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      • KCI등재

        『오한집』 간행과 칠탄서원 건립의 역사적 의미

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-ok) 한국사학사학회 2021 韓國史學史學報 Vol.- No.43

        손기양은 1588년 문과에 급제하고 이듬해 성주의 주학교수에 임명되었다. 이때 성주에 살고 있던 정구를 찾아갔고 이후 빈번히 편지를 주고받으며 학문 을 강마했다. 손기양은 임진왜란이 일어나자 의병을 조직해 활동하기도 했고 지방관으로 왜군을 막는데 힘썼다. 이 과정에서 경상좌도의 퇴계학파 인물인 정경세·조호익·이윤우·이전·이준·성안의·신지제·여대로·조정·서사원·이후 경·손처눌 등과 긴밀한 관계를 맺게 되었다. 손기양은 조정의 당쟁이 심화되자 1609년 창원부사를 끝으로 관직을 내려놓 고 고향인 밀양으로 낙향해 점필서원을 중수하고 밀양향교를 재건하였으며, 밀 양사림을 대표해 이언적의 문묘 종사를 촉구하는 등 향촌사회 질서를 안정시키 고자 노력했다. 손기양 사후 그의 후손들은 유고를 정리하고 유허를 정비하였는데, 이 과정 에서 손기양의 퇴계학파 내 위상을 정립하고 학문적 권위를 형성하기 위해 노 력했다. ‘이황-정구-허목’으로 이어지는 근기 남인 계보의 핵심 인물인 이익에 게 손기양의 행장을, ‘이황-김성일-장흥효-이현일-이재’로 이어지는 영남 남 인의 핵심 인물인 이상정·이광정 형제에게 『오한집』 교정과 서문을 부탁했다. 한편, 칠탄서원을 건립하고 손기양을 향사하는 과정에서 이상정 이후 영남남인을 대표하는 학자인 류치명은 「칠탄서원봉안문」과 「상향축문」을 지었으며, 이황의 10세 종손인 이휘녕은 「칠탄서원청절사상량문」을 지었는데, 이들은 퇴 계학파 내에서 칠탄서원 건립의 정당성을 부여할 수 있는 인물이었다. 이러한 과정을 통해 손기양은 퇴계학파 그중에서도 한강 정구 문인이자 밀양 을 대표하는 학자로 자리매김하게 되었다. Son Gi-yang(孫起陽) passed the examination in 1588, and was appointed state school professor in Seongju the following year. At this time, he visited Jeong Gu, who was living in Seongju, and since then, he frequently exchanged letters and discussed scholarships. When the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, Son Gi-yang organized an army and fought, and became a regional officer and worked hard to defend the Japanese army. In this process, Son Gi-yang had a close relationship with Jeong Gyeong- se, Jo Ho-ik, Yi Yun-u, Yi Jeon, Yi Jun, Seong An-eui, Sin Ji-je, Yeo Dae-ro, Jo Jeong, Seo Sa-won, Yi Hu-geong, and Son Che-nul, the Toegye schools of Gyeongsang Jwado. As the political party of the court intensified, Son Gi-yang left his office in 1609 at the end of Changwon governor and returned to his hometown, Milyang(密陽). Afterwards, he rebuilt the Jeompil Seowon and Milyang Hyanggyo, and tried to stabilize the local order on behalf of Milyang scholors. After Son Gi-yang s death, his descendants organized his writings and rearranged the ruins. In this process, they tried to establish the status of Son Gi- yang within the Toegye School and to form academic authority. Son Sa-ik(孫思翼) asked Yi Ik, who was a key person in the genealogy of Nam-in in metropolitan area, which lead to ‘Yi Hwang→Jeong gu→Heo Mok’, to write Son Gi-yang s biography. Also he asked brothers Yi Sang-jeong and Yi Gwang-jeong, who are the key persons of Nam-in in Yeongnam, who lead ‘Yi Hwang→Kim Seong-il→Jang Heung-hyo→Yi Hyeon-il→Yi Jae’, to correct Son Gi-yang s writing and write the preface. Afterwards, his descendants built Chiltan Seowon and performed a ritual of Son Gi-yang. At this time, Ryu Chi-myeong, the scholar representing Nam-in in Yeongnam, wrote “Chiltan Seowon Bonganmun” and “Sanghyangchukmun”, while Yi Hwi-nyeong, tht descendant of Yi Hwang, wrote “Chiltan Seowon Cheongjeolsa Sangryangmun”. These were the figures who could give the legitimacy of the construction of Chiltan Seowon within the Toegye School. Through this process Son Gi-yang became a member of the Toegye school and a scholar representing Milyang by his descendants.

