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      • 희극적 구조를 통한 『당신 좋으실 대로』에의 여성론적 접근

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 1996 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.16

        In Shakespearean comedy, feminist critics and readers often find a courageous and intelligent woman who does not yield to the tyranical patriarchal society, and who realizes her own will. Representative of this is Rosalind in As You Like It, a young woman who successfully demomstrates her ability to control events in the world around her, not excluding the world of men. Many anti-feminists or even some feminists, however, question the catastrophe, in that they see her submitting to the patriarchal order in the end. In this paper, I tried to answer the pressing question by focusing on the comic structure of the play. One of the most useful comic devices is the male disguise. Male garments immensely broaden the sphere in which female energy and ability can manifesst itself. Forest of Arden is another useful comic device, where the high spirits of the heroine flourish without the pressure of sexual prejudice. At the end of the play, the marriage and the newly established order are not expected to stop after Arden. Rosalind remains a comic heroine and this comedy is really romantic as the result of her adventure.

      • KCI등재

        해롤드 핀터의 기억의 극화 : 『옛날』 을 중심으로 especially as seen in Old Times

        전선옥 한국문학과종교학회 1997 문학과종교 Vol.2 No.1

        In his earlier plays, so-called comedies of menace, Harold Pinter especially seemed to emphasize the menace itself and the insecurity of the dramatic personae. In such plays, they enjoy their warm and peaceful situation in their closed `room' , but only until the intruders enter, who then threaten the previous peace and security. A development is shown, in his later plays following the earlier comedies of menace, in which his stage becomes more open and the intruders seem less threatening. A glance at the progression mit invite us to think that we no longer find such a big menace in Pinter s plays. Especially in a series of memory plays of his, there are no remarkable hostile intruders or the tangible catastrophe of dominance and subservience. Pinter's menace and insecurity, however, are not withdrawn. Rather, he shows us that the menace is much closer to us, that is, it is always within our consciousness. In Old Times, each character is involved in a struggle, in which the memory of the past is the means to protect and defeat the otter characters. Memorizing the past, which is not possibly obvious at the present time, implies not a simple recollection, but a recreation or transformation of the past in the play. Memories of the past may represent the very dangerous intruders to tile charters or powerful arms to maintain the safety of their preset situation. Herein lies the reason that the drama, made up of only language throw memory, can be such a dynamic one. The powerful effect of the word war through the metamorphosis of memory is never outstripped by that of large-scaled events of the conventional drama

      • KCI등재

        A Novel Archaeal Group in the Phylum Crenarchaeota Found Unexpectedly in an Eukaryotic Survey in the Cariaco Basin

        전선옥,안태석,Sun-Hee Hong 한국미생물학회 2008 The journal of microbiology Vol.46 No.1

        Archaea have been found in many more diverse habitats than previously believed due in part to modern molecular approaches to discovering microbial diversity. We report here an unexpected expansion of the habitat diversity of the Archaea in the Cariaco Basin we found using a primer set designed for 18S eukaryotic rDNA sequence analysis. The results presented here expand the originally identified 9 archaeal clones reported in this environment using bacterial/archaeal primers to 152 archaeal clones: 67 (18 OTU) of these clones were found at a depth of 900 m of station A while 71 (9 OTU) of them were at a depth of between 300~335 m of station B&C depending upon which location the samples were taken. We used three phylogenetic analysis methods and detected 20 phylotypes belonging to a single previously unreported group distantly related to the Crenarchaeota. Also, we determined that the original nine sequences did not fall into any of the known phyla of the Archaea suggesting that they may represent a novel group within the Kingdom Archaea. Thus, from these two studies, we suggest that Archaea in the Cariaco Basin could be unique; however, further studies using archaeal-specific primers and the design of new primers as well as the systematic use of several different primer combinations may improve the chances of understanding the archeal diversity in the Cariaco Basin.

