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      • 明治維新과 권력구조 구상

        이근우(Rhee Kun-Woo) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        During the last period of Tokugawa bakuhu(德川幕府), foreign powers threatened Japan to open ports. Because of these foreign threat, Mikado(天皇)'s court(朝廷) suddenly became another opinion decision organization parallel with Bakuhu. But to overcome the foreign crisis and domestic disorder, it was necessary to unite two opinion decision organizations into one stable and powerful organization. Therefore there were various efforts and concepts to form a new organization. Edo(江戶)'s party, like Tokugawa Yoshinobu(德川慶喜) and Nishi Amane(西周), had plan to bring court and bakufu together in a new and more cooperative structure, and it meant a bolstering of bakuhu authority by the use of the imperial prestige and the preservation of bakufu's vested rights. On the other hand, the lower samurai and lower court offical, like Sakamoto Ryoma(坂本龍馬) and Iwakura Tomomi(岩倉具視), wanted to overthrow the shogunate and to adopt the parliamentary system. But Various plans to form a new organization had the community of thought. Every plans stressed the divinity of Mikado, the importance of polity(公儀) and the necessity of the feudal lords(藩主), sometimes including activists(志士), participating into opinion decisions. Moreover, the adoption of the separation of three powers began to be considered seriously. In the result, these communities were the base of the Meiji Restoration's power structure.

      • KCI등재

        한국사 속의 자기(磁氣) 관련 기록에 대한 조사 연구

        이근우(Kun Woo Rhee),권해웅(Hae-Woong Kwon) 한국자기학회 2012 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.22 No.4

        Records regarding to magnetism in the written Korean history were surveyed. In this article, we depicted how the magnetism (magnet) was understood by the public in the past in the Korea. The records about magnetism could be chronically categorized into three eras; 1) an era of recognizing a magnetic characteristics , 2) era of recognizing a magnetic pole, and 3) era of acquiring a modern knowledge. The written history of the Silla dynasty (BC57-AD935) revealed that a magnet was produced in this era. However, no record about magnet was found in the written history of the Goryo dynasty (918-1392). It was revealed that throughout the Korean history the interest in the magnetism (magnet) was emphasized most in the Josun dynasty (1392-1910). The magnetism (magnet) was most widely exploited in a geomancy. A magnetic compass was used widely to find a merciful direction and place in everyday life. In the era of Josun dynasty, a magnet was exploited as a magnetic compass for a navigation over the sea. An interesting usage of the magnet in the Josun dynasty was found in the pharmaceutical purpose.

