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        조선조 首尾吟體 창작현황 및 창작방식에 대하여

        이미진,Lee,Mi-jin 대동한문학회 2015 大東漢文學 Vol.43 No.-

        본고는 <한국문집총간>을 대상으로 조선조 首尾吟體를 창작한 문인 현황을 파악하고 그 구체적인 작법을 확인하는 것을 목표로 한다. 수미음체는 첫 구와 마지막 구를 반복사용하는 것을 기본 원칙으로 하는 詩體의 일종으로 대개 雜體詩의 하나로 인식된다. 宋 邵雍(1011~1077)이 중국 문단에 이를 처음으로 선보인 뒤로 중국에서 뿐만 아니라 조선 문단에서도 적지않 은 문인들이 그의 시에 차운하거나 새로이 모방하였는데, 그 중 대표적인 인물로 尤庵 宋時烈 및 過齋 金正默 등 몇몇의 특정 인물이 거질의 연작시를 창작하였고, 그 외 私淑齋 姜希孟, 息山 李萬敷가 다수의 수미음체를 남 긴 사실을 확인하였다. 수미음체의 작법은 일률적이지 않았는데 기본형을 비롯해 창작양상에 있어 크게 세 가지로 구분할 수 있다. 첫째, 소옹이 그러했듯 첫 구와 마지막 구를 동일하게 처리하는 경우로써 대부분의 작품이이 방식을 준수하였다. 여기에는 소옹의 수미음체에서 구사한 싯구 일부를 그대로 차용하는가하 면, 작가 임의로 새로운 싯구를 중복 처리한 경우가 있다. 둘째, 매편 首聯 첫 구와 尾聯 첫 구에 각각 동일한 싯구를 삽입하는 경우로써 두 편 이상의 작품을 지을 때라야 구사 가능한 방식이 그것이다. 세 번째, 첫 구 첫 단어와 마지막 구 마지막 단어를 동일하게 처리함으로써 首尾一貫의 형식을 약식 으로 처리하였는데, 이 경우 ‘君恩’을 삽입하였다. 수미음체는 처음과 마지막 구의 반복을 통해 시인이 전달하고자 하는 의미를 강조하고 이에 따른 운율을 형성하였으며, 주제 강화 및 시적 정서의 완결성을 기하여 작품의 구조적 완결성을 확보하였다. 이러한 작법은 근・현 대로 이어져 首尾相關, 首尾雙關, 首尾相應이라는 작법의 하나로 계승되어, 예컨대 김소월(1902~1934)의 <엄마야 누나야>・<진달래꽃>・<산유 화>, 유치환(1908~1967)의 <울릉도>, 조지훈(1920~1968)의 <승무>, 신동엽(1930~1969)의 <산에 언덕에> 등의 작품에서 수미상관의 기법이 준용되었다. 이렇듯 宋代 邵雍에 의해 시작된 이래 오랜 세월 문인들의 작시에 종종 활용되었던 수미음체는 조선조에 수용되어 현대에까지 계승되었으 니, 조선조 수미음체 창작과 현대시의 수미상관(수미상응)의 작법의 연관성 을 고려하여 詩作法의 史的 발달과정을 탐구해보는 것은 의미있는 작업이 되리라 생각한다. This study aims to identify the current status of literary writers who had created Su-Mi-Eum-Che in Joseon Dynasty through <Korean Literary Collections> and find their specific writing techniques. Su-Mi-Eum-Che is a kind of poetry whose basic principle is to repeat the first line and the last line and typically recognized as one of the Jap-Che poetries. Since Song So-Ong(1011~1077) introduced this to the Chinese literary world, not a few literary writers borrowed or imitated such a line to their own poetry in Joseon as well as in China. The representative figures are Uam Song Si-Yeol, Gwajae Kim Jung-Muk and some others who created serial poetries and additionally Sasukjae Gang Hee-Maeng and Siksan Lee Man-Bu who left multiple works of Su-Mi-Eum-Che.The writing techniques of Su-Mi-Eum-Che were not uniform and can be classified into three categories including basic form in terms of creative writing aspects. The first category is the case that the first line and the last line were treated in the same way as So-Ong did. Most of the works followed this category. Sometimes, some of the lines described in So-Ong's Su-Mi-Eum-Che were borrowed as they were, but other times, new lines were overlapped on writer's own discretion. Second, this category is the case that the same line was inserted into the first line of the first stanza (1stand 2nd line in a style of Chinese verse) and the last line of the last stanza (7th and 8th line in a style of Chinese verse) for every poem. This is available only if more than two works are created. Third, this category is the case that the first word of the first line and the last word of the last line were treated in the same way: the form of Su-Mi-Il-Gwan(consistent beginning and end). In this case, the word ‘royal benevolence (favor of lord)’ was inserted. Su-Mi-Eum-Che emphasized the meaning that a poet aimed to convey through the repetition of the first and the last line and accordingly formed a rhythm and reinforced subject and raised completion of poetic feeling to obtain structural completion of works. This writing technique was succeeded to one of these writing techniques: Su-Mi-Sang-Gwan, Su-Mi-Ssang-Gwan, and Su-Mi-Sang-Eung in modern times. For example, Su-Mi-Sang-Gwan techniques were applied into Kim So-Wol(1902~1934)'s <HEY MOM HEY SIS>・<Azalea>・<Wild Flowers>, Yu Chi-Hwan (1908~1967)'s <Ulleungdo>, Jo Ji-Hun(1920~1968)'s <Dance in Buddhist Attire>, and Shin Dong-Yeop(1930~1969)'s <In the Mountaisn and Hills>. Like this, the Su-Mi-Eum-Che that had often been used in literary writers' poems for long years since its beginning by So-Ong in Song period was accepted in Joseon period and succeeded to this modern times. Therefore, it seems to become a significant work to explore the historical development process of poetics by taking into account of the association between the creation of Su-Mi-Eum-Che in Joseon period and the writing technique of Su-Mi-Sang-Gwan(Su-Mi-Sang-Eung) in modern poems.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대, 딸에서 며느리로 살아가기

