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      • KCI등재

        고려후기의 주요 약물과 그 존재양상 - 돝의 미나리(시호)·생강의 생산과 유통 -

        이경록 대한의사학회 2024 의사학(醫史學) Vol.33 No.2

        이 글에서는 고려시대의 약물 생산과 약물 유통을 다루었다. 특히 고려시대의 약물 가운데 가장 많은 비중을 차지하는 시호(柴胡)와 고려에서 의도적으로 도입하여 재배하기 시작한 생강(生薑)을 사례 분석하였다. 고려시대 약물들은 5가지 유형으로 분류가 가능하다. 중국식 한자어인 당명(唐名)을 고려의 향명(鄕名)에서 그대로 습용(襲用)한 약물들이 A유형, 이두(吏讀)로 표기한 향명(鄕名)을 당명과 1:1로 대응시키는 약물들이 B유형, 당명을 그대로 향명으로 직역(直譯)한 약물들이 C유형, 원래는 외래약물이었으나 토산화에 착수하는 도입약물들이 D유형, 수입 약물들이 E유형이었다. 이 가운데 B유형과 D유형이 특히 흥미로운데, 이 글에서 논의한 시호(柴胡)와 생강(生薑)이 각각 B유형과 D유형의 대표적인 사례였다. 전반적으로 살펴보면 B유형이 가장 비중이 높았고, A유형이 그 다음으로 많았다. E유형도 제법 많은 편이다. 반면 C유형과 D유형은 상대적으로 적었다. 하지만 비중의 높고 낮음을 떠나서 이러한 유형들이 병존하면서 고려시대의 치료 약물을 구성하였다. 결론적으로 고려시대에는 토산 약물, 즉 향재(鄕材)에 대한 관심과 활용이 크게 확장되었다. This article deals with drugs obtain and distribution during the Goryeo Dynasty. In particular, I analyzed the case of ‘Bupleuri Radix(柴胡)’, which corresponds to ‘dot-ui minali’ as Idu(吏讀), an archaic Korean notation, and Ginger(生薑), which was intentionally introduced and cultivated in Goryeo. Drugs of the Goryeo Dynasty can be classified into 5 types. Drugs that use the Chinese character name as the name of Goryeo were type A, drugs that correspond 1:1 with the archaic Korean notation to the Chinese character name were type B, and drugs that have the Chinese character name translated directly into the Korean name were type C. And although it were originally the foreign drugs, the drugs cultivated in Goryeo were Type D, and the drugs imported from foreign countries were Type E. Among these, types B and D are particularly interesting. Bupleuri Radix and Ginger discussed in this article were representative examples of type B and D respectively. Looking overall, type B had the highest proportion, followed by type A. Type E was the next most common. On the other hand, type C and D were relatively small. However, regardless of the high or low proportion, these types coexisted and constituted the therapeutic drugs of the Goryeo Dynasty. In conclusion, during the Goryeo Dynasty, interest and use of local drugs, namely Hyangjae(鄕材), greatly expanded.

      • KCI등재후보

        무기체계 부품국산화의 혁신 효율성 분석에 관한 연구

        이경록,이춘주 한국혁신학회 2012 한국혁신학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        무기체계 부품국산화는 수입에 의존하던 무기체계의 부품을 연구개발을 통해 국산화하는 활동으로서 방위산업분야의 대표적인 혁신활동이라고 할 수 있다. 부품국산화는 원활한 군수지원, 독자적 기술개발, 그리고 경제적 조달 측면에서 그 필요성이 인정되며, 우리나라는 1970년대 후반부터 무기체계 부품국산화의 노력을 기울여 오고 있다. 특히, 한정된 국방예산과 자원의 효율적 활용 등 방위산업을 둘러싼 환경은 효율적인혁신활동을 요구하고 있다. 한편, 무기체계 부품국산화의 혁신 효율성은 획득단계와 개발주체에 따라 달라질수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국방기술정보통합서비스(DTiMS)의 부품국산화 실적자료를 이용하여 무기체계 획득단계별, 개발주체별 부품국산화의 효율성을 측정하고, 이에 대한 분석을 통해 향후 발전방향을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 결론적으로 무기체계 부품국산화는 획득의 초기단계인 양산단계부터 추진되어야 하며, 체계조립업체에 의한 단독개발보다는 중소 협력업체와의 협력을 통해 추진되는 것이 바람직하다. 또한, 운영단계에서의 부품국산화 개발시 체계조립에 참여했던 업체의기술정보와 노하우를 개발 업체가 공유함으로써 부품국산화의 효율성을 향상시킬 수있다. Parts localization is required R&D activity in the process of acquisition for weapon systems in the aspects of logistic support, technology development, and economical operation. Korea defense department has been promoting parts localization in weapon system from 1970's. The purpose of this paper is to analyze innovation efficiency for the parts localization in weapon system and to suggest the vision and strategy for it. Parts localization in weapon system should be promoted on the beginning stage for weapon system development and production rather than operation stage. It also should be focused on development of the critical parts.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 요(遼)⋅송(宋)⋅금(金)⋅원(元)과의 의료 교류 -‘중국의학’ 중심의 시각에 대한 재검토-