      • KCI등재

        하곡 정제두의 인적네트워크

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-ok) 한국양명학회 2018 陽明學 Vol.0 No.49

        霞谷鄭齊斗(1649~1736)는 주자학이 주도하고 있던 조선후기 사회에 양명학이라는 새로운 학문을 연구하고 후학을 양성하였다는 점에서 주목되어 왔다. 그 결과 그의 가계를 비롯한 교유관계 조차도 양명학과 관련하여 설명하려는 경향성을 띄고 있다. 본 연구에서는 정제두의 인적 네트워크에 대해서 살펴보고 양명학적 계보가 형성되는지 검증해보고자 한다. 정제두 이전 가문은 정유성의 현달과 함께 서인 핵심 가문으로 성장하였다. 정제현이 효종의 부마가 된 것은 상징적인 모습이다. 정유성의 장인은 이구함이며, 정창징의 장인은 홍익한이며, 정상징의 장인은 이기조이다. 이때까지만 해도 이 가문은 서인·남인과 혼맥으로 모두 연결된다. 한편 정창징과 정상징의 사위는 대체로 서인-노론으로 분류할 수 있고, 사위들 가운데 이세백과 민진주가 정치적·학문적으로 명성이 높았다. 이때는 노소분당 이전이기 때문에 이 가문은 서인으로 분류할 수 있다. 묘도문자 찬자를 살펴보면 이러한 경향성이 분명히 드러난다. 정유성의 묘도문자는 송시열·정제두·이의현이 찬하였고, 정창징의 묘도 문자는 송시열·김수항이 찬하였으며, 정제현의 묘도문자는 서명응·정제두·이경석·김수항이 찬하였다. 이는 정유성 가문이 노론과 소론을 모두 아우르는 서인 핵심 가문으로 성장했기 때문에 가능한 일이라고 할 수 있다. 한편, 정제두 가계는 정제두의 학문적 위상이 높아지면서 소론 핵심 가문으로 성장하였다. 정제두의 장인은 윤홍거·서한주이며, 정후일의 장인은 이단상·유춘양이며, 정지윤의 장인은 이징성이다. 윤홍거·서한주는 서인이며, 이단상은 서인-노론으로 볼 수 있고, 이징성은 소론이다. 이를 통해 보면 정후일이 혼인할 때까지만 해도 정제두 가계는 노론과 소론을 모두 아우르는 서인 가계였고, 이후 소론화 경향성을 보인다고 할 수 있다. 이 가계에서 받아들인 사위를 보면 소론화 경향성을 분명히 알 수 있다. 정제두의 사위는 이징성이며, 정후일의 사위는 이광명·이경호·임달호·신대우·이영익이다. 이들은 모두 소론이다. 다만, 이광명·이영익은 이진유 가문의 인물로 준소계로 분류할 수 있으며, 이경호는 완소계로 분류할 수 있다. 정제두가 소론의 산림학자로 명성이 높았기 때문에 이후 정제두 가계가 준소계와 완소계를 모두 아우를 수 있는 소론 핵심 가문이 된 것이다. 묘도문자 찬자를 살펴보면 이러한 경향성이 확연히 드러난다. 정상징의 묘도문자는 윤증·정제두가 찬하였고, 정제두의 신도비명은 신대우가 찬하였으며, 정후일의 묘도문자는 윤동도·이충익이 찬하였다. 이 가계의 묘도문자 찬자 역시 모두 소론이며, 윤동도를 제외하고는 모두 인척관계에 있는 인물이다. 이상의 내용을 정리하면 정제두의 인적네트워크는 “서인+남인→서인(노론+소론)→소론(완소+준소)”의 경향성을 보인다고 할 수 있다. Hagok Jeong Jedu had been noted for his study of Yangming in the late Joseon Dynasty. As a result, his marriage relationship and communion relationship also tend to be explained in relation to the Joseon Yangming school. In this study, I will examine the Jeong Jedu’s human network and verify whether it is related to the Joseon Yangming school. The Jeong Jedu family grew into a Seoin(西人) core family with his grandfather, Jeong Yuseong, becoming the main bureaucrat. And his cousin, Jeong Jehyeon, is the son-in-law of Hyojong(孝宗) a symbolic figure representing the political growth of the family. Jeong Jedu’s big father, Jeong Changjing, was Hong Ikhan’s son in law and Jeong Jedu’s father, Jeong Sangjing, was Yi Gijo’s son in