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        농촌지역 3.1운동 확산과 공간적⋅형태별 특성

        이송순 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2019 民族文化硏究 Vol.84 No.-

        In commemoration of the 100thanniversary of 3.1Movement, National Institute of Korean History created a “3.1. Movement Database” by compiling all the data that the Governor-General of Joseon produced on 3.1 Movement. This research utilized the data from this database to explore the spatial characteristics of the 3.1 Movement that took place in rural areas. In 1919, the 3.1 Movement took place in 212 Gun/county out of the total of 220 (96.4 percent), and 1,019 Myeon/township out of the total of 2,509 (40.6 percent). The movement took place in 289 traditional Gun, an administrative unit different from Gun of nowadays, out of the total of 317 (91.2 percent). 86.8 percent of the Myeon where county offices were based experienced 3.1 movement. In other words, more than 80 percent of the residents in the Korean peninsula participated in or experienced 3.1 movement. There is a trend in what kind of groups were in leadership of 3.1 movement in each region. The followers of Cheondogyo employed dioceses to distribute the declaration of independence and organized protests around certain regions, which led to the emergence of ‘Cheondogyo belt’in PyeonganNam,buk-do/province, HamgyeongNam-do/province, Kangwon-do/province and JeollaBuk-do/province. Christians organized their movements around their churches in both urban and rural area, which means there was not a Regional trends of their movements. Student-led movements were spearheaded by elementary (primary) school students, and such movements played a keyrole in Gyoenggi-do and ChungcheongNam-do. The 3.1 Movement can be categorized by where each movement was initiated. The categories are marketplace protest, county office protest, and the hill-torch protest. Marketplace protest was strategically advantageous in spreading the movement to neighboring regions, and usually were large-scale movements. County office protests directly targeted the colonial government buildings such as the police office, county office and township office, which were often suppressed through physical violence. Violent protests rose against such suppressions. The hill-torch protests were initiated autonomously by the farmers in community units. This type of the movement enabled the participants to minimize the casualty rate while maximizing the efficacy of the delivering the message of resistance by using the torch on hill tops. 3.1운동 100주년을 맞아 국사편찬위원회는 조선총독부 각 기관이 생산한 3.1운동관련 자료를 총합하여 <삼일운동데이터베이스>를 구축했다. 본 연구는 이 데이터베이스를 토대로 농촌지역에서 발생한 3.1운동의 공간적 특성을 살펴보았다. 1919년 식민지 조선의 행정구역은 13도 220군 2,509면이었다. 3.1운동은 전국 220개군 중 212개군(96.4%), 2,509개 면 중 1,019개 면(40.6%)에서 일어났다. 1914년 행정구역 개편 이전 조선의 행정구역은 13도 317군(‘옛군’)이었다. ‘옛군’ 단위로도 289개 군(91.2%)에서 3.1운동이 발생했다. 통폐합 이후 220개 군의 새로운 중심지가 된 군청소재지면의 3.1운동 발생 비율도 86.8%였다. 이는 한반도 거주 주민들의 80% 이상이 3.1운동의 발발과 그 내용 및 의의, 경찰⋅헌병의 탄압 양상도 공유하였다고 할 수 있다. 다음은 3.1운동 주도세력별 공간적 특성이다. 천도교는 교구를 활용한 독립선언서배포와 천도교도들의 조직적인 시위가 특정 지역을 중심으로 전개되었다. 평안남북도, 함경남도, 강원도, 전라북도 지역에서 ‘천도교 벨트/존’이라 할 수 있는 천도교도들의조직적인 운동 참여가 있었다. 반면 기독교는 교회 중심으로 기독교도들의 참여가 이루어져 특정 지역성을 보이지 않는다. 평안남북도, 황해도, 경상북도 지역에서 기독교도의 주도 및 참여에 의한 3.1운동이 발생했다. 학생세력은 보통학교 학생이 참여했는데 특히 경기도와 충청남도 지역은 보통학교 학생시위가 군내 시위의 첫 시작이 되는경우도 많았다. 마지막으로 3.1운동 발생 공간의 형태에 따른 특성이다. 3.1운동의 발생공간으로주목되는 것은 장터(오일장)시위, 관청시위, 산상-봉화시위가 있다. 장터시위는 주변으로의 운동 확산에 유리했고, 대규모 시위인 경우가 많았다. 관청시위는 면사무소, 경찰(헌병)주재소 등 식민통치기관을 직접 타깃으로 하는 것으로 대응 폭력에 의한 폭력시위가 발생하는 경우가 많았다. 산상-봉화시위는 시위참여자의 피해와 희생을 최소화하면서 독립과 식민지배 저항의 목소리를 지역민들에게 가장 잘 알릴 수 있는 공간으로 야간에 산 위에서 봉화를 활용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 시가지계획 관련 공문서의 분류와 평가

        이송순,Lee, Song-Soon 한국기록학회 2006 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.14

