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      • 푸코의 권력학으로 본 사회복지학의 새로운 지평 모색

        이혁구(Lee Hyuk-koo) 비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회 2003 비판사회정책 Vol.- No.15

        1990년대, 특히 IMF사태 이후, 한국사회도 사회복지제도를 본격적으로 실행하기에 이르러 바야흐로 복지국가의 대열에 들어서게 되었다. 그런데 그 과정에서 사회복지의 본질에 관한 논의가 본격화되었는데, 주로 논쟁점은 과연 사회복지가 자유주의 시장경제의 혹독함으로부터 소외계층을 보호하기 위한 사회적 안전망인지 아니면 시장경제의 전일적 확산을 위한 지배전략인지에 초점이 모아진다. 이 글은 이런한 논점에서 벗어나, 사회복지에 대한 새로운 이해의 지평으로서 미셀 푸코의 권력에 관한 이론을 통하여 사회복지를 분석해보고자 한다. 푸코에 있어서 권력이란 단순한 폭력을 통한 강제나 억압이 아니라 인간의 욕구에 관한 담론과 관리기술로서 근대적 통치기술의 새로운 측면임이 강조된다. 이에 따라 필자는 사회복지에 관한 담론을 유형화하고 그 특징을 비교분석함으로써, 근대적 사회복지의 실천이 근대 시민의 주체화와 동시에 종속화가 이루어지는 근대적 권력의 생성과정임을 비판적으로 보여주고 있다. Since 1990s, especially IMF incidence, South Korea has practiced actively the social welfare systems and thereupon entered the threshold of social welfare state. In this process, there has been hot debates regarding the nature of social welfare: is it a social safety network protecting alienated strata from the cruelty of liberal market economy or is it a domination strategy to control the whole society by the market principle? This article gets out of this moot point, and turns to the new horizon of understanding for social welfare from the perspective of Michel Foucault's theory of power. Foucault emphasized the new aspect of power as a modem skill of governance, i.e. a discourse and management skill around human needs instead of coercion or repression by simple violence. Following this line of logic, I typologize the soical welfare discourses and compare analytically their differences. Finally, I hope to show that the rise of modem welfare practice has been a formation process of modem power wherein modem citizen has been both represented as a subject(as a democratic sovereignty) and disciplined as a subject(as an object of state control) at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        카지노 주변 장기체류자들의 일상세계 -총체적 문화기술지 접근-

        이혁구 ( Hyuk Koo Lee ),이근무 ( Keun Moo Lee ),김용근 ( Yong Geun Kim ) 한국사회복지연구회 2014 사회복지연구 Vol.45 No.1

        This study is about the individuals who live on the casino gambling staying in the area of Kangwon Land Casino, Korea. We adopted a totalistic ethnography approach to examine this phenomenon including the total of 17 main participants and other 7 minor informants. We examined the long-term stayers` staying types, gambling experiences in foreign countries, their life conditions and private debts, their interrelationships, suicidal attempts, by analysing research data collected by depth interviews and observations. We found their conflicting attitudes between the desires to keep seeking their vain dreams and the aspiration to restore oneself. Therefore, we proposed to adopt a totalistic perspective to understand the dynamic processes of addiction and recovery.

      • KCI등재

        노인도박자들의 생애사 연구

        이혁구 ( Hyuk Koo Lee ),김진숙 ( Jin Sook Kim ),이근무 ( Keun Moo Lee ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2011 한국가족복지학 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this life history study on the elderly gamblers was to analyze the meanings of gambling in the later life. Five elderly gamblers participated in this research. The authors constructed a text for life history analysis by a series of narrative interviews. The text was interpreted according to Mandelbaum(1973)`s analytic frame: dimensions of life, turning point`s and adaptations. For the participant 1, the meaning of gambling in the elderly life was a flight from meaningless life. For the second participant, it was a mechanism of turing a boring life to a dynamic life. For the third, it meant another chance to make a fortune. The fourth participant regarded gambling as a field of self-loss. Finally for the fifth, gambling turned out to be a transference of compulsion. We presented an alienated life, evading the self-confrontation as the main theme that penetrated through their gambling experiences. Based on this, we proposed a program for constructing an existential meaning of life as a preventive and therapeutic intervention.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        4-Nitroazoxybenzene 에 關한 硏究 (第1報) 4-Nitroazoxybenzene 의 $\{alpha}$- 및 ${\beta}$- 異性體의 分離와 U.V. Spectrophotometry에 의한 그 構造硏究

