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      • KCI등재

        언어 사용 영역과 문학 영역의 소통과 통합

        염은열 ( Eun Yeul Yeum ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2015 국어교육 Vol.0 No.148

        The purpose of this paper is to explore how to collaborate and integrate with ‘language skill’ and ‘literature’ scope in the National Curriculum of Korean language education, to improve students’ Korean competence. First, we proposed the integration of ‘language skill’ and ‘literature’ scope could be by overcoming the conventional view about language which was related with narrowness of the concept of language and by recognizing the value of literature as a content itself and resource which knowledge could been unearthed from, in the Korean Language Education. Second, the confusion and disconnected of Korean Language Education arose from confusion of the “Scopes” and ‘Domains or Fields’. So We proposed the Scope should be based on the educational objective by discarding the current method in Korean Language Education Third, by the concept of Korean language competence is corresponded with literacy, We proposed the method of integration as the literature based Instruction.

      • KCI등재

        표현교육에서 지식의 성격에 대한 고찰 - 표현 지식의 구조화 방향과 관련하여 -

        염은열(Eun Yeul Yeum) 한국문학교육학회 1999 문학교육학 Vol.3 No.-

        Knowledge, whatever kind it is, must be taught in korean language education. This is the same case in expression education. The purpose of this study is to show what knowledge is needed in expression education and to describe the relationship with expression knowledge and expression ability. Procedural knowledge (know how) has been regarded as the more important contents than declarative knowledge (know that) in expression education. We have shown that it is not right anymore. All kind of knowledge which is taught, is accepted as a mode of propositional knowledge to students. Therefore it is urgent for us to construct the concept of expression knowledge beyond the above primitive understanding about knowledge. Expression knowledge is a kind of structure of knowledge which includes in machenism of expression. So being seperating from real expression, procedre of expression-planning, constructing ideas, expressing and adjusting……-must be not presented in expression education.

      • KCI등재

        금강산 가사의 지리적 상상력과 장소 표현이 지닌 의미

        염은열 ( Eun Yeul Yeum ) 한국고전문학회 2010 古典文學硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        금강산 가사는 단지 과거의 문학이 아니라 현재에도 금강산과 관동 지역에 대한 상상력과 감흥을 촉발하는, 살아있는 전통이자 역사라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 관점에 따라 기행가사의 작자들이 금강산이라는 공간을 어떻게 상상 혹은 인식하였으며, 작품을 통해 어떤 모습으로 형상화하였는지, 나아가 그림이나 지도, 한시나 산문이 아닌 가사로 금강산을 그려낸 까닭은 무엇이었을지 탐구해 보았다. 그 결과 금강산 가사의 작자들 대부분이 금강산을 속계와 구별되는 별계로 인식하고 있었으며, 단발령이라는 특정 장소를 별계로 들어가는 문지방으로 주목하고 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 한 장소나 그 장소에서 조망한 내용을 하나의 점으로 가정했을 때 그 점들을 모아 하나의 이미지로 통합하는 방식으로 금강산을 형상화하고 있음을 밝혔다. 나아가 수많은 점들이 율격적 흐름에 따라 통합됨으로써 마치 노래로 그린 금강산 지도를 보는 듯한 경험을 제공했을 것으로 추리하였으며, 그러한 경험이 바로 그림이나 지도, 한시문과 구별되는 금강산 가사만의 고유한 미학이자 향유 근거가 됨을 아울러 밝히고자 하였다. This study is about how writers of KumKangsan-Kiheang-gasa (the oral poetry of Mt. KumKang in Chosun Dynasty) imagined and recognized Mt. Kumkang before travelling, what they described about Mt. Kumkang, how different KumKangsan-Kiheang-gasa are from other genres like painting, map, and verse or prosaic expression in chinese characters. This approach is based on the ideas that KumKangsan-Kiheang-gasa is not remains of the past but modern tradition and history still has a powerful influence on our imagination and travelling of that space or areas. As a result, I made a conclusion that people in those days considered Mt. Kumkang as a special space disconnected or distant from real world they lived by, and Danbalrhung as a liminal space that could entered the special areas, Mt. Kumkang. A imagery or geographical imagination of Mt. Kumkang was constructed by many parts like dots in a map. KumKangsan-Kiheang-gasa are like a kind of map by song. So we can experience lots of places in Mt. KumKang according to writers` guide with special rhythm.

