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        정재완 시인 연구를 위한 예비적 고찰 ― 물음과 단서들

        정민구 ( Jeong Min-gu ) 현대문학이론학회 2021 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.- No.85

        정재완 시인은 광주 지역을 중심으로 문학 활동을 하면서 생전에 9권의 시집과 2권의 동시집을 발간하는 등 괄목할만한 문학적 성과를 이루어냈다. 아울러 1960년 『현대문학』으로 등단한 이래 다른 지역의 문인들과도 여러 동인을 결성하여 활발하게 교유하면서 지역문단의 외연을 넓히는 활동을 지속하였다. 이 논문에서는 시인의 문학적 생애를 정리하고 문학 활동을 검토하는 과정을 통해 지역문학이나 한국현대문학사의 공백과 결여를 보완할 수 있음을 환기하고자 하였다. 아울러 시인에 대한 본격적인 연구를 추동하기 위한 예비적 연구의 차원에서 몇 가지의 물음과 단서를 도출해 보였다. 침체의 시기를 둘러싸고 발생하는 시적 진정성의 문제, 시(집)과 동시(집)의 관계, 윤석중 문고에서 발견된 시집들, 시인의 아호에 내재한 문학적 교유 등이 그것이다. 이러한 예비적 연구를 통해 정재완 시인의 시 세계 전반을 규명하기 위한 실마리를 마련하고 지역문학(사)의 별자리를 구성하는 데에 보탬이 되고자 하였다. Poet Jeong Jae-wan produced remarkable literary achievements while working as a regional literary activist, publishing nine collections of poetry and two collections of children’s verse during his lifetime. In addition, since his debut with Hyŏndaemunhak in 1960, he has continued to expand the scope of regional literature by actively interacting with writers from other regions as literary coteries. This paper first summarized the literary life of the poet, and in this process, it evoked a point where the gaps and deficiencies in the history of regional literature or modern Korean literature can be filled. To this end, prior to a full-fledged study of the poet's literary activities, several clues were drawn as a preliminary work. They include issues of poetic authenticity surrounding the period of stagnation, relationships between (collections of) poetry and (collections of) children’s verse, his collections of poetry found in Yoon Seok-joong's bookshelf, and literary intercourse inherent in the poet's pen names. This preliminary study is expected to provide a basis for identifying the whole poetic world of Jeong Jae-wan and help form constellations of regional literature.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 미디어 시대의 매혹 : 동시대 매혹의 시네마

        정민아(Jeong Min Ah) 한국영화학회 2007 영화연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The digital media became to a general tool for a human life after twenty first century. The digital image culture-such as film, TV, game, mobile phone, simulation apparatus and so on- makes us privatize images. We possess images, and feel, experience and think images with the sense of touch and hearing beyond seeing images as well. At this moment, the virtual reality and the real are interfacing, connecting and working mutually. Therefore, the issues of the relationship between media and body, and the relationship between media and perception become to be an important consideration in the reality of our daily life surrounded by digital-beings. We ask an ontological question about ourselves in the age of the digital communication technology appeared newly. Living in the digital age, we cannot help doubting about digitized information. We don't try to distinguish the originality of the real filled in digital-beings in the world. instead, an important sense is not the problem of an object and originality but the problem of the visible/invisible or the plausible/implausible. The old Cartesian cogito has taken on a double, and thereby doubly puzzling formulation: I am being seen, therefore I am. or I see, therefore I am being deceived Digital-beings do not demand forcibly the supposition that the things you're seeing are true. Also, digital images are at a distance from aesthetics of the truth. I examine how films change in the age of the digital media when the virtual reality and the real interface mutually through the relationship between media and body, and between media and perception. According to McLuhan's thesis-media are messages, characteristics and ways of reception of images are changed by modification of the media. So, I demonstrate the meanings of the media image culture with media aesthetics, theory about perception through the media. Besides, to understand aesthetic functions and extension of new experiences through digital films, I investigate early cinema's practices in the side of media archeology, which it follows the belief that the future cinema is in the past, and the theory that the new media are extension of the old media, especially concentrating on the word of interactivity.