law. Therefore, untill this time, this family was connected to both Seoin and Namin(南人). Sons in law of Jeong Changjing and Jeong Sangjing were generally classified as Seoin-Noron(老論). Among them, Yi Sebaek and Min Jinju were highly reputed politically and acdemically. So, this time, this family can be classified as Seoin. Looking at cemetery writers, this tendecy is evident. Jeong Yuseong’s cemetery was written by Song Siyeol, Jeong Jedu and Yi Uihyeon. And Jeong Changjing’s cemetery was written by Song Siyeol and Kim Suhang. Furthermore Jeong Jehyeon’s cemetery was written by Seo Myeongung, Jeong Jedu, Yi Gryeonseok and Kim Suhang. This was possible because the family grew into a Seoin core family, including Noron and Soron(小論). On the other hand, as the academic status of Jeong Jedu increased, his family had grown up as a Soron core family. Jeong Jedu was a son-in-law of Yun Honggeo and Seo Hanju. And Jeong Huil, Jeong Jedu’s son, was a son-in-law of Yi Dansang and Yu Chunyang. Futhermore Jeong Jiyun, Jeong Jedu’s grandson, was a son-in-law of Yi Jingseong. Yun Honggeo and Seo Hanju were Seoin and Yi Dansang was Seoin-Noron and Yi Jingseon was Soron. Through this, it can be said that Jeong Jedu’s family was a Seoin family to include both Noron and Soron until Jeong Huil was married, but since then this family had become a Soron. This tendency can be seen from the son-in-law of this family. Jeong Jedu’s son-in-law is Yi Jingseong and Jeong Huil’s son-in-law is Yi Gwangmyeong, Yi Gyeongho, Im Dalho, Sin Daeu and Yi Yeongik. They were all Sorons. But Yi Gwangmyeong and Yi Yeongik were a Junso(峻少) and Yi Gyeongho was a Wanso(緩少). Since Jeong Jedu was highly reputed as a scholar of Soron, his family became the Soron core family that could include both Junso and Wanso. Looking at cemetery writers, this tendecy is evident. Jeong Sangjing’s cemetery was written by Yun Jueng, Jeong Jedu. And Jeong Jedu’s cemetery was written by Sin Daeu. Furthermore Jeong Huil’s cemetery was written by Yun Dongdo and Yi Chungik. This family’s cemetery was written by Soron. Except Yoon Dong-do, they were all relatives. To summarize, Jeong Jedu’s human network shows the tendency of “Seoin+Namin→Seoin(Noron+Soron)→Soron(Junso+Wanso)”.