      • KCI등재

        고전문학 ‘학습(學習)’의 경험과 ‘재미’의 문제에 대한 논의

        염은열 ( Yeum Eun-yeul ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2014 고전문학과 교육 Vol.28 No.-

        이 연구는 ‘재미’라는 말이 오늘날 학생들이 고전문학의 재미를 경험하지 못하는 문제적 사태에서 부각된 개념임에 주목하였다. ‘어려워서 재미가 없다’는 학생들의 말을, 낯선 고전문학 작품을 이해하고 해석한 경험, 즉 성공한 학습의 경험이 없다는 고백의 말로 보고 고전문학의 재미를 경험하기 위해서는 고전문학 ‘학습’이 제대로 이루어져야 한다는 결론에 도달하였다. 학습[배움]은 학습자가 낯설거나 이해하기 어려운 것을 만나 자신의 이해 지평을 넓히는 창조적인 행위다. 이러한 ‘학습’의 본질에 비춰볼 때 학생들이 고전문학을 어려워하는 것은 그 자체로 의미 있는 교육적 사태이며, 학습자들이 그 어려움을 주체적으로 극복하였을 때 고전문학의 재미나 즐거움 또한 경험할 수 있다고 보았다. 따라서 교수ㆍ학습의 차원에서 놀이나 게임, 흥미 있는 소재 등을 활용하여 학생들이 겪는 어려움을 줄여주고자 노력할 것이 아니라, 그보다는 학생들로 하여금 ‘학습’의 본질에 대해 명확하게 인식하게 하고 학습 주체로서 인지적 어려움이나 곤란함을 극복하고 작품에 대한 자기만의 이해 및 해석에 이르도록 하는 것이 근본적인 처방이 될 수 있음을 주장하였다. 이러한 ‘학습’을 촉진하기 위하여 지식을 보다 구조화하여 교육 내용으로 제공하는 것이 필요하고, 특정한 교수ㆍ학습 방법이나 접근 방법을 고수하기보다는 우연성이 개입하는 학습의 상황에 유연하게 대응하는 것이 효과적이고 필요하다고 보았다. 나아가 제도적ㆍ공적지지가 사라진 시대, 고전문학 학습의 새로운 전통과 문화를 마련하려는 일이 시급함을 주장하였다. In this paper, we supposed the word 'interest' was caused by problematic situations that our student didn't experience pleasure or interest in Korean old literature in school. This statement "I am not interested in Korean old literature because of its unfamiliarity or difficulty" is a kind of confession that students has no successful learning experience of Korean old literature. Successful learning is started by being confronted with cognitive difficulty and is come to a period by expanding cognitive horizon by overcoming difficulty. From the viewpoint of learning, the cognitive difficulty of understanding Korean old literature is meaningful itself. It is important for us to know the nature of learning experience and to recognize our role as assistant and facilitator to help students' learning of Korean old literature. For students' successful learning, we suggested that structured knowledge have been constructed (or discovered) and supplied as contents of Korean old literature education in school, and flexible and creative response and intervention had been required in teaching and learning situation, not only looking for fascinating method or items. All these efforts should contribute to create a new tradition of learning of Korean old literature in these days.

      • KCI등재

        문학 생활화의 방법 2 : 기획 특집 - 아동을 위한 문학 생활화의 방법 : 아동문학 생활화의 역사 , 문화론적 접근 / 아동을 위한 설화 교육의 과제

        염은열(Eun Yeul Yeum) 한국문학교육학회 2001 문학교육학 Vol.8 No.-

        In elementary school, we have regarded our children as a absolutely innocent human being or as a human being who need lots of education. So we have tried to keep their innocent world or taught them through folktales for children in school. This situation has brought some big problem. One is to make our children dislike folktales so that they don`t learn and experience imaginely human nature, our life and our world through folktales. The other is that our children don`t have basic grammer for enjoying literature for their all life. Because folktales have a basic grammer to sing, read and write literature. This paper aims to make clear these problem and prepare the method of solving these problem. This paper proposed as following; It is necessary for us to have a plenty of repatory or various versions about folktales including myth and legend. And whenever it was needed, we would taught folktales in elementry school. Folktales must be taught across the curriculum because young children want to be learned by a story form. On being taught, folktales is enjoyed by our children. And to enjoy folktales, chidren must be learned a basic grammar of literature, Reciting is useful method to learn a basic grammar.

      • KCI등재

        초등교육의 내용으로서의 옛이야기에 대한 탐색

        염은열 ( Yeum Eun-yeul ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2016 국어교육 Vol.0 No.154

        This study discussed the values and contributions of the Korean old stories in the elementary school. The values and contributions are not limited to Korean language and culture education but throughout elementary education. Young students has an incredible curiosity about all things around. They ask ‘why’ frequently. But unfortunately, it is difficult for parents or teachers to explain or answer the questions that they can understand, because of their lack of the knowledge and concepts. However, we should provide an proper answer what they ask. Korean old stories, especially lots of myth and legend is a kind of metaphorical story or explanation about our natural or human world. So young student can learn our natural or human world easily through the old stories, even though metaphorically. Metaphorical recognition is important as the previous stage of the factual or scientific recognition. This study sought to bring to light these educational significance of Korean old stories. Furthermore, we proposed an approach to Korean old stories as educational contents and cultual code in elementary school.