      • KCI등재

        수산전습소의 설립과 수산교육

        이근우(Rhee, Kun-Woo) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2010 인문사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        수산전습고(水産傳習所)는 1888년 대일본수산회에 의해서 설립된 세계 최초의 수산교육기관이다. 아직 수산학이라는 학문분야가 성립되지 않았을 뿐만 아니라,수산교육의 경험이 없었기 때문에 수산전습소의 교육과정은 우여곡절을 거치면서 최종적으로 3년동안 동물학 식물학을 비롯하여 물리 화학과 같은 수산업과 관련되 기초학문을 비롯하여, 영어 수학 그림 부기 등의 과목을 강의하는 과정으로 정리되어 갔다. 그밖에도 직접 어로와 관련된 어업,어구제작,양식,어선건조,항해,어선운영,제조 등의 실습을 중심으로 한 과목도 정비되었다. 수산전습소에서 강의를 담당한 사람들은 당시의 대표적인 학자이자 연구지들이 많았고,주로 동경대학 등에서 동물학 식물학 등 서구의 근대 학문을 익히고 있었다. 수산전습소의 교육과정에서 마침내 수산학이라는 과목이 성립되었다. 한편 실습과 실험도 중요한 활동 중의 하나였으며,이를 통하여 수산 분야의 문제 해결이나 기술의 진보를 이룰 수 있었다. 수산전습소는 6년간 약 400 명의 졸업생을 배출하였는데, 그 중에서 25%는 수산 및 기타 사업에 종사하였고,35%는 공직이나 수산관련 학교 수산실험장,수산관련 조합이나 협회에 소속되었다. 그들은 일본의 수산 정책 분야에서 큰 역할을 한 것으로 생각된다. 뿐만 아니라 나아가 일본이 조선을 식민지 지배하는 전단계부터 조선의 수산현황을 조사하여 한국수산지를 편찬하였고,이후에도 조선의 수산정책을 주도한 것으로 생각된다. Fishery School(水慶傳習所), estabIished by Japan Fisheries Association in 1888, was the first fishery education school in the worId. For that reason, it was very difficult to settle the curriculum and the training term of the. At first, Fishery School started with one year education term and only fishery related subject for coping with urgent needs. The needs was to process marine products into goods fiIling up the domestic and foreign preference. Shark's pin and ear sheIl were the typical goods exported to China. Fish can became to be war suppIies during Sino-Japan war. But Fishery School could not handle the demand of fishery education and skills from all of country. So education term was extended to 3 years and the curriculum was changed for raising man power to teach fishery sciences in the provinces. ln the last curriculum, we can find arithmetic, algebra and geometry, English reading and conversation, freehand drawing and instrumental drawing, bookkeeping by single entry and by double entry as supplementary subjects. Zoology, botany, physics, organic and inorganic chemistry, marine physiography, meteorology are for the theoretical background for fishery science. Fishery, manufacturing fishing gear, aquaculture industry,ship-building, navigation, ship management and manufacturing marine products like can, fish oil and fish fertiIizer are the practical subjects for Japan fishery in those days. The lecturers were the competent scholars and researchers at that time. Fishery experiments were also very important activity to solve problems and progress skills in fishery. This school turned out over 400 graduates for 6 years, and 25% of them managed fishery or other business, about 35% entered public office or fishery related school, experiment, association and union. They assumed to play great role to the fishery policy of modem Japan. They also played reading role to research the fishery of Korea and compile the Chronicle of Korean Fishery from 1908 to 1910.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『해동제국기』의 일본국 · 유구국 지도에 대하여