        이경록 의료역사연구회 2023 의료사회사연구 Vol.12 No.-

        In the most common research perspective, Korean pre-modern medical history has been explained as the ‘history of Chinese medicine’. If we approach medical care during the Koryo Dynasty from the perspective of the ‘history of Chinese medicine’, we can see that China was in the center and Korea was in the periphery. From this perspective of the center-periphery theory, it has been argued that ‘Chinese medicine’, which originated in China, always had an influence on the Koryo Dynasty, and that the scope and direction of its influence were comprehensive and one-sided. Therefore, this article specifically traced the exchange of medicinal materials, medical personnel, and medical knowledge between Koryo and Liao, Song, Jin, and Yuan. It was to confirm whether the perspective of the ‘history of Chinese medicine’ corresponds to the historical facts during the Koryo Dynasty. The available records show that the medical exchanges between Koryo and various Chinese countries were intermittent, not consistent. Moreover, the medical care method of one country was accepted selectively according to the needs of each country rather than as a whole. In addition, the flow of exchange developed in both directions, not in one direction. In other words, many countries in East Asia, including Koryo, were actors whose influences reached each other. It was not a structure in which the hypothetical political body called ‘China’ was always located in the ‘center’ and permanently supplied ‘Chinese medicine’ to Koryo while placing neighboring country in the ‘periphery.’ Therefore, the concept of ‘Chinese medicine’ does not have theoretical consistency, and it is insufficient to explain both the reality of pre-modern medical exchanges and the medical system of each country in East Asia. In order to fully explain the traditional medicine of East Asia, a new concept and a logical structure that go beyond the concept of ‘Chinese medicine’ are needed.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        고려시대 일본과의 의료 교류와 그 성격 - ‘동아시아의료’의 한 사례 -

        이경록 대한의사학회 2023 의사학(醫史學) Vol.32 No.1

        In this article, I reviewed the exchange of medicine between the Koryo Dynasty and Japan during the Koryo Dynasty. Compared to the exchange of medicine during the Three Kingdoms or the early Joseon Dynasty, medicine between Korea and Japan was loosely affected each other during the Koryo Dynasty. This characteristic of medical history with Japan during the Koryo Dynasty corresponded to the overall low density of exchanges between the two countries. In this paper, the exchange of medicine during the entire Koryo period was divided into 4 periods, and medical records in Korea and Japan were discussed in terms of medical personnel, medical knowledge, and pharmaceutical materials. During the Koryo Dynasty, Korea was interested in Japan’s medical personnel and pharmaceutical materials, and Japan was interested in Korea’s medical knowledge and pharmaceutical materials. When limited to the Koryo Dynasty, it is difficult to determine the superiority or inferiority of pharmaceutical materials, medical personnel, and medical knowledge between Korea and Japan. Without frequent contact to compare the level of medical care, each country only accepted the other country’s medical care within the necessary range. This means that the exchange of medicine between Koryo and Japan did not flow only in one direction. In addition, I proposed to understand the pre-modern East Asian world, including Korea-Japan relations, by using the concept of political bodies instead of the concept of state. In other words, it is necessary to call the subject of action that independently judges and executes foreign relations while maintaining a high degree of autonomy in decisionmaking as ‘political bodies’, and utilizes this concept to interpret the premodern East Asian world complexly. The concept of political bodies is also useful for understanding the exchange of medicine among the three East Asian countries.

      • VDMP를 이용한 IT-벤처 사업 정책대안 도출 방법 및 평가절차

        이경록,서장훈,박명규 대한안전경영과학회 2002 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.4 No.3

        This article deals with the multiple alternative proposal of Venture Business policy. when Decision makers meet a very complex and important business to take a good choice. It might not be easy that we make a decision and accept the decision as an exact result of analysis at a complication and uncertain situation. This is the reason why the original research use Statistical Survey method and Visual Decision Making Process(VDMP) to improve decision analysis method. Therefore, Our research suggests that the VDMP utilized in the strategic decision making situation as a group decision adding tool, can be applied in the development of a process vision and implementation plan. as a result, researcher describe step by step the process of VDMP

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