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      • KCI등재후보
      • 고속형 병렬 스트림 암호 및 수열 발생기

        이훈재 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.2 No.2

        Due to ongoing improvements in high-speed communication, it is necessary to increase the speed of data encryption. In this paper, we have proposed the HS-LFSR with m(≥2) times faster shifting for a clock and the parallel stream cipher, which have speeded up by paralleling many similar keystream generators using HS-LFSR. Finally, we have proposed m-parallel ISUM-BSG as an example of the parallel stream cipher, and we have determined its properties by having the same crypto-degree and m times high-speed processing as compared with the original stream cipher.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        크롬에 의해 유발된 백서 임파구 DNA-Protein Crosslinks의 복구

        이훈재,이관희,홍윤철,Lee, Hun-Jae,Lee, Kwan-Hee,Hong, Yun-Chul 대한예방의학회 1996 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.29 No.3

        Genotoxic agents can induce various DNA lesions. DNA-Protein Crosslinks(DPCs) were known as the important DNA lesions which could impair gene expression because DPCs had a high probability of resisting repair and persisting through cell cycle. This repair resistance of DPCs could have biological significance but had not been evaluated clearly yet. Most of the studies that have evaluated the repair of DPCs only compared the extent of DPCs repair with other DNA lesions. We injected $K_2CrO_4$, a genotoxic agent, into Sprague-Dawley rats intraperitoneally(5mg/kg) and isolated blood lymphocytes 12 hours later. These lymphocytes were cultured in the mitogen added growth media and mitogen free media separately. The degree of the repair of DPCs was monitored for 4 days by the K-SDS assay. 4 days later, the amount of DPCs decreased by 4.6% in the mitogen added media high increased by 10.9% in the mitogen free media. These results showed that DPCs induced by $K_2CrO_4$ were not repaired easily and the DPCs were biologically significant DNA lesions. We thought the decrease of DPCs in the mitogen added media was not due to the repair of DPCs, but from the increase of normal cell proliferation. Therefore, it is very important to consider the proliferation of normal cells when estimating the repair of DPCs.

      • KCI등재

        고속 안전 통신을 위한 병렬형 스트림 암호

        이훈재,문상재 한국통신학회 2001 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.26 No.5

        통신망의 급격한 발전과 통신 속도의 향상에 따라 암호 알고리듬의 고속화 필요성이 절실하다. 본 논문에서는 LFSR을 고속화하기 위하여 한 클럭에 m번의 이동이 이루어지는 고속 병렬형 PS-LFSR을 제안하였고, 이를 기본으로 다수의 키 수열 발생기를 병렬 연결하여 속도를 개선시킨 병렬형 스트림 암호를 제안하였다. 그리고 병렬형 스트림 암호 예로서 m-병렬 합산 수열 발생기(m-parallel SUM-BSG)를 제안하여 m=8인 병렬 발생기를 세부 설계 예시하였으며, 제안된 발생기는 기존의 비도 수준을 유지하면서 처리 속도를 m배 높을 수 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        제21대 국회의 탐정제도 도입관련 법률안 비교연구