      • KCI등재후보

        통합교육환경에서 영어 교과교육의 활성화를 위한 방안 모색

        전선옥 교육혁신학술위원회 2015 교육혁신연구 Vol.25 No.3

        This study suggests that a successful English language education in inclusive settings requires various efforts to devise instructional strategies. In terms of school-wide educational support, multicultural education needs to be applied to general students for understanding disability concepts, and to students with disabilities for understanding foreign custom and culture. In the classroom, moreover, teachers can use literary texts for more effective and authentic learning of English, and also facilitate students group activities for more dynamic and comprehensive language learning. In order to enhance the level and amount of participation of students with disabilities in general education classes, it is critical for Korean teachers to pay more attention to the parameters directly related to the quality of instruction for an individual student, such as instructional adaptations. Accordingly, future priority research directions and topics with respect to teaching practices and instructional issues associated with effective instruction for students with disabilities in general education classes are suggested. 이 연구에서는 통합교육환경에서 영어 교과교육의 활성화를 위한 방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. 영어교과는 세계화라는 시대적 요구에 따라 일반교실에서 주요 과목 중의 하나로 분류되지만, 특수교육 대상학생들이 통합되기에는 어려운 교과 중의 하나로 여겨지고 있다. 더욱이 특수교육 내부에서는 교육의 내용보다 교육의 방법이 중시되어온 전통에 따라, 특수교육 대상학생들에 대한 영어 교과교육의 활성화를 위한 교수적 통합에 대한 연구는 상대적으로 부진한 측면이 있어왔다. 근래 통합교육이 일반적인 교육환경으로 자리매김하는 과정에서는 장애학생과 일반학생 모두를 위한 통합교실에서의 교과교육 활성화 방안의 모색이 더욱 절실한 시점이다. 이 연구에서 모색한 방안으로는 첫째, 다문화교육을 통한 영어 교과교육의 활성화이다. 다문화교육에서는 먼저 장애인식교육으로서의 다문화교육을 실천함으로써 특수교육 대상학생의 실질적 통합에 기여할 수 있다고 보았다. 또한 개정 영어과 교육과정에도 나타나듯이, 다양한 문화에 대한 이해는 영어과 교육의 목표이자 장애학생과 일반학생 모두에게 영어학습에 대한 동기유발을 촉진하는 바탕이 된다. 둘째로, 통합교육환경에서 영어 교과교육의 활성화를 위해 문학텍스트를 활용하는 방안을 모색해보았다. 문학텍스트는 언어적 요소와 문화적 요소 및 사회적 요소가 공존하는 교수자료로서, 학생수준에 맞는 교수자료의 재구성과 수업설계가 병행될 경우 통합교실에서의 역동적인 수업상황 조성에 매우 적합한 자료라고 할 수 있다.

      • 영문학교육 방법론의 한 제안 : 영문학사의 경우 In the Case of Teaching History of English Literature

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.29

        This essay tries to suggest an idea for teaching History of English Literature in the university classroom. Recently, many university students tend to think that pure literature-related lectures are somewhat boring and not so beneficial as other practical subjects, while competency for English language is regarded more important than ever. Furthermore, with the trend of international-domestic change in socio-political situation, anti-American emotion is now led to shirking majoring British-American Literature among students in Korea. In this condition, professors whose major is British-American Literature has come to urge themselves to develop more efficient methodology to improve the class toward the ideal educational goal. As a proposition of such methodology, this essay shows how to teach History of English Literature in terms of humanism, history, and culture oriented perspectives. Our journal, whose aim is to research and develop ideal English teaching methodology, is expected to be a proper field to discuss and evaluate our scholars' various opinions and experiences from teaching the courses of English major in the university classroom in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        유치원 교육과정의 변천에 반영된 유아와 교사요인 분석