        이근우(Rhee, Kun Woo) 한일관계사학회 2018 한일관계사연구 Vol.59 No.-

        이 글에서는 먼저 『해동제국기』의 「일본본국지도」가 道安이 가지고 온 지도로 생각되며, 종래의 행기식 지도와 일정한 차이가 있음을 밝혔다. 항로의 표시와 항로 상의 중요한 경유지를 표시하고 있다는 점에서 고대적인 행기도로부터 중세적인 지도로 변모하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 다음으로 구주 지도는 지명의 표기 양상으로 보아 역시 일본에서 입수한 지도를 바탕으로 한 것으로 생각된다. 그 중에서도 1453년 道安이 가져온 일본지도의 일부일 가능성이 크다. 도안이 가져온 지도는 행기식 지도에서 한 단계 진전된 것으로, 구주 지역 전체의 윤곽도 상대적으로 실상에 가까워졌다고 할 수 있다. 또한 항로 상의 중요한 포구, 섬, 곶 등이 표시되어 있으며, 지도 작성 당시의 해당 지역 유력 무사 가문의 이름도 보인다. 또한 『해동제국기』의 일기도 지도가 대마도 지도와 마찬가지로 조선에서 제작되었을 가능성을 지명 표기를 통하여 추론하였다. 또한 지금까지 위치를 비정하지 못하였던 仇老沙只(黑崎)와 訓乃古時(船越)를 찾을 수 있었다. 「유구국지도」 역시 道安이 가져온 지도이며 일부 내용을 수정하여 『해동제국기』에 수록한 것으로 보인다. 「유구국지도」와 동일한 계통의 사본이 오키나와현립박물관에 소장되어 있다. 이처럼 해동제국기의 지도는 조선이 제작한 「일본국대마도지도」와 「일본국일기도지도」를 비롯하여, 일본에서 제작된 지도에 조선이 획득한 정보 혹은 관심을 가진 정보를 추가한 「일본서해도구주지도」, 조선의 관심밖에 있는 정보로 대체하거나 생략한 「일본본국 지도」 · 「유구국지도」의 3가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 또한 이들 지도는 일본에서 유례를 찾을 수 없는 일본의 중세지도들이다. This article aims to survey the maps in Chronicle on the Countries in the East of the Sea (海東諸國紀). Among them, the complete map of Japan has been regarded as a map based on the knowledge of the ancient period. That map is known as Gyokizu (行基圖). But the map is different from the Gyokizu with respect to geological information, including sea route lines, distances, and important ports. Gyokizu was made mainly for administrative information of local administration units, such as the seven circuits (七道), provinces (國), and land routes. The Kyushu map, assumed to have been obtained in 1453 from Doan (道安), who was a Japanese merchant and monk, is also different from Gyokizu regarding the contents of the sea routes, islands, ports, and daimyo. This map, revised according to Joseon"s interests, has geological information of Matsuura pirates who frequently invaded Joseon or interacted with Joseon. The map of Ikinoshima was also made by Joseon, judging from the transcription of place names by phonetic values. At the level of cartography of that period, the map of Ikinoshima, including geographical and hydrographic information, was detailed and accurate. The Map of Ryukyu is a copy of the original map obtained from Doan, who came to get another reprographic example of the original Ryukyu map, which is now possessed by the Okinawa Prefecture Museum. By comparing that map, some contents of the Map of Ryukyu were revised according to Joseon"s viewpoint.

      • KCI등재

        일본 고대 蘇我氏의 성격에 대하여

        이근우(Rhee, Kun Woo) 부산경남사학회 2017 역사와 경계 Vol.104 No.-

        소아씨는 7세기 중엽까지 대왕가에 버금가는 씨족으로 권세를 떨쳤다. 그래서 일본 고대사 속에서 흔히 소아씨가 전제 혹은 전횡하였다고 평가받고 있다. 그러나 이는 정치적이나 군사적인 권력을 중심으로 생각한 것이다. 소아씨는 정치ㆍ군사적인 측면을 넘어서서 종교ㆍ문화적인 측면에서도 대왕가를 능가하였던 것으로 판단된다. 이 글에서는 일본 고대의 소아씨가 갖는 특징을 다음과 같이 추출하였다. 첫째, 원시신도 등 일본열도의 고유신앙에 구애되지 않고 적극적으로 불교를 수용하였다. 둘째, 소아씨 및 관련씨족의 여성들이 최초로 출가하여 비구니가 되었다. 셋째, 원흥사(비조사), 풍포사 등 일본열도 최초의 본격적인 사찰을 건립하였다. 넷째, 대왕의 궁을 압도하는 규모와 전혀 새로운 기술로 사찰을 건립하였다. 다섯째, 대왕의 무력기반이었던 大伴氏를 포섭하고 物部氏 本宗家를 멸망시켰다. 여섯째, 정치 외교 재정 군사의 실권을 장악하였다. 일곱째, 人臣으로서는 최초로 대왕을 암살하여 대왕의 신성성을 부정하였다. 여덟째, 최초로 조상의 廟를 세우고, 천자의 춤인 八佾舞를 추었다. 아홉째, 자신들의 거처를 궁이라고 하였다. 열째 생전부터 壽陵을 조영하고, 陵이라고 하였다. 이러한 특성으로 미루어 소아씨는 기내의 전통적인 호족이라고 보기 어렵다. Soga-uji wielded power stronger than kings of ancient Japan until the mid-seventh century. They were criticized severly for abusing their authority. But they had surpassed contemporary king`s authority not only in political and military areas but also in religious and cultural areas. In this paper, the characteristics of Soga-uji as follows are picked up. Firstly, Soga-uji, free from the traditional belief, adopted Buddhism eageryl as new religion. Secondly, women from Soga-uji and collateral families became the first Buddhist nun. Thirdly, They built Kankoji(Asuka Tera) and Toyuraji as the first full-scale Buddhist temple. These temples built by the new technology, were bigger and higher than the palaces of kings, and were more permanent and more tangible than the tombs on kings. Fifthly, They transformed Ohotomo-uji, originally the royal guard of king, from an opponent into their ally and destroyed the main family of Mononobe-uji who was another military power of king. Sixthly, they grasped the real power of politics, foreign affairs, finance and military. Seventhly, they killed king Susyun and denied the sacred character of chief priest king. Eighth, they built the shrine of their ancestors firstly in ancient Japan and performed the eight lines dance which was the ceremony of Emperor. Tenthly, they constructed the tombs during their life-time and called those tombs as royal tomb. Consequently, it is very difficult to regard them as the traditional clan of Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        고대의 낙동강 하구와 왜