        한치선,윤병희,이혁구,Chi Sun Hahn,Byung Hi Yun,Hyuk Koo Lee 대한화학회 1963 대한화학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        The ${\alpha}-and\;{\beta}$-isomer of 4-nitroazoxybenzenes have been separated by liquid chromatography and their U.V. spectra were examined. The n${\to}{\pi}^{\ast}$ transition band of the compounds did not appear, likewise the cases of other compounds of the series. Transition band of the new isomer were as usual as those of other azoxy-compounds, whereas the ${\pi}{\to}{\pi}^{\ast}$ transition band of the other isomer which is reported in the literature shown peculier hypochromic shift and hypochromic effect. From the spectroscopic point of view it is very likely that the new isomer (m.p. $184-5^{\circ}C$) is ${\alpha}$-isomer and the other one (m.p. $152^{circ}C$) is ${\beta}$-isomer contrary to the literature.

      • KCI등재

        단도박자의 감각 회복 체험

        강준혁 ( Kang Jun Hyeok ),이혁구 ( Lee Hyuk Koo ) 한국사회복지연구회 2016 사회복지연구 Vol.47 No.4

        This study is to examine how a person`s sense is changing in the process of gambling addiction and recovery. For this purpose, the ten of gambling abstinences were purposefully selected for intensive depth interviews. The data collected by thess interviews were analysed by Giorgi`s(1970; 1985) phenomenological method. Meaningful units were categorized into 18 `emerging themes`, and integrated by the total of 6 `essential themes` considering the interrelations of the emerging themes. Major findings of the study are as follows. Firstly, participants of this study lost their general senses in the addiction process by focusing on specific senses such as seeing and hearing. Secondly, participants have begun to regain the lost senses in the process of recovery, even though going through the `pains of withdrawal`. Thirdly, the participants` experiences of recovery could be summarized as `a recovery process of the general senses lost by gambling`. Based upon these findings, some suggestions for helping practice were proposed such as `provision of informations about senses`, `program development of sense stimulation`, and `application of sense recovery training`.

      • KCI등재

        카지노 도박중독 과정과 내용에 대한 참여관찰 연구

        이근무 ( Keun Moo Lee ),강준혁 ( Jun Hyeok Kang ),이혁구 ( Hyuk Koo Lee ) 한국사회복지연구회 2015 사회복지연구 Vol.46 No.1

        This study is to examine the processes and contents of the each stage of Casino gambling addiction by analysing the text of depth interview with 21 Casino gambling addicted and the field observation materials. The results are as follow. We found 5 stages of gambling addiction: the first stage is curiosity and greed for money; the second stage is absorption; the third is self-check and deliberation; the fourth stage is self-alienation; finally the fifth stage is fixation. We focussed on the importance of money in gambling addiction and proposed the need for the restriction on the individual total Casino betting, for developing and practicing of specific intervention strategies according to addiction stages, and for introducing the chance to reflect on the value and philosophy of money into the therapy program.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중산층에서 탈락한 개인들의 경험과정에 대한 근거이론접근 -재진입 시도와 실패를 경험한 자를 중심으로-

        김진숙 ( Jin Sook Kim ),이혁구 ( Hyuk Koo Lee ),이근무 ( Keun Moo Lee ) 한국사회복지연구회 2012 사회복지연구 Vol.43 No.4

        This study, by applying Strauss and Corbin`s grounded theory, examines the experiences of eight persons whose efforts to return to middle class have failed. Based upon this analysis, we try to suggest some social welfare methods to help their rehabilitation. We did in-depth interviews with eight persons and analyzed the data following Strauss and Corbin`s research method and process(1998). Research outcomes are as follows; We could construct the total of 111 concepts, 31 subcategories, and 14 categories by open coding. From axial coding, the causal conditions turn out to be a wounded family, the aftermath of retry failure, and the decline of social status. Social retreat is presented as a phenomenon. Contextual conditions constitute of negative experience due to the economic-ecological confusion, life tied up to the shadow of the past, and the fatalistic presupposition. As intermediate conditions, an unyielding spirit formed by extreme ordeals and self reflection are presented. Action/interaction strategies are pursuing mormonism, modifying life directions, and detouring psychologically. Results are presented as staying out of the society and reforming life in a realistic way. The core category of selective coding is unending efforts to find another way even in a series of frustration. Typology analysis shows three types; a resigning type, a maintaining status quo type, a keeping hope type. Finally, we present a circumstantial model upon which we suggest some social welfare practice directions.