      • KCI등재

        세계화 시대, 시조의 고유성과 보편성 탐색 -형식 논의로 본 시조의 매력-

        염은열(Yeum, Eun-yeul) 우리말글학회 2020 우리말 글 Vol.87 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 한국문학인 시조의 정체성 내지 고유성을 규명함과 동시에 세계문학으로서의 시조의 가능성과 생산성에 대해 탐색하려는 것이다. 노래에서 시로, 과거의 시가에서 현대시로, 한국의 시가에서 세계의 시(영어시조)로 시조의 위상이 확장되어 왔는데, 그 과정이 곧 시조 형식미학의 발견 과정이었으며 시조 형식이 지닌 생산성을 스스로 입증한 일이었다는 것이 이 논문의 요지다. 시조 형식을 둘러싼 연구 및 실천의 역사를 살펴보면서 짧고 간결한 정형의 형식에 대한 이해의 심급(深級)이 매우 다양함을 확인할 수 있다. 글자수를 맞추는 것으로부터 의미를 고려하여 3장을 배치하고 각 장을 다시 내구와 외구로 구분하는 방법, 음악과의 관계를 고려하여 장을 구성하는 방법, 천지인이라는 동아시아 보편 철학을 구현하는 등 다양하게 실현될 수 있는, 최소 형식의 시가임을 확인했다. 가장 간단하고 본질적인 최소한의 형식, 그래서 다양하게 해석되고 실현될 수 있는 미적 규범이 바로 시조 형식이며 시조의 고유성이자 보편성이라고 본 것이다. 누구나 시작할 수 있고 부려 쓸 수 있으면서도, 문학적 단련을 하면 깊은 수준의 인식과 감상, 철학적 사유까지 담아낼 수 있는 문학이라는 점이 세계화 시대, 한국문학인 시조의 가능성이라고 보았다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the identity or uniqueness of Sijo, a Korean literature, and to explore the possibility and productivity of Sijo as a world literature. Sijo’s status has been extended from song to poetry, from past poetry to modern poetry, and from Korean poetry to world poetry (English Sijo). This was the process of discovery of the Sijo form and self-prove the productivity of the Sijo form. Looking at the history of research and practice of Sijo form, it was confirmed that the level of understanding of the short and concise ruled form is very diverse. And it was concluded that this is the unique characteristic and possibility of the Sijo form. Literature that anyone can start and write, but can contain a deep level of recognition, appreciation, and even philosophical thoughts when literary training is given is the founder. The conclusion of this article is that this is the unique characteristic of Sijo, the Korean literature, and it is a point that shows its significance and possibility as a world literature.

      • KCI등재

        문학을 통한 지역정체성 교육의 필요성과 가능성 탐색 -무심천을 중심으로 한 청주에 대한 인문지리적 접근-

        염은열 ( Yeum Eun-yeul ) 한국문학치료학회 2015 문학치료연구 Vol.34 No.-

        이 논문은 인문학자로서 필자가 청주라는 지역을 의미 있는 장소로 인식하기 위해 노력한 결과에 대한 보고이자 그 개인적인 경험을 바탕으로 지역정체성 교육의 가능성과 방향을 탐구해본 결과이다. 문학을 포함하여 `청주`라는 장소에 대한 기록들이, `청주`라는 공간에 대한 이해를 깊게 해주고 인문지리적 상상력을 발동하게 함으로써 청주를 의미 있는 장소로 느끼게 하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이라고 가정하였다. 그러한 가정에 따라 여러 지리서와 장소 경험을 담고 있는 시, 장소에 대해 은유적으로 설명하고 있는 설화 작품 등을 살펴본 결과, `무심천`을 청주 지역에 대한 이해의 핵심 내용이자 코드로 추출할 수 있었다. 석교[대교]와 석교가 놓여 있었던 무심천[대교천, 석교천]이 청주를 대표하는 문명이자 지형으로 기록되어 왔고, 무심천이 청주의 풍요로움과 재앙을 모두 가져온 중요한 지형임을 확인할 수 있었다. 나아가 오늘날 여러 지명들이나 문화에 그 흔적은 남기고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 무심천의 작용력에 대한 이해는, 무심천을 핵심 개념으로 삼아 무의미한 이름이 되어 버린 청주의 여러 지명의 의미를 살려내고 청주의 문화와 역사에 대한 이해를 깊게 함과 동시에 청주라는 지역을 머릿속으로 상상하는 것-머릿속으로 특정 지역의 지도를 그려보는 것은 그 지역을 구조적, 정서적으로 이해하는 좋은 방법이다.-을 주요 내용으로 삼는, 지역 정체성 교육이 가능함을 시사해 주었다. This study is a report of personal experience of trying to identify Cheong-ju as a meaningful place as a scholar of humanities in Cheong-ju, and a discussion of the possibility and method of local identity education using literature. We supposed that all records of Cheong-ju including old maps, writings and literature could contributed for people to understand more deeply the region Cheong-ju, to evoke geographical imagination of the region, and to identify the region(`space`) as a meaningful place. Under this assumption, we explored all kinds of record of Cheong-ju, specially literature and found the key geographical concept or code. This concept or code was Musim-cheon, which was a liver across the city, Cheong-ju. Musim-cheon and a stone bridge across the liver called Seok-kyo(`석교` maens stone bridge) or Dea-kyo(`대교` means great bridge) had been representation of Ceong-ju for a long time, had given people in the city to abundance and disaster, and had branded with lots of mark of nomination and culture in the city. Therefore, the understanding Musim-cheon could be a starting point to revive meaning of meaningless place names in this region, and explore to understand the culture and history of Ceong-ju. We supposed that the approach of human geography on Cheong-ju with Musim-cheon could been a method of local identity education using literature.

