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      • 「나무꾼과 선녀」에 대한 통합적 해석

        전영태 서울大學校 師範大學 國語敎育科 2005 先淸語文 Vol.33 No.-

        A mathod of integrated analysis is multilateral mathod that watch about folktale's internal construction and external meaning and vaue at the same time. This mathod is not a simple compromise or synthesis. This is a mathod that integrate all of the fact, discovered in consideration about a text, into one subject, in the case of Firewoodgatherer and fairy, integration is focused on the subject of married life. Folklore, depth psychology, evolution psychology, anthropology, archaeology, aesthetics gather around the subject, and reintegrate elements that integrate human life and text.


        발치와의 혈소판 농축 혈장과 골 이식술 시행시 골 형성에 대한 임상 및 조직병리학적 연구

        전영태,정진형,이종헌,임성빈,Jeon, Young-Tae,Chung, Chin-Hyung,Lee, Chong-Heon,Lim, Sung-Bin 대한치주과학회 2001 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.31 No.2

        The socket preservation procedure was a simple and effective technique, and has better prognosis for implantation. The socket preservation usually used barrier membrane in combination with/without alloplastic bone materials. A recently study had shown that a regenerative therapy to tooth extraction utilizing growth factors made better results. Platelet-rich plasma was clinically easy method that acquired the growth factors, and is known that accelerated new bone formation and mineralization of bone graft materials. The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical and histopathologic results which occur following socket preservations using platelet-rich plasma and bovine bone powder. Twelve patients who required extraction of one or more teeth for implantation at the department of periodontics in Dankook University Dental Hospital were selected. Extraction sockets were treated by using platelet-rich plasma and bovine bone powder. 3 months later, we observed clinical and histopathological results as follows: 1. Internal vertical measurement was an average of 7.33mm preoperatively and statistically significantly decreased to an average of 1.42mm postoperatively(p<0.05). 2. External vertical measurement was an average of 3.33mm preoperatively and decreased to an average of 2.75mm postoperatively; therefore there was no significant difference. 3. Horizontal measurement was an average of 7.75mm preoperatively and statistically decreased to an average of 6.08mm postoperatively(p<0.05). 4. Osteocyte-like cells and new bone formation connected with bovine bone grafts were observed in histopathologic examination. This study implied that platelet-rich plasma and bovine bone powder grafts were effective treatment for socket preservation and regeneration of severe bony defect made by implantation failure.

      • KCI등재
      • 「중심」과「상승」의 象徵體系 : 丘仁煥의 <山頂의 神話>

        전영태 일념 1995 교수아카데미총서 Vol.8 No.1

        외국인에게 한자교육을 하는데 있어서 교사나 학습자가 보다 합리적이고 과학적인 다양한 분석방법을 수용하여 효율적인 한자수업을 진행하며, 학습자로 하여금 깊은 관심과 흥미를 갖고 학습에 임할 수 있도록 하고자 한다.

      • 4차원적 세계의 實相과 虛相 : 張龍鶴의 <圓形의 傳說>

        전영태 일념 1995 교수아카데미총서 Vol.8 No.1

        곡선보의 탄성 좌굴 거동은 초기 곡률로 인해 곡률 면외의 변위와 회전 변위의 연계효과 그리고 곡률 면내의 변위와 축 방향의 변위의 연계효과를 보임으로써 직선보 보다 아주 복잡한 양상으로 거동 한다. 또한 1축 대칭 단면 곡선보와 2축 대칭 단면 곡선보는 와그너 효과에 의해 좌굴 거동에 있어서 차이를 보이고 있다. 이는 와그너 효과에 의해 1축 대칭 단면에 있어서의 비틂 강성에 변화를 초래하기 때문이다. 본 논문에서는 둥분포 반경향 하중(균일 압축 하중)과 양단 모멘트 하중(균일 모멘트 하중)을 받는 양단 단순 지지된 아치에 대한 좌굴 하중을 구하여 곡률 반경과 단면 형상에 따른 좌굴 하중의 증감을 고찰하고 또한 아치의 좌굴 모드와 와그너 효과에 의한 유효비틂 강성에 대한 비교를 통해 박판 원형 아치의 좌굴 특성을 고찰한다. Because of initial curvature, the out of plane deflections perpendicular to the curvature plane are coupled with its twist rotations, and its in plane deflections are coupled with its axial deflections. Because of these coupling effects, the buckling behavior of curved beam becomes more complicated compared with straight beam. Also, the buckling behavior of monosymmetric curved beam is different from the doubly symmetric curved beam because of wagner effect. This wagner effect result in change in the effective torsional rigidity of the monosymmetric section. In the present paper. closed form solutions are obtained for arches subjected to equal and opposite end moments (uniform bending), and to uniformly distributed radial load (uniform compression). The method of assumed mode is used in determining the buckling loads. The investigation on the buckling modes of arches and the effective torsional rigidity due to wagner effect presents an insight for better understanding of buckling characteristics of arches.

