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        生脈散의 方義에 대한 考察 - 張元素와 李東垣의 논설을 중심으로 -

        안진희 대한한의학원전학회 2024 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        Objectives : 이 논문의 목적은 生脈散의 方義에 대해 張元素와 李東垣의 논설을 중심으로 諸家의 논설을 살펴보고, 元氣와의 상관성을 살펴보는 것이다. Methods : 生脈散 관련하여 張元素와 李東垣 및 諸家의 논설을 검토하고, 『本草綱目』, 『東醫寶鑑』, 『本經疏證』 및 張元素와 李東垣의 책에 기재된 人參, 麥門冬, 五味子의 藥性을 살펴 元氣와의 관련성을 검토하며, ‘肺中伏火’·‘補肺中元氣不足’·‘補天眞元氣’·‘夏食寒’ 등의 용어를 분석하였다. Results and Conclusions : 1. 生脈散 方義의 病因은 肺中伏火, 脾胃虛弱, 元氣不足, 陰精不足 등 元氣不足이 모두 內因이 될 수 있으며, 그 상황에서 暑熱邪 및 濕熱邪의 外因을 만나 火克金에 의해 肺金이 가장 많은 손상을 받으므로 上焦肺가 病因으로 부각되었다. 2. 生脈散 方義의 病機는 元氣不足의 상황에서 暑熱邪나 濕熱邪를 만나 肺의 氣機가 火克金에 의해 가로막혀 水之源인 肺가 通調水道·肅降·治節과 같은 淸肅之氣를 운행하지 못해 정제되어야 할 液(=水精)이 고갈되어가는 것이다. 3. 生脈散 方義의 病證을 元氣의 관점에서 분석해보면, 우선 여러 諸家들은 生脈散의 病證에 대해서 땀을 많이 흘려 입이 건조하고, 정신이 멍하며, 의식을 잃을 수도 있고, 숨이 짧아지고 기침을 하거나 호흡이 가빠지는 등 肺의 증상 및 기진맥진으로 몸이 무겁고 무력해지며 권태로워져 제대로 걷지 못하고 다리를 절며 땀을 많이 흘려서 脈氣欲絶, 脈散大하는 등 주로 전신 증상들을 설명하였다. 이러한 전신 증상들은 肺 자체의 氣가 虛하여 나타나기도 하며, 下焦로 氣가 수렴하지 못하여 液(=水精)이 부족해지거나 심하면 精이 부족해서 나타나는 증상들도 동반될 수 있는데, 下焦의 증상으로는 元氣不足으로 인한 大小便 異常과 四肢無力, 厥證 등이 추가적으로 나타날 수 있다. 4. 肺는 一身의 元氣를 總攝하고, 相傅之官으로 華蓋가 되어 通調水道·肅降·治節과 같은 淸肅之氣를 운행하여 氣를 수렴하고 液(=水精)을 생성하여 三焦의 氣液代謝를 도와 三焦가 元氣를 잘 선포시킴에 따라 근원적인 元氣를 補하여 내부에 뿌리를 두고 있는 神機를 회복함으로써 인체의 자율적인 氣機 운행이 편차가 없으면서도 끊임없이 진행되기를 도모했기 때문에 張元素와 李東垣이 元氣를 중시했다. 따라서 일반적으로 生脈散의 작용을 ‘益氣生津, 斂陰止汗’이라고 하는데, 특히 張元素와 李東垣은 生脈散이 元氣 순환을 조절함으로써 肺中의 元氣와 水液의 근원을 補한다고 보았다. Objectives : This paper aims to examine the meaning of Shengmaisan in relation to original qi based on the discussion of Zhangyuansu, Lidongyuan and other doctors. Methods : Discussion of Shengmaisan made by Zhang, Li and others were examined. Afterwards, the medicinal properties of renshen, maimendong, and wuweizi as written in the Bencaogangmu, Donguibogam, Benjingshuzheng and texts of Zhang and Li were studied in relation to original qi. Related concepts such as ‘肺中伏火’·‘補肺中元氣不足’·‘補天眞元氣’·‘夏食寒’ were analyzed as well. Results & Conclusions : 1. Various pathology related to deficiency in original qi could act as internal pathogen for Shengmaisan application with which external factors such as summerheat and dampness heat meet results in most damage in the Lung metal. Therefore the upper body Lung is emphasized as pathogen. 2. The pathology of Shengmaisan application is depletion of humor, which should be refined, due to summer or dampness heat in a state of original qi deficiency which damages the Lungs, disabling its function of managing clear and pure qi. 3. The disease pattern for Shengmaisan in relation to original qi, according to other doctors, includes symptoms related to the Lungs such as dryness in the mouth due to excessive perspiration, blankness, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, coughing, fast breathing, along with general bodily symptoms such as heavy sensation of the body, lethargy, difficulty walking, limping. These general bodily symptoms are due to either qi deficiency of the Lung, or humor deficiency due to failure of qi convergence in the lower body, or symptoms caused by Jing deficiency in severe cases. Symptoms related to problems in the lower body could manifest as dysfunction in urination and defecation, weakness in the limbs caused by original qi deficiency. 4. The Lungs circulate the clear and pure qi, converging qi and creating humor to assist the Triple Burner's Qi-Humor metabolism, enabling smooth communication of original qi throughout the body. With the original qi well tonified, the shen mechanism which is rooted in original qi allows for autonomous and consistent qi circulation within the body. Therefore, both Zhang and Li emphasized the importance of original qi. The property of Shengmaisan is explained as 'supplement qi/create liquid, convergence of yin/stop perspiration'. Zhang and Li explained its property as managing the circulation of original qi, to tonify Lungs’ original qi and origin of water-humor.