        이미진(Lee, Mi-jin) 대동한문학회 2017 大東漢文學 Vol.53 No.-

        본고는 조선후기 知守齋 兪拓基(1691~1767)가 자신의 여러 딸과 며느리에게 남긴 祭文과 墓誌文을 대상으로, 한 집안의 가장이 지닌 여성 인식과 그 기록 속에 침투되어 있는 조선 사회의 이면을 읽어내는 것을 연구 목표로 한다. 유척기는 당대 영의정에 오를 정도로 사회적 명망이 높았던 관료문인이었지만, 슬하 4남 5녀중 아들 둘과 다섯 명의 딸을 잃고 세 명의 며 느리까지 잃었을 정도로 비통한 가정사를 지닌 가장이기도 했다. 유척기가 작성한 딸과 며느리에 대한 제문・묘지문을 살펴보면, 딸이기 보다 시댁에서의 며느리로서의 삶을 중심으로 서술되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이는 당시 여성들이 딸이기 보다 며느리로서의 역할에 치중하였고 당시 사회가 여성들에게 이를 요구하고 기대했던 데에서 비롯된다. 특히 맏며느리 이씨 부 인의 경우, 유씨 집안 내 역할과 비중은 누구보다 막중했고 그중에서도 남아 출산의 임무는 시댁에서의 존재의 이유와 직접적으로 연동되어 있었는데, 이는 당시 며느리들이 남아를 출산할 때라야 실질적인 며느리로서 행세할 수 있었음을 의미한다. 유척기의 맏며느리 이씨 부인은 결국 남아를 출산하지 못한 상태에서 남편을 잃자 이듬해 따라 죽었고, 시아버지 유척기는 그녀의 죽음을 ‘烈婦’로 기록하였다. 이씨 부인은 남아를 출산하지 못한 상태에서 남편을 잃은 경우 從死하는 것이 진정한 효이자 烈의 실천이라 믿었던 것이다. 이렇듯 며느리의 남아 출산 임무는 조선 후기 사회가 요구했던 부인상 중 하나로써, 이 시 기는 혈연 중심의 가문의식이 고조된 당대에 그 집안의 맥을 잇고 가문 내 결집력을 공고화하기 위해 후사를 두는 것이 무엇보다 중요한 시대였기 때문이다. 그리하여 이 시기 상층부 여성들은 살아있는 아이의 엄마이기 보다 죽은 남편을 따라 죽는 것이 시댁의 家格을 제고하고 본인 사후에 누릴 수 있는 최고의 현달이라 판단하여 자살을 감행하였는데, 이는 당시 유교 지배 올로기 자장 안에서 남성 사대부 못지 않게 여성에게도 열의 윤리가 내면화되어 있었기에 가능한 행위라고 할 수 있다. 이에 본고에서는 조선후기 상층부 관료였던 유척기 집안의 딸과 며느리의 사례를 중심으로 당시 烈婦의 존재와 그 속에 담겨진 사회 분위기를 읽어내는 한편, 父系 중심의 조선후기 사회는 혼인을 기점으로 딸에서 며느리로의 변화를 요구하였고, 이에 여 성들은 딸이기보다 며느리로서의 정체성을 찾아가고 있던 시기였음을 확인하였다. This study aims to offer an insight on the awareness that the head of a household had toward women and the reverse side of Joseon Dynasty, based on funeral orations and epitaphs that Jisujae Yu Chukgi(1691~1767), in late Joseon Dynasty, had left to his daughters and daughters-in-law. Yu Chukgi was a then-prestigious government official and writer and became even a prime minister, but also a head of household with a grief-stricken family history who lost his two sons and five daughters, among three sons and five daughters, and three daughters-in-law. In the records about his daughters and daughters-in-law written by Yu Chukgi, he described largely about the life as a daughter-in-law rather than as a daughter. This is attributed to the fact that then-women largely played a role as a daughterin-law rather than as a daughter and then-society required women to do so. Yu Chukgi’s eldest daughter-in-law Ms. Lee’s role within the family was heavier than anyone else and among which, her duty to give birth to a son was directly related to her position within her husband’s home, which suggests that then-daughter-in-law could be a real daughter-in-law only if she gave birth to a son. Yu Chukgi’s eldest daughter-in-law Ms. Lee lost her husband without giving birth to a son and died following his husband next year, and her father in law Yu Chukgi called her death as a ‘virtuous woman’ in his records. Ms. Lee believed that if she lost her husband without giving birth to a son, she had to follow her husband and this was a real filial duty. Daughter-in-law’s duty to give birth to a son was one of the duties that then-Joseon Dynasty society required women to fulfill. Having a son to unify people within the family was more important than anything else in those days when blood-tied family was thought important. For this reason, women in upper classes died following their husbands who died, rather than becoming a mother of a child alive. They committed a suicide, thinking that it was the best act to enhance the value of their husband’s home, even after their death. This is attributable to the fact that then-women had internalized ethics as a virtuous woman as much as then-men as a nobleman (scholar-official) in the dominant ideology of Confucianism. Accordingly, this study aimed to understand the existence of virtuous women and the social atmosphere behind centering on the case of daughters and daughtersin- law of Yu Chukgi who became the prime minister in the late Joseon Dynasty and on the other hand, found that the late Joseon Dynasty that was centered on a paternal family required daughters, from their marriage on, to play a role as a daughter-in-law and accordingly women had to find their identity as a daughter-in-law rather than as a daughter.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유기인계 농약 중독 환자의 특성 분석 - 다기관 연구 보고 분석 -