      • 학교폭력 억제를 위한 경찰의 대응방안에 관한 연구

        전영태 한국경찰복지연구학회 2015 경찰복지연구 Vol.3 No.2

        학교폭력은 반드시 해결되어야 할 우리 세대의 숙제이기도 하지만, 지구촌 모든 국가들에게 당면해 있는 과제이기도 하다. 학교폭력문제가 해결되어야만 국가의 미래는 밝아지고, 동 문제는 국가의 장래를 책임질 수 있는 긴급한 문제라고 생각 한다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 학교폭력의 개념과 유형, 실태와 특징, 원인과 현재 학 교폭력 억제를 위한 경찰의 대응 현황을 검토한 후 학교폭력 억제를 위한 외국과 국내 경찰의 사례를 소개하여 경찰의 학교폭력 억제를 위한 경찰의 대응방안에 관 하여 결론을 유도하였다. 학교폭력 억제를 위한 경찰의 대응 현황에 있어서도 학교폭력 전담경찰관 제도 와 문제점, 경찰의 학교폭력 예방교육 및 근절활동, 피해학생 멘토링 등 보호와 지원, 청소년 선도· 보호활동, 명예경찰소년단 운영상 문제를 지적하고, 핀란드와 독 일의 모범사례와 현재 경기도 안산단원경찰서 ‘단원 EYES POL BAND’ 운영 사 례를 소개하여 학교폭력 억제를 위한 경찰의 대응방안이란 결론에 이르었다. 동 방안에 있어서도 학교폭력과 관계기관간의 구성적 요인보다 관계적 요인의 중요 성을 파악하여 경찰·학부모·학생이 함께 참여하는 프로그램 운영 방안, 학교폭력 관련부서 교사나 직원 전문화와 관련법령 정비 방안 , 학교폭력 사건의 사안별 체 계화된 처리 개선방안 등 을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 소개한 외국: 핀란드와 독일의 사례와 안산단원경찰서에서 시행한 “단원 EYES POL BAND” 프로그램은 앞으로 학교폭력을 효과적으로 예방 또는 억제할 수 있는 사례로써 우리에게 시사하는 바가 많다고 보며, 전국적으로 벤체 마킹의 필요성이 요청된다. Students in the second grade of Danwon High School near the Ansan Danwon Police Office where I am working, departed this world before they started blooming lives, due to the sinking of the ferry during the school trip. Receiving reports about accidents and dealing with them in the 112 all-source situation room, I thought so many things and I am spending a day, thinking about them even now. School violence is an issue of our generation to be solved at any cost. The future of the country brightens only when the school violence issue is settled. School violence is an urgent issue which might control the future of the country. This study considered the fundamental concept of school violence. Additionally, this study presented my view as a policemen and measures to prevent school violence. To put it concretely, this study focused on the program that police, parents and students join together, expanded management of school exclusive policeman system, professionalism problems of staff in the school violence-related division and systematic measures specialized for school violence cases. I felt that these required supplements, working as a policeman. This study also cited the school violence prevention program implemented by the Ansan Danwon Police Office, 'DANWON EYES POL BAND' as a study case. It is considered that this would be a good example to prevent school violence in the future. It is hard to solve the school violence problems only with the effort of police. For an effective prevention, there should be a combined administrative system of local government and community. School violence issue requires participation of the whole nation. Prevention is more important than a later measure and practical plan is needed rather than a perfunctory plan, now. At this moment that I am writing this paper, President Park, Geun-hye is announcing innovative plans to gain the sympathy of the nation along with an apology for the Sewol ferry disaster. The president is shedding heartfelt tears, announcing the special statement. School violence is a serious issue that we must remove, no matter what. For solving this, all the people have to pay attention to this. At this moment, we also need to sincerely console the students who died in the Sewol ferry disaster and their families. Moreover, we should pay close attention to the school violence issue and try to solve this out.

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