      • KCI등재

        하곡 정제두의 준론탕평론

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-ok) 한국양명학회 2017 陽明學 Vol.0 No.47

        본고는 정제두가 주장한 탕평론에 대해서 살펴보기 위해 작성되었다. 鄭齊斗가 생존했던 17~18세기 조선은 당쟁이 가장 심한 시기였다. 그는 스승 朴世采의 皇極蕩平論을 계승하여, 1728년 경연 석상에서 戊申亂을 수습하는 방편으로 中과 平을 강조하는 峻論蕩平論을 주장하였다. 그는 丙申處分이후 당론이 심해졌지만, 국왕 영조가 탕평을 시급하게 생각하므로 다행이라 여겼다. 그리고 임금이 極을 바로 세운다면[建極] 탕평이 가능할 것이라고 말하였다. 나아가 제갈량이 『출사표』에서 제기한 ‘宮中府中一體’를 통해 임금과 대신이 한 몸임을 역설하였는데, 임금이 마음을 바로 하고 이 바른 마음으로 대신을 임명하여 임금의 마음을 대변케한다면 백성에게까지 혜택이 갈 것이라고 하였다. 다만, 임금이 지극히 공평하고 사사로움이 없는 마음을 지니고 상벌을 공평히 하여[平] 죄진 사람은 죄주고 현자는 등용하여 시비와 곡직에서 中을 얻어야 한다고 하였다. 이는 피차를 구분하지 않고 화평한 정치를 목적으로하는 조제보합적 탕평을 반대한 것으로 이전의 탕평론과는 차이를 둔 것이다. In the 17-18th century of Joseon(朝鮮) when Jeong Je-du(鄭齊斗, 1649~1736) lived, party strife was the most severe. He inherited Park Se-chae‘s theory of impartiality and claimed the Stern political harmony(峻論蕩平) that emphasizes harmony(平) and equilibrium(中). In the Royal Lecture(經筵) of 1728, when Yi In-jwa’s rebellion took place, Jeong Je-du insisted on his theory of impartiality. After the political decision of King Sukjong in 1719, Jeong Je-du thought that political disputes had become more serious. However, he felt lucky that King Youngjo considered political harmony as an urgent problem. His agument is as follows. First, If the King establishes the principle, the political harmony will be possible. Secondly, Through Zhuge Liang(諸葛亮)’s theory that the royal clan and the government are one can prove that the King and King’s servant are one. Therefore, if the king has the right mind and appoints his servant with the right mind, if he represents the king’s heart, the political benefits will come to the people. Third, The King must fairly grant punishment with a fair heart, and the wise shall rise up and the sinner to sin. This is against the theory of impartiality in the previous era aimed at peaceful politics without discrimination.

      • KCI등재후보

        霞谷『大學說』의 經學史的의미

        李南沃(Yi Nam-Ok) 역사실학회 2011 역사와실학 Vol.45 No.-

        This paper reviews Hagok Jeong Je-du's(1649~1736) Daehakseol(the thoughts of Great Learning) and the historical meaning of Confucian classics. As one of the leading scholars during the Joseon Dynasty Jeong Je-du elicited a new trend called the'philosophy of Wang Yang-ming' from an academic atmosphere focused only on the philosophy of Zhu Xi. His position in Joseon Dynasty's history of thought is significant. In previous studies the systematic structure and philosophical concept of Daehakseol were analyzed. However researches on their influential relationships inside the Joseon Dynasty were insufficiently made. Thus this paper aims to reveal the changing trend of ideas which influenced each other during the 17th and 18th century. When analyzing Daxue(the Great learning) Jeong Je-du considered Daxue in the ancient version as the canon and organized his analysis into six chapters. Chapter 1 was the Chapter of'Correcting the wrong things in the out of mind' and'Extension of the innate good nature,' which included details on the three principles the eight items,'Abiding in the highest good' and'Extension of the innate good nature'. Chapter 2 was the Chapter of'Sincerity of willing' which included details on manifesting illustrious virtue loving people and abiding in the highest good. Chapter 3 4 5 and 6 was each the Chapter of'Rectification of mind' &'Cultivation of person','Cultivation of person' &'Regulation of family','Regulation of family' &'Ordering of state' and'Ordering of state' &'Peace throughout the world.' Especially Jeong Je-du's analysis was unique as it considered Chapter 1 of Daxueas the Chapter of'Correcting the wrong things in the out of mind' and'Extension of the innate good nature' placing the two elements as the key of Daxue. Jeong Je-du criticized'Theory of fell the chapter 5','Theory of wrong letters','Theory of upside down for bamboo slips' emphasized by Zhu Xi at Daxue in the modern version. Instead he grasped Daxue based on its ancient version. Most of the meanings and theories claimed in Daehakseol are based on the viewpoint of the philosophy of Wang Yang-ming. However some parts were influenced by the theories of Yun Hue and Park Se-Dang who had the stand of anti philosophy of Zhu Xi. Through the argument inside Soron (Young doctrine faction) he seemed to have made his opinion more precise and then wrote Daehakseol. Although Jeong Je-du's analysis of Daxue didn't have great social influence on the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty it helped people inside Soron better understand the philosophy of Wang Yang-ming and gave an opportunity of a theoretical basis through a Zhu Xi-style analysis. Jeong Je-du's idea later connects with Ganghwa School after his death.