      • KCI등재

        양육 결정 미혼모의 초기 모성 경험에 관한 연구 -해석학적 근거이론 방법-

        임해영 ( Hae Young Lim ),이혁구 ( Hyuk Koo Lee ) 한국사회복지연구회 2014 사회복지연구 Vol.45 No.3

        This study was conducted to explore initial motherhood experience of non-married mothers who decided to raise their babies. We applied Rennie`s hermeneutic grounded theory for this study in which 7 non-married mothers participated. 9 hermeneutic categories which are ``decision to give birth``, ``feeling of hitting bottom``, ``ambivalence toward a life in stomach``, ``realization of motherhood``, ``motherhood anxiety``, ``the bridle of social tag``, ‘hope of motherhood``, ``encounter with new self`` and ``visage of weary life`` were constructed based on 145 meaning units, 34 subordinate categories. The core category that integrates motherhood experiences of participants was postulated as living with two conflicting visages of motherhood which are a cure and a poison at the same time. Motherhood experience processes were emerged in five stages which are decision to give birth, psychological frustration, realization of motherhood, confusion, and hope and discouragement of motherhood. Three types of motherhood experience were analyzed in the study which are adaptative, conflictive, and resistant. Based on the result of the study, the motherhood experience of non-married mother who decided to raise their babies are the process of emergence of new identity called mother. The non-married mothers formed their motherhood identities as they internalize socioculturally granted motherhood ideology. Moreover, the gap between socially oriented motherhood and realistic role of motherhood led to confusion. Based on this study, we suggest intervention plans to the field of social welfare practice that will support initial motherhood of non-married mothers who decided to keep their babies.

      • KCI등재

        일반위탁가정 아동의 적응에 대한 연구

        김진숙(Kim Jin-Sook),이혁구(Lee Hyuk-Koo) 한국사회복지학회 2007 한국사회복지학 Vol.59 No.1

        본 연구는 위탁아동의 적응경험의 실체를 파악하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서는 일반위탁가정에 진입한 초등학교 4학년 이상의 아동 8명을 대상으로 심층면접을 통한 질적연구를 수행하였다. 자료분석은 질적연구 방법 중 Strauss와 Corbin(1998)이 제시한 근거이론방법에 의해서 이루어졌다. 연구참여자들과의 심층면담을 통해 얻은 원자료를 이론적 민감성을 지니고 지속적 비교방법을 통해 개방코딩을 한 결과 총 11개의 범주와 30개의 하위범주 그리고 96개의 개념이 추출하였다. 이를 요약해 보면, 중심현상을 촉발시킨 인과적 조건은 ‘가족안정성 와해’이며, 위탁아동의 적응과정에서 경험하는 중심현상은 ‘주변화’로 나타났다. 이에 영향을 미친 맥락적 조건은 ‘문화충격’과 ‘소속감 갈등’으로 나타났다. 중심현상에 대한 작용/상호작용 전략을 촉진시키거나 억제하는 중재적 조건은 ‘ 지지체계’, ‘탄력성 발현’, ‘운명론적 예단’ 등 세 가지로 나타났다. 중심현상에 대한 작용/상호작용의 전략은 ‘권력에의 의지’와 ‘도덕적 우월성 추구’였으며 ‘위탁환경에 기계적 적응’과 ‘위탁환경의 능동적 주조’라는 두 가지의 결과로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to identify the adaptation experience of foster children. This qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interview of 8 foster children in and over 4th grade. In data analysis of this qualitative study, the grounded theory suggested by Strauss and Corbin(1998) was used. The raw data collected from in-depth interview with the participants were analyzed in open coding, through theoretically sensitive and constant comparisons method. As a result, total 11 categories, 30 subcategories and 96 concepts were generated. In summary, the casual condition that caused the core phenomenon was ‘family stability collapse’. The core phenomenon that foster children experience during the process of adaptation was 'marginalization'. The contextual condition that affected the outcome was 'cultural shock' and 'loyalty conflict.’ The intervening condition that promote or restrain the action/interaction on core phenomenon were, 'support system', 'resilience menifestation ', 'negative predestination'. The action/interaction strategy on core phenomenon were 'will to power’ and ‘pursuing moral superiority'. As a result, two concepts, ' mechanical adaptation to foster care environment' and 'active formation' of foster care environment' were assumed.

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