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      • KCI등재

        An Elderly Man with Fatal Respiratory Failure after Eating a Poisonous Mushroom Podostroma cornu-damae

        장주아,김철홍,유준재,김미경,이재은,임아름,최정희,현인규,심정원,신호승,한정호,석순자 대한결핵및호흡기학회 2013 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.75 No.6

        A 73-year-old, previously healthy man presented with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth and febrile sensation 3 hours after eating boiled wild mushrooms. After admission, he showed progressive severe respiratory distress, pancytopenia, azotemia, hypotension, hypoxemia and consolidation of the entire left lung on chest radiography. With a preliminary diagnosis of necrotizing pneumonia, he underwent left pneumonectomy in order to remove all necrotic lung tissue. Lung histology showed extensive hemorrhagic necrosis, massive inflammatory cell infiltration, prominent proliferation of young fibroblasts and the formation of an early-stage hyaline membrane along the alveolar wall. Despite aggressive treatment, including mechanical ventilation, continuous renal replacement therapy and administration of granulocyte colony stimulating factor and broad spectrum antibiotics, he died on hospitalization day 13. Subsequently, the mushroom was identified as Podostroma cornu-damae. This is the first case of a histological evidence of lung involvement by Podostroma cornu-damae poisoning in Korea.

      • 독버섯 중독에 의한 급성 간질성 폐렴, 1예

        장주아,이훈구,정두철,최정은,김철홍,현인규 대한내과학회 2011 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2011 No.1

        서론: 독버섯 중독은 흔히 발생하지만 치명적인 합병증은 드물게 일어난다. 6시간이내의 급성 중독의 경우 위장관염이나, 콜린성 중독 증상이 나타나며, 지연성 반응으로 신부전 및 간독성, 횡문근 융해증이 발생한다. 드물게는 면역 매개성 용혈성 빈혈, 알레르기성 기관지페포염, 뇌병증을 일으킨다고 알려져 있다. 이에 저자들은 독버섯 중독에 의한 급성 간질성 폐렴을 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 증례: 71세 남자환자로, 내원 전날 야생버섯(붉은 사슴뿔버섯 추정)먹은 이후 3시간 후부터 오심, 구토, 설사, 구갈, 열감이 발생하였다. 병원 내원시 혈압저하, 질소혈증, 백혈구 증가소견이 있었으며, 보존적 치료하면서 특이 증상 없이 회복되던 중 입원 4일째부터 기침, 가래, 호흡곤란과 함께 흉부 X-선 검사에서 좌폐 침윤이 새롭게 발생하였다. 당일 기관지내시경 및 기관지 폐포 세척술을 시행하였고 기관지내 병변은 관찰되지 않았다. 환자 급성호흡부전과 함께 흉부 컴퓨터단층촬영 및 흉부 X-선 검사에서 급격히 폐침윤 진행하였고, 급성 괴사성 폐렴으로 추정되어 좌폐전절제술 시행하였고 조직검사에서 급성 간질성 폐렴 진단되었다. 수술 후에도 패혈성 쇼크, 급성 신부전, 범혈구 감소증 악화되었고, 항생제 투여, 혈액투석, G-CSF 등 투여하였으나 입원 13일째 다발성 장기부전으로 사망하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Blood Stream Infections in Patients in the Burn Intensive Care Unit

        이훈구,장주아,최정은,정두철,한정완,우흥정,전욱,천병철 대한감염학회 2013 Infection and Chemotherapy Vol.45 No.2

        Background: The study on bacteremia helps empirically select the proper antibiotics before the results of culture test about causative pathogen. The purpose of this study is to investigate causative pathogen in bloodstream infection, changing aspects based on elapsed time after burn, relationship with other sites and resistance of important causative pathogen against antibiotics through analysis on bacteria isolated from blood culture of patients hospitalized in burn intensive care unit (BICU). Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted targeting patients hospitalized in BICU from January 2007 to June 2011. Changes of causative pathogen in bloodstream infection based on elapsed time after injury were analyzed. We would like to examine the relationship between bloodstream infection and infection on other body parts by comparing results of cultures in burn wound site, sputum, urine and catheter tip. Antibiotics resistance patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus species, and Klebsiella pneumoniae were studied. Results: A total of 2,337 burn patients were hospitalized in BICU for 54 months. Causative pathogen was cultured in blood cultures from 397 patients (17.0%). P. aeruginosa (169, 30.1%) was the most cultured and A. baumannii (107, 19.0%) and S. aureus (81, 14.4%) were followed. It was confirmed that the relative frequency of A. baumannii tended to get lower as the period got longer after injury, but the relative frequency of K. pneumoniae got higher as the period got longer after injury. With comparison without bacteremia, P. aeruginosa bacteremia showed high probability in which the same bacteria were cultured in wound site, sputum and cathether tip, and A. baumannii bacteremia and candida bacteremia had high probability in sputum,and urine and catheter tip, respectively. 95.9% of P. aeruginosa and 95.3% of A. baumannii showed the resistance against carbapenem. 96.3% of S. aureus was methicillin resistant and 36.2% of Enterococcus species were vancomycin resistant. 75.0%of K. pneumonia were extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria. Conclusions: Since the highly antibiotic resistant microorganisms were isolated from the patients hospitalized in BICU during early phase, the empirical selection of antibiotics targeting these pathogens should be considered before the results of microbiologic culture test. In addition, use of empirical antifungal agent after 1 week of injury can be considered for patients who have risk factor of fungal infection.

