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        통계분석을 이용한 CCPM 기법에서의 버퍼 산정방법

        유정초(Jing-Chao Liu),황보택근(Taeg-Keun Whangbo) 한국콘텐츠학회 2012 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.12 No.8

        CCPM 기법에서는 프로젝트 버퍼의 크기를 결정하기 위해 일반적으로 자르고 붙이는 방법과 루트-제곱하는 방법을 사용한다. 하지만 이러한 방법은 프로젝트의 특성을 고려하지 않고 고정된 공식을 통해서만 계산하기 때문에 버퍼의 크기가 너무 커지거나 작아지는 경우가 자주 발생했다. 본 논문에서는 위의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 이전 작업의 결과를 통계 분석하여 각 작업자에 대한 각 임무의 종류에 따른 작업의 특징을 파악하고 이를 CCPM 기법에 활용하여 해당 특징을 기준으로 버퍼 크기를 산정하는 새 방법을 제시하였다. 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션 환경에서 임무의 수, 임무의 어려운 정도 등의 요소를 반영하여 나온 결과를 비교분석 해서 본 논문에서 제안한 방법이 기존의 방법에 비해 임무 수와 상관없이 안정된 완공확률을 유지할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 특정 작업자가 일찍 완공할 수 있는 임무들의 경우 제안한 방법은 기존 방법보다 버퍼의 크기를 더 단축하는 것을 확인하였다. In CCPM Technique, as the buffer size calculation method, the Cut and Paste(C&P) method and the Root Square Error (RSE) method for all tasks carried out the same treatment, without considering the actual situation and characteristics of the task, the lack of reasonable judgment, is too simple and hasty. In this paper, taking into account the limitations of existing methods, a new method of buffer sizing method based on statistical analysis was introduced. It makes statistical analysis for the relationship between each worker and a variety of tasks, and use the information to predict the next task time. In order to verify the effectiveness of the new method, according to different task difficulty and the number of tasks set up the project. Use C&P, RSE method and new methods to predict the time of the project. Through Monte Carlo Simulation to simulate the project time, a comparison of three methods of performance. The results show that the new method can achieve the managers expect the probability of completion, and for those tasks can be completed ahead of schedule, the new method can save project time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        골프용품 소비자의 독특성 욕구와 감성적 소비가치가 브랜드 동일시 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        이정학(Lee, Jeoung-Hak),유정정(Liu, Jing-Jing),이지혜(Lee, Ji-Hae) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        The following study firstly focuses on understanding the needs for uniqueness and emotional consumption value of consumers, secondly how the two factors above influence the identification towards golf product brands and purchase intention. The survey was conducted in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon area from 1st August through 31st, 2012. By using convenience sampling method, the questionnaires were collect and a total of 252 valid samples were used. Data analysis was processed by SPSS 12.0 version to perform frequency analysis, factorial analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follow. First, among the sub-factors of golf product consumer’s needs for uniqueness, ‘originality’ and ‘similarity’ significantly influenced on brand identification. Second, among the sub-factors of golf product consumer’s needs for uniqueness, ‘originality’ and ‘similarity’ significantly influenced on purchase intention. Third, all of the sub-factors of consumer’s emotional consumption value, ‘hedonic value’, ‘symbolic value’ and ‘aesthetic value’ significantly influenced on brand identification. Fourth, all of the sub-factors of consumer’s emotional consumption value, ‘symbolic value’, ‘hedonic value’ and ‘aesthetic value’ significantly influenced on purchase intention.