        이미진,권운용,박준석,어은경,오범진,이성우,서주현,노형근,Lee, Mi-Jin,Kwon, Woon-Yong,Park, Joon-Seok,Eo, Eun-Kyung,Oh, Bum-Jin,Lee, Sung-Woo,Suh, Joo-Hyun,Roh, Hyung-Keun 대한임상독성학회 2007 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: Organophosphate (OP) compounds insecticides are the most commonly associated with serious human toxicity all over the world. The aim of this study was to identify sociocultural factors that contribute to high incidence of pure OP poisoning and prevent OP poisoning in order to reduce the factors responsible for deaths in South Korea. Methods: This is the 38 multi-centers survey and prospective study of pure OP poisoning by structural reporting system and hospital records from August 2005 to July 2006. 238 patients with acute pure OP poisoning were enrolled. We collected patient information regarding poisoning, clinical, and demographic features. Results: The mean age was $55.32{\pm}17.3$ years old. The most frequent site of exposure was their own residence(85.7%). Frequent compounds involving pure OP poisoning were dichlorvos(22.7%), methidathion(8.4%), and phosphamidon(6.7%). Intentional poisoning was 77.9%. The most frequently route of exposure was ingestion(94.5%). The mean arrival time to hospital after poisoning was 12.7 hours and mean hospitalization duration was 12.9 days. 2-PAM was administered to 101 patients in mean doses of 6.3 g/day intravenously. Atropine was administered to 81 patients in mean doses of 74.6 mg/day (maximal 910 mg/day). The presence of lower level of GCS score, respiratory complications, hypotension, acute renal failure, and serious dysrhythmia was associated with serious and fatal poisoning. Overall final mortality in pure OP poisoning was 9.7%(23/238). Conclusion: This study highlights the problem of pure OP poisoning in South Korea as a basic national survey. Futhermore this might help the establishment of strict policies availability of OP and the statistics of OP poison exposure in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        영남 지역 시첩(詩帖)제작의 한 국면 - 구암(龜巖) 이정(李禎) 가문의 『수서시(壽瑞詩)』를 중심으로 -