      • 비소세포폐암에 동반된 크롬세포친화종 치료 1예

        이훈구,장주아,최정은,김철홍,현인규 대한내과학회 2011 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2011 No.1

        서론: 절제가능한 비소세포폐암의 4~8% 정도가 편측 부신비대를 동반한다고 알려져 있고, 이 중 26~40% 정도가 악성이라고 알려져 있다. 하지만 비소세포폐암과 편측 부신 종괴가 동반되어 있을 경우, 다른 검사를 하지 않는 상태에서 이 종괴를 악성으로 단정지을 수 없으며, 오히려 양성으로 판명되는 경우가 더 많다. 보통, 경피적 세침흡인생검법이 이러한 경우의 치료법을 확립하는데 도움이 된다. 증례: 5년 전고혈압 진단받고 약제 복용 중이던 59세 여자환자가, 3년 전 정기검진에서 시행받은 흉부 방사선사진에 우상엽 부위의 간유리음영(ground-glass opacity) 발견되어 흉부 방사선사진의 변화양상을 경과관찰하다가 내원 며칠 전 촬영한 흉부 방사선사진에서 이전과 변화된 양상의 간유리음영 보여 검사 위해 내원하였다. 내원시 혈압은 110/70 mmHg, 맥박은 64회/분이었다. 우상엽 부위를 전산화단층촬영-유도 경피적세침흡인법 시행하였고, 폐선암 (기관지 폐포암 (Bronchoalveolar carcinoma)) 진단하였다. 병기설정 위해 양전자방출단층촬영(PET CT) 시행하였고, 우측 부신에 국소적으로 강한 대사활성 소견 보여, 폐암의 전이 또는 일차적 부신 종양의 가능성 모두 배제할 수 없는 상태였다. 본원 비뇨기과 협진하여 부신의 병리학적 검사 시도하였으나 접근이 어려운 관계로 호르몬검사 시행하였고, 레닌이 2.6 ng/ml/hr로 증가되어있는 소견 외에 다른 호르몬 검사는 정상 범위였다. 부신 선종으로 보고, 비뇨기과에서 로봇-복강경 부신절제술 (Robotic assisted laparoscopicadrenalectomy) 시행하였고, 일주일 이후 기관지 폐포암에 대하여 흉부외과에서 비디오흉부수술(VATS) 시행하였다. 로봇 수술과 함께, 외과적 조직검사(surgical biopsy) 시행하였고, 면역조직화학염색검사(immunohistochemical stain)에서 Chromogranin A 양성 소견 보여, 크롬친화세포종 확진하였다. 결론: 이 증례는 폐암 환자에서 부신의 종양이 동반되어 있을 경우, 부신의 병변에 대한 확실한 진단을 얻는 것의 중요성을 대변한다. 증례에서, 부신에 대한 경피적 세침흡인생검은 시행하지 못하였지만, 호르몬 검사와 외과적 조직검사로 양성 종양임을 확진하였고, 결과적으로 적절한 치료가 이루어졌음을 보여 준다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        성인 천식 환자에서 체질량지수와 기도과민성 및 폐기능의 연관성

        최정은 ( Jung Eun Choi ),신태림 ( Tae Rim Shin ),박상면 ( Sang Myeon Park ),김주희 ( Joo Hee Kim ),신성호 ( Sung Ho Shin ),이현영 ( Hyun Young Lee ),장주아 ( Juah Jang ),이훈구 ( Hun Gu Lee ),김철홍 ( Cheol Hong Kim ),현인규 ( In 대한천식알레르기학회 2014 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.2 No.1

        Purpose: Obesity is commonly regarded as a risk factor for asthma development, poor asthma control, and poor response to asthma therapy. However, its relationships are not always consistent. Gender difference has been reported to influence asthma severity and asthma control. We investigated the contribution of obesity to airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and lung function before and after treatment in adult asthmatics. Methods: The medical records of a total of 323 adult asthmatics were analyzed retrospectively. Asthma was diagnosed based on the positive result of methacholine bronchial provocation test (PC20≤25 mg/mL) or bronchodilator test (≥12% and 200-mL improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second after inhalation of a bronchodilator). Follow-up spirometry was performed in 113 patients after at least 3 months of asthma treatment with controller medication. Percent change between spirometry before and after treatment was defined as {[(value after treatment.value before treatment)/value before treatment]×100}. Body mass index (BMI, weight [kg]/height [m2]) was categorized into underweight (<18.5), normal weight (, overweight (, and obese (>30) according to the world health organization classification. Results: BMI did not show any significant correlation with PC20 value of methacholine provocation test and each lung function parameter before and after treatment. When we divided the study subjects according to gender and age, BMI was negatively correlated with PC20 value only in female adult asthmatics under 65 years old (r=.0.024, P=0.036). Conclusion: Obesity is positively correlated with the intensity of AHR in female adult asthmatics. Gender seems to differentially contribute to the relationship between BMI and AHR. (Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2014;2:16-22)

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