결망을 단절하고 비인간을 비가시화한다는 점에서 다종적 기후불의를 야기한다. 한편, 해상풍력발전 논의에서 누락된 비인간 존재를 드러내는 일련의 시도는 해상풍력발전의 연결망을 비인간으로 확장함으로써 다종적으로 정의로운 전환을 모색할 수 있는 가능성을 열어준다. 이 글은 인간을 중심으로 논의되어 온 기후정의 논의를 비인간 존재를 포함하는 다종적 관계로 확장하고, 취약성과 신체, 관계에 기반한 관계적 정의를 제시함으로써 기후 위기와 체제 전환 논의를 확장하는 데 기여하고자 한다. Climate crisis puts the human and nonhuman lives on Earth under massive threat, creating the condition of ‘climate emergency.’ In the policy and scholarly discussions on climate change, however, nonhumans have been treated rather lightly, if not dismissed. This paper attempts to address the nonhuman gap in social and geographical studies of climate change by exploring the idea of ‘multispecies climate justice.’ It first introduces the concept of multispecies climate justice by outlining its key characteristics. Based on recent discussions of climate justice and multispecies justice, multispecies climate justice advocates and demands more inclusive and fairer treatment of all climate-vulnerables beyond humans. Here, climate justice is viewed as a relational property emerging from the situated and embodied interactions of humans and nonhumans upon the grounds of shared vulnerability to climate crisis. This paper then critically examines the ways in which nonhumans are treated in offshore wind power projects in South Korea. While identifying several instances of multispecies climate injustice involved in offshore wind turbine planning and operation, it also tries to tease out the possibilities of ‘just transition’ in multispecies terms. By exploring climate justice beyond the human realm, this paper hopes to contribute to recent discussions on climate justice and system change.

      • KCI등재

        미취학 자녀를 둔 취업모의 심리사회적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색: 개인, 가족, 직장 관련 변인 중심으로

        최명애,안정신 대한가정학회 2022 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.60 No.3

        This study examined the factors influencing the psychosocial well-being of working mothers of preschool children. It investigated the mediation effects of sociological ambivalence in the relations of psychosocial well-being with a family-supportive work environment and with the gender-role stereotype of family members. In addition, it tested the moderated mediation effects of the traditional gender-role attitudes in workplace and meta-mood. Data were obtained from 476 working mothers of preschool children. Using SPSS 25.0, Cronbach's alpha reliability was calculated, descriptive statistics were generated, and Pearson’s correlation analysis performed. Mediation and moderated mediation analyses were carried out using the SPSS process macro 3.5 program. The main results were as follows: first, sociological ambivalence mediated the relationship between psychosocial well-being and a family-supportive work environment. The mediating effect of sociological ambivalence was moderated by emotional attention, a sub-factor of meta-mood. Second, sociological ambivalence mediated the relationship between psychosocial well-being and the genderrole stereotype of family members. In addition, the traditional gender-role attitudes in workplace moderated the mediating effect of sociological ambivalence on the relationship between the gender-role stereotype of family members and psychosocial well-being. These results can be used to inform discussion on changing policy and education to improve the psychosocial well-being of working mothers with preschool children.

      • KCI등재

        기초간호과학의 정립에 관한 소고

        최명애 한국기초간호학회 2023 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.25 No.1

        간호학은 인간을 대상으로 하는 실천적 특성을 가진 응용학문이며 인문과학, 자연과학, 사회과학을 기초로 한다. 1955년 간호교육이 시작된 이래 심리학과 사회학을 제외한 기초과목을 기초의과학으로 교육하여 왔으며 그 내용은 의학의 축소판으로 기초의학 교수들에 의해 강의되어왔다. 1900년대 들어 일부 간호대학과 간호학과에서는 기초의과학분야를 기초간호자연과학으로 통합하여 교육하고 있고 간호학에서 기초의과학을 교육하는 경우 의학에서 가르치고 있는 내용과는 다르게 간호 현장에 적용할 수 있도록 그 근거가 되는 자연과학적 지식들을 가르쳐야 한다고 했다. 대한기초간호자연과학회는 1998년 학회 창립 시에 간호학의 기초가 되는 과목에서 심리학, 사회학이 포함되지 않은, 간호 현장에 적용할 수 있도록 그 근거가 되는 기초의학 지식을 비롯한 자연과학 지식을 고유한 지식체로 재편집, 구성한 것을 기초간호자연과학이라고 했다. 간호현장에서 간호사들은 실무 수행 시 자기들에게 가장 어려운 점은 기초간호자연과학에 대한 기본지식이 매우 약한 것이라고 하였고 이들 내용의 보수교육에 대한 요구도가 큰 것으로 나타났다. Choe 등은 임상간호사의 기초간호자연과학교과목 전체에 대한 만족도가 전부 낮은 것으로 보고했다. 이러한 현상은 간호학 기초과목의 교육이 간호학적 특성에 기초하여 이루어지지 못한 것 에서 비롯되었다고 생각한다. 한국에서 간호교육이 시작된 이래 40년 이상에 걸쳐 간호학 기초과목이 기초의학 교수들에 의해 의학교육의 모델을 모방하여 교육되어 왔고 의과대학에서 학습하는 기초과학 지식이 그대로 도입되어 간호학적 특성에 기초한 전공 기초교육이 이루어지지 못하였기 때문이다. 본인은 1984년에 서울대학교 의과대학에서 의학(생리학) 박사학위를 취득한 이후 간호학문에서 기초간호자연과학을 정립시켜야 하며 연구를 통해 간호 지식체를 생성하고 확장시켜야 한다 는 학자로서의 사명감과 책임감을 가지고 있었다. 1987년 서울대학교에 부임한 이후 이러한 포부를 실현할 수 있는 기회를 얻게 되었으며 20년 이상에 걸쳐 이를 실현하기 위해 노력했다. 한국의 간호교육에서 전공 기초과목의 강의가 어떻게 이루어져 왔는지를 살펴보고 기초의과학을 간호학적 틀에서 기초간호과학으로 어떻게 정립하였는지를 기술해 보고자 한다. 또한 본인이 기초간호과학을 기반으로 어떻게 연구주제를 확립하고 연구를 수행하였는지도 기술하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        간호관리자의 갈등관리유형이 간호사의 리더신뢰와 조직몰입에 미치는 영향