        전선옥 한국유아교육학회 1995 유아교육연구 Vol.15 No.2

        유치원 교육과정은 유치원에서 성취해야만 하는 교육목적과 내용, 방법 등을 포함하고 있는 국가수준의 기본적 틀을 제공한다. 본 연구의 목적은 유치원 교육과정의 변천에서 교육과정을 실행하는 주체로서의 교사요인과 교육과정 실행의 대상으로서 유아요인이 어떻게 얼마나 반영되었는지를 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 결과, 유아요인의 경우 유치원 교육과정령에는 제정초기부터 현재에 이르기까지 유아의 흥미와 요구, 발달수준 및 개인차 그리고 놀이와 활동을 중심으로한 학습특성 등이 꾸준히 반영되어온 것으로 나타났다. 교사요인은 교육과정의 운영 면에서 처음부터 현재에 이르기까지 현장교사에게 많은 재량권이 주어짐으로써 지속적으로 자율성과 전문성이 인정되어온 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교사가 교육과정 개발에 어느 정도 참여했는지를 분석한 결과, 제3차 이후의 교육과정에서는 미약한 수준과 비율로 나마 꾸준한 참여가 있었던 것으로 나타났다. The National Kindergarten Curriculum provides a standard national framework within which all kindergartens should work to accomplish their educational goals. The curriculum has been appropriately changed to meet the needs of today, to conform to social change and to promote the development of young children. The purpose of this study is to analyze how and how much teacher(performer of curriculum) and young child(object of performance) factors have been reflected on curriculum change. The study method is to review and analyze the curriculum acts of the Ministry of Education and literatures containing curriculum change. The result of this study are as follows : In kindergarten curriculum acts, factors like child interest and needs, development level and individual variation, learning characteristics, etc. have been reflected variously from the beginning till today. The teacher factors like autonomy and specialty are continuously found in the operation of kindergarten curriculum from the beginning. Also it showed that the teachers have participated from the 3rd curriculum development process to a certain extent. It was difficult to study the 1st and 2nd curriculum development process due to lack of data.

      • 해롤드 핀터 주요 극에 대한 문화 정치학적 접근

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 2000 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.20

        Harold Pinter was generally classified as an absurd dramatist when he presented his early plays on the stage. At that time the audience and critics appreciated the existential human condition through his characters. Now that there are so many diverse trends of literary criticism available to contemporary critics, Pinter real versatility and seriousness are revealed in his plays. Our contemporary audience can find a 'colonial mimicry, such as referred to by Bhabha, and a vague voice of post-colonialism, which Pinter explores through his characters in The Caretaker. Such an interpretation arises from the current cultural and literary perspective, and is, in a way, quite different from the previous ones. In The Lover, the married couple on the stage plays a kind of experimental game on the subject of love and eroticism between them. Through the theatrical way the game contrasts asexual marriage with highly sexual non-maniage, the subject gets related to the problem of gender in a social and political context. Gender and post-colonial approaches could be said to be the representative critical attitude among our contemporaries, in terms of an agreeable interpretation in recent cultural and political perspectives. In such a respect, the above article shows a significant and interesting way to appreciate again the two major plays.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        장애의 문화적 재현에 관한 비평적 고찰-현대영미연극 정전의 경우

        전선옥,한성의 국립특수교육원 2006 특수교육연구 Vol.13 No.2

        A Critical Review on the Representation of Disability in The Glass Menagerie and The Elephant Man 본 연구는 최근 부상하고 있는 장애학의 접근법으로 사회·문화적 맥락에서 장애 담론의 지평을 넓히고자 한 시도이며, 장애학의 다중 패러다임 중 사회적 관념론의 입장에서 장애의 문화적 재현을 비평적으로 고찰한 연구이다. 각종 문화 매체와 미디어가 재현한 장애의 상징성들을 분석하는 것은 사실상 장애를 만드는 사회와 그 사회의 이데올로기를 해석하는 일이자 장애인의 정체성을 재정립하는 일이 된다. 다양한 문화적 재현 방식 중 본고에서는 현대 영미연극 정전 두 작품을 선정하여 최근의 포스트모던한 인문사회학적 담론을 바탕으로 작품을 분석하고 장애의 재현 방식을 조명하였다. 장애인 주인공이 등장하는 대표적인 영미연극 정전으로 꼽히는 The Glass Menagerie에서 Laura는, 좌절과 불구의 극적 모티프를 전달하는 표상으로 등장하고 있지만, 작품 전체를 통하여 암울한 배경을 인내하는 건강한 인식의 가능성을 보이며, 막이 내리기 전 좌절 극복의 메시지를 상징적으로 보여준다. The Elephant Man에서는, Merrick이라는 주인공이 신경섬유종증으로 인한 신체적 특징 때문에 무수한 시선의 대상물로 전시되다가, 병원으로 옮겨져 의학적 관리를 받게 되는 과정이 그려지면서, 전복적 저항담론으로서의 장애의 미학을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

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