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      • KCI등재

        교체의 대상과 조건에 대하여

        이홍식(Hong Shik Yi) 언어과학회 2012 언어과학연구 Vol.63 No.-

        This paper aims at arguing that conditions of alternation of grammatical units are restricted to phonological conditions and lexical conditions. Not only morphemes are alternated but also syntactic units are alternated. We can say about irregular verbs only if we admit that verbs are alternated under some conditions. There are lots of conditions by which morphemes are alternated. Some scholars suggest there are Phonological conditions, lexical conditions, syntactic conditions, semantic conditions, pragmatic conditions, stylistic conditions. But we don`t need semantic conditions, pragmatic conditions, and stylistic conditions, as long as we admit that languages consist of meaning and sound. Meaning is not a condition but a part of a morpheme or a grammatical unit. Strictly speaking, phonological conditions are phonological conditions of grammatical units. Therefore we can suggest semantical conditions of grammatical units. And lexical conditions of grammatical units are needed when neither phonological conditions nor semantical conditions are not concerned.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        교체의 분류에 대하여

        이홍식 ( Yi Hong-shik ),이은경 ( Yi Eun-gyeong ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.82 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 교체를 분류하고 교체의 종류를 구체적으로 살펴보는데 있다. 일반적으로 교체는 교체의 동기, 성격, 조건에 따라서 자동적 교체와 비자동적 교체, 규칙적 교체와 불규칙적 교체, 음운론적 조건에 의한 교체와 비음운론적 조건에 의한 교체로 나뉜다. 자동적 교체는 대부분 규칙적 교체이지만 그렇지 않은 사례도 있다. 규칙적 교체는 교체의 대상과 환경이 일반화될 수 있는 교체이며 그 외의 경우는 불규칙적 교체이다. 교체의 대상이 두 부류로 나뉠 경우 교체의 양상이 일반적인 한국어의 교체 양상에 더 가까운 쪽을 규칙적 교체라고 할 수 있다. 비음운론적 교체에 통사론적, 의미론적, 화용론적 조건을 포함하기도 하지만 이들 조건은 교체의 대상이 되는 어휘소의 동질성이라는 문제를 야기하게 된다. 또한 하나의 어휘소에 포함되지 않는 대상들에 대해서는 교체를 논의할 수가 없다. The purpose of this paper is to classify the types of alternation of lexemes. Alternations are divided into automatic alternation and non-automatic alternation, regular alternation and irregular alternation, phonologically conditioned alternation and non-phonologically conditioned alternation, depending on the motivation, nature, and condition of alternation. Automatic alternation is mostly a regular alternation, but not all cases. A alternation is classified as a regular alternation when it’s subject and environment can be generalized. If the subject or environment cannot be generalized, the alternations are classified as irregular alternations. Non-phonological conditions for alternation may include syntactic, semantic, pragmatic conditions, but these conditions raise the question of homogeneity of the lexeme. We cannot discuss approving a alternation for word forms that are not included in a single lexeme.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『외국인을 위한 한국어 학습 사전』의 사전학적 고찰

        이홍식(Yi, Hong-shik) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.162

        The Purpose of this paper is to review a learners’ Korean-Korean dictionary named ‘Learner’s Korean Dictionary for Korean Learners’. The dictionary is a paper dictionary for Korean learners. The number of the vocabulary is not certain. But it may be under 10,000 entries. The entries are listed according to alphabetical order. Entries consist words, suffixes and grammatical elements. Roots and derivatives or roots and compounds are listed separately. The micro structure of a entry consists of word forms, pronunciation descriptions, definitions, example sentences and various related informations. The pronunciation of words is described in both the Korean alphabet and I.P.A.. and English. As for verbs and adjectives, arguments structures are provided in meaning fields. And semantic class nouns are described to each argument. This may be useful when learners try to encode their thought into Korean language. Various related informations about the entries are given to them. Therefore Korean learners can get a lot of informations about words they look up, especially the difference between the meanings of synonyms. In spite of the merits above mentioned, the small number of entries may be the fatal problem when learners try to consult the dictionary. Futhermore learners can be uncertain about the meaning which they find in the dictionary because it is a monolingual dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        고유명사의 의미와 지시에 대하여

        이홍식 ( Yi Hong-shik ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        본고는 고유명사의 의미에 대한 대립되는 견해들을 살펴보고 고유명사가 내포를 가지지 않는다고 결론을 내렸다. 고유명사는 내포적 의미를 가지지 않는 대신 특정한 대상을 가리키는 기능을 한다. 이때 고유명사의 지시대상은 여러 가지 속성을 가지고 있는데 이 속성에 대해 화자가 기억하는 정보를 기술주의에서는 명사구로 기술하고 이를 의미라고 하였다. 그러나 이를 의미로 볼 경우에는 보통명사가 기술적인 의미를 통해 지시하게 되는 대상이 갖는 구체적이고 개별적인 속성들도 보통명사의 의미로 인정할 수밖에 없다. 고유명사가 의미를 가지지 않고 특정한 대상을 가리키는 기능만을 한다고 해도 고유명사가 가리키는 대상이 무엇인지를 알아내려면 화자나 청자는 대상에 대한 정보를 가지고 있어야 한다. 고유명사와 지시대상이 먼저 언중에게 주어지고 그 후에 언중이 고유명사의 지시대상을 확인할 필요가 생길 때 지시대상의 속성이 필요한 것이다. 이 과정에서 지시대상의 어떤 특성에 주목하느냐에 따라 언중 개개인이 가지는 지시대상에 대한 속성은 달라질 수밖에 없다. This thesis aims at defending the causal theory and discuss the meanings of proper nouns in Korean language. I examined the opposed opinions about the meaning of proper nouns and concluded that proper nouns do not have connotative meanings. Proper nouns do not have connotative meanings but have a function to refer to referents. The referents which proper nouns refer to have certain properties. These properties are described as their meanings by the description theory. But if we admit this theory, we have to admit that common nouns have the properties of their referents as the parts of their meanings. In so far as the particular and concrete encyclopedic informations are excluded from the meanings of words, neither common nouns nor proper nouns have the encyclopedic informations as the parts of their meanings. Though proper nouns just have a function to refer to referents, we have to have some information to identify the referents of proper nouns. After the referent of a certain proper noun is given, a speaker has to memorize the properties of the referent when he or she wants to identify the referent to use the proper noun. However the properties vary according to the knowledge or experience of the speakers.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국어 활용 사전 편찬을 위하여