        최명애,임지영,이은혜 한국가정간호학회 2018 가정간호학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of nurse managers’ conflict management styles on nurses’ levels of leader trust and organizational commitment. Methods: For this study, a descriptive survey design was used. The participants were 165 nurses who had worked more than 1 year in a university hospital. Data were collected from September 1 to September 10, 2016, using a self-report questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Scheffe’s tests, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis. Results: Among the nurse managers’ conflict management styles, the problem-solving style was positively correlated with both leader trust and organizational commitment. Concession-avoiding and control-leading styles were negatively correlated with both variables. Furthermore, the problem-solving style was found to have significant influence on both leader trust and organizational commitment. Conclusion: In order to more actively cope with conflict situations occurring in the nursing work environment, nursing managers need to exhibit more effective attitudes of conflict management. This study suggests that the problem-solving style is a desirable conflict management style in terms of increasing leader trust and organizational commitment.

      • KCI등재

        응답의 정치: 동물권 너머의 동물 정치

        최명애 한국이론사회학회 2022 사회와 이론 Vol.42 No.-

        While existing animal studies have largely focused on the ethical dimensions of human-animal relations, recent social science works on animals have explored the ways in which animals are involved in the hitherto anthropocentric political community, i.e. animal politics. Political scientists and legal scholars have developed right-based arguments by demanding the due right to attribute legal personhood and citizenships to animals. However, recent work on multispecies justice and relational ethics appear to offer a more careful mode of animal politics by making recourse to the attentive and response-able interactions between humans and animals. By drawing on posthumanist work on animal rights, multispecies justice, and relational ethics, this paper attempts to identify such an alternative mode of animal politics, which I call “the politics of response” after Haraway. By combining a critical review of recent scholarly work on animal politics with three empirical examples, this paper shows the existence of an alternative mode of animal politics where humans become attentive to the ecologies and agencies of the animals, and thus adjust animal-related political decisions accordingly. The politics of response is distinguished from the prevalent mode of right-based animal politics in that it attempts to create the political space where the differences of animals are encouraged and flourish. By offering a posthumanist account of ‘the political’, this paper hopes to contribute to the growing body of more-than-human work in the Korean sociology scholarship. 한국사회의동물 연구는 동물철학을중심으로인간-동물관계의윤리적측면을주로다뤄왔다. 그러나최근사회과학의동물연구는동물을인간의정치적논의와 의사 결정 과정에 어떻게 포함시킬 것인가를 논의하는 ‘동물 정치’로확장되고 있다. 이 글은 포스트휴머니즘의 다종적 정의와 관계적 윤리 논의에기반해 동물에 대한 관심과 응답으로 매개되는 새로운 동물 정치, 즉 ‘응답의정치’를 개념화하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 논문은 먼저 최근의 동물권 논의, 다종적 정의, 관계적 윤리를 중심으로 최근 사회과학의 동물 정치 논의를 살펴보고, 현실 사례를 인용해 권리 기반의 기존 ‘동물권 정치’와 구별되는 새로운동물 정치가 형성, 작동하고 있음을 확인한다. 이어, 이론과 사례를 결합해 새로운 동물 정치의 인간-동물 존재론, 정치적 전략과 효과를 검토한다. 응답의정치는 동물과 인간의 얽힘과 상호 작용을 강조하고, 특정한 맥락 속에서 드러나는 동물의 행위성에 주의를 기울이고, 제도적 조율을 통해 이에 응답하는것을 특징으로 한다. 특히 인간과 구별되는 동물의 특성과 역량에 주목하고, 이를 발현할 수 있도록 인간의 활동을 조율한다는 점에서 인간 중심주의의 외부에서 인간-동물 관계를 사유하고 실천하는 전환의 정치가 될 수 있을 것이다. 가장 ‘사회적인 것’의 하나인 정치를 포스트휴머니즘 관점에서 새롭게 사유함으로써 이 글은 최근 국내 사회학에서 부상하는 ‘인간 너머’ 사회학 연구에기여하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        기초간호자연과학의 병태생리학, 병원미생물, 약물의 기전과 효과 내용별 필요도에 대한 연구