      • 조선 역관 6인의 시선집 『海客詩抄(해객시초)』에 대한 고찰 -3종 필사본을 중심으로-

        유정 ( Jing Liu ) 우리한문학회 2013 漢文學報 Vol.28 No.-

        『海客詩抄』는 조선 후기 金奭準이 역관 同人 李容肅, 姜海壽, 金秉善, 卞元圭, 崔性學의 시문을 모아 편집한 詩選集이다. 李容肅이 『海客詩抄』를 중국에 가져가 淸人 董文渙과 許振휘에게 보냈고, 그들에게 평점을 받았다. 현재는 『海客詩抄』의 董文渙 필사본, 董文渙과 許振휘의 評點필사본, 金奭準이 편찬한 조선 草稿本 3가지만 전해 온다. 본고는 현재까지 밝혀진 이 3가지 필사본의 필사 상태, 『海客詩抄』에 수록된 작자와 내용, 『海客詩抄』의 편찬과 중국에서 유입된 배경과 구체적인 과정을 고찰했다. 『海客詩抄』가 조선에서 편찬된 배경과 중국에서 유입된 배경, 그리고 중국 문인에게 초록과 評點를 받을 수 있었던 배경은 조선 후기 위항 문학의 흥성과 위항문인들의 시선집 편찬활동, 조선 역관들의 燕行 및 淸에서 雅集과 詩社活動의 참여, 淸人이 조선 한시문헌의 편찬 및 董文渙이 편집한 『朝鮮詩錄』 등 3가지 요인으로 고찰했다. 『海客詩抄』는 金奭準이 1868년에 편집한 것이며, 1871년 역관 李容肅이 燕京에 갔을 때 淸人 董文渙에게 評點을 받았다. 또 ‘仙屛’에게도 評點을 받았는데, ‘仙屛’은 청인 許振휘라는 사실을 고증했다. 그가 『海客詩抄』를 評點한 시기는 1868년부터 1871년 사이였을 것으로 추론된다. 『海客詩抄』는 조선 후기 역관계층의 시문선집으로서, 조선 후기 위항문인들의 문학 활동에 관한 생생하고도 풍부한 정보를 제공하고 있다. 특히 이 시선집은 역관 金奭準이 동인들의 시를 選別하여 청대 문인이 조선 시문집을 편찬하는 데 자료를 제공했으며, 청인들의 評語를 받기 위해 편찬한 것으로 당시 한중 문화 교류사와 서적 유통사의 일면을 엿볼 수 있게 해 준다. 이와 같은 시문 자료는 한중 문학 교류 연구와 한중문화 교류사를 연구하는 데에 귀중한 토대로 활용될 것이다. This study is an evaluation on three transcription of HaeGekShiCho(海客詩 抄), which is the anthologies of poems composed by six governmental secretary interpreters in the late Chosun Dynasty. Lee Yung-suk(李容肅) visited China and showed HaeGekShiCho to Qing`s scholars, Dong Wen-huan(董文渙) and Xu zhen-hui(許振휘) and asked them to evaluate it today, only three types of transcription are available, that is, HaeGekShiCho wtitten by Dong Wen-huan; the evaluated transcriptions co-written by Dong Wen-huan and Xu zhen-hui; a rough copy of HaeGekShiCho composed by Kim Suk-Jun(金奭準). This study evaluates the current state of these transcriptions, the authors and contents of HaeGekShiCho, the compilation of HaeGekShiCho, and a historical background of how HaeGekShiCho transcribe and circulate from China. This study examines the background of the processes of its compilation within Chosun and its incoming from China. in particular, this research focuses on the historical background of how HaeGekShiCho had a good evaluation from Chinese Scholars. these were due to the development of the middle-class literature in the late Chosun Dynasty, the compiling activities of poems by the middle-class scholars, interpreters` diplomatic mission of Chosun Dynasty, the participation of literacy`s copying, comments and editing of Chosun`s Chinese literatures from Qing`s scholars. HaeGekShiCho was compiled by Kim Suk-Jun in 1868, when Lee Yung-suk visited China in 1871, he received a good evaluation of HaeGekShiCho from Dong Wen-huan who is the Chinese scholar in Qing`s Dynasty. also, he got the comments on HaeGekShiCho from XianPing(仙屛), who proved as Xu zhen-hui. this period was probably dying 1868 and 1871. HaeGekShiCho is a representative anthology written by the middle-class interpreters during the late Chosun Dynasty, provided the fresh and rich information on the literary activities of the middle-class Korean scholars of late Chosun Dynasty. In particular, this anthology was selected the Korean interpreter, Kim Suk-Jun and offered the critical data for compiling Chosun poems and literatures by Chinese scholars who had worked during the Qing Dynasty. It is also an important data as it showed the aspects of the cultural exchanges, historical books` exchanges between Korea and China during the late Chosun Dynasty. In this light, it should pay our attention that HaeGekShiCho is a valuable basis for studying on the literary exchanges and cultural exchanges between Korean and China.