        이미진 ( Lee Mi-jin ) 우리한문학회 2021 漢文學報 Vol.45 No.-

        『壽瑞詩』는 李稵(1372~1495)의 장수를 기념하여 당시 右議政이었던 姜孟卿(1410~1461)이 지어준 祝壽詩및 후대의 次韻詩를 모아둔 詩帖이다. 이 시첩은 李稵의 후손인 龜巖李楨(1512~1571)이 제작을 주도하였는데, 여기에는 강맹경의 元韻이 지어진 作詩현장과 이후 여러 대에 걸쳐 지어진 次韻詩의 수습 과정이 그대로 남아있다는 점에서 눈여겨볼만하다. 『수서시』는 구암 한시를 모아둔 시집이 아니며, 문학적 완성도를 운운하기 위한 작품 선집도 아닌 만큼 이 시기 영남 지역을 중심으로 활동한 지식인들의 한시 授受장면을 엿볼 수 있는 흥미로운 자료라 할 수 있다. 구암 이정이 오랜 기간 영남 지역에서 지방관을 역임했다는 사실과 그 과정에서 차운시를 수습했던 사실에 주목하여 『수서시』의 제작 경위 및 차운시 현황을 살펴본 결과 차운시는, 강맹경 생존 당시, 구암의 지방관 재직 시, 그리고 구암 사후 수습되었다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 구암은 영천군수(경북 영주)에 제수된 이후 경북 선산과 충북 청주를 거쳐 경북 경주와 전남 순천에 이르기까지 영남의 상하를 관통하면서 비교적 大邑의 수령을 지냈는데, 이 가운데 영주, 선산, 청주 지역에서 재직 시 요청하여 받은 차운시가 수록되어 있기 때문이다. 선대의 시문을 후손이 모아 제작했다는 점에서, 그리고 차운시의 대부분이 선조의 장수와 그의 후손들의 효행을 칭송하고 있다는 점에서 『수서시』는 명실상부한 구암 가문의 기록물의 성격을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있다. The 『Suseosi(壽瑞詩)』 is Sicheop(album of poems, 詩帖) collecting Chuksusi(祝壽詩) created by Gang Maenggyeong(姜孟卿, 1410-1461), the contemporary Uuijeong(state councilor), which expresses the longevity of Lee Ja(李稵, 1372-1495) from Sachoen(泗川) Lee’s family and Chaunsi(次韻詩) created by the next generation. This Sicheop, which was primarily created by Guam Leejeong (龜巖李楨, 1512-1571), a descendent of Lee Ja, shows the site in which Gang Maenggyeong’s Wonun(元韻) was created and the process in which Chaunsi which had been created across many generations was learned. The 『Suseosi』 is neither the collection of Guam’s Chinese poems nor an anthology with literary completion, but may be an interesting material with which it is possible to get a glimpse of the scenes in which intellectuals, who engaged in literary activities around Yeongnam province, exchange Chinese characters with each other. An analysis on the creation process of the 『Suseosi』 and the status of Chaunsi by focusing on the fact that Guam Lee Jeong served as a local official in Yeongnam province for a long time and learned Chaunsi in the process, shows that Chaunsi had been learned by his descendents, during the survival of Gang Maenggyeong and the period in which Guam served as an local official, and after the death of Guam. After being appointed as a Yeongcheon(Yeongju, Gyeongbuk) country headman, Guam held the post of a local governor in relatively bigger towns(大邑), by vertically penetrating Yeongnam, from Seonsan, Gyeongbuk and Cheongju, Chungbuk to Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk and Suncheon, Gyeongnam. The Chaunsi he asked to receive when he held office in Gyeongju, Seonsan and Cheongju was contained in the 『Suseosi』. The 『Suseosi』 is the de facto record of Guam's family, in that the descendants created it by collecting the ancestors’ poetic works and most of Chaunsi praise the ancestors’ longevity and his descendants’ filial conduct.