        최명애,변영순,서영숙,황애란,김희승,홍해숙,박미정,최스미,이경숙,서화숙,신기수 대한기초간호자연과학회 2000 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to define the content of the requisite knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs needed for clinical knowledge for nursing practice. Contents of knowledge on pathological physiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs were constructed from syllabus of basic nursing subjects in 4 colleges of nursing, and textbooks. The degree of need of 72 items was measured with a 4 point scale. The subjects of this study were college-graduated 136 nurses from seven university hospitals in Seoul and three in Chonnam Province, Kyungbook Province, and Inchon. They have been working at internal medicine ward, surgical ward, intensive care unit, obstetrics and gynecology ward, pediatrics ward, opthalmology ward, ear, nose, and throat ward, emergency room, rehabilitation ward, cancer ward, and hospice ward. The results were as follows : 1. The highest scored items of the knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs necessary for nursing practice were side effects of drugs, anticoagulants, mechanisms of drugs, antihypertensive drugs, tolerance and addiction of drugs, interactions among drugs, hospital infection in the order of importance. The lowest scored item was structure of microrganisms. 2. The highest order of need according to unit was repair in tissue injury unit, definition·etiology·classification of inflammation in inflammation unit, trasplantation and immunologic response in alterations in immunity unit, thrombus and thrombosis in disorders of cardiovascular function unit, gene disorders in genetic disorders unit, hospital infection in infection unit, virus in microrganisms unit, side reactions of drugs in introduction unit, anticonvulsants in drugs for central nervous system unit, local anesthesia in anesthesia unit, anticoagulants in drugs for cardiovascular system unit, anti-inflammatory drugs in antibiotics unit, anti-ulcer drugs in drugs for digestive system unit, and bronchodilators in drugs for respiratory system unit. 3. The common content of the knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs needed for all clinical areas in nursing were side effects of drugs, anticoagulants, interactions among drugs, and hospital infection. However, the degree of need of each pathological physiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs was different depending on clinical areas. 4. Significant differences in the knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs necessary for nursing practice such as tissue changes due to injurious stimuli, degenerative changes of tissue, alterations in metabolism of carbohydrates, ischemia, hyperemia and congestion, hospital infection, structure of microorganism, classification of microorganism, bacteria, virus, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, antiemetic drugs, antiparkinsonism drugs, antianxiety drugs, antibiotics, tuberculostatics, antiviral drugs, antifungal drugs, parasiticides, antiulcer drugs, antidiarrheais, and anti constipation drugs were shown according to the work area. 5. Significant differences in the knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology, and mechanisms and effects of drugs necessary for nursing practice such as transplantation and immunologic response, alterations in the metabolism of uric acid, structure of microorganism, classification of microorganism, immunosuppresants, drugs for congestive heart failure were demonstrated according to the duration of work. Based on these findings, all the 72 items constructed by Korean Academic Society of Basic Nursing Science should be included as contents of the knowledge of pathophysiology, clinical microbiology. and mechanisms and effects of drugs

      • KCI등재

        노인의 신체활동 정도와 신체활동 관련 요인들간의 관계

        최명애,김증임,채영란,전미양,유정희 노인간호학회 2004 노인간호학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose : This study was done to identify the Body Mass Index (BMI), health status, competence in daily activity, depression, and physical activity of Korean elderly people and to examine relationship among these factors. Method : Sixty-six elders who visited a public health center or a welfare center elderly people participated in the study. BMI, health status, competence of daily activity, and depression were measured and analyzed. Result : Mean score for competence of daily activity was 10.11, for depression symptoms, 5.9 and for physical activity. 108.47. Over 80% (83.3%) of the elders had a history of disease, whereas 59% among them reported their health status as good or excellent. Physical activity and depression had a negative correlation (r=-.28, p<.05). Competence in daily activity was negatively correlated with body fat level (r=-.34, p<.01). BMI (r=-.30, p<.05), and depression (r=-.56). whereas, it was positively correlated with grasping strength (r=.44, p<.01) and perceived health status (r=.39, p<.01). Depression and perceived health status had a negative correlation (r=-.50, p<.01). Conclusion : Level of physical activity and levels for factors related to physical activity for Korean elderly were identified. Relationships were found between the variables', BMI, competence of daily activity, depression and physical activity.

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