      • KCI등재

        홍대용 연행 일행과 청대 문인 간 교류 시문의 창작과 개변 양상 고찰

        유정 ( Liu Jing ) 연민학회 2021 연민학지 Vol.36 No.-

        본 연구는 홍대용 연행 일행이 청대 문인들과 북경에서 직접 교류한 시문 작품의 창작 내용과 형식, 관련 시문 작품을 각자 편집하는 과정에서 개편(改編)한 양상을 중심으로 다루었다. 홍대용 일행은 1766년 2월 중국 북경에 도착하여 항주(杭州)에서 온 3명의 선비들과 만나서 시문 수창과 서찰을 통해서 교류를 전개하였다. 그들이 교류한 시문 작품은 창화시(唱和詩). 제화시(題畫詩), 영물시(詠物詩), 집구시(集句詩), 또는 서찰(書札)과 기문(記文)이 있으며, 시문 작품의 대부분은 절구(絶句)와 율시(律詩)로 창작된 것이었다. 홍대용 일행이 조선으로 귀국하여 그들이 가져온 시문의 원고를 서찰첩(書札帖), 재편집본인 ≪건정부편(乾凈附編)≫과 ≪건정후편(乾凈後編)≫ 등 여러 문헌들로 편집하였고, 청대 문인인 엄성(嚴誠)이 보관한 시문 작품은 주문조(朱文藻)에 의하여 ≪일하제금집(日下題襟集)≫으로 편집되었다. 이러한 문헌들은 각자 재편하는 과정에서 다시 수정하고 개편되었는데, 예를 들면, 제목(題目)의 수정(修訂), 구절(句節)의 삭제 및 증보(增補) 등 여러 양상으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 홍대용 일행이 북경에서 청나라 문인들과 만나서 주고받은 작품의 구체적인 내용과 형식을 파악하는 데에 초점을 맞추었다. 이 텍스트들은 원본(原本)부터 정본(定本)으로 진행되는 과정에서 개편된 여러 양상을 파악할 수 있다는 학문적 가치가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 향후 홍대용과 청대 문인의 문학과 학술 등 분야를 연구하는데 참고할 만한 가치가 있다고 사료된다. This study focused on the creation and format of poetry works that Hong Da Rong and his Yeon Hang(燕行) group exchanged directly with Qing's scholars in Beijing, and the reorganization of related poetry works in the process of editing them separately. Hong Da Rong arrived in Beijing in February 1766 and frequently met with three scholars from Hangzhou, China, to engage in scholarly exchanges through poetries and letters. The poetry that Hong Da Rong and his group interacted with these Chinese scholars was called the the poetry of Changhe(唱和詩), the poetry of the subject with pictures(題畫詩), the natural poetry(詠物詩), the poetry of JiJu(集句詩), or letters and writings. most of the poems were created with mortar and verse. Hong Da Rong and his Yeon Hang(燕行) group returned to Chosun and edited the manuscripts of the exchange poems into various literature, including the book of exchange letters between him and Qing's scholars, the re-edited version of the Ganjingfubian(乾凈附編) and Ganjinghoubian(乾凈後編), and the works of poetry kept by Qing's scholars Yan Cheng(嚴誠), were edited as Rixia tijinji(日下題襟集) by Zhu Wen Zao(朱文藻), who was a friend. These texts were re-modified and edited in their respective reorganizations, for instance, there were many aspects to the title, correction, deletion, and extension of the phrase. This study focused on identifying the specific contents and forms of Hong Da Rong's group who had the meeting with Qing's scholars in Beijing and interacting directly with them, and the text of the works interacted with these scholars has an academic value that allows them to identify various aspects that have changed in the process of proceeding from the original to the original. Therefore, this study offers as valuable data for future research on Hong Da Rong and Qing Dynasty's literatures and academic fields.