      • KCI등재

        국내 급성 dichlorvos 중독 현황과 임상상 분석

        이미진,박준석,권운용,어은경,오범진,이성우,서주현,노형근,Lee, Mi-Jin,Park, Joon-Seok,Kwon, Woon-Yong,Eo, Eun-Kyung,Oh, Bum-Jin,Lee, Sung-Woo,Suh, Joo-Hyun,Roh, Hyung-Keun 대한임상독성학회 2008 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: Dichlorvos has been in widespread use as an organophosphate (OP) insecticide compound. The purpose of this study was to access the epidemiology and clinical features of dichlorvos in Korea. Methods: This was a 38 multi-center prospective study of dichlorvos poisoning using surveys, a structural reporting system and review of hospital records from August 2005 to July 2006. A total of 54 patients with acute dichlorvos poisoning on a national basis were enrolled. We analyzed the epidemiologic characteristics and clinical manifestations of dichlorvos poisoning. In addition, the clinical features of dichlorvos poisoning were compared with others OP compounds. Results: During the study period, compounds involving pure OP poisoning were dichlorvos (22.7%), methidathion (8.4%), and phosphamidon (6.7%). In acute dichlorvos poisoning, all ingestion routes were oral. Intentional poisoning involved 74.1% of cases. The common initial complaints involved gastrointestinal (64.8%), systemic (61.1%), central or peripheral nervous system (53.7%), and respiratory symptoms (50.0%). The median arrival time to hospital after dichlorvos poisoning was 2.6 hours and mean hospitalization duration was 7.1 days. 2-PAM was administered in 35 patients in mean doses of 6.3 g/day intravenously. Atropine was administered in 30 patients with a mean dose of 62.8 mg/day (maximal 240 mg/day). Overall mortality rate for dichlorvos poisonings were 14.8% (8/54). Immediate causes for death included sudden cardiac arrest or ventricular dysrhythmias (50%), multi-organ failure (25%), acute renal failure (12.5%), and unknown causes (12.5%). Conclusion: When compared to previous reports, dichlorvos poisoning displayed relatively moderate severity. The presence of a lower GCS score, altered mental status, serious dysrhythmias, systemic shock, acute renal failure, and respiratory complications upon presentation were associated with a more serious and fatal poisoning.

