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      • KCI등재

        Confronting Violence and Fantasies in the Works of Jane Jeong Trenka

        윤연정 한국동서비교문학학회 2023 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.- No.65

        This article analyzes the works of Jane Jeong Trenka, a transnational adoptee writer who critically examines Korean adoption narrative and the representation of transnational adoptees within national ideology and multiculturalism. Trenka argues that the discussion of transnational adoption should be approached from the perspective of religion, national ideology, and capitalism. Specifically, she identifies how Christian, nationalistic, and capitalistic fantasies are projected onto the bodies of transnational adoptees, resulting in violence toward them. In response to these fantasies and violence, Trenka reconstructs several experimental narratives, negating the enforced fantasies onto adoptees and proposes alternative forms of narratives through various experimental literary devices. Through these attempts, Trenka tries not only to revive the voice of her silenced Korean birth mother, but also to combine musical and olfactory literary methods to her narrative, in order to overcome the enforced objectification toward Korean adoptee and its narrative. Furthermore, valuing the importance of co-existence and solidarity with other transnational adoptees, Trenka built an international network, TRACK (Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoptee Community of Korea), in order to support other adoptees’ isolation and anxiety. As a result, this article claims that Trenka criticizes enforced narratives and fantasies by national power and capitalism onto transnational adoptees, and actively debunks the fantasies perpetuated by religious, ideological systems. Trenka’s strategic attempts in her music and olfactory narratives are evaluated as her personal struggle and resistance that urges a new perspective and understanding of the adoption narrative. As a result, her way of confronting forced violence of transnational adoption contributes to publicizing the reality of the adoption issue and the sufferings of adoptees in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        폭력과 차별에 저항하는 필리핀 여성들의 강인함과 치유력 : 로빈 림의 『나비 인간들』(Butterfly People)을 중심으로

        윤연정 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2023 영어권문화연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Robin Lim is a Filipino-American writer who wrote Butterfly People, and an activist who established an organization for impoverished women while working as a midwife in Bali, Indonesia. This article examines the various forms of violence endured by Filipino women in Robin Lim's Butterfly People, attributing them to imperial colonial rule, war, patriarchy and sexism. Additionally, it explores the active resistance exhibited by Filipino women against such violence and their subsequent journey towards healing from past traumas and painful memories. Lim asserts the necessity of comprehending the intricate dynamics of violence and oppression targeting Filipino women within cultural, traditional, racial, and class contexts, instead of solidarity or sisterhood at the global level. She identifies colonial history and the economic vulnerabilities of the Philippine as primary catalysts compelling Filipino women to engage in prostitution. Due to the sufferings from poverty and hunger, Filipino women have to utilize their bodies to ensure food and survival. Consequently, the issues of prostitutes, who are subject to commercialization of capitalism and exploitation of labor, should be discussed after considering Philippine history as well as its cultural and economic circumstance. Furthermore, Robin Lim offers a critique of the industrialization of Western childbirth, emphasizing the significance of the spiritual relationship between the placenta, the newborn baby and mother that Southeast Asian culture highly values. Under the capitalistic logic which prioritizes economic efficiency and promptness, the relationship which forms this spiritual communion has been ignored. As a result, the childbirth process with Western rationalism fails to encompass the characteristics and emotional dimensions of ‘lotus birth,’ which values the life energy and sympathy with a newborn baby and placenta. While recognizing these cultural and historical attributes, Robin Lim pays attention to the resilience and innate healing power exhibited by Filipino women. Despite enduring violence stemmed from war, colonial rule, patriarchy, and racial discrimination, they have demonstrated remarkable fortitude in preserving their home and lives and nurturing children. As healers and midwives, Filipino women help heal wounds into a new generation not only for themselves but also their families and neighbors. The resolute disposition of these Filipino women illustrates their active agency, negating any notion of passivity as victims. Robin Lim argues that Filipino women are life pioneers of an empowered existence, possessing inherent capacities to heal the traumatic memories and anguish of the past.