      • 해주오씨 추탄가문의 가문 활동과 위상

        이남옥 ( Yi Nam-ok ) 한국계보연구회 2020 한국계보연구 Vol.10 No.-

        이 글은 조선후기 해주오씨 족보 간행과 종계활동에 있어 추탄가문의 역할과 위상에 대해서 검토한 것이다. 해주오씨 추탄가문은 오윤겸을 현조로 하는 가문으로, 광주·용인을 지역적 근거로 한다. 갑술보·무술보·신묘보 등 조선후기 해주오씨 족보 간행과 “화수회”·“수양오씨증영의정감역부군제손종계” 등 종계활동은 오윤겸·오수원·오명항·오명구 등 추탄가문의 인물들이 주도적 역할을 맡았다. 다만, 오희문 이래 전승되는 포용적 가문 운영의 전통을 계승하여 다른 가문의 참여를 유도하고 적서 차별을 최소화하는 등 배타적 운영을 지양했다. This study examines the activities and status of O Yun-gyeom’s Family in compiling the genealogical record of Haeju O Clan and their relations with other families among the clan. The progenitor of this family, O Yun-gyeom whose pen name was Chutan, was a renowned figure. The family members have lived in Gwangju and Yongin areas in Gyeonggi province. Important figures from this family such as O Yun-gyeom, O Su-won, O Myeong-hang and O Myeong-gu played significant roles establishing the ancestral line and compiling the genealogical record of Haeju O Clan. They avoided esclusivism, encouraging other family members to participate in those activities and doing away with differentiation in status of primary and secondary sons. Such all-embracing attitude has become a tradition of this family since O Hui-mun.

      • KCI등재

        하곡 예론(霞谷禮論)의 변화 양상

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-Ok) 포은학회 2016 포은학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        In the 17-18th century of Joseon (朝鮮) when Jeong Je-du (鄭齊斗, 1649~1736) lived, the study of rituals (禮學) was carried out as it was taught and there were frequent controversing to solve the problem of unfixed rituals (變禮). At that time, Noron (老論) reveres the Zhuzi Jiali (朱子家禮, A book written by Zhuzi about family rituals) and Namin (南人) adheres to Gorye (古禮, Rituals of the old such as Liji) as theory of rituals. However Jeong Je-du, insisted on the timely institutions (時制), makes a different argument than fashion of the time. This study is written to examine the process of establishing his argument. In the beginning, he reveres the Zhuzi Jiali like Noron, but after the mid-Sukjong period, he escaped this tendency. At that time, he learned from Park Se-chae (朴世采) and discussed with Min I-seung (閔以升) and Choi Seok-jeong (崔錫鼎). Since then, he interpreted the Yili (儀禮) actively and began to refer to Joseon’s rituals such as the Uirye munhae (儀禮問解). On the other hand, from the late Sukjong period, having intervened actively in the national ritual problems, he succeeded the results of the 1659 controversy over propriety (己亥禮訟) and of the 1674 controversy over propriety (甲寅禮訟) as belonging to timely institutions (時制) and revered the Gyeongguk daejeon (經國大典, Grand Code for Statecraft) and Gukjo oryeui (國朝五禮儀, Manual of the Five Rites of State) as national institutions (國制). His reverence toward the national institutions is also based on two controversies over propriety, so his theory of rituals can be said the characteristics of timely institutions.

      • KCI등재

        매계 조위의 피화ㆍ복권과 역사적 평가

        이남옥 ( Yi¸ Nam-ok ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2021 嶺南學 Vol.- No.78