      • KCI등재

        횡문근융해증을 유발하는 음독 약물별 임상경과 분석

        이미진,김형민,김영민,이원재,소병학,김세경,Lee Mi Jin,Kim Hyung Min,Kim Young Min,Lee Won Jae,So Byung Hak,Kim Se Kyung 대한임상독성학회 2003 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Purpose: According as the accessibility about drugs becomes various, the occurrence of drug intoxication is increasing. Since report that doxylamine causes rhabdomyolysis often, drug-induced rhabdomyolysis is one of the most important complications in patients with drug intoxication. Acute renal failure (ARF)'s availability is important to the management in rhabdomyolysis, but report about rhabdomyolysis or ARF occurrence for whole intoxicated drugs is lacking up to now. Methods: This research did to 61 patient who had rhabdomyolysis of drug intoxication. First, object patients were divided into two gruops: doxylamine-ingested (Group I) vs non-doxylamine ingested (Group II). And then we analyzed on the early patient's clinical events and laboratory data. We used ROC curve to recognize'the early clinical factors that could forecast ARF appearance among these patients in addition. Results: Almost rhabdomyolysis was happened by doxylamine in drug intoxication ($55.7\%$). However, as compared to group II, group I showed better clinical course, lesser ARF occurrence and hemodialysis requirement. In group II, time was longer in hospital reaching from intoxication, the ARF occurrence rate was higher ($52.6\%$). Analyzing the ROC curve to useful initial factors, they were creatinine, uric acid and interval time from ingestion to hospital. These cut-off values were 1.44 mg/dL, 6.8 mg/dL and 5 hrs. Sensitivity for ARF estimate was $100\%$, specificity $69-98\%$. Conclusion: Compared to group II, Doxylamine-ingested group showed good clinical course. Creatinine, uric acid, interval time from ingestion to hospital aided in ARF estimate in drug-induced rhabdomyolysis.

      • KCI등재

        폴리(m-메틸렌 2,6-나프탈레이트)들의 고분자쌍 블렌드에 대한 상용성 지도

        이미진,이상철,Lee, Mi Jin,Lee, Sang Cheol 한국섬유공학회 2013 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.50 No.2

        Binary blends of poly(m-methylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PmN, m=2-8) were prepared by the solution-blending method and their miscibility was investigated with glass transition, crystallization, and melting behaviors, which were obtained from differential scanning calorimetry. It was determined that all the blends in which the difference in the number of methylene units between two component polymers was one were miscible. The blends in which the difference in the number of methylene units was two show divergent miscibility: two miscible, two partially miscible, and one immiscible systems. Among the blends in which the difference in the number of methylene units was three, two systems were partially miscible and the other two were immiscible. All the blends in which the difference in the number of methylene units was four or more were immiscible. It was thus found that the difference in the number of methylene units between two component polymers in the blend is the primary structural factor affecting the miscibility of a binary blend of PmN. The border between miscible blends and immiscible ones was found to be at differences in methylene-unit numbers of two or three.

      • KCI등재

        들기름과 미강유 혼합 식용유의 지방산 조성, 토코페롤 및 식물성 스테롤 및 산화안전성 측정

        이미진,조문구,오석흥,오찬호,최동성,우자원,박기홍,정문웅,Lee, Mi-Jin,Cho, Mun-Ku,Oh, Suk-Heung,Oh, Chan-Ho,Choi, Dong-Seong,Woo, Ja-Won,Park, Ki-Hong,Jung, Mun Yhung 한국식품영양학회 2014 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.27 No.1