      • KCI등재

        중량식 라이시미터에서 동계 작물(청보리) 재배에 따른 밭토양 양분수지

        안진희,이찬욱,옥정훈,박혜진,송요성,이예진 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        . Nutrient balance is an environmental indicator for assessing the potential of sustainable agriculture. Improving the use of arable land is crucial for reducing the nutrient balance. This study monitored soil water content, seepage water, crop growth, and nutrient balance in weighing lysimeters during forage barley (Hordeum vulgare L., “Yeongyang”) cultivation from October to April. The study was conducted from 2020 to 2022, and the treatments included forage barley cultivation (clay loam, CL-FC; sandy loam, SL-FC) and bare soils. During the regeneration period (March to April), the soil moisture contents of bare and forage barley-cultivated soils were approximately 30-40% and 18.1-21.8%, respecively. The daily evapotranspiration of forage barley was 6.09 mm. The nitrogen balances for SL-FC and CL-FC were -0.43 to -2.93 g m-2 and -0.79 to 0.75 g m-2, respectively, which can be attributed to the higher nutrient uptake of forage barley in SL-FC than in CL-FC. Consequently, the forage barley cultivation in SL-FC can potentially reduce nutrient leaching during the spring rainy season. Furthermore, nutrient balance can be reduced by cultivating forage crops during the winter season.