        이훈재 한국사회안전 범죄정보학회 2023 한국범죄정보연구 Vol.9 No.2

        이 연구는 탐정제도 도입과 관련된 법률안이 꾸준히 발의되어 왔으나, 현재까지도 입법되지 않는 상황에서 기존 법률안을 검토하고, 현재 제21대 국회에 발의된 법률안을 분석하여 효율적인 탐정제도의 정착을 위한 법안이 완성되도록 하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 방법으로 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 선행연구를 비롯한 문헌연구 및 21대 국회에서 마련된 법률안을 분석하고, 논의하였는데, 법률안의 주요쟁점에 관한 내용을 탐정에 대한 용어의 정의와 업무, 자격제도, 종사자 교육, 탐정업 설립, 관리・감독기관 및 갱신기간 등으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 그리고, 주요한 내용은 다음과 같다. 먼저 탐정에 대한 정의를 보면, 탐정은 실종자 등 개인(기업 포함) 및 사건 등 의뢰받은 건에 대하여 관련 사실관계 및 정보 등을 합법적으로 조사하여 의뢰인에게 제공하는 서비스를 수행한다고 할 수있다. 둘째, 탐정에 대한 명칭으로 ‘탐정사’, ‘공인탐정’으로 칭하고 있는데, 공인탐정을 국가가 자격을 인정하여 관리・감독을 받고 탐정업무를 수행하는 탐정이라고 한다면, 다시 이와 구별되는 국가가 공인하지 않는 탐정 등의 관리에 관한 방안이 필요하게 되므로, 모두를 통칭하는 ‘탐정’으로 칭하며, 이에 맞게 관리하는 법률을 만드는 것이 타당해 보인다. 셋째, 자격제도 및 종사자 교육에 있어서는 시험을 통과한 자가 자격을 취득하여 업무를 수행할 수있게 하여야 하고, 나아가 탐정과 사무원에 대한 보수교육이 필요한데, 그 횟수에 대해서는 유사 직군등에서의 보수교육 기간 등을 고려하여 합리적으로 수정할 필요가 있어 보이며, 연 1회의 교육이 타당해 보인다. 넷째, 탐정업 설립과 관련해서 개인이 탐정업을 하려면 등록하여야 하고, 법인으로 수행하려면 인가를 받아야 한다고 규정하고 있는데, 기존 흥신소 등에서 보았던 많은 문제들을 고려하면, 개인 및 법인설립 모두를 등록 및 인가보다는 더 규제적인 ‘허가’사항으로 변경하는 것이 타당해 보인다. 다섯째, 주무관청 즉 관리・감독 기관과 관련해서는 세 법안 모두 ‘경찰청장’으로 지정하고 있는 데, 탐정이 사적 영역에서 사인에 대한 조사 등을 수행하기 때문에 탐정업이 가지는 위험성 등을 고려할 경우 공공의 안녕과 질서유지를 담당하는 경찰기관을 주무관청으로 지정하는 것이 타당해 보인다. 마지막으로 탐정업의 갱신기간과 관련하여 황의원안에서만 갱신기간을 3년 이상으로 대통령령 으로 규정하게끔 하였는데, 이 사안의 중요성을 감안하면 법률로 규정하여야 할 것이며, 나아가 기간도 유사 직군인 경비업의 갱신기간이 5년임을 고려하여, 갱신기간을 5년으로 하는 것이 타당해 보인다. 나아가 탐정제도의 입법은 주무관청에 대한 이견, 유사 직군과의 충돌 문제 등 여러 가지 이유로 지연되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 관련기관 즉, 경찰 등에서는 공론화 과정을 더욱 충실히 이행하여야할 것이며, 이를 통하여 서비스 수혜자인 국민들을 더욱 이해시키고, 사회적 공감대를 형성하여 국회에서의 조속한 입법이 이루어지도록 노력하여야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legislative bills proposed in the 21st National Assembly and to complete the legislation for the establishment of an efficient detective system. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, literature review including previous studies and legislation prepared by the 21st National Assembly are analyzed. And the key issues of the bills were analyzed, categorizing them into terms of the definition and duties of detectives, qualification requirements, education for practitioners, establishment of detective agencies, and regulatory oversight, including renewal periods. The main contents are as follows. First, in the definition of a detective, a detective can legally investigate related facts and intelligence on individuals (including companies) such as missing persons and cases, and provide services to clients. Second, Second, the name of the detective is called ‘detective agents’ or ‘authorized detectives.’ If a certified detective is a detective who is managed and supervised by the state and performs detective work, it is necessary to take measures for the management of detectives that are not authorized by the state, which is distinguished from this, so it seems reasonable to call everyone a ‘detective’ and make a law that manages them accordingly. Third, in the qualification system and the training of the employees, the person who passed the examination should be able to acquire the qualification and perform the work. Furthermore, the repair education for the detective and the clerk is necessary. The number of times should be reasonably modified considering the period of the repair education in the similar job group, and once a year education seems reasonable. Fourth, in relation to the establishment of the detective business, it is stipulated that individuals must register to do the detective business and obtain approval to do it as a corporation, but considering the many problems we have seen before, it appears more valid to change this to a more restrictive ‘permit’ requirement. Fifth, regarding the management and supervision agency, all three bills are designated as ‘police chief.’ Considering the risks associated with detective work in private domains, where investigations into personal matters, such as infidelity, are conducted, designating the law enforcement agency responsible for public safety and order, such as the ‘police chief’, as the primary supervisory authority appears justified. Finally, regarding the renewal period of the detective business, the renewal period should be defined by the Presidential Decree as more than 3 years only in Hwang. Considering the importance, it should be defined by law. Furthermore, considering that the renewal period of the private security business is 5 years, It seems reasonable to set the renewal period as 5 years. Furthermore, the legislation of the detective system is facing delays due to disagreements with the supervisory authority, conflicts with similar professions, and various other reasons. In this situation, relevant agencies, especially the police, should diligently adhere to the public discourse process. Through this, it is crucial to enhance the understanding of the citizens, who are the beneficiaries of the service, and to build social consensus, making efforts to expedite the legislative process in the National Assembly.