        들기름 및 미강유를 베이스로 개발한 혼합 식용유는 오메가-3 지방산인 리놀렌산 함량이 약 20% 정도로 매우 높다. 이는 기존의 일반 식용유 중 오메가-3 지방 함량이 매우 높은 콩기름과 카놀라유의 리놀렌산 함량이 각각 6% 및 10% 내외인 점을 감안하면, 이들 식용유에 비하여 새로 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유는 2~3배 높은 비율로 오메가-3 지방산을 제공할 수 있어서, 오메가-3 지방산 섭취가 부족한 현대인의 식단에서 중요한 오메가-3 지방산 급원으로서의 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. 뿐만 아니라, 토코페롤 함량도 약 46.77 mg/100 g oil 정도인데, 가장 주목할 일은 토코페롤 동족류 중 비타민 E의 활성이 가장 강한 알파-토코페롤(31.71 mg/100 g oil)이 가장 많이 존재하여, 총 토코페롤의 64%를 차지하고 있어서 비타민 E로서의 기능이 높다. 혈중 콜레스테롤 함량을 낮추는 기능성이 알려진 파이토스테롤 함량이 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유에 약 7,200 ppm 함유되어 있어, 일반적인 식용유의 3,000 ppm의 약 2.3배에 달한다. 본 연구에서 개발한 들기름과 미강유를 혼합한 식용유는 일반적인 식용유인 콩기름과 거의 유사한 산화안정성을 갖는 것으로 확인되어, 일반 들기름에 비하여 현저히 높은 산화안정성이 확보되었다. The fatty acid composition, selected minor components, and the oxidative stability of the mixed edible oil (perilla seed oil and rice bran oil, 3:7 (v/v)) were analyzed. The fatty acid composition of the mixed oil was 32.1% of oleic acid, 30.6% of linoleic acid, 21.4% of linolenic acid, 13.0% of palmitic acid, and 1.7% of stearic acid. The mixed oil contained ${\alpha}$, ${\gamma}$ and ${\delta}$-tocopherols and tocotrienols showing the highest contents of ${\alpha}$-tocopherol. Total amount of tocopherols contained in the mixed oil was 46.63 mg/100 g oil. The composition and content of phytosterols were determined by a GC equipped with a flame ionization detector. Total quantity of phytosterols in the mixed oil was 712.80 mg/100 g oil. The most predominant phytosterol in the mixed oil was ${\beta}$-sitosterol, followed by campesterol and stigmasterol, in a decreasing order. The oxidative stability of the mixed oil was much higher than that of perilla oil, and similar to that of soybean oil, indicating the high oxidative stability of the mixed oil.

      • People inside - "머무르지 않고 흘러가는 나의노래, 나의삶" 가수 최백호

        이미진,Lee, Mi-Jin 대한결핵협회 2014 보건세계 Vol.63 No.2

        과거의 내가, 현재의 내가 마주하는 곳, 그건 아마도 가수 최백호가 부르는 노래 세계일 것이다. 하지만 그의 노래는 한곳에 머무르고 있지만은 않다. 세월이 흘러도 변함없이 많은 사람이 그의 노래를 찾아 듣는 이유 또한, 바로 그의 노래가 깊은 페이소스를 전제로 하면서도 희망으로 와 닿기 때문이다. 그의 인생도 마찬가지. 최근 그는 젊은 뮤지션들과의 협연으로 다양한 음악적 시도 및 활동을 펼쳐오고 있는 가운데 그림과 영화 작품 활동 또한 꾸준히 해오고 있다. 3년 전부터는 한국음악발전소 소장도 맡아 음악 활동이 어려운 인디밴드들의 공연을 주선해 주는 등의 활동도 해오고 있다. 한마디로 종합 아티스트 맨이라는 호칭을 좀 더 어울리는 가수 최백호다. 가수라는 본업에서 이처럼 여러 갈래의 행보를 보이는 그가 앞으로 보여줄 인생은 과연 어떤 모습일지, 그를 다시 만난 길위에서 함께 스케치해보자.

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