      • KCI등재

        지점부 부재의 부식손상에 따른 강거더 단부 지압강도 평가

        안진희,이원홍,김인태,정영수,Ahn, Jin Hee,Lee, Won Hong,Kim, In Tae,Jeong, Young Soo 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2017 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        강교량은 유지관리가 충분히 이루어지지 않거나, 해안 과 같이 가설위치의 환경이 고온 다습한 경우 단면에 국부적인 부식손상이 발생할 수 있다. 특히 강거더 교량 의 지점부에서는 교대부와 강거더 단부의 공간이 협소하여 상대적으로 습도가 높고 신축이음부로부터의 강우 및 동결 방지제가 누수되어 침전물을 습윤상태로 유지하게 되므로, 복부판과 지점부 보강재에 집중적으로 부식이 발생되고 있으므로 이로인한 구조성능 변화를 확인하여야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 실제 발생할 수 있는 강거더 단부 복부판과 보강재의 국부부식손상을 모사한 강재 실험체를 제작하고 이에 대한 단부 지압강도 변화를 실험적으로 평가하였다. 실험결과, 국부적 부식손상은 강거더 단부의 지압강도에 영향을 주며, 특히 수직 보강재에 의한 영향이 크게 나타남을 확인하였다. Localized corrosions damages in their structural sections can be occurred affected by installed environment conditions with high temperature as near the coastline and humidity or their poor maintenance situation. In bearing supports of steel bridges, especially, lower web and vertical stiffener in end girder support can be easily corroded because of relatively higher humidity due to the narrow space in the end of girder and the wetted accumulated sediments affected by rain water or antifreezing admixture leaked from expansion joint. It can be related to change in their structural performance. In this study, thus, bearing strength test specimens were fabricated considering corrosion damage in the web and vertical stiffeners and the change in their bearing strengths were experimentally evaluated. From the test results, localized corrosion damage of structural members in the end girder affected the bearing strength of end girder support, especially, localized corrosion damage of the vertical stiffener relatively highly affected their bearing strengths.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Intravenous Dopamine on Hemodynamic Support during Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Poorly Tolerated Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia

        안진희,김동혁,노승영,이광노,이대인,심재민,최종일,김영훈 대한심장학회 2017 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.47 No.1

        Background and Objectives: Hemodynamically unstable idiopathic ventricular tachycardias (VTs) are a challenge for activation or entrainment mapping technique. Mechanical circulatory support is an option, but is not always readily available. In this study, we investigated the safety and efficacy of hemodynamic support using intravenous (IV) dopamine solely during radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) of hemodynamically unstable VT. Subjects and Methods: Seven out of 86 patients with hemodynamically unstable idiopathic VT underwent de novo RFCA using dopamine in our single center. They were included in the study and reviewed retrospectively to investigate the procedural characteristics and outcomes. Results: All patients were male, and the mean age was 50.7±5.3 years. One patient had implantable cardioverter-defibrillator for the secondary prevention. No evidence of myocardial ischemia was found in all patients. During the procedure, the mean blood pressure during VT without dopamine was 52.3±4.1 mmHg and increased to 82.6±3.8 mmHg after administering dopamine (Δ28.8±3.2 mmHg; total average dopamine dosage was 1266.1±389.6 mcg/kg). In all patients, activation mapping was safely applied, and VTs were terminated during energy delivery. Non-inducibility of clinical VT was achieved in all cases. There was no evidence of deterioration due to hypoperfusion during the peri-procedural period. No recurrence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias was observed in any of the patients, during a median follow-up of 23.0±6.1 months. Conclusion: Hemodynamic support using IV dopamine during RFCA of hemodynamically unstable idiopathic VT facilitated detailed mapping to guide successful ablation.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Statin Treated Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

        안진희,박서광,박태식,김진희,윤은영,김상필,이혜원,오준혁,최정현,차광수,홍택종,이상엽,이한철 대한심장학회 2016 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.46 No.4

        Background and Objectives: Statins remain the mainstay of secondary coronary artery disease (CAD) prevention, but n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFA) display biological effects that may also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and CAD. However, data on the possible antiatherosclerotic benefits of adding ω-3 PUFA to statin therapy are limited. This study aimed to investigate the potential additive effects of ω-3 PUFA on regression of atherosclerosis in CAD patients receiving statin therapy and stent implantation. Subjects and Methods: Seventy-four CAD patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent implantation were enrolled, prescribed statins, and randomly assigned to two groups: n-3 group (ω-3 PUFA 3 g/day, n=38) or placebo group (placebo, n=36). All patients completed the study follow-up consisting of an intravascular ultrasound at baseline and at 12 months. Results: There was no difference in the baseline characteristics and distribution of other medications. No significant differences were observed in primary endpoints, including changes in atheroma volume index (-12.65% vs. -8.51%, p=0.768) and percent atheroma volume (-4.36% vs. -9.98%, p=0.526), and in secondary endpoints including a change in neointimal volume index (7.84 vs. 4.94 mm3/mm, p=0.087). Conclusion: ω-3 PUFA had no definite additional effect on the regression of coronary atherosclerosis when added to statin in CAD patients undergoing PCI.

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