      • KCI등재

        LILI-II 스트림 암호의 고속화 구현에 관한 연구

        이훈재,문상재 한국통신학회 2004 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.8C

        LILI-II 스트림 암호는 NESSIE 후보로 제안된 바 있는 LILI-128의 성능개선 알고리듬이다. 이 알고리듬은 클럭 조절형 스트림 암호방식이며, 구조적으로 동기식 논리회로 구현시 속도가 저하되는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 이 문제를 보완하고자 4-비트 병렬 LFSR을 제안하였으며, 각 레지스터 비트는 4개의 서로 다른 귀환 또는 이동 경로를 갖게 된다. 그리고 ALTERA 사의 Max+plus II 툴과 FPGA 소자(EPF10K20RC240-3)를 선정하여 하드웨어 구현 및 타이밍 시뮬레이션을 실시하였으며. 최신 Lucent ASIC 소자 기술(LV160C, 0.13$\mu\textrm{m}$ CMOS & 1.5v technology)로 설계시 지연시간이 1.8㎱ 이하였고, 500 Mbps 이상의 고속화가 가능함을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 LILI-II 암호를 병렬 구현시 속도가 4, 8, 또는 16 Gbps (m=8. 16 또는 32)로 고속화 가능함을 제시하였다. LILI-II stream cipher is an upgraded version of the LILI-128, one of candidates in NESSIE. Since the algorithm is a clock-controlled, the speed of the keystream data is degraded structurally in a clock-synchronized hardware logic design. Accordingly, this paper proposes a 4-bit parallel LFSR, where each register bit includes four variable data routines for feedback or shifting within the LFSR. furthermore, the timing of the proposed design is simulated using a Max+plus II from the ALTERA Co., the logic circuit is implemented for an FPGA device (EPF10K20RC240-3), and apply to the Lucent ASIC device (LV160C, 0.13${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS & 1.5v technology), and it could achieve a throughput of about 500 Mbps with a 0.13${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ semiconductor for the maximum path delay below 1.8㎱. Finally, we propose the m-parallel implementation of LILI-II, throughput with 4, 8 or 16 Gbps (m=8, 16 or 32).

      • KCI등재후보

        소년범죄의 실태 및 동향

        이훈재 한국소년정책학회 2014 少年保護硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        Adolescent issues have always been around, not just thesedays but since society began along with other social issues. Inother words, adolescents show issues in families, schools, andamong their friends within the problematic societies which leadsto various delinquencies. This study analyzes the reality of juvenile delinquency inKorea over the past 30 years, understand the social phenomenonof the past, and also analyze the trend of such delinquencies fordifferent eras. Analysis on the reality led to discovery of trends worthdiscussing about. First, regarding its quantity; the trend of the number ofbarbarous offences and violence crimes decreasing and propertycrimes increasing was analyzed. Among numerous types scamsincreased much, about 5.8 fold, and theft was also serious. Thisshows how juvenile delinquency is becoming more grown-up andintellectual. Second, family environment and having biological parents doesnot contribute to preventing crimes. What is especially worthnoting is the juveniles with biological parents take up 80% ofthe crimes. This is to point out the problems in families with parents rather than to point out problems in parentless families. In other words, even if an adolescent has parents he/she stillcommits the crimes regardless, and in these families lack ofinterest in the kid from parents is the issue. Also, crime rate of juveniles who grew up in middle-incomefamilies is also on notable increase. Third, the age of juvenile delinquency is getting lower. Especially the age group of 14~15 year olds have increasedapproximately 15% compared to 30 years ago shows that controlof teen who are just entering puberty has become more difficultthan before. Fourth, looking at the trend of past crimes done by those whocommitted juvenile delinquencies shows that it is becoming veryhabitual. Rate of first timers decreased by 24% whereas crimescommitted by those who have committed crimes more than 3times increased nearly 8 fold during the same period. This is avery alarming fact which shows that the management of juveniledelinquencies recognized by authorities are not being conductedproperly.

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