      • KCI등재

        시오닐 호세의 민중에 나타난 우탕나룹: 채무감의 인식과 확대

        윤연정 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.1

        Utang-na-loob in Mass by F. Sionil José:Recognition and Extension of a Sense of DebtYeonjeong Yun Abstract: This article is to reevaluate Philippines’ Utang-na-loob: debt of inside is a community value that forms an equal relationship beyond class and status, opposing it being determined as a negative value that entrench political corruption and economic inequality. To this end, while analyzing Sionil José’s Mass (1979), this paper describes the process of Pepe’s awareness of the reality of the Philippines to solve social inequality and the problem of alienation of the people. As a result, Utang-na-loob of the Philippines, which means psychological sense of debt, works as the motivation that makes Pepe become aware of the reality of the Philippines and serves as an opportunity to recognize the need for social change for neighbors and friends. Through this study, this article reveals that José is looking for the possibility of transformation in Filipino society after reviewing the positive possibility of Utang-na-loob. Key Words: Utang-na-loob, Philippines, Sionil José, A sense of debt, equal relationship 시오닐 호세의 민중에 나타난 우탕나룹: 채무감의 인식과 확대윤 연 정* 요약: 이 논문은 필리핀의 우탕나룹이 정치적 부정부패와 경제불평등을 고착시키는 부정적인 가치로 단정되는 것에 반대하여, 계급과 신분을 초월하여 평등적 관계를 형성하는 공동체적 가치임을 재평가하고자 함이다. 이를 위해 시오닐 호세의 민중 을 분석하면서, 주인공 페페를 통해 필리핀 현실에 대한 문제의식을 제기하고, 사회적 불평등과 민중의 소외문제를 해소하기 위한 의식의 자각 과정을 묘사한다. 결과적으로 심리적 채무감을 의미하는 필리핀의 우탕나룹은 페페에게 필리핀 현실에 대한 자각을 가져오는 동기이며, 이웃과 친구에 대한 사회적 변화의 필요성을 인식시켜주는 계기로 작용하고 있음을 제시한다. 이 연구를 통해 우탕나룹의 긍정적 가능성을 검토하고 필리핀 사회의 변혁 가능성을 호세가 모색하고 있음을 밝힌다. 핵심어: 우탕나룹, 필리핀, 시오닐 호세, 채무감, 평등적 관계 □ 접수일: 2021년 12월 17일, 수정일: 2022년 1월 16일, 게재확정일: 2022년 2월 20일* 부산가톨릭대 강사(Lecturer, Catholic Univ. of Pusan, Email: yunyeonjeong@gmail.com)

      • KCI등재

        Men of Letters as Groundwork of the intellectuals

        윤연정 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2020 영어권문화연구 Vol.13 No.2

        Men of Letters in the late Victorian era were composed of a particular kind of literati such as writers, poets, prophets and scientist, and so forth. They gathered in the coffee house and shared comtemporary social and political issues due to the dynamic social phenomena caused by modern industrial revolution in England. Like ‘the intellectuals’ which was appeared at that time in Europe, men of letters reflected class inequality and labor condition into their works and writings, so to cross over classism and evaluate self-awareness of social and political contradictions. Despite these distinctive characteristics, men of letters could not overcome their middle class consciousness and limitation, unfortunately. They could not ignore middle class's interest and need for book sales. The persuasion of higher and professional knowledge of them led to the professional intellectuals who had specific and expert knowledge, which made them distant from labor class people.

      • KCI등재

        시오닐 호세(F. Sionil José)의 『에르미따』 : 필리핀 여성과 도시 재현의 양가성

        윤연정 ( Yun Yeonjeong ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2021 영어권문화연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Sionil Jose's Ermita is a work that reflects and critically reproduces the social problems of exploitation, political corruption, and economic inequality of the colonial empire in the background of modern and contemporary history of the Philippines. “Ermita” refers to a female protagonist who was abandoned from the family, and at the same time, refers to an entertainment city in the Philippines that has been ruined by the WW2. Due to the cooperation between colonial powers, ruling classes and intellectuals, the city of Ermita is descried as a place of despair without any hope and possibility of resuscitation. Jose focuses on Philippine subjectivity, poverty, and women's issues, re-employing Ermita from the space robbed by capital and violence to various living spaces where people live their lives. Jose discusses the reproducibility of Philippine cities and countries as well as rerecognition of “otherized” sex work, including the main character's prostitution. In this article, I will analyze how Ermita is reforming her subject, city, and nation against the masculine ideology of colonial imperialism.

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