        이근우(Rhee Kun-Woo) 효원사학회 2012 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.41

        According to History of Three Kingdoms(三國志), Nakdong River was the point of provenance for voyage to Japan and also the gateway to Korean peninsula for Japan archipelago people. Tsushima(對馬島) and Iki-sima(壹岐島), or Okisima(沖の島) were the stepping stones between Korea and Japan. Using this sea-route, various people were coming and going with frequency. The typical examples are Talhae(脫解), Hogong(瓠公), Tsunuagarashito(都怒我阿羅斯等), Amenohiboko(天日槍), Sotsuhiko(襲津彦). Someone were immigrants and the others were aggressors. Among them, Talhae is famous as one progenitor of three royal families in Silla. He was recorded to be born from big egg in Dapana(多婆那國) or Dragon castle state(龍城國). This state which was located 400km northeast of Wa(倭) can be speculated Tanpa(丹波) area in Japan archipelago. This area leaded other areas in producing C-type jadeite(曲玉) and using iron tools. Jadeite was found only from Itogawa(糸魚川) in Niigata province(新潟縣) on west coast of Japan archipelago during ancient times, and C-type jadeite decorating the crowns excavated from Silla tombs. These jadeites seem to be produced in Tanpa area. The sea-route from the mouth of the Nakdong River to Tanpa can be called as Iron Road or Jadeite Road. Tsunuagarashito reached to Tsunuga in Hukui Province(福井縣) using this route.

      • KCI등재

        언문청과 창제시기와 정음청의 위치

        이근우(Rhee Kun woo) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2016 인문사회과학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        종래 언문과 훈민정음이 동일하다는 전제에서 언문청과 정음청도 동일한 기관으로 이해해 왔다. 이 글에서는 언문과 훈민정음이 다를 수 있다는 전제에서 검토하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 조선왕조실록의 이른바 언문청 설치 기사는 태조 실록을 두는 장소에 대한 내용이며 언문청이 처음으로 설치된 사실을 보여주는 기사가 아니다. 언문청은 언문이 창제된 직후인 1444년 경에 설치되어 1506년에 폐지되었다. 둘째, 이현로는 언문청에서 운회의 번역, 훈민정음의 완성, 동국정운의 편찬에 신숙주와 함께 참여하였으므로, 훈민정음 및 동국정운은 언문청에서 편찬되었음을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 정음청은 책방, 사표국과 함께 禁中에 있었으나 언문청은 얕고 사람들에게 노출되어 있다고 한 점에서 闕內에 있었던 것으로 생각된다. 넷째, 정음 청은 출판을 위한 대규모 조직을 갖추었으며 소학집성 및 불경 등을 간행하였다. 따라서 언문청과 정음청은 서로 다른 기관으로 볼 수 있으며, 언문과 훈민정음이 다르다는 전제도 유용하다. Up to now, based on preconceived premise regarding Korean alphabet(Unmun) and Correct sound to teach people(Hunminjungum) as same thing, Bureau of Korean alphabet and Bureau of correct sound have been recognized as the same institution. In this paper, using another premise that Unmun and Hunminjungum can be different, the results as follows are obtained. Firstly, so-called the article showing the establishment of Bureau of Korean alphabet does not mention the constitution of that. It relates to the stock of the Annals of Taejo, founder of Joseon dynasty. Bureau of Korean alphabet would be built in 1444 A.D. immediately after the invention of Korean alphabet(1443) and abolished in 1506. Secondly, Lee Hyun Ro participated in the translating Unhoi(phonetic dictionary), the completing Correct sound to teach people (Hunminjungum) and Corret sound of east country(Donggukjungun) with Sin Suk Ju in the Bureau of Korean alphabet. Thirdly, Bureau of Correct sound was located in the palace with Book room and Bureau of gun powder, but the location of Bureau of Korean alphabet was shallow and exposed to the outsiders. Fourthly, Bureau of correct sound contained several lower branches to publish, and printed Buddhist scriptures and Elementary Teaching(Sohak). Accordingly, Bureau of Korean alphabet and Bureau of correct sound can be different organization, and the premise of this paper can be available.