        본고는 사화에 희생된 조위의 피화와 복권 과정 그리고 그에 대한 역사적 평가에 대해서 살펴보기 위해 작성되었다. 어려서부터 매부인 김종직과 당백부인 조계문에게 수학한 조위는 1472년에 생원시와 진사시에 모두 입격하고, 1472년에 문과에 급제했다. 이후 사헌부 지평ㆍ홍문관 교리ㆍ충청도 관찰사ㆍ도승지 등을 역임하였고, 시문에 능해 성종의 총애를 받았다. 연산군 즉위 후에도 한성부 우윤ㆍ성균관 대사성ㆍ오위도 총부 부총관 등에 제수되고, 1498년에는 성절사로 명나라를 다녀오기도 했다. 하지만 조위가 명나라에 성절사로 간 그때 조선에서는 무오사화가 일어났고, 그는 귀국과 함께 잡혀와 국문을 받고 유배가게 되었다. 그가 김종직의 처남이자 문인이며 김종직의 문집을 편집했다는 이유에서였다. 그리고 1503년 유배지에서 세상을 떠나게 되었다. 그는 성종 대를 대표하는 문장가로 인정받았으며, 어버이를 봉양하기 위해 외직을 청한 일로 忠孝兼全의 인물로 평가 받았다. 또한 연산군 대폭정에 항거한 명현으로 추앙받았다. 이러한 평가로 인하여 김천의 경렴서원과 황간의 송계서원에 배향되었으며, 文莊이란 시호를 받게 되었다. 그리고 그의 5세손 조유, 6세손 조세붕, 8세손 조문검은 명현의 후손이란 이유로 증직되거나 관직을 제수받았다. 이는 조위를 충효겸전한 인물로 조정에서 현창했기 때문에 가능한 일이었다. This article was written to explore historical evaluation of Jo Wi(曺偉) who was victimized by the massacres of Confucian scholars. From an early age, Jo Wi took lectures from Kim Jongjik and Jo Gyemun. He passed the entrance exam in 1472 and the bureaucratic exam in 1472. After that, he served as the Saheonbu Jipyeong, Hongmungwan Gyori, Chungcheong Province, and the chief of the king’s secretary. He was also good at writing and was favored by Seongjong(成宗). Even after the enthronement of Yeonsangun(燕山君), he served as Hanseongbu Wooyun, Sungkyunkwan Daesaseong, and Owidochongbu Buchonggwan. In 1498, he also visited the Ming Dynasty as a representative of the envoys. But then, the massacres of Confucian scholars happened. Upon returning Josoen(朝鮮), he was arrested, interrogated, and sent to exile. It was because he was Kim Jongjik's brother-in-law and disciple, and he edited the collection of Kim Jongjik's works. And then He died in exile in 1503. He was recognized as the representative writer of Seongjong's generation, and was evaluated as A person who was good at both loyalty and filial piety for requesting to work as a local official to provide for his parents. He was also revered as a great person who resisted the tyranny of Yeonsangun. Due to these evaluations, after his death, he held ancestral rites at the Gyeongryeom Seowon in Gimcheon and Songgye Seowon in Hwanggan, and was given the title of Munjang(文莊) by the Dynasty. And Jo wi’s 5th-generation grandson Jo Yu(曺逾), 6th-generation grandson Jo Syebung(曺世鵬), and 8th-generation grandson Jo Mungeom(曺文檢) became officials or promoted because they were descendants of great person. This was possible because Jo wi was highly regarded by the dynasty as A person who was good at both loyalty and filial piety.

      • KCI등재

        『箕田攷』와 조선후기 箕子 遺田에 대한 논의

        이남옥 ( Yi Nam-ok ) 조선시대사학회 2024 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.0 No.109

        This article examines the discussions on Gijeongo and the land system of Gija in the late Chosŏn Dynasty. In 1790, during a diplomatic mission, Seo Ho-su recommended a book on the historical records of Gija’s land system to Qing officials who requested a book representing Chosŏn’s scholarly theories. He immediately reported this to the court upon returning home, leading to the creation of Gijeongo, which was then sent to Qing China. Gijeongo was compiled and edited mainly based on Han Baek-gyeom’s theory of Gijeon, including writings by Yu Geun, Heo Seong, and Yi Ik. Han Baek-gyeom had proposed that the land in Pyeongyang was not in the shape of a well[井] but rather in the shape of a field[田], suggesting that the ancient system of the Yin Dynasty which Mencius or Zhu Xi could not figure out, had transformed according to the times, a theory that gained acceptance among scholars of both the Namin[南人] and Seoin[西人] factions. However, Seo Myeong-eung, after being appointed as the Governor of Pyeongan Province, refurbished the relics of Gija in Pyeongyang, especially those related to the Jeongjeon, and compiled relevant theories into the book Gija Oegi[箕子外記]. During this process, he advocated for the theory of Jeongjeon. His son, Seo Hosu, was well aware of these circumstances, which allowed him to recommend books on the historical records of Gija’s land system to the officials of Qing China. In fact, the publication of Gijeongo was motivated by the anticipation of its inclusion in the Sagojeonseo[四庫全書], but ultimately, it aimed to provide evidence that the Chosŏn Dynasty was a civilized nation influenced by Gija.

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