        이홍식 ( Hong-shik Yi ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2019 한국어와 문화 Vol.25 No.-

        본고에서는 실용적인 한국어 활용 사전의 편찬에 대해 살펴보았다. 활용의 유형을 대표하는 개별 용언의 활용형을 제시하는 것이 종이사전에서 현실적으로 활용 정보를 제공할 수 있는 방법이라고 판단하여 활용의 유형을 대표하는 107개의 용언을 표제어로 삼고 8개의 표제어를 추가하였다. 활용의 유형을 정하기 위해 용언 어간의 음운론적 유형에 따라 용언 어간을 나누었다. 자음으로 끝나는 용언 어간과 모음으로 끝나는 용언 어간으로 용언 어간을 나누고 이를 다시 어떤 자음과 모음으로 끝나는지에 따라 나누었다. 각각의 유형은 다시 규칙적인 활용을 하는 어간과 불규칙한 활용을 하는 어간으로 나누었다. 자음 어간은 어간 끝음절의 모음에 따라 선택하는 어미의 종류가 달라지므로 끝음절의 모음에 따라 다시 유형을 나누었다. 용언 어간의 활용은 어미의 결합 양상을 통해 제시되는데 어미는 문법적인 분류에 따라 종결어미, 연결어미, 전성어미, 선어말어미로 나누어 용언 어간과의 결합 양상을 표로 제시하였다. 각각의 어미들은 자음 어미, 매개모음 어미, 모음 어미로 나누어 제시하였다. This paper aims at suggesting a practical inflection dictionary in Korean. It is suggested that the type of inflection in Korean is to be realized by typical inflected verb forms in a paper dictionary. In order to determine the type of inflection in Korean, verb stems are divided according to their phonological types. At first, verb stems are divided into stems which end with a consonant and stems which end with a vowel. Later, two types of verb stems are divided into two groups; a regular group and an irregular group. Verb stems are classified according to their vowels because of vowel harmony. Finally, verb stems in Korean are classified into 107 groups.

      • KCI등재

        『국어국문학』 60년 - 국어학

        이홍식(Yi, Hong-shik) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.160

        This thesis aims at describing the trend of Korean linguistics in the past 60 years. The Society of Korean Language and Literature was founded in 1952. And it published The Korean Language and Literature V. 1 in 1952. 160 volumes of The Korean Language and Literature have been published since then. This thesis was designed in celebration of 60th anniversary of the society. 722 papers on Korean language were reviewed from the statistical point of view. As a result, historical study was found to have been the most popular topic in the Korean linguistics. In earlier stage, many scholars focused on the phonemic value of characters of Hunminjeongeum which were invented by king Sejong in 1443. As time went on, other scholars became interested in other branches of Korean linguistics. Especially, Korean language and information has been introduced to Korean linguistics in recent days. Korean linguistics has been influenced by general linguistics. In earlier stage, traditional linguistics had influence on the Korean linguistics, especially the grammar. Later the structural linguistics had influence on phonology and morphology. In 1960s, the transformational grammar had strong influence on phonology, morphology, and syntax. In recent days, its influence on Korean linguistics has waned. Nowadays, Many scholars focus on the details of Korean language phenomena.

      • KCI등재

        형태소와 문법 기술

        이홍식(Yi Hong-shik) 한국어문학회 2010 語文學 Vol.0 No.109

        This paper aims to examine how ‘morpheme’ has been used in describing Korean language. In Korean phonology, ‘morpheme’ is frequently needed to describe phonological phenomena. When underlying forms are determined, they deal with morphemes. But we do not need morphemes to determine underlying forms by synchronic phonological rules because they become similar to syntactic atoms. Phonology can be concretely related to syntax. Although we understand morphology as a branch to generate words from morphemes, we do not need to rely on the concept of ‘morpheme’. Sometimes it becomes an obstacle to understand morphological phenomena and classification of morphemes is mixed with word classes. Both Stem and root are not morphemes. Even though affixes and endings correspond to morphemes, we do not need the word ‘concept’ for them as we do not need it for stems and roots. Syntax does not need the concept of ‘morpheme’ because it deals with syntactic units. But it has been used in syntactic description for the reason that JO-SAs(case markers and delimiters) and endings correspond to morphemes. But, in syntax, it does not necessary to use the word ‘morpheme’ because it is possible to analyse some JO-SAs and endings to more than two morphemes. Korean orthography relies on the concept ‘morpheme’. A morpheme should be written as a single form in principle. If a morpheme has irregular allomorphs, they are written as themselves. But the rules of Korean orthography do not include the word ‘morpheme’. They do not state definitely about how to write morphemes when they have more than two syllables. Therefore some dictionary writes affixes by syllables as if they consist of two units. If they are composed of two morphemes, we have affixes with two morphemes. As discussed so far, the concept have some problems. Therefore some students, especially middle schools students have difficulty in understanding it. We suggest that the concept ‘morpheme’ should be restricted to analyze from the theoretical and grammar educational viewpoint.

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