      • KCI등재

        지리적 경계 넘기와 심리적 좌절의 이야기, <만언사>

        염은열 ( Eun-Yeul Yeum ) 한국시가학회 2021 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        This study started from the assumption that exile was an event that crossed and expanded geographic boundaries and that exile poetry was a narrative related to such an event and resulted in an expansion of geographic imagination. And the exile poetry should be researched as a literary work that shows the movement of places, the experience of places, and perceptions of places. Following this point of view, we would like to re-read < Maneonsa(만언사) > from the perspective of human geography. Ahn Do-hwan(안도환), a prisoner of exile, left of Hanyang(한양), crossing the Han River(한강), a liminal space that connects and divides Hanyang and the outside of Hanyang at the same time. By crossing the Han River, he moved away from the land of Hanyang, a place where his personal history was engraved in 33 years, and a place to satisfy secular desires, to the wide world outside of Hanyang, a place of rumors. His geographic imagination should have been expanded by connecting dots, various regions of Joseon that were only heard by words, to the line on the map in his mind, while reaching Haenam(해남). At the end of the earth, Do-Hwan Ahn crossed the sea, the second boundary, and huge space. The sea was a huge space that divided and connected the land of Joseon where Hanyang was located, and the island where Chujado(추자도) was located in. Crossing the sea, Ahn Dohwan came to Chujado, finally. The space of experience has been expanded to the space of ignorance and unknown, as well as of barbarism. However, leaving Hanyang and leaving the mainland, his body was in Chujado, but Ahn Do-Hwan’s mind was unable to leave Hanyang. As a result, it was confirmed that he could not adapt to the place of Chujado by breaking down the boundaries of his mind. < Maneonsa(만언사) > should be considered by being dealt with the important issues of human existence and life. < Maneonsa(만언사) > has great implications for those of us who always leave the place and adjust to a new place.

      • KCI등재

        『국어국문학』을 중심으로 본 국어교육 연구의 흐름과 과제

        염은열(Yeum, Eun-yeul) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.160

        The purpose of this study is to overview research on Korean language education in Journal of The Korean Language and Literature published by ‘the Society of Korean Language and literature’. ‘The Society of Korean Language and Literature’ was established 60 years ago and had contributed to develope theories or knowledges about Korean language and literature and to make decision related with language policies and education. Also the society was a kind of motherlike society, lots of specific societies or academic trends were derived from this society. The birth of Korean language and literature education studies has to be understood and delineated in connection with this society. So we regarded the history of Korean Language education research as a process of academic independence from Korean Language and Literature studies in the Society of Korean Language and literature. We had a focus on Journal of The Korean Language and Literature from first volume(1952) to 159th volume(2011). As a result, we found the trend of research could be divided into three period. We called first period as ‘a period of experience and action’, in which researchers as social leaders had engaged themselves in proposing some ideas and making some policies related with Korean Language impassionedly. In second period called ‘a period of silence and investigation’, outside of Journal of The Korean Language and Literature, researchers studied Korean language education had debated actively about academic identity of Korean Language education research. By contrast, inside-researchers kept a silence at first time. After a while they had made some suggestion and had discussed some issues related with recognizing academic identity. In latest period called ‘a period of settlement and specialization’, various and diverse research had been proposed. But we had been apprehensive about those research giving the big picture a miss. As a fact, this paper was planned for the 60th anniversary of the Society of Korean Language and literature. We hope that we would reflect our research and ourselves as researchers by now and find new themes to research in future.

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