        현존 총독부 공문서는 이미 '역사적' 가치를 인정받아 영구보존문서로 보존되고 있다. 그러나 현존 문서의 실태는 부분적이고 불균등하여 기록(archives)으로서의 가치평가와 활용에 어려운 점이 많다. 본고에서 살펴본 시가지계획 관련 공문서 역시 이를 통해 일제 시기 진행된 시가지계획의 모든 상을 도큐멘테이션하는 데는 상당한 한계를 갖는다. 이에 이러한 불균형 잔존 행정기록에 대해서는 당대의 정책 제도 변화에 대한 컨텍스트를 파악하고, 이를 수행한 조직의 핵심기능을 종합하여 거시 평가의 틀을 만들어, 여기에 현존 문서를 배치하는 도큐멘테이션 과정, 이 과정에서 가치가 높은 기능과 관련된 기록이 소수라는 점, 즉 기록의 재현성이 불완전한 것을 보충하기 위한 다른 역사적 자료의 적극적 이용과 적극적인 기록수집 방안을 함께 강구할 필요가 있다. 본고는 일제시기 도시계획 관련 공문서 중에서도 시가지계획관련 문서라는 하나의 문서군(series)에 대한 기록 평가를 시도했다. 따라서 이를 통해 총독부 공문서 전반에 대한 평가 방법을 도출하기는 한계가 있으나, 시가지계획이라는 총독부 식민정책의 집행과정에서 생산된 문서의 맥락을 이해하여 기록의 가치를 평가함으로써 문서 활용에 중요한 지표가 될 수 있는 사례를 제시했다고 할 수 있다. 한편 총독부 공문서와 같이 이미 영구보존기록으로 결정되어 보존되고 있는 역사기록에 대한 평가는 처분을 위한 평가로서의 기능은 갖지 못한다. 이에 역사기록에 대한 평가는 향후 기록의 접근과 활용도를 높이기 위한 DB화나 정보콘텐츠화와 연계하는 방안 역시 고려할 필요가 있다. The historical value of the official documents of the Government General of Choson preserved as permanent archived documents has long been recognized. However, the fact that only parts of the overall documents were preserved and that the contents of the existing documents is not uniform, results in many problems regarding the evaluation and usage of such documents as archives. This study attempts to appraise a series of archival documents related to urban district planning compiled during the colonial era. Although limited in terms of its applicability to the development of an evaluation method for the official documents of the Government General of Choson as a whole, by evaluating the value of these documents based on the background of the documents produced during the Government General of Choson's implementation of its colonial policy, this study provides an important indicator of how such documents should be used in the future. On the other hand, the assessment of historical records such as the official documents of the Government General of Choson which have already been designated and preserved as permanent archived documents should not be perceived as an attempt to dispose of the relevant documents. With regard to the appraisal of historical archives, it is necessary to consider measures to link such documents with existing databases or information contents in order to heighten access to and usage of the relevant documents in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Rural Control Policy and Peasant Ruling Strategy of the Government-General of Chosŏn in the 1930s-1940s

        이송순 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2010 International Journal of Korean History Vol.15 No.2

        The rural control policy of the 1930s was rooted in the Rural Revitalization Campaign. To this end, the Rural Economic Rehabilitation Plan was implemented as the main measure used to actualize the campaign. However, the Government- General of Chosŏn’s announcement of the Plan for the Expansion of Rehabilitated Villages in January 1935 effectively transformed the Rural Revitalization Campaign into a group guidance undertaking that was to be carried out at the village level. This principle became the main focal point of the rural control and production increase policies that were put in place after 1940. The advent of the National Mobilization Campaign in 1940 saw the Rural Revitalization Campaign be transformed into the Rural Patriotic Service Production Campaign, and the Village Production Expansion Plan implemented as a means to mobilize the human and material resources needed to wage war. Thereafter, the growing need to increase agricultural productivity in order to ensure effective mobilization for war resulted in the Rural Reorganization Plan and the Chosŏn Agricultural Plan being established. These measures were motivated by the desire to mobilize military supplies through ideological education and propaganda, as well as coercive organization, once it became apparent that the limitations reached in terms of productivity all but negated the ability to mobilize the required material and human resources. The rural control policy of the Government-General of Chosŏn was carried out based on the use of Korean collaborators as its proxies. To control the farmers, rural revitalization committees which served as government-led agricultural organizations were established. Those placed in charge of these rural revitalizationcommittees were the so-called ‘leading figures’ that had been produced based on the Government-General of Chosŏn’s modern colonial education system and colonial policy. The intensification of the mobilization for war after 1940 saw the villages be upgraded to ku, which constituted the lowest administrative level, and the directors of the Village Leagues appointed as kujang. The number of kujang was rapidly increased during this process. In exchange for conducting their role as the party responsible for the mobilization for war, the kujang were granted enhanced administrative authority and material compensation by the Government- General of Chosŏn. However, as the Government-General of Chosŏn’s forced mobilization and exploitation worsened, the kujang and local petty officials were left to stand as the public faces of this mobilization system, a denouement that resulted in their becoming the main targets of the people’s resentment. The evaluation of these leading figures, which belonged to the pro-Japanese or collaborator camp rather than to those groups who resisted against colonial rule, is intricately related to the overall evaluation of the Japanese colonial rule.

      • KCI등재후보
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