      • KCI등재후보

        『화랑세기』에 대한 통계적 접근

        이근우 ( Rhee Kun Woo ) 부경역사연구소 2004 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.15

        Since Hwarangsegi manuscript(筆寫本花郞世紀) was founded in 1989, there was no end to the controversy about Hwarangsegi between the two factions, the people who accept it as an authentic copy and the other people who are suspicious of the historiographical value of the manuscript. Up to now, we didn’t come to the conclusion whether Hwarangsegi manuscript is a genuine copy or a forged document, basically due to the lacks of material. But we can’t jump to the hasty conclusion, because of the genuine Hwarangsegi’s historiographical importance. This paper tried to give statistical consideration to the Hwarangsegi manuscript, especially by drawing the comparison with Park Changhwa’s other writings, Bubhenggi(法興紀) and Dohonggi(桃紅記). To tell the details, the usages of specific characters and terms were investigated to reveal the unintentional preferences and pecularities of writer. For example, the usages and used frequencies of synonyms(爾/汝, 我/予/吾etc), color terms(黑白赤紅朱緋紫黃靑綠碧) and auxiliary words(如此/如是 etc.) were examined. As the result, Hwarangsegi manuscript and Bubhenggi were the most different from the viewpoint of write style characteristics, and Bubhenggi and Dohongi were the most similar. As the next step, The usages of specific terms in Hwarangsegi manuscript were compared with several Korean history books such as Samguksagi(三國史記), Samgukyusa(三國遺事), Goryosa(高麗 史), Chosunwangjosilrok(朝鮮王朝實錄). In addition to these books, Chinese classics and history books of 25 dynasty and etc.(Scripta Sinica www.sinica.edu.tw/ftms-bin/ftmsw3) were compared. Among the 150 terms, 16 words were used for the first time in Gudangseo(舊唐書) and Sindangseo(新唐書) and another 22 words were not used beforel Songsa(宋史). At the least, about 1/3 of the compared words had the significant problem of time when the words started to be used. This invetigation proved that Hwarangsegi manuscript includes some questionable words(野菜, 團欒, 祝福, 邸宅, 消夜, 彩錢) not to be used until Song Dynasty. In conclusion, The author of Hwarangsegi manuscript(筆寫本花 郞世紀) is different from that of Bubheunggi and Dohonggi and the compilation period of Hwarangsegi manuscript(筆寫本花郞世紀) cannot go back to the 8th century.