      • KCI등재

        여가스포츠 참여자의 여가동기가 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향 : 중국 하남성을 중심으로

        유정(Liu, Jing),장건위(Zhang Jianwei),이병찬(Lee, Byung-Chan) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between leisure motivation and psychological well-being of leisure sports participants in Hunan province, China. To accomplish the goal, leisure sports participants from hunan province were sampled by using convenience sampling method among the non-random sampling method. A total of 416 people were selected for the study. The research Based on the collected questionnaires the study used SAS WIN 9.4 to analyzed the collected data with frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. And the results are as follows: First, it was proved that the relationship between leisure motivation and psychological well-being of leisure sports participants that all the factors of leisure motivation has the significant effect on self-actualization and hedonic enjoyment.

      • The Reliable Method of Real-time Video and Control Data Transmission in Unmanned Helicopter Environment

        유정(Liu Jing),조승철(Sungchol Chol),이선(Li Xuan),한리(Han Li),한선영(Sunyoung Han),하영국(Youngguk Ha) 한국정보과학회 2010 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.37 No.2B

        Unmanned helicopter, depending on its own advantages and wide application prospects, has become one of the hottest subjects, which is widely studied internationally. This paper discusses how to transmit the real time video data and the control data in unmanned helicopter environment. We constructed a small-scale Autonomous helicopter data transmission system test bed using reliable wireless network data transmission technology in the real environment, and then we did a series test of simulation and performance evaluation. At the end of this paper, it brings forward about the orientation and the disadvantage of this system.

      • KCI등재

        최신 투명교정 소재의 물리적 생물학적 특성

        유정(Jing Liu),차정열(Jung Yul Cha) 대한치과의사협회 2024 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.62 No.5

        With the development of new materials related to clear aligners, the physical properties are improving, and the clinical performance of the devices is expected to improve. Clear aligners require constant, controlled force on the teeth to achieve the desired tooth movement. However, unlike superelastic wires for orthodontic treatment, clear aligner materials are characterized by significant short-term or long-term stress relaxation after installation of the device. In addition, clear aligners are a complex manufacturing process that requires creating a tooth model and trimming the aligners, and various degrees of shrinkage and expansion may occure during the thermoforming process or direct printing of device. Thses changes can affect the thickness or fit of each tooth area and make it difficult to achieve the clinical treatment goals of clear aligner. Recently, multi-layered clear orthodontic products with improved physical properties have been introduced to increase the predictability of aligner treatment, and with the recent introduction of direct printing materials, innovative manufacturing methods for clear orthodontic devices have become possible. As shape memory properties have been reported among direct printing materials, interest in related materials is increasing. In this issue, we will introduce the latest materials related to clear aligners and explain the physical and biological properties that clinicians need to know for proper use.

      • A Study in Emotional Interaction design of Multimodal & Multimedia User Interface

        유정(Liu Jing),박상현(Sang-Hyun Park),김치용(Chee-Yong Kim) 한국멀티미디어학회 2006 한국멀티미디어학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        UI designs have more and more received attention, that not only because it may bring sale, the people start to care about their feeling importantly in the human-machine interaction process. The ill design is developing from Gill-Graphics User Interface to Multimodal & Multimedia User Interface. Studies in Multimodal & Multimedia interaction design is the goal of this thesis, and bring forward the emotional interaction design is the development trend.

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