      • KCI등재

        독립성분 분석 계수의 합성에 의한 가변 얼굴 생체정보 생성 방법

        정민이(MinYi Jeong),이철한(Chelhan Lee),최정윤(Jeung-Yoon Choi),김재희(Jaihie Kim) 대한전자공학회 2007 電子工學會論文誌-SP (Signal processing) Vol.44 No.6

        개인 인증 방법 중 하나인 생체인식(Biometrics)은 개인 생체정보의 수가 한정되어 있기 때문에 생체정보의 도난 시 프라이버시 침해라는 문제를 가진다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 등장한 개념이 가변 생체인식(Changeable biometrics)이다. 가변 생체인식은 생체정보가 훼손당했을 경우 새로운 생체정보로 대체하기 어렵다는 생체인식의 가장 큰 단점을 보완하기 위한 방법으로 원 생체정보가 아닌 변환된 생체정보로 개인을 인증한다. 이 논문에서는 가변 생체인식 가운데 얼굴인식을 위한 가변 생체인식에 대해 제안한다. 기존에 알려진 얼굴인식의 방법 가운데 하나인 외형 기반 기법(Appearance-based method) 중 독립성분 분석(Independent Component Analysis)의 계수(coefficient)를 변형하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 얼굴 생체정보 생성 방법은 계수의 일부분을 가우시안 분포(Gaussian distribution)에 따른 임의의 값으로 치환한 후 계수의 순서를 임의로 변경하여 무수히 많은 가변 얼굴 정보를 생성할 수 있도록 하였고 서로 다르게 변경된 계수들을 서로 합성함으로써 비가역성(Non-invertibility)을 만족 시키려고 시도했다. Changeable biometrics has been developed as a solution to problem of enhancing security and privacy. The idea is to transform a biometric signal or feature into a new one for the purposes of enrollment and matching. In this paper, we propose a changeable biometric system that can be applied to appearance based face recognition system. In the first step when using feature extraction, ICA(Independent Component Analysis) coefficient vectors extracted from an input face image are replaced randomly using their mean and variation. The transformed vectors by replacement are scrambled randomly and a new transformed face coefficient vector (transformed template) is generated by combination of the two transformed vectors. When this transformed template is compromised, it is replaced with new random numbers and a new scrambling rule. Because the transformed template is generated by the addition of two vectors, the original ICA coefficients could not be easily recovered from the transformed coefficients.

      • KCI등재

        松江 漢詩에 나타난 情緖의 特質

        金廷珉(Kim Jeong-min) 우리문학회 2007 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.22

        송강 정철의 시문학은 한국적인 정서가 함유된 예술적 생명력을 지니고 있다. 그 예술적 생명력에는 민족정서가 내재되어있다. 지극히 개인적인 정서에 머무르지 않고, 한 시대가 아닌 고금을 통관하여 공감하게 하는 민족정서로 승화한 창작적 특질이 바로 그렇다고 할 수 있다. 공자는 일찍이 흥관군원으로서 시의 문학적인 가치에 대해 언급하였다. 그는 시에서 개인의 정감 발현의 ‘흥’을 우선시하여 시인의 창작은 삶의 체험과 그의 심미관에서 예술의 감염작용이 발현되는 것이며, 또한 개인의 사회적 정감을 깨우치고 고양시키는 것을 예술의 본질로 파악하여, 이후 흥관군원으로서 사회에서의 역할로서 시의 기능과 효용성을 가진다고 하였다. 본고는 송강의 한시를 중심으로 공자의 흥관군원설을 바탕으로 하여 송강의 시문학의 정서적 특질을 규명하였다. 그의 한시의 정서적 특질은 16세기의 문학이 유교적 이념과 실천의 덕목으로서 문학적 지향의 영향에 연유할 수 있겠으나, 무엇보다도 58년 동안의 삶의 체험에서 대자연을 통해 곡진하게 시적 형상화된 표현들은 개인적인 정감의 작용으로 파악되었다. 특히 40~50대의 시문학에는 그의 정서의 특질이 두드러지게 나타났다. 정치생활에서의 잦은 퇴귀와 유배, 가족들과 지우들의 죽음 등과 같이 주된 사건들로 인한 처절한 심회의 정감들이 더욱더 비분강개하면서도 호방한 풍류로, 또 때로는 쇄락한 기세로서 문학에 표현하였다. 이러한 양상들은 작품 속에서 우국과 연군지정의 정서로 승화되어 하늘의 달에서부터 땅의 풀벌레 소리에 이르기까지 자연의 모든 물상에 드리우고 있었다. 이와 같이 한시에 나타난 정서적 특질은 그의 심회와 번뇌의 개인적인 정서가 주를 이루지만 사사로운 정감에 머무르지 않고 대자연 속에 폭넓게 아우르며 우국충정과 연군지정, 시속교화로 승화하였다는 것이다. 이러한 정서적 특질은 국문시가 창작의 연원이 되었으며, 또한 흥관군원의 시적 기능은 개인의 독창적 창작 능력의 배양뿐만이 아니라 한국적 정서의 특질을 형성하는 바탕이 되었다고 하겠다. In his poetry of Song-gang whose real name was Jeong-cheol, there has been contained intrinsically artistic vitality of Korean inherent emotion. In this vitality there has been also contained Korean people's own sentiment. It can be said that he has sublimated his specific creative character in Korean people's own sentiment arousing sympathy through all times instead of confining his own individual emotion. Confucius commented in his earlier times on the literary value of poetry as his concept for the function of poetry: “Stimulating, Observing, Expressing Fellowship, and Showing Resentment(SOEFSR)”. He insisted in poetry that a poet's creation could be revealed contaminated artistic effect by his life experience and his aesthetic views on individual sentimental revelation in the priority of Expressing Fellowship, and further, artistic inherent essence enabled an individual to awaken and enhance social sentiment, hence “SOEFSR” played a social role with the function and effectiveness of poetry. This study has tried to figure out Song-gang's sentimental feature focused on Chinese Poetry getting to the bottom of Confucius concept for the function of poetry namely “SOEFSR”. His sentimental feature focused on Chinese Poetry can be said to be originated from the 16 century's Korean literature which was influenced by the practical morality in Confucian ideas as a literature-oriented basis. More than anything else, from his whole life experiences of 58 years, through the Nature, this paper could get at his circumlocutory embodiment on poetic expressions as the outpouring of his individual sentiment. Especially in his poetry at his ages between forties and fifties, there was remarkably revealed his emotional feature. In his political life, due to critical events of frequently retired homecoming, exile and death of families, friends, and acquaintances, his extremely heartbreaking sentiments expressed more deploring frame of his mind sometimes in the mood of dauntless poetical sentiments, and sometimes in the fury of the storm abated in his literary expressions. These aspects in his literary works, were sublimated into ardent patriotic sentiment and yearning for the king in all-inclusive Nature's objects covering from the moon against the sky to the chirps of bugs and insects. Thus, his sentimental features in Chinese poetry were the main constituent parts of pathetic sense in his deep mind and his individual sentiment. However, he did not bring to a standstill but sublimated into ardent patriotic sentiment, yearning pathos for the king and enlightenment of the custom and manners in his age. These kinds of his feature of sentiments drove his Korean poems to be created and the function of poetry namely “SOEFSR” also can be referred in conclusion as the foundation in the cultivation of an individual's own original creative potentiality as well as in the formation of a feature of Korean specific sentiments.

      • KCI등재

        평형곤을 모사한 생체모방형 구동부 일체형 각속도 센서

        정민기(Mingi Jeong),김지수(Jisu Kim),장서형(Seohyeong Jang),이태재(Tae-Jae Lee),심형보(Hyungbo Shim),고형호(Hyoungho Ko),조규진(Kyu-Jin Cho),조동일(Dong-Il “Dan” Cho) 제어로봇시스템학회 2016 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.22 No.9

        Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscopes are widely used in various robot applications. However, these conventional gyroscopes need to vibrate the proof mass using a built-in actuator at a fixed resonance frequency to sense the Coriolis force. When a robot is not moving, the meaningless vibration of the gyroscope wastes power. In addition, this continuous vibration makes the sensor vulnerable to external sound waves with a frequency close to the proof-mass resonance frequency. In this paper, a feasibility study of a new type of gyroscope inspired by insect halteres is presented. In dipterous insects, halteres are a biological gyroscope that measures the Coriolis force. Wing muscles and halteres are mechanically linked, and the halteres oscillate simultaneously with wing beats. The vibrating haltere experiences the Coriolis force if the insect is going through a rotational motion. Inspired by this haltere structure, a gyroscope using a thin mast integrated with a robot actuation mechanism is proposed. The mast vibrates only when the robot is moving without requiring a separate actuator. The Coriolis force of the mast can be measured with an accelerometer installed at the tip of the mast. However, the signal from the accelerometer has multiple frequency components and also can be highly corrupted with noise, such that raw data are not meaningful. This paper also presents a suitable signal processing technique using the amplitude modulation method. The feasibility of the proposed haltere-inspired gyroscope is also experimentally evaluated.

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