      • KCI등재

        今西龍의 단군신화 연구와 神話素

        이근우(Rhee, Kun-woo) 한일관계사학회 2021 한일관계사연구 Vol.74 No.-

        今西龍는 『단군고』 등에서 다음과 같은 사실을 주장하고자 하였다. 첫째, 단군신화는 부여 고구려 나아가서는 퉁구스 계통의 신화이고 한족 즉 당시의 조선과는 관계가 없는 신화이다. 둘째, 단군신화는 일연의 시대로부터 멀지 않은 시기에 도교적인 영향 아래 무격참위가들이 꾸며낸 신화이다. 셋째, 단군은 원래 평양 즉 王儉 지역의 토착신의 존호이다. 그리고 이러한 작업을 수행하면서, 단군에 관련된 거의 모든 기록을 망라하여 검토하였다. 그러나 그는 정작 단군신화를 구성하는 핵심적인 요소에는 주목하지 않았다. 스스로 신화에는 본질적인 요소와 후대에 부가된 요소들이 있다고 발언하면서도, 정작 단군신화의 핵심적인 요소가 무엇이며 그 의미는 무엇인지 충분히 파악해내지 못했다. 또한 일본신화에도 흔히 보이는 이류혼의 존재를 근거로 단군신화가 북방 계통의 신화이기 때문에 당시의 한민족과는 관련이 없다는 주장도 서슴지 않았다. 단군신화는 곰의 생태에 관한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 하고 있으며, 곰을 생명을 잉태하는 신비로운 존재라는 인식을 담고 있다. 곰파와 쑥은 모두 곰과 깊은 관련을 가지고 있는 식물이다. 동면 기간 중에 출산을 하고 동굴을 나서는 곰은 새끼곰을 거느리고 있기 때문에 곰과 동물은 각각 새로운 생명을 잉태하는 존재이자 공간인 것이다. 이러한 지식은 결코 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 것이 아니며, 곰이 인간이 될 수 있다는 생각 자체도 후대의 사람들이 자연 속의 곰을 대하면서 할 수 있는 발상이 아니다. 단군신화 속에는 토테미즘, 한반도 사회가 신석기에서 청동기로 이행하는 단계의 지식, 곰에 대한 숭배, 곰과 인간이 대칭적인 존재였다는 인식 등이 들어있다. 그러므로 고려시대에 들어서 승려나 도가들이 단군신화를 날조하였다는 今西龍의 판단은 결국 신화에 대한 무지 혹은 의도적인 왜곡에서 온 것이라고 할 수밖에 없다. Imanisi Ryu tried to assert the following facts in 『Study on Dangun』. First, the Dangun myth is a myth of the Tungus culture related to Goguryeo, Buyeo, and has nothing to do with Joseon and Han people. Second, the Dangun myth is a myth created by under Taoist and quasi-scientific influence not far from the era of Ilyeon. And while performing these tasks, almost all records related to Dangun were reviewed. However, he did not pay attention to the key elements that make up the Dangun myth. Although he himself said that myths have essential elements and additional elements, he did not fully grasp what the core elements of Dangun myth are and their meaning. He also did not hesitate to argue that Dangun myth was not related to the Korean people at the time because it was a myth of the northern Asia based on the existence of marriage between human and animal, which is common in Japanese mythology. The Dangun myth is based on a deep understanding of the ecology of bears and contains the perception that bears are mysterious beings that conceive life. Both bear garlic(wild garlic) and mugwort are plants that are deeply related to bears. Because bears giving birth and leaving the cave during hibernation have baby bears, both bears and caves are living being and space which new lives are conceived. This knowledge is by no means easy to obtain, and the idea that bears can become humans is not an idea that demythologized people can do while dealing with bears in nature. Dangun myth contains totemism, knowledge of the stage of the Korean Peninsula’s transition from Neolithic to Bronze Age, worship of bears, and perception that bears and humans are symmetrical beings. Therefore, Imanisi Ryu’s judgment that monks and Taoists in the Goryeo Dynasty fabricated the Dangun myth came